Reincarnating into Naruto’s world because of bad luck

Chapter 5: CHAPTER 4 – First “Mission”

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After reading the first scroll, Daisuke decided to first take care of his parents' deceased bodies. And so, he decided to bury them. Thankfully for him, and as the wanderer told him before sending him here, his body was strong, quite stronger than any normal kid, to the point that he thought he could probably be as physically stronger than a seven or eight years old kid of this world, and that without going through any training.

He quickly made a makeshift tomb for both parents, thankfully, the ground was easy to dig after the rain, and he could use a kunai that he took from one of the genins to help himself dig. In less than an hour, he managed to bury both of his parents, making a small grave for them with some wood. During the whole process, he couldn’t help but shed some tears. He wasn’t that much of a believer, so he decided to just say a normal goodbye.

“Well… I guess it’s time.” He muttered, before turning towards the corpses of the genins. And without thinking too much, he started looting them. Sadly the clothes they had were too big for him, so he could only take a couple of scrolls, some kunais, and shurikens, and the weapon bags they carried on themselves. He wore some of the weapon bags on his legs, hips, and one on his back. The rest he simply put on one of the backpacks that his parents were carrying. “This will be enough for now…” He muttered, giving one last look at his parents' graves before moving towards the depths of the forest.

And so, Daisuke started on his own adventure.


Land of Water.

“Boss! Someone’s coming.” Shouted a bandit as he looked outside of their camp. They were a group of bandits that’s been recently active in the Land of Water. The war caused groups of bandits to form all around the Five Great Countries and their surrounding neighbors. This group was one of those recently created.

“Huh? Who’s the idiot that’s coming?” The boss, a tall and lanky man asked with a frown. “Is it someone from that village we attacked early today?”

“Mm… Black hair… No, I don’t think I saw someone like him in the village… Huh? It’s a… kid?” The bandit that was on a watch tower said, slightly confused. “It’s just a brat, boss.”

“What the hell is a brat doing here?” The boss asked with a tilted head as he jumped onto the watch tower. He was, after all, a shinobi. Even if only a low genin, he was strong enough to jump on the not-so-tall watch tower. “It’s just a fucking toddler. Send someone to take care of him, who knows if it’s some child of the kidnapped woman that came looking for revenge. Tch. Just kill the brat.”

“Ay! Boss!” The bandit saluted and quickly ran down the stairs, grabbing the closest bandit and sending him over to kill the kid. He could have done it himself, but why do something so troublesome when the boss told him to send someone? {He clearly meant I didn’t have to go myself.} Thought the bandit as he got back to the watch tower, after all, he was on watching duty. “Done, boss! Akihito will take care of the brat.”

“Mm.” The boss just hummed as he looked at the bandit that was walking towards the brat. “I’ll take a look at the merchandise. We’ll have to see what we can sell, and what we can use for ourselves.” The boss said with a sadistic smile.

“Hehehe, alright boss! Leave some for us!” The sentinel shouted, licking his lips; while the boss jumped down and moved deeper in the camp. {I hope we can have some fun with those bitches, they looked tasty.} Thought the bandit while he turned to look at the scene, thinking that it should be done by now. “...Huh?” But contrary to his assumptions, the one on the floor was not the brat, but Akihito.

As he turned to look at the brat, he froze, the child was looking at him directly with a pair of whitish-blue eyes. A frown was present on his face, and a kunai was in his hand.

{FUCK! IT’S A NINJA!} Thought the bandit as he turned towards the camp. “NINJA! THE BRAT IS A-ARGH!” The bandit shouted to alert everyone, but before he could finish, a kunai pierced his shoulder blade.

“Tch. I missed… It’s too far.” The kid, Daisuke, muttered as he clicked his tongue. “He would be dead if it pierced his head. Well, whatever.” He said with a sigh as he turned towards the entrance of the camp, which was being covered by a short wall of logs used as protection. From the entrance, a dozen of bandits were rushing out. “The welcome party!” Daisuke shouted as he grabbed four shurikens, two on each hand, and shot them towards the coming bandits, hitting two of them in the chest with enough strenght to push them back, killing them as the shuriken got to their hearts. Unfortunately, the other two shurikens missed their targets. {Ha… I need more practice for this.} Thought Daisuke.

“You damn brat! We’re going to fucking kill you!” Shouted one of the bandits as he raised his sword high, before swinging it down towards the kid.

“Dream on.” Daisuke whispered as he evaded the clumsily swung sword before taking a kunai and cutting the bandit’s neck. “I guess you won’t need the sword anymore, right?” Daisuke said, taking the now-falling sword from him, but the bandit couldn’t answer as he was more worried about trying to stop the blood from flowing out of his neck. {It’s chipped but will work for now.} Thought Dylan as he strengthened the hold on the sword.

With a quick swing, Daisuke stopped the cut from another bandit with his new sword before shooting the kunai to his right, towards a bandit that was trying to take advantage of the stalemate, piercing the bandit’s forehead. {There goes one headshot, finally!}

“Damn kid!” The sword guy raged as he tried to push down Daisuke.

{Chakra is a fucking cheat…} Daisuke thought as he could confront an adult bandit while just being slightly over 4 years old. {Well… I guess my cheat also helps a lot.} He thought before rolling to the side after pushing the guy’s sword the other way, effectively evading another bandit.

As he finished his roll, he quickly stood to a crouch and with a swing of his chakra-enhanced sword cut the leg of an incoming bandit before rushing towards the closest bandit. In desperation, the bandit tried to cut him down with a scream, but Daisuke only had to evade to a side while thrusting his sword towards the bandit’s stomach, and with a strong swing, he gutted the bandit who fell dead.

Daisuke tried his best not to vomit right there. While he’s been accustomed to killing, some things still grossed him out.

“FUCKING BRAT!” As Daisuke tried to keep his food inside his stomach, a new group of bandits joined the last one, and one of the bandits took him by surprise. Unfortunately for the bandit, he could react fast and evaded soon enough to only get a shallow cut on his arm that looked more like a papercut. {Shit, I got distracted…} Thought Daisuke as he jumped back, taking a kunai and throwing it to the unbalanced bandit mid-air, killing him instantly with a headshot.

The rest of the bandits were on their way toward him; as he fell back to the ground, he swung the sword cutting the closest bandit whose sword was too damaged to hold the chakra-enhanced sword.

Lowering his stance, he rushed forwards.

“YOU FUCK-” One of the bandits shouted, but was soon killed by Daisuke, who was moving left and right while evading the untrained bandits and killing them with ease. Soon, the slightly over dozen bandits lay dead on the floor. “Finally…” Daisuke said, but just as he was about to sigh, his eyes widened he jumped back. Where he stood before, a water bullet impacted the earth with force enough to cause some damage to a normal genin, let alone a kid. Though Daisuke knew that it wouldn't be that dangerous to him given his cheat.

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“Tch. You should have stayed there and died quickly, you damned brat.” The bandit boss talked after appearing where the bullet impacted. “Now I’ll make sure you suffer.”

{A ninja… But he’s weak, a genin?} Daisuke frowned as he looked at the shinobi in front of him. “What’s a shinobi doing with these bandits?” He asked.

“There’s no use for a dead brat to know that.” The boss smirked, as he made a few hand seals. “Water Release: Water Pellet!” He shouted before spitting what looked to be a fist-sized water bullet that traveled with more speed than before. 

Daisuke strengthened the grip on his sword, “HA!” and with a shout, he cut the water bullet that quickly turned into harmless puddles at his sides. He felt the grip on his hands falter as his hands trembled. {Not too strong, but it packs quite a punch.} He thought as he looked at the damaged sword. {Well… No more trying to cut these things.}

“Ho… Interesting. You’re strong kid.” The genin muttered. “Why don’t you join me? We can grow stronger and we get rich!”

“I’m sorry, but I have no interest in joining idiots weaker than me!” Daisuke shouted back.

“Don’t overestimate yourself, brat! That was just a simple low-level jutsu! That’s not all my power.”

{What’s with the third-rate villain speech?} Daisuke thought as he lowered the sword to his side, rushing towards the genin. {I can at least cut him once before the sword breaks, I guess thrusting it and breaking it will work.}

“So naive, as expected from a brat.” The genin said with a mocking smile as he made hand seals, jumping back. “Water Release: Water Shuriken!” He shouted as he made a throwing motion with his hands, shooting six water shurikens toward Daisuke.

“Tch.” Daisuke clicked his tongue as he jumped back in a zig-zag pattern to evade the shurikens. but just after he evaded the last one, new water shurikens came toward him. Grabbing a batch of shurikens from his weapon bags behind, he decided to throw his shurikens towards the water shurikens. The force of his throw was enough to break the ones that impacted, but he missed two shurikens, forcing him to evade by rolling to the side.

“You’re good, but if this is all you can do, then there’s no chance for you to win.” The boss smirked. “You haven’t used single ninjutsu. Come on, what do you say? Join me, and I’ll teach some techniques.”

Daisuke scoffed. Before doing two hand seals quickly. “Water Release: Water Pellet!” Daisuke said as he spits a water bullet a bigger size than the one the bandit boss did, and with an incomparable speed.

“Wha-!?” The bandit shouted as he jumped to the side, but the speed of the bullet was too strong. “Urgh…!” He frowned as he fell to the floor, holding his now broken leg. “You bastard!”

Taking the chance, Daisuke rushed towards the bandit with his sword in hand. “Don’t think it will be this easy!” The genin said as he made a new set of hand seals. “Water Release: Wild Water Wave!” He soon spews water in a waterfall-like fashion towards the approaching Daisuke.

Daisuke quickly jumps, leaving the sword on the floor and forming a hand seal mid-air. “Wind Release: Wind Release Stream.” He shouted as he blew a stream of air that pushed him further up and forwards, evading the water spewed by the bandit.

“You fucker!” The bandit boss shouted as he turned to look up at Daisuke, preparing a new set of hand seals. But he was too slow, and his chakra reserves were not high at all.

“Water Release: Water Pellet Barrage!” Daisuke shouted from above as he shot five water bullets, slightly bigger than a fist, in quick succession towards his opponent, with the same speed as the one he shot before.

“ARGH!” Being bombarded by the water bullets that broke his leg was enough to leave the genin out of the fight, with broken bones all around his body. After landing, Daisuke rushed towards the genin and quickly finished him off with a kunai.

After making sure that there were no other enemies around, he finally sighed. “That was the first time I fought another shinobi… Though this guy was insanely weak.” He muttered as he remembered the jutsus used by the enemy. “Even his Water Pellet was weaker than mine, and I’m freaking child… That’s to show how strong my Wind and Water Release are.” He said as he remembered what he read on the first scroll he grabbed on the day he came to this world.

[Focus first on Water and Wind affinities. Thanks to the Dragon Souls that picked you, you will have an incomparable power with these two elemental affinities.]

“Ha… I hate giving him the reason, but what can I do? It is what it is….” Muttered Daisuke to himself. It’s been a few months since he came to this world, and being alone has started to affect him; talking to himself while alone has been one of his latest hobbies. “Well, time to loot and save the hostages.” Without giving it a second thought, he decided to loot the enemies, grabbing a sword that was in decent condition, and also looting the genin, though he didn’t get too much, the guy was almost clean.

It didn’t take long for him to find the hostages. “So he has been training it recently, huh? He might have found it by luck, well, I guess I can say the same.” He muttered with a smile. Luckily for him, he also found a scroll with the Wild Water Wave jutsu that the genin used. This particular technique is only considered a C-Rank Jutsu, but its power mainly depends on the chakra used. The more chakra you put in it, the more strenght and quantity of water you will be able to spew.

“Well, time to get back.” As he finished looting, he went outside, where the women from a near village were scared, looking at the corpses. “Oh, don’t worry. They won’t do anything else to you. Come on, the people at your village are worried, I promised them that I would take you back to them.” Daisuke said to the scared women, and they nodded at him, following him back to the village.

After reaching the village, and after the touching reunion, the elder and the other members of the village thanked Daisuke for saving them. He told them that it wasn’t a problem, as he just did as they agreed; the reason why Daisuke saved the women, was because of a trade. The village gave him some food and a small amount of money, and he would save the kidnapped women of the village. It was just a casualty that he was moving close to the village shortly after the attack happened.

With a new bag filled with food and the stuff he looted from the bandits, Daisuke went back to his hideout deeper in the forest. It was a simple cave that he used to rest and train. After reaching it and putting the new bag with his other stuff, he decided to start a fire, which was something that the wanderer strangely left for him in one of the two scrolls, along with the Water Release: Water Pellet technique and the Wind Release: Wind Release Stream technique.

“Wait… Is this my first mission? Did I just complete a ninja mission?” As Daisuke prepared to cook his food, a thought came to mind. “He, look at that! I’m a full-fledged ninja now! Completing missions and all. Who said that I needed to belong to a freaking Hidden Village to complete missions? Tch. They are just useless baggage.” Daisuke said scornfully, trying to ignore the frustrated tears that escaped his eyes. {I suddenly want to have baggage…} The intrusive thought suddenly filled his mind.

You can find story with these keywords: Reincarnating into Naruto’s world because of bad luck, Read Reincarnating into Naruto’s world because of bad luck, Reincarnating into Naruto’s world because of bad luck novel, Reincarnating into Naruto’s world because of bad luck book, Reincarnating into Naruto’s world because of bad luck story, Reincarnating into Naruto’s world because of bad luck full, Reincarnating into Naruto’s world because of bad luck Latest Chapter

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