Reincarnation of a special agent

Chapter 12: Chapter 5 – LITTLE CHLOE

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One year as passed after escaping away from her mom (the patriarch of the blue shelter) She knows, she will probably be dead now, and she also doesn't know who or which group killed her and dad. The small me has nowhere to go, she doesn't know anyone in this strange world, she ran and ran. Hide and hide from some group trying to capture me, 

“I think they called themselves raiders”.

So, she decided to join the green district for protection, who she thought never had anything to do with my parent's death, the patriarch accepted her in exchange to produce a high grade [plan] for weapons and armor.

But she couldn't create a high grade for them since they are not trustworthy, so she created a middle grade. But she was found out since the weapon breaks when fighting a high-grade monster like wyvern or high – orc. 

 So, her little peace also didn't last long until she was forced and beaten to create [plan] since, but she didn't create it …no matter the beating she took in 

“I wouldn't create it”

Said Chloe who is being beaten on the floor 

“A little child need to know how to be grateful”

“Heh, stay still”




Chloe's look at them coldly”I will never create that [plan] no matter what you do to me"

She couldn't cry since she has gotten used to it. 

Then later, she was tortured with red knife all over her body, applying pepper in her eyes, and apply pepper in her private part, healed and torture over and over again. 

After getting beaten with a wimp every morning and torture at night, also getting cursed at and neglected was her daily life and eventually get locked up in a cell, after three months.

She was full of bruises and red spots of being beaten, the once beautiful, tender, cute, girl was no more .only an empty shell with a cold and empty eye remains.

One day, suddenly the noise was heard from above the cell, screams of people dying, the cell was shaking violently for three days straight.

 Which cause the bars of the cell to become weakened and fell off …seeing it didn't make her happy or excited, so after waiting for a day or two in fear, maybe it was a test.

She, eventually, pick up courage and went out, to see. That the green shelter is no more …dead bodies and blood everywhere, if it were her of the past, she would have started crying and scared.

But, it didn't move me one bit …so she walked out of the gate in her dirty rag dress with a depressed look. 

“I'm free right?, but why am I not happy?, why is my heart so empty, my body feels numb”

 After that day, she begins to move from one place to another, eating spoiled food from the bin or on the floor.

 She couldn't sleep because she knows, if she does, she might get killed by a monster in her sleep.

A month went by, she was moving along a ruined supermarket, as she was about to pass it by, she saw a meal in the supermarket, she knows it's a trap.

But she hasn't eaten for days, so she went about to take the meal, a goblin appeared.

Height of 140 centimeters. The skinny limbs, the thick lips of a hideous face, were shining with human blood and gore with a protruding belly, holding a blunt knife.

She was scared, but because she was so hungry that her stomach is about to tear itself apart.

She took the meal and begin to run, but the goblin was faster than her, it appeared in front of her and hit her with back of its left hand 


Keke keeeekkk

Like he was playing for her, no!, playing with his prey before killing it, she begins to eat the food on the ground, has it's slashed her with the blunt knife as she begins to bleed, but she has gotten used to bleeding

She kept on eating it then suddenly she remembered what my mom said when before she escape

“Killed them all, don't let them escape”

As she recalled that memory, she could feel a weird power in her body, and a strange warmth, similar to that of when her mother hugged her. Her eyes also changed to dark red 

“This sensation…'s feels good”

“But my mind is going blank”

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Chloe gazed at the monster in intense malice 


It was at that moment that the goblin stopped moving.

"Ahehehe,,,,where are you going?”

“Hi,.hello ….hi .....hello …”

“Where are you going …play with little Chloe”


"What...a thin body?…did your mama never give you food….hehe….”

She moved at the goblin swiftly, at its blind spot and attacked it with her fist ….the goblin fell a one-metre away leaving the blunt knife, she picked up and increase her speed 


"….play with little Chloe ….play with mommy” 

She landed on the goblin and used the blunt knife to stab its head 




She stabbed and stabbed as blood splashed off on her 


"Play with little Chloe … I want to play some more …."

"The goblin struggle as blood splashed on Chloe and died," 


"'It's not moving ….play some more ….play with me more …."

She stood up, about to move …she fainted,As she was about to fall to the ground, Anderson appeared and carried her

“You have done well”



He walked out the door of the ruined supermarket 

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