Gaius ordered from a female shopkeeper who seemed to be a good person in the street.
The shopkeeper responded lovingly.
"Yes, thank you."
As Gaius was about to exchange the price with the shopkeeper, Delkia quickly grabbed a pretty big meat dish, which he put in front of him, and he bumped into momentum.
"Look, I'm still on my way to paying you."
When Gaius cautioned against delkia, a good female shopkeeper of people said with a laugh.
"Fine, fine. Look, I just paid for it. Take your time."
But Delkia ignored such exchanges.
"Yummy! This is another delicious flavor I've never had!
Gaius shrugged off and looked at Dove face to face.
But the female shopkeeper said with a full smile that she was happy to be praised for the flavour of the dish.
"I'm not happy. I can't believe you said that to such a pretty girl. But if you don't eat slowly, you're gonna get stuck in your throat, okay? Be careful."