Gaius answered Delchia's sighing question, shrugging his shoulders.
"I asked people in the city yesterday. I wonder why the city is so alive. Then the King will take his place. Apparently, Alexandria has regained her vitality ever since."
Then Delchia shouted, and now she blamed herself with a serious body.
"How could you ever forget something so important? Remember when you said you were going to the royal palace, idiot!
Gaius smiled while showing a reflective expression.
"Sure, why did you forget?... anyway, the King is in charge of a lot of transformation. So maybe this is part of the transformation."
Delchia sent a contemptuous gaze that made Gaius look ridiculous.
"It could be something. Almost certainly. By the will of the new king, he changed the height and lowered it. Mmm, definitely."
Gaius immediately objected.
"Why don't you just say whatever you want at this stage? I don't know yet."