Adan held his head to Gaius, who had no ears at all to listen to.
Then Lennis advised Gaius this time.
"No, Gaius. Adam's right, Zeldos is strong. Now let's wait for him to recover."
But Gaius still didn't have the ear to listen.
"I don't want to take care of you. Then let's go."
So Gaius, who had just arrived at the hospital entrance and exit, said goodbye to the two of them. No, he released the aura to full opening and quickly flew away.
And the two that were left looked at each other's faces, and dropped their shoulders in dismay.
"Where! Zeldo Suu Kyi"
Gaius boarded the police station. No, no, he shouted out loud.
Then everyone in the station looked back simultaneously.
But I didn't see any Zeldos in it.
Then, the man who was in front of him, advanced in front of Auntie and Gaius.
"I wouldn't be here if I were Mr. Zeldos."
When the man said so, he turned back his heel slightly to his satisfaction and tried to return to his original place.