Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Chapter 125: 120: A Happy Accident

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"Boom Cannon!"

The deer bellowed as it charged right towards me with its massive antlers.

Naturally, it was far too slow to hit me before my spell hit, piercing a giant hole in its body before it fell down to the snow unconscious.

“O, oh thank you! Thank you so much!”

The one who spoke was a blonde girl dressed in white. With that staff and those robes, it was a safe bet to guess that she was a cleric. She was currently bowing profusely towards my direction.

Usually, I would be happy from this turn of events, but now, I could only sigh in response.

Once again, another day goes to waste.

Another two weeks have gone by, and I’m still going around this blasted region, looking for that high elf.

This time, I thought I was finally going to catch her. The info I got told me they saw her just three weeks ago in this forest, and yet, after traipsing around for three nights here, I got nothing.

Another failure.

“Hey, you’re that Divine Tempest kid, aren’t you?”

I was brought back to reality by one of the adventurers I just saved.

They were a four-man party, consisting of a cleric, two frontline warriors, and a mage. And I had just saved them from a Tyrant Deer, an A-rank monster that roamed this area often. They probably had gotten too deep into the forest. Or they had just overestimated their own strength.

I had saved guys like them a couple of times, as I trekked around the wilderness looking for that elf. Maybe not everyone really needed my help in retrospect, but thanks to my experience, I could tell when one was being cornered by an enemy. And these bunch certainly were in that category, as their mage had been knocked out by the deer’s kick while their formation had been completely destroyed.

“Thanks a lot, kid! You really are as strong as they say!” The man grinned. He was one of the frontline warriors, a middle-aged man wielding a giant lance as his weapon of choice.

I would normally be enjoying his praise, but I was currently in quite the sour mood, so I could only muster a dishonest, forced smile in return. And I didn’t like how more and more people seemed to recognize me out of the blue. If they can find me, then any Magocracy assassins who go after me should be able to find me as well.

“Hey, did you really slay a dragon all by yourself?”

The next one who spoke was the other warrior in the party. Unlike the man, he was younger, maybe around fifteen years of age. His weapon of choice was a broadsword.

“That’s amazing! I have no idea how you can do that! Compared to you, our mage is just downright worthless, unfortunately,” he said with a grin.


I looked at said mage. Sure enough, she was still unconscious, with the cleric going there to heal her. The wound didn’t seem to be fatal though, thankfully for them.

“Hey, how about it? How about you join our party?” The boy resumed with his cheerful demeanor. Noticing my gaze, he continued, “Oh, don’t worry about her. We’ll just kick her out after this mission. No need to—”

“I’m sorry, but I have no interest in joining any parties in the moment.”

Before I realized it, I had replied to him with a cold, almost hostile tone.

I think I know why. The way he spoke of their mage… it doesn’t sit well with me at all.

I know it’s too naive to expect that a party would last forever. Adventurers join and break up with each other all the time. But the way he spoke of her? After they had fought together side by side? Does it give him any right to dismiss her as worthless just because she’s a little weak? Not to mention that it’s his job as a frontliner to protect her from any attacks. Seeing how she’s out cold like that, that means he has failed in his role.

Of course, I didn’t say any of that to him. It’s not my place to do so. And besides, I don’t want to start making other adventurers dislike me. I can just imagine them thinking that I’m arrogant or stuck-up, especially since they know how much stronger I am compared to them.

The kid’s grin disappeared. “Oh, I see. That’s a shame. Guess we’re stuck with her then.” He gave a wry smile.

I cut our conversation afterward, excusing myself before I flew away using my Wind Step.

I felt bad for the mage girl. But there’s nothing I can do for her. If she doesn’t want to be treated that way by them, then either get stronger or just leave and get another party. That’s just the reality of how adventurers are. A weak chain could end up costing the entire party their lives, so it’s understandable why they would want to kick out weaklings and replace them with someone stronger.


Right as the sun sank over the horizon (I am not stupid enough to think that searching around at night in a pitch-black forest is a good idea), I returned back to Feila. It was a small town on the northern regions which acted as the base of operations for the many logging companies in the area. Like I’ve said before, thanks to the abundance of forests, and the high quality of wood it produces, it has become one of the kingdom’s main exports to the rest of the continent. And since forests are naturally filled with many dangerous monsters, adventurers flock into the town as well, as they have jobs to guard the loggers from them, as well as things like scouting an area to look for future logging spots and then clearing it afterwards from said monsters.

I decided to move to this small town for a bit, giving a search at the surrounding forests as carefully as I could. Multiple sightings of the elf were reported from this area, so I figure I should give this place more attention than the others.

I headed back to the local branch of the Guild. As usual, I would check up on any info regarding the elf twice a day. Once at the morning and another at night after I returned from my outings.

“Well well well! Look who’s back! Mr. Divine Wind himself! And judging by that expression, you didn't find her again, huh?"

The one who greeted me was the receptionist of the guild. If I had to describe her with one phrase, it would be "beautiful big-boobed elf onee-san". Yep, she's an elf, alright. In fact, there are quite a number of elves in this region. Makes sense considering their homeland is to the west of here.

"Yeah, I didn't." I gave her a wry smile. "Got any info on her?"

"Nope." She kept her smile. Really, would it hurt her to display some symphaty for once? "How about the request I gave you though? Got the goods?"

“Hmph.” I placed a small sack on the table. “Here they are. Ten Tyrant Deer hearts, right?”

Even though my goal was to find the elf, it didn’t mean I couldn’t take some quests on the side. Sure, I am rich now, but I will stop being rich once I spend it on the Orb.

“Thank you very much.” She cheerfully took it off the table. “Here’s your payment.”

This quest was actually an A-rank quest, but after knowing the tales of my prowess, she gave it to me anyways, since no one else was taking it.

“Oh, tomorrow is Luxus, right? Why don’t you and I have a date together? I know a great place for a meal in this town!”

Luxus is one of the days that existed in this world. Just like back on Earth, we also have seven days, with one day used as a weekly holiday. But they are all named after elementals, instead— Fire, Water, etc. The days are as follows:

As you can see, every element is represented, except for Darkness. Because that element is frowned upon by the Church. They say it belongs to the demons.

By the way, I was born in Ventus, so funnily enough, it fits with my affinity towards the wind. And Marina was born in Terrus, while Erika was born in Luxus. Marina is obviously really skilled with earth magic, but I’m not sure if Erika is good at light magic.

“Uh, sorry, but I’d rather spend my time searching than wasting it with you to be honest,” I answered frankly. Normally, I would be averse on refusing the offer of a date from such a beautiful woman, but to be frank, she kinda scares me a little. I guess it’s because she has that cougar aura to her, you know. And I’ve seen before how she likes to tease and flirt with young adventurers near my age. And seeing how she’s an elf, who knows how old she really is?

That, and she’s starting to grate on my nerves just by how cheerful she always acts, even when giving me bad news relating to the elf.

“Aww, that’s a shame.” She gave a short disappointment reaction (which I’m sure is fake) before returning back to her usual smile. “You see, it’s hard for a lady my age to get any dates. So I have to settle for young men like you. Hmph, can you believe it?”

That’s a lie though. She’s popular amongst the adventurers here. How could she not be, when she has such a hot body? Not to mention that she’s an elf? Having one as your girlfriend is like winning the lottery. An elf doesn’t grow old or fat. She keeps her beauty forever.

I took the coins she gave and put it into my coin pouch. And then, without any other words to her, I left the building, heading straight to the nearby tavern where I would have my dinner.


"Whoa, is that really him? The Divine Wind fella?"

I sighed again. Ever since the rumors spread, every time I made an appearance in public, I would get people talking about me like this. And not just other adventurers. Even the people who live here started to talk about me.

"He's so young! Surely, that can't be him!"

The ones who were currently speaking not-so-subtly were a group of adventurers sitting near my table. And they were all too obviously stealing glances towards my direction. They seemed to be a female-only party, which was not that odd, if I were to be honest. Having mixed genders in a party increased the chance of sexual harassment occuring, so some women (and men) preferred to keep with their own. Though personally, I don’t think an all female group is a good thing. I’ve seen it back at college and at work. They quickly fell apart into drama and infighting. And women are scarier at fighting other women than men. Have you read all those shoujo manga with the bullying?

Still, that might just be my misognyitsic opinion though.

"Haven't you heard? He's a genius mage! He's the son of some bigwig noble at the Empire but he ran away just so he could become an adventurer! The Empire's Magic Corps even wanted him but he refused his offer!"

"Then he's not very bright, is he? Why would he throw away all that privilege?"

"Because he's in love, silly! He's searching for this elf girl day and night.”

You are reading story Reincarnation of a Worthless Man at

“Ooh, an unrequited love? That’s so romantic!”

“See? Not to mention that he’s a prince too!”

“But you said he’s the son of a Duke.”

“Same thing!”


I could only respond by taking another swig of my drink (which was another glass of warm milk). Really, there’s no point in correcting them, especially since the misinformation only worked in my favor. And rumors like that always evolved on their own. People didn’t really want to hear or talk about the truth. They only wanted something exciting as a topic of conversation. It’s like that too back in my old world. Rumors spread like widlfires, with each iteration growing more and more wild until it had barely any truth in them whatsoever.

“My oh my, you’re getting popular more and more every day, aren’t you, boy?”

I was pushed out of my thoughts by the tavern’s waitress. Or rather, the tavern owner’s wife. She was a pudgy 40-year old woman, wearing a simple faded long-sleeved shirt with a dark pleatless long skirt. She had a cap on her head where she stored her hair in a bun and rosy cheeks that always accompanied her smile.

“‘The Divine Tempest’. Really, never expected such an important person to be one of our frequent patrons.”

She put a plate of food on my table. Chicken soup. Meat is naturally far more expensive in this world, so even if I said “chicken soup”, the chicken was barely even there. Most of the soup’s contents were the vegetables and the potatoes, all diced up nicely so you could swallow them while you drank the water. Even so, this was already the most expensive dish in this place.

Well, nothing that I can’t afford, of course.

“You know, maybe the old man should give you a discount. You being here are attracting customers. They all want to have a look on the young man who beat a dragon on his own,” she said with a grin.

“Maybe he should,” I replied with my own.

That was just some polite banter. My mood was still terrible, and I was in no condition to be having a conversation with overweight waitresses after hearing a bunch of people saying things that are wildly untrue about me.

“Well, good luck on your search, young man.” She patted me on the shoulder with her large gloved hands. “And don’t look so glum. I don’t wanna see that grimace on your face. You’re much more handsome when you smile after all.”

I did as she told. It was the only way for the noisy woman to leave me alone.

I’ve only started visiting this place for a week, and yet, she’s already this friendly towards me. I probably remind her of her son or something.

I quickly finished my meal, ignoring any stares or comments that the other patrons gave to me. And then, I returned straight to my inn.


Its name was The Oaken Hospitality—a five-story building made out of wood. Legends said it was built by elves in ages past, thus the wooden construction. There apparently used to be a more prominent elven population in this region of the kingdom, but little by little, their numbers dwindled until humans became the dominant race.

No, don't ask me how it happened. I only knew as much as the innkeeper told me. She loved bragging about her inn at any visitors that happened to stay.

I entered the building and made my way upstairs. My room was on the top floor, unfortunately. I could use my Wind Step, but the last time I used it, the innkeeper went mad at me for it. There was a strict "no magic" rule in the establishment. Probably because she didn't want the supposedly historical building to burn down or something.

As I climbed up the stairs from the fourth floor to the fifth however…

"It's you! Oooh I can't believe it! We meet again at last!"

It was the elven bard I met two weeks ago. And she was standing right on top of the small stairs I was going up on.

Oh great, why is she here?

"Oh please give me an inter—kyah!"

In her rush to run downstairs towards me, she tripped.

And she fell right on top of me.

I quickly reacted by creating a burst of wind behind us to soften our landings. Thanks to that, I wasn't injured in the slightest, even though I landed head first into the wooden floor of the fourth floor.

In retrospect, I probably could've dodged out of the way. But, in a split second I saw her flying towards me, I realized our point of contact would be my face and her crotch.

That was enough for my perverted mind to stop my feet from moving.

"Ooh I'm sor—Kyah!"

She let out another yelp as she no doubt felt a certain sensation between her nether regions, for my mouth and nose were pressing right into her girlhood, with the only thing separating them being the tight leather pants she was wearing and whatever panties she wore underneath.

It was only natural for her to react that way.

"Aahnn, p-please d-don't breathe…."

Well now, how am I supposed to stay alive if I don’t breathe?

Just think of this as your punishment, alright? For following me around and being a nuisance.

And besides, I’ve always wanted to do this to a girl. Just like those accidental pervert protagonists in those anime I often watched. And it’s even better that I’m doing this to a pretty elf like her.

...Sorry. I tend to get a bit more perverted whenever I get cranky like this. And relieving that pervertedness is one way for me to relax.

The elf continued to shudder and moan as I teased her flower with my breath. Other than her reaction, I was also enjoying the scent she had down there. It was the scent of elf sweat, trapped inside the fabric of her pants—no doubt coming from her thighs rubbing and pressing together all day long. And like everything elf, it wasn't a bad odor in the slightest. It's musky in a way that only turned me on even more.

"Haaahh… I-I can’t… stand up… haahnnn… p-please stop or I will… ahhhmmmmnnn!"

...Oh crap she’s grinding her crotch into me now! H-hey, who says you can get carried away? I’m not doing this kind of thing with a stranger, you know!

Rub… rub… rub… rub…~♥

This time, it was me who started to panic. I tried to push her off, but to no avail. She was now full on pleasuring herself. Onto me. Out in the open.

“Hah… hah… hah… ah!”



Splish~♥ Splosh~♥

She did it…

She actually did it…

I can feel it… her warmth spreading…

Sorry Sherry… I wanted to do this to you first, but it seems I ended up doing it with this random elf girl instead…


So, I’ve been thinking about a possible future enemy for Hugo. Since he wants to be like those overpowered isekai protagonists, why not make one of those be a villain? He could have an OP cheat like

time stop, which Hugo would love to have considering how powerful it is and how it could be used to facilitate his perversions. Lifting a girl’s skirt in public? No problem. Grabbing her boobs afterwards? She won’t even notice. Etc.

So he’ll get that ability among others, and he’ll do it to perv around as well, just like Hugo would. Only, one of his victims would be Marina, who would be stuck accompanying him due to plot-related reasons. So he would frequently be groping her and lifting her dress before pulling down her panties to admire her privates.

And, to make it even more painful, he’s actually a decent guy other than his perversions. That’s why he never rapes anyone. So Hugo can’t just kill him without mercy.

No outright rape, but obviously, it smells strongly of NTR.

. What do you guys think?

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