Reincarnation: Hot Stuff In The Bigshot Circle

Chapter 1: 1

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Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Linjiang City, Super God Arena City

Ling Mo stood in the center of the arena with her back against the light, holding a rusty iron rod in her hand.

“Sister Mo, what should we do now?”

Qiao Feng bent his body and stared vigilantly at the huge monster outside the arena, code-named AK45.

AK45 was about three meters tall, with a bull’s head and a human’s body. Its entire body was green, and the veins on its thick arms were bulging.

With just one glance, one could tell that its martial prowess was as terrifying as its appearance.

Ling Mo’s eyes were sharp. She stared coldly at the giant-like AK45 outside the arena and said coldly, “Kill it.”


It felt a little difficult to beat it.

Before Qiao Feng could finish his words, Ling Mo suddenly soared into the air. With a clean backflip, she drew an arc in the air.

Everyone looked up in disbelief and looked at Ling Mo, who was standing steadily on the shoulder of the AK45.

This move was extremely cool!

However, to defeat the AK45, they felt that it was impossible just by looking at the difference in their physique.

“Sister Mo, come down quickly!”

Gu Tingbai looked flustered. He threw away the iron rod in his hand and charged straight at the AK45, which had mutated, and was as tall as two people. “Sister Mo, I’ll catch you.”

Ling Tian, who was buried in the crowd, narrowed her round eyes. She looked at Ling Mo, who was about to be killed by the AK45, and was secretly delighted.

Shi Yi, who was beside her, simply threw away his weapon. With both hands in his pockets, he watched this splendid and magnificent battle calmly.

“Xiao Tian, how long do you think this stupid cousin of mine can last?”

“Lower your voice.”

Ling Tian glared angrily at Shi Yi, who was next to her.

In her opinion, she liked everything about this cousin of Ling Mo from the countryside. He was stupid enough, and easy to fool.

Unfortunately, he just couldn’t keep his mouth shut.

Shi Yi pouted his lips, he muttered softly, “The rules clearly state that nine people will definitely be eliminated at this last checkpoint. She insisted on being a hero. Why did she have to go through thick and thin together? She actually dares to challenge the referee. She is not afraid of death!”

“Shi Yi!”

Ling Tian stopped the chattering Shi Yi. She wanted Ling Mo to die more than anyone else, but she did not want others to know her thoughts.

She was the well-known genius girl in Linjiang City, the beautiful young miss of the Shi Jian Group. No matter when or where, the perfect persona could not be broken.

In short, Ling Tian could do whatever she wanted

Below the stage, the dark nostrils of the AK45 flared. It looked angrily at the thin girl with a straight back who was wearing a camouflage suit on its shoulders. “Get off, or don’t blame me for being rude.”

Ling Mo raised her eyebrows. She waved the iron rod in her hand and deftly avoided the AK45’s wide palm.

With a tearing sound, it pierced through its ear hole that was only thumb-wide.

The thick iron rod instantly tore the tender flesh on its earlobe, causing it to howl in pain.

“Those who defy the rules will be executed!”

“You’re not qualified to talk about the rules with me.”

Ling Mo sneered and quickly pulled out the saber hidden in her black military boots. She suddenly jumped up and stabbed straight at the AK-45’s bloodshot eyeball.

“Ah! Ling Mo, you’ve ignored the rules. You’ll definitely be permanently removed from the Super God Arena City!”

“Get it straight. I am the rules.”

Ling Mo broke its nose with a kick. She stretched her slim waist and used the force to get up. Then, with lightning speed, she pulled open the safety pin of the grenade and smashed it towards its bald head.


The grenade exploded in the air like a volcano.

The earth shook.

Ling Mo raised her hand to wipe away the blood stains on her face and landed steadily on the ground. She did not even bother to look back at Ak-45 that had died from a headshot.

“Sister Mo is mighty!”

“In the Battle of Ascension, Sister Mo is definitely the strongest SSS + tier captain in the history of the Super God Arena City!”

Gu Tingbai and Qiao Feng, the two little fans of Ling Mo, worshipped her endlessly like the waters of the Yangtze River.

The Super God Arena City was not a city, but an arena dedicated to selecting China’s top talents.

Every year, China would recruit 3,000 talented youths from all over the country.

Once the chosen ones accepted the Super God Arena City’s invitation, they would have to pass a six-month trial.

Only 30 people would be able to successfully obtain their graduation certificates.

For the 2,900 people who were eliminated, losing was death.

And Ling Mo had killed the referee and changed the rules, allowing 39 people to successfully graduate this year.

Without a doubt, this was an unprecedented feat!

“Let’s go! Let’s go get our graduation certificate.”

Ling Mo flicked the dust off the captain’s armband and took the lead to step out of the arena.

More than 30 people who had survived the calamity in the arena were still in a state of ecstasy. Some were crying, some were laughing, and some were even chanting “Amitabha”.

To be able to successfully graduate meant that they were about to become a person who could hold their own in China, and their family business would be even more prosperous because of their glory.

This was also the fundamental reason why the top talents of the country still poured in despite the cruel rules of competition in the Super God Arena City.

Ling Mo was sent to the Super God Arena City mainly because her cheapskate father, Ling Yunlong, had secretly threatened the life of her grandmother, Liu Guifen, whom she cared about the most, and had even sent the only man in her uncle’s family, Shi Yi, to the Super God Arena City. She had no choice but to compromise.

Although the Shi Jian Group, which was 100% owned by Ling Yunlong, was somewhat famous in Linjiang City, with the current strength of the Shi Jian Group, it was still not enough to squeeze into the ranks of the wealthy and influential families in China.

For the sake of the development of the family, Ling Yunlong made up his mind and sent Ling Mo and Ling Tian to the Super God Arena City.

However, in order to protect Ling Tian, Ling Yunlong had pulled a lot of strings and spent 500 million to buy a spot for her to successfully graduate.

As for Ling Mo, Ling Yunlong did not care about her life or death at all.

Ling Mo was well aware of this, but she did not care.

She never needed anyone’s protection.

She could fight for anything, but she did not need to fight for her father.

Even so, there was a hint of loneliness in her clear and bright eyes.

In the end, she still had a glimmer of hope that she should not have for this superficial family.

“Sis, not good! Cousin Shi Yi has gone missing.”

An anxious voice came from behind.

Ling Mo turned around unhurriedly, her bright black eyes glancing at Ling Tian whose breathing was calm. “If you know what’s good for you, don’t play tricks in front of me.”

“Mo… Sister Mo, Look!”

Qiao Feng, who had just jumped off the arena, caught a glimpse of Shi Yi, who was 50 meters away on the high platform with a time bomb installed on his body. His lips trembled slightly as he called out to Ling Mo. .

Ling Mo looked in the direction that Qiao Feng was pointing at and saw that there were only 90 seconds left on the countdown device. Without thinking, she leaped out of the arena and dashed towards Shi Yi, who was tied up on the main stage.

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“Sister Mo, it’s dangerous!”

Gu Tingbai had never known that Ling Mo knew how to defuse bombs. He was about to stop her, but he was too late.

“Don’t follow me.”

Ling Mo rushed to Shi Yi at the fastest speed in her life and opened the timebomb.

“Cousin… cousin, you have to save me! I’m the only male in the Shi family, I can’t let anything happen to me.”

Shi Yi, who was tied to a chair, shouted anxiously. His scarlet eyes subconsciously looked at Ling Tian, who was following closely behind Ling Mo. She was out of breath.

Their eyes met, and the meaning behind it was self-evident.

Unfortunately, Ling Mo, who was busy defusing the bomb, did not notice the smug expressions on their faces.

Following a crisp cutting sound of the wires, Ling Mo’s highly tensed nerves finally relaxed.

She let out a long sigh of relief and leaned back slightly to comfort Shi Yi, who looked like he was still in shock.

“Cousin, don’t be afraid…”

“Afraid? What do we have to be afraid of?”

Ling Tian took advantage of the moment when Ling Mo was caught off guard and dashed forward to throw the strong acid that she had prepared beforehand.


A heart-wrenching scream erupted from Ling Mo’s throat. Her clear face was instantly corroded into a bloody mess. Even her originally neat teeth were melted by the strong acid.

The veins on her hand that was tightly gripping the saber bulged, and she suddenly swung it at Ling Tian who was beside her.

She thought that Ling Tian was just pampered by her stepmother, Su Yu.

She thought that although Shi Yi liked Ling Tian, it was not to the extent that he would kill her, his biological cousin, for the sake of Ling Tian.

Who would have thought that they would actually be so vicious to such an extent!

Ling Tian tilted her body and avoided Ling Mo’s who was gradually losing strength. She sneered, “I told you that you wouldn’t be my match.”


Ling Mo’s eyes were festering due to the corrosion of the strong acid, and her vision instantly dropped.

“Only when you die can I become the first daughter of Shi Jian Group and be able to legally marry Brother Feifan.”

Ling Tian hugged her knees with both hands and smiled sweetly at Ling Mo, who was curled up on the ground and struggling in pain.

Not far away, Gu Tingbai, Qiao Feng, and the others sensed that something was wrong. As they cursed at Shi Yi and Ling Tian, they charged at the main stage aggressively.

“A bunch of idiots who chose the wrong team. Damn it.”

Shi Yi raised his eyelids slightly and suddenly stood up. He stepped on the top-secret device under the seat to detonate the land mine.

In the next moment, accompanied by a deafening explosion, Gu Tingbai and the others were all blasted into a bloody mess on the plastic runway 20 meters away from the main stage.


Ling Mo tilted half of her face, which had been completely corroded, and stuck to the rough ground in despair. Turbid blood oozed out from her eyes.

“Accept your fate, poor wretch.”

Ling Tian raised her eyebrows. She twirled two fingers and pulled off the captain’s armband on Ling Mo’s arm, which had been corroded by the strong acid. After that, she left proudly.

When she and Shi Yi had just walked out of the Super God Arena City, two unfamiliar male voices suddenly rang out in the dying Ling Mo’s ears.

“F * ck, I’m a step too late! I wanted to witness the glory of the strongest one, but she actually died.”

“Pitiful, what a pity.”

“Third brother, what are you doing?”

“This girl’s clothes have been unbuttoned, I’ll fasten them.”


The intense pain of being corroded by the strong acid made Ling Mo furrow her eyebrows.

But when she suddenly opened her eyes, she found herself safely leaning against the back seat of the car.

Ling Yunlong, who was sitting by her side, looked unhappily at Ling Mo, who was shouting and yelling, and scolded coldly, “Have you gotten used to living in the countryside all these years? You don’t even look like a lady from a noble family.”

Ling Mo held her aching head and raised her eyebrows as she looked at Ling Yunlong, who was speaking coldly to her.

What a familiar scene…

In order to confirm her guess, Ling Mo snatched the newspaper from Ling Yunlong’s hands.

Seeing the words “October 24th, 2020” printed on the top right corner of the newspaper, she dared to believe that she had returned to a year before the tragedy had even begun.

She was seventeen that year.

It had been seven years since she had been sent to her grandmother’s home in the countryside to be adopted.

Due to the lack of family ties, she had made a fatal mistake in her previous life.

She knew that Ling Yunlong did not have a place for her in his heart, but she naively believed that blood was thicker than water and that everything would get better after spending more time with him.

It was not until the last moment of her life that she realized the reality.

To the Ling family, she, Ling Mo, was a dispensable outsider.

“What kind of attitude is this?” Ling Yunlong looked at Ling Mo, whose eyes were ice-cold, in astonishment, and suddenly felt a trace of panic in his heart.

Her eyes were extremely similar to that person’s!

Ling Mo noticed Ling Yunlong’s gaze that stopped on her body. Her beautiful eyebrows trembled as she said coldly,

“What kind of attitude do you think I should have?”

The driver, Liu Zhong, parked the car and looked at Ling Mo with disdain.

Ling Yunlong had pushed a few social engagements just to go to the First High School to help her out, but she did not know how to be grateful. She did not even call him “Father”.

Indeed, a country bumpkin who grew up in the countryside was really rude.

She had taken the position of the Ling family’s eldest daughter for nothing, yet she was still not presentable.

Ling Yunlong’s face was dark. He had originally planned to scold her, but when he met her cold gaze, he felt a sense of panic.

At this moment, the butler, Uncle Fu, had already opened the car door and bowed respectfully. “Master, you’re back.”


Ling Yunlong was the first to get out of the car.

He looked at Ling Mo, who was sitting quietly in the car and did not move at all. He thought to himself that Ling Mo had only been in class F of grade 12 for less than a week, but she had been forced to drop out of school because she got zero in all her subjects. She must be feeling upset.

She was dawdling and unwilling to get out of the car. It must be because she was ashamed.

Thinking of this, he held back his temper a little and relaxed his tone.

“Your aunt is a magnanimous person. She won’t make things difficult for you. Give in to her, study more, and speak less.”


Ling Mo responded coldly and avoided Ling Yunlong’s hand. She carried her worn out shoulder bag and got out of the car slowly.

“Yunlong, why have you been gone for so long? I thought you wouldn’t even be able to make it back to your precious daughter’s birthday party.”

Not far away, Su Yu hugged a brown teddy in her arms and twisted her slender waist as she welcomed him with a smile..

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