Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Chapter 44: Vol 1 Chapter 44: Time Limit

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The next morning, as usual, we gathered downstairs to have our breakfast.

Only for me to be completely blindsided by what I was seeing 


Well, this is… different…

Father and Mother were no longer in their usual outfits. Instead, they were wearing what looked to be their adventuring outfits instead, maybe even the very same outfits they used to wear.

This image change… Father's isn't that big but Mother's…

She was wearing what very much looked like the stereotypical white mage / cleric outfit. Her robe was a mixture of white and blue, with a black underdress underneath that ended at her upper thigh. She also wore a pair of white thighhigh boots—that totally didn't draw attention to her exposed upper thigh at all—along with a white and blue priestly headdress.

The most noticeable change however was her hair. It was fully let down to her waist, not tied in a bun like usual.

So this is how Mother looks when she was still an adventurer… Wow, no wonder Father fell for her! She's gorgeous! N-not that she isn't already before, of course…

"So, Hugo, how does your mother look?" she asked with a slight blush. "It's really been a long time since I last wore these. I was afraid they wouldn't fit me anymore to be honest. And they're indeed a bit tight in certain places…"

Ah, I can see that for sure. Her breasts were practically bursting—her dress not really able to accommodate their size. And I could see the outline of her butt on the back of the dress as well. 

"Don't worry, Mom! I think it suits you perfectly!" I replied with a smile. I glanced at Father and he gave me a look that said, "Good job, Hugo!"

"Hehe, I'm happy to hear that!" She giggled, rubbing the top of my head.

And then, all of a sudden, her smile disappeared.

"Do you know why we're wearing our old adventurer days clothes back, Hugo?" She asked, now with a completely serious look on her face.

“...Because this is a life and death mission, isn’t it, Mother?” I replied. “We’re up again one of the top mages of the Magocracy after all.”

“Correct.” Father stepped in, also with a deathly serious look. “I’ll be honest with you, Hugo. This is going to be the toughest opponent we ever face. A Grandmaster-level mage like her… she surpasses any S-rank monsters we have ever fought for sure.” He then let out a dry chuckle. “What a mess we’re in. To think that we have to go back doing something like this when we’re already retired for a good fifteen years. I thought our life and death days were over. Apparently not.”

“...If only Myrilla is here…” Mother spoke, suddenly looking melancholic.

“Well, it can’t be helped, can it? She must already be back in the Demon Continent right now. There’s only two of us. Well, and our genius son, Hugo.” He smiled, patting me on the shoulder. “You’re just ten and you already reached Master-level. That’s even faster than your big sister!”

I shook my head. "It's only thanks to her that I can get this far, Father. She's my teacher after all."

Yet another reason why I have to save her.


After breakfast, we returned back to Father's room to have our strategy meeting.

“Alright, let's review the situation. First of all, what is our goal?" Father opened.

"To save Big Sis, of course!" I answered readily.

"And the best way to do that is?"

"We snatch her without Vera noticing and then run away as fast as we can."

“Good. So you understand that this would ideally be a stealth mission. We won’t be confronting her or any of her guards if not necessary.”

“From what your book told about her, we would be outclassed if we have to fight her,” Mother joined in. “So a nonviolent approach would be the best to be sure.”

“You’re alright with that, Hugo? You don’t want to take revenge on Vera or her grandson for what they did to Marina?” Father then asked.

“Yes, I’m alright with that,” I answered. “Of course, I’m angry at them, but Big Sis’ safety and our safety are far more important than any revenge.”

“Good. Keep that calmness on your head and we’ll go through this just fine.”

Unlike a lot of those protagonists who got transported or reincarnated into a fantasy world, I don’t have any overpowered abilities that will allow me to just win against anything and anyone. Sure, I might be a genius at magic, being a Master at just ten, but I’m still nothing compared to Vera, who’s on a tier on her own above mine. As much as I hate it, I have to calm my raging heart and do as Father says.

“So, let’s talk about the mountain we’re going to climb today,” Father continued. “There’s no map of it since it’s Vera’s private property, but from what I’ve asked the locals, there’s only one road that you could take to reach her mansion at the top. Well, two, if you count the road from Mau Uvarsa, the town at the other side of the mountain. But obviously, we can’t take that route without spending two more days on the road. The two roads are pretty much the same anyways—long, narrow ones with tall cliffs on each side. That means the risk of avalanches is high, especially if she’s going to have mage guards who can just send all that snow on top of our head.”

“But we don’t have to worry much about that,” Mother interjected. “If it’s just an avalanche, I can protect us all with my Barrier spell. What worries me more is said mage guards. What did your book say about them again, Hugo?”

“They are at least Advanced-level mages, with higher ranking ones being Master-level,” I answered with a grim look. “Gah, if only that book says how many there are.”

“Naturally, such sensitive information would be kept away from the public eye,” Mother interjected. “We can just hope that the majority of her guards would only be Advanced-level mages. I believe we can fight against them quite easily. Right, Alan?”

“Yep! Not to brag but mere Advanced-level mages are no match against me and my greatsword. I’ll cut them all before they can even cast their spells,” he said with a confident grin.

Cut them all though? So killing them, pretty much.

“...Oh, right, Hugo, you never killed a person before.” Like a good mother, Renee immediately took notice of the shift in my expression. She then came to me and put her hands on my shoulders, kneeling down as she looked me right in the eyes.

“Can you do it, Hugo? Can you fire your spells, knowing that you will end another person’s life with it? Their hopes, their dreams, all disappearing with a single strike? Not to mention the sadness you will bring to their loved ones?”

...I know what she’s doing. She’s testing my resolve, isn’t she?

“If not, then we can’t—”

“I’m fine, Mother. I can do it. I’ll do it if it’s for Big Sis’ sake.”

Even though I used to live in a peaceful country, I wouldn’t call myself a pacifist. I believed in the maxim that if someone hit you, you have the right to hit them back.

And now, in this world, it wouldn’t be strange in the slightest to take someone else’s life. Just like how in those RPGs, you can kill hordes of bandits and the like with no remorse whatsoever, you must be able to do so here as well if you’re going to survive as an adventurer.

And I can tell… that both Father and Mother had killed people before when they were still adventurers who traveled around the world.

And if I am going to become one, I will eventually have to start killing people as well, sooner or later, if I am to protect myself and the people I care about.

And that’s exactly what I will do now. I will kill to save Marina.

Seeing the determination in my eyes, Mother let out a relieved sigh before standing up.

“Very well. You can go with us. I see you are determined enough to do so.”

“But don’t mistake us by thinking we’re telling you to kill every single person that you find,” Father interjected. “If you wish, you can aim for their legs or hands instead, crippling instead of killing. I’ll leave the judgment to you, Hugo. Just don’t be caught off-guard, as a desperate enough opponent could still do your harm even if he’s severely injured.”

“Don’t worry, Father. I won’t.” I gave him a reassuring smile.

To use my magic to cripple, not to kill. Can I assess the situation well enough to decide which opponent can be left alive and which one cannot? How about a surrendering opponent? How can I trust them that they won’t stab us when our back is turned?

...I do not know. I have never trained for this.

But I know that anyone who stands in my way on saving Marina, I will show them no mercy.



A week had passed since my confinement.

And I think… I think whatever drug they put in my food is finally showing its effect.

Whenever I saw Thomas now, I no longer felt the overwhelming hate and disgust that I used to feel. Instead, I started to feel a little glad every time he came.

I refused to show it to him, of course, knowing that it was just a false feeling implanted into me by what's most likely being some sort of a love potion. I kept my cold expression at all times.

At the very least, I was lucky that Vera hadn’t just decided to drug me with a full dose. If she did, I would lose my mind and I would be lusting over her grandson like a dog in heat. And he would happily take my virtue away.

What Vera was doing was far more insidious however. I’d read about it in one of my alchemy books—about how a love potion in low doses fed in a long period of time would eventually make the victim feel genuine desire towards the person feeding them. Their hormones would influence their brain, making them think better of the other person. It’s just like in that one tale about a womanizing bard, who cheated on various girls over and over, and yet they all still wanted him in the end, even after being furiously angry towards him.

Fortunately, making a love potion is a relatively difficult matter. The ingredients are rare and the methods are hard to perform. Only a master alchemist could do it.

Not that Vera would have any trouble finding one, knowing her position and all.

Speaking of her, her grandson had started to attend to me more, sitting beside me, reading me a book. He loved adventuring novels, and he would gallantly voice every character. And, as much as I despised to admit it, he did a great job doing so. He could even voice the female characters well, thanks to his youthful voice.

"And thus, Charles and Rosemary live happily ever after! Aaah, what a great romantic ending, isn't it, Marina?"

I didn't answer.

"Now that we've finished Charles and The Sword of Fate, we can move on my favorite series! Luca and the—"

"You like these books so much, yet you don't learn anything from them."

"...H-huh? What do you mean, Marina?"

"Take Charles, for example. Remember how he still insisted to fight against the Demon Lord Gaurus even though his sword tells him that he's fated to lose? Just because he wants to save his love Rosemary? That's true bravery, right there. No wonder Rosemary falls for him in the end.”

“O-oh yes, I love that part!” He replied with an excited smile. “Isn’t it so romantic, for him to do—”

“And yet, you yourself won’t fight against your fate, to be your grandmother’s puppet. If you truly love me, then you would do it. You will fight against her, just like Charles fought against the Demon Lord. Then maybe, I’ll fall for you at last.”

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This was another opportunity that I didn’t intend to squander. This was a race, to see which one of us would change the mind of the other—him with his love potion and me with my words.

He looked away, before replying, “I-I can’t do that… I’m not a hero like Charles…”

“Being a hero is not about strength. It’s about bravery and the will to act.”

“...N-not fair…”


“Y-you’re not being fair, Marina! Your standards for a man are too high!”

When he turned his head back, he was crying.

And immediately I felt a pang of guilt in my heart.

“I-I’m trying my best, alright? So please, stop scolding me like that!”

And with that, he ran away, taking his book with him.

This is bad… I’m running out of time… I’m starting to feel pity for him now... 

At this rate, I won’t be able to berate him properly anymore…



“Did it work?”

“Yes, it did work, Grandmother!” I replied with a smile.

I was back at Grandmother’s throne room, giving my report as usual. And to my relief, she’s smiling as well—the first time she did towards me after being upset in my lack of progress.

“Good! Your cute little hobbit tears… they surely can become a powerful weapon to melt her heart. Even if they’re fake.” She smirked.

“I-I never thought to make fake tears using water magic! I have you to thank for that, Grandmother!”

“Of course you don’t. You barely think at all in the first place.”

I wasn’t even bothered by her insult. I was so happy that her trick had worked.

Especially since I got to see Marina’s expression melting, even if it’s just a little!

“Alright, Grandmother! I’ll make sure to keep it up! Just like you wanted!”



It’s been one week and three days since the start of my captivity.

The more the days went, the cuter he became in my eyes.

And the more I wanted to just… cuddle with him.

Yesterday, he cried yet again when I provoked him. And when it happened, I felt an overwhelming urge to hug him and told him that I was sorry.

I had to clench my blanket in order to stop myself.

And today, I did the unthinkable. I gave my smile at him.

All he did was making a joke, and suddenly, I started giggling.

I didn't even know whether the joke was funny or not. My mind was getting cloudier and cloudier everytime I was with him.

Slowly but surely, I'm losing my grip.


It's been one week and five days in captivity.

I can't… I can't do this any longer.

My dreams are now all about him. And not only that, they're lewd dreams as well, with me kissing him or even rubbing my breasts onto his face. All with a smile on my face.

I can't even resist his food anymore. Just one hurt look, and he won me over. I felt I would die if I were to deny that innocent, precious look.

And of course, I can't scold him either. I tried to do it, but the moment he gave his sad look, the words wouldn't come out anymore.

I'm losing myself. There's no doubt about it.

Should I just surrender? If I forget about everything, Thomas is a cute and lovable sweet hobbit who swears to make me happy. Would it be so bad to have him to cuddle with every night?

...No! D-don't let him… don't let… aaarghhh!


Two weeks… I think… does it even matter anymore?

Father… Mother… please… help me…

Hugo… please… embrace your big sister once more… I miss your smile… I miss your scent… I miss your touch…

I will fight… right to the end… so please… you are coming, right? You're not just going to abandon me, right?

Please… please come soon…



"G-Grandmother, please help! Marina is acting weird!"

As usual, she was sitting on her ice throne at this time of a day. I didn’t know what she was doing there, only that she would nod off and even snore there occasionally.

"Hmm?” She gave me a bored look. “What do you mean? Haven’t you been telling me that you’re winning her over?”

“That’s true! But today, she won’t even look at me! She covered herself under her blanket while yelling at me to go away!”

“Oh? Fascinating,” Grandmother replied. She wasn’t even perturbed in the slightest by my news. “I believe it’s her last ditch effort to resist you, my dear.”


“Yes, really. There’s nothing wrong with my potion. In fact, it’s a good sign that she is really losing it. Hah, two weeks are all it takes, huh?” She grinned. “It almost makes me want to watch as you make her squeal with pleasure, my dear. I want to watch how her proud face will look once she’s completely infatuated with you.”

Uuu, her grin is scary as always…

“T-then, what should I do, Grandmother?”

“Why, I think you should—”

“L-Lady Vera, e-excuse me for barging in!”

Suddenly, our conversation was rudely interrupted by a young male. Judging by his outfit, he must be one of Grandmother’s mountain guards. He immediately bowed in front of Grandmother’s presence.

“I-I have urgent news! T-the intruders you said might come… they have arrived! Now they’re climbing up the mountain to get here!”

“...So they come after all. Interesting! Very interesting! I assume Lotho and Myrtle are already in position?”

“Of course, Milady!”

“Good. Tell them to proceed as planned.”

After giving another bow, the man left. Grandmother then turned her attention back to me.

“Well, Thomas. This would be the perfect opportunity to break her completely. If she were to appear in front of them, telling her undying love to you, then there would be no reason for us to be enemies. You want that, don’t you?”

“O-of course, Grandmother! I want Marina’s family to be able to live happily with her as my wife! She’ll be sad if they’re gone!”

“Then, get to work. You know what you must do, right? You’ve played with those prostitutes so many times after all.”


Just imagine Renee’s cleric outfit to be like the Priestess’ from Goblin Slayer.

Also, call me a sadistic bastard, but I enjoy writing Marina in distress like that. Expect more of that with the other girls or even with NPC ones.

Got the idea for the fake tears from MT’s Rudeus by the way. Certainly an interesting application of water magic.

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