Reincarnating into Naruto’s world because of bad luck

Chapter 17: CHAPTER 15 – Working that chakra control!

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It’s been a year since Naruto and Jirai-*cough, cough* Daisuke and Pakura got back from their training trip. Just as the Kazekage promised, Daisuke started training with the best Water Release users that could be found inside Sunagakure.

Turns out, said users were specifically focused on Iryo Ninjutsu or Medical Ninjutsu. Although they did have some offensive capabilities, most of their specialization came from the application of water nature transformation for healing purposes, from treating and healing different types of injuries, to extracting poison from patients.

For a whole year, Daisuke’s been training under them to increase his chakra control through the training of Iryo Ninjutsu, as well as other ways to use Water Release. This, in turn, helped him improve his already monstrous chakra control even further, as the medical ramification of the ninja arts gives far more priority to the control than the might of the chakra.

“You’re doing great, Daisuke-kun.” Murabi, one of the medic ninjas that has been teaching Daisuke Water Release was currently supervising him as he applied the Mystical Palm Technique to an injured civilian. “You’ve improved a lot with your technique.”

“Thank you, Murabi-san.” Daisuke nodded at her as he finished the treatment of the civilian. “It has helped me a lot to improve my control.”

“Haha, I see…” Murabi nodded. ‘You already had a monstrous control! To learn this technique so quickly… It’s not a surprise that Kazekage-sama has put you under such strict lessons.’ She thought as she remembered the year she and others have been teaching the kid the application of water release for the healing arts. She might have around 25 years of experience, but the control Daisuke had the first time he was presented to them, plus his apparently big reserves of chakra, was something that she has never seen. And that wasn’t the only thing the kid has been taught during the year. “Oh, by the way Daisuke-kun. How have been your other classes?” She asked as the technically-still academy student stood from where he was treating the patient.

“They’ve been great.” Daisuke nodded. “Maki has been a great help, as well as Sawagi-sensei.”

Murabi nodded at him, as both of them made their way toward the entrance of the hospital. “Sawagi has been training with you on water release, right?”

“Yes.” Daisuke nodded. “He has been of great help. I’ve managed to learn a lot under him.”

“That’s amazing, Daisuke-kun.” Murabi said with a smile. “At this rate, I can help but think how big of a shinobi you’ll be for Sunagakure in the future.”

“Hahaha…” Daisuke scratched the back of his head. “Thanks for the compliment, Murabi-san.”

“Give credit where credit’s due.” She said with a chuckle at the embarrassed Daisuke. “Besides, I really hope you can come and help us from time to time. If your medical ninjutsu improves, it can be a great asset for us here.”

“Mm.” Daisuke nodded. “I don’t really think I can dedicate myself to the medical arts, but I’ll make sure to come to help whenever I can, Murabi-san.”

“That’s great to hear.” She smiled as they finally made it to the entrance. “Well, I guess it is time for you to retire for the day, right?”

“Yes.” He said, looking at the time on the clock that was on the reception hall, it was already quite late in the afternoon. “I still need to make it to my last class, see you tomorrow, Murabi-san!” Daisuke smiled as he waved at her, leaving the hospital under the gentle gaze of the medical shinobi who has been teaching him a thing or two.

Minutes later, he reached one of the multiple training grounds in Suna, where his instructor was already waiting for him.

“Hello Sawagi-sensei.” He greeted his instructor, a jonin from Sunagakure that was one of the few experts in Water Release in the village, and arguably one of the best in the water chakra nature. He’s the one that has been teaching Daisuke new ways to implement his water release under the orders from the Kazekage.

Initially, Sawagi was hesitant about training a kid that hasn’t even graduated from the academy, and that was also technically from another village. It was only because it was a direct order from the Kazekage, and that the kid was a disciple of Pakura, that he would at least give it a try, without making any promises.

Although, with a little hindsight, he should have expected that the kid wouldn’t be normal at all, considering the mocking grin Pakura gave him when he said he would at least try. Actually, the fact that Pakura got an interest in the kid should have been a big enough flag of how the kid wasn’t normal at all.

“Daisuke.” Sawagi nodded at him with his arms crossed. “I see that you’re early as usual. How was your previous class?”

“Good enough.” Daisuke nodded. “I managed to improve my Mystical Palms Jutsu, I just need to integrate it with my water release like with the other techniques.”

“That’s good to hear.” Sawagi nodded. “Have you thought about becoming a medical ninja? With your capacities, I can see a really bright future for you in there.”

“Murabi-san said something similar.” Daisuke nodded.

“That’s just to show how good you are under the experienced eye.” Sawagi shrugged with a small smile.

“Yeah, but I don’t think medical ninjutsu is for me.” Daisuke shook his head. ‘No way I’m going to fully focus on healing arts with everything that’s coming, maybe if it was Tsunade who would teach me, I would think about it.’

“Well.” With another shrug, Sawagi uncrossed his arms and took a scroll from his back pouch. “I meant what I said, but I also know that you have a bright future if you decided to focus on your ninjutsu.” He threw the scroll toward Daisuke.

Daisuke nodded as he caught the scroll, as he opened it, he noticed that it was a water release technique. If he could categorize the teaching method that Sawagi used, it would be a hands-on teaching approach.

Sawagi would normally provide Daisuke with a technique in water release, let him learn it and practice it for a day, and focus the following week on improving the technique by sparring with him. Sometimes, depending on what technique was being taught, he would force Daisuke to only use that technique during the spars. While not as strong as Pakura overall, Sawagi had a difference with her, and that was that he was better in Taijutsu, and he applied his water release in close-quarter combats.

It was quite a different way to apply his techniques, but it was better for Daisuke, as it somewhat resembled the way he applied his wind release techniques along his sword.

“Huh?” Daisuke raised an eyebrow as he looked at the scroll in his hands. “Water Armor?”

“Yes, that’s actually one of really few defensive water release techniques that I know. And I feel that it will be of great use to you, seeing as you, like me, also tend to fight in close-quarter combat. It will also help you later on when trying to work on shape and nature transformation.”

“Huh?” Daisuke looked back at him. Shape and nature transformation were, if anything, two of the most difficult training methods of chakra control one could do, as well as one of the ways to increase one’s power. ‘I guess I should take a look at that. If I’m not wrong, Naruto does it by first trying to cut a leaf with his chakra, and then cutting a waterfall.’ He thought for a moment before tilting his head. “But… why? What’s the difference between this and other techniques?”

“Well, every release, in a sense, is a nature transformation that we normally use through the formation of hand seals. In a sense, is like a shortcut, an expensive one at that. This is why, once you’ve managed to master nature transformation, not only the power of your techniques will increase, but they will also cost you less, among other things. This technique, in particular, will be useful for you, as it will become a simple-to-do technique.” As he said so, he formed a single-handed ram seal, and suddenly, his body was covered in a water armor.

“Whoa…” Daisuke looked at it impressed. It was like a thin layer of water covering his body all the way up to his head, leaving only his face uncovered for him to breathe. “That’s amazing, Sawagi-sensei!”

“I know, right?” Sawagi chuckled, dispersing the water armor. “And even if it looks thin and useless, the water armor is quite difficult to bypass, and it’s perfect when defending against fire-release techniques.”

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“Ho… I can see that.” Daisuke nodded.

“Well, there are other benefits, but for now, you should get to learn it, I believe this is one of the hardest jutsus you’ve learned up to now, but I have my hopes.” Sawagi nodded to him as he turned around to leave. ‘Let’s see how long it takes you kid, or if you’re able to decipher it. After all, it’s not so simple as to use hand seals.’ With a grin, Sawagi’s body flickered out of the training ground, leaving Daisuke training on the new technique.

‘Now that I think about it… I could technically learn the Rasengan…’ Daisuke stopped to think for a moment. ‘That would be like, the most difficult shape transformation technique. Mastering it would not only give me said technique which is probably one of the most wished techniques for all Naruto fans after the freaking Sharingan, but it would also help me train to the pinnacle of shape transformation.’

Sitting down he put the scroll in front of him as he was lost in thought. The Rasengan, created by the Fourth Hokage, was the pinnacle of shape transformation of chakra, and a really difficult technique to learn, one that Naruto cheated his way to thanks to his use of clones. Fully mastering, without the use of clones, would improve the control of chakra to the highest levels.

‘The problem is… how to explain where I got the Fourth Hokage’s special jutsu training method…’ Daisuke sighed. “Well, problems for later. Let’s focus on this one first!” He said as he put his attention on the scroll in front of him.


“Itachi Uchiha.” Said Rasa as he leaned back on his chair, looking outside the window.

“...” Pakura frowned. “A whole clan killed by a single person?”

“I know.” Rasa nodded. “Itachi has always been a genius. A monster on his own accord.” He focused on the setting sun over the walls of Sunagakure’s valley. “But…”

“To kill his whole clan? No matter if the head of the clan didn’t interfere. The Uchiha were never ones to take it laying low.” Pakura said with a sigh.

“That’s true.” Rasa nodded. “The now nuke-nin could be as powerful as he wants, but to clean a whole clan in a single night? I somehow feel that’s not how things really are.” He frowned. “Even less, if the rumors are true.”

“Rumours?” Pakura raised an eyebrow.

“Yes.” Rasa nodded. “According to the latest news I’ve received, it seems that everything was as silent as a snowflake falling on a Winter’s night. No one noticed anything until Itachi was already out of the place.”

“Impossible.” Pakura said immediately. “No matter how strong he is. There’s no way no one managed to notice something going on. It smells like political shit. I would know about it.” She sideglanced at the Kazekage.

“Ha…” Rasa rolled his eyes, glancing back at her from over his shoulder, although with his usually stern face, it barely changed anything on his expression. “You know… at this point, I might feel that you’re just waiting for the perfect moment to proceed with a coup d’etat…”

“Impossible.” Pakura shook her head as she waved her hand dismissively. “Too much responsibility isn’t my thing.”

“Anyways, that’s not why you’re here.” Rasa shook his head as he turned towards her. “What’s the kid’s report.”

“Nothing unusual.” Pakura shrugged. “Well, at least if you consider his normal progress ‘usual’. He has improved a lot in fuinjutsu. To the point that I don’t even recognize whatever he’s working on. In his words, he’s trying to come up with his own ‘sealing language’, he called it Javi, Javo, Java-something. I don’t know. Anyways, you can get your own idea from an 11-year-old making his own seal language.”

“...” Rasa frowned. “If what you’re telling is true. Then the kid it’s a prodigy in Fuinjutsu.”

“Oi. Are you doubting me?” Pakura low-key glared at him.

“No.” He shook his head. “It’s just that it’s really hard to believe that a kid can create his own sealing language. It’s not mere addition, Pakura. If he succeeds… he’ll become a really strong asset for the village.”

Pakura snorted as she crossed her arms. “I remember telling you that since the day I brought him here.”

“Yes, yes. You did.” Rasa nodded uncaringly before his face turned even more stern than normal. “Anyways. No one can know of this. No one. Who else has he told it about that?”

“No one.” Pakura shrugged. “I told him not to tell anyone. I might be a knucklehead when it comes to seals, but even I can understand how precious sealing techniques can be when a genius is behind them. After all, Uzushiogakure wasn’t razed down for nothing.”

Rasa nodded at her. “You did well. This can’t reach anyone else’s ears. Not the council. Not anyone. At least until the kid has a strong enough foundation to take care on his own.”

“Yes, yes.” Pakura said as she turned around to leave. “I need to go. I still need to check up on him.”

“What about his other classes?”

“The same. He learned the Mystical Palms Technique and is proceeding at great speed with his water release training. At this point, I won’t be surprised if he started training nature transformation for water or wind affinities.” She said as she walked towards the door.

“That wouldn’t be a bad idea.” Rasa mentioned as Pakura grabbed the doorknob. “If he learns wind nature transformation, he might be able to teach Temari later on.”

“You know, Ka~ze~ka~ge~sama.” Pakura smirked at him. “At this point, it feels as if you were pairing those two brats already.”

“W-What!? That’s preposterous!” A flustered Rasa punched the table. “I’m just thinking about strengthening my village!”

“Sure, sure~!” Pakura chuckled as she left the office.

“That damn woman…” Sighing, Rasa leaned back on the chair, looking outside the window again. “Tch.”

You can find story with these keywords: Reincarnating into Naruto’s world because of bad luck, Read Reincarnating into Naruto’s world because of bad luck, Reincarnating into Naruto’s world because of bad luck novel, Reincarnating into Naruto’s world because of bad luck book, Reincarnating into Naruto’s world because of bad luck story, Reincarnating into Naruto’s world because of bad luck full, Reincarnating into Naruto’s world because of bad luck Latest Chapter

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