Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Chapter 47: Vol 1 Chapter 47: The Ice Witch

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I had to fight it… I had to fight it! 

I had to fight this overwhelming, burning urge inside me!


There he comes! Don't look at him! Don't listen to him! Don't talk to him!"

"Marina, I'm coming in, alright."

"Go away!"

"M-Marina, why are you so angry at me? D-did I do anything wrong?"


"Marina! Please!"

At this point, my entire body was shaking.

I could hear his voice shuddering. He's probably crying right now.

I knew that if I saw him tearing up, I wouldn't be able to resist anymore. So I had to look away. And cover my ears as much as I could as well.

I want to comfort him… I want to comfort him so bad! I want to hug him, cuddle him, and tell him that it's alright and that I'm sorry.

And then, I felt his touch on my shoulder.

I gasped. In a split second, I retaliated, scratching his eyes with my nails. They were long, thanks to not being able to clip my fingernails all this time.

"O-owww! W-what was that for?"

"Leave! I don't want to see anyone!"

That touch… that single touch was nearly enough to send me over the edge. I had to do that or else I would’ve lost myself.

I didn't say anything else to him, hoping that he would just leave on his own volition.

But then, something even worse happened—something that caught me off-guard completely. He threw himself into my bed and groped my breasts from behind.

My mind went blank, and I immediately felt my squirt dampening my panties.

And then, I elbowed him and shoved him off the bed.

"Get your dirty hands off me!" I yelled.

I didn't know whether it was luck or my own determination that I was still able to resist that. But I did, and I didn't even think while doing it. I simply acted out of pure reflex.

I then felt it—a painful sensation on my tongue as well as a strange metallic taste filling the inside of my mouth.

It seems to stop myself from moaning, I had bitten my own tongue to the point that it bled.

I would normally feel grossed by it, but at this point, I would rather bleed than to surrender myself to him.

And then, I heard him leave.

I took a big sigh of relief.

To think that just a short grope like that was enough to make me come immediately…

And now, my desires for him are only burning even harder.

I want him to grope me even more. And not only that, I want him to… to do that to me. I want him to fill up my itching flower with his—

I slapped myself, stopping my train of thought from reaching the inevitable conclusion.

I found that pain was one way I could keep my sanity. But for how long? I knew it was only a temporary measure at best. If he threw himself at me again…

I have to… I have to reduce this lust somehow…

My left hand traveled downwards to the front of my dress, touching the fabric.

It's wet… I really leaked that much…

I then lifted it and bunched it upwards, allowing my hand to touch the soaking wet panties that laid underneath.

"A-ahnn!" A moan escaped my mouth.

It’s still so sensitive, even though I just finished a while ago. Another effect of the potion, I suppose…

...T-these thoughts—

N-no, I-I can’t! I won’t pleasure myself to these!

Those thoughts were of course, thoughts of Thomas. From how much I wanted to play with his little body, to how much I wanted him to play with me… it was all dirty, filthy thoughts.

And I was disgusted by myself to even think of them.

I-I can’t do it! Not when I’m thinking about him! He’ll just win over me even more!

I-is there some way that I could not think about him while doing it? I don’t usually imagine anything when I’m doing it, but now, my head is just filled with him!

And then, an idea came into my head—an idea that truly horrified me to the core.

I-if, if I can switch his image to Hugo’s…

Yes, I was truly suggesting switching my masturbation session towards my little brother instead.

The rational side of my mind spoke. “It makes sense. In a way, he resembles Thomas quite a lot. He’s also cute and he’s just slightly taller than the hobbit. He might have blonde hair as opposed to black, but you can take care of that in your imagination. And you actually like him. So why don’t just use him for this purpose?” 

But then, the other, more moralistic side spoke otherwise. “How can you do that?! He’s your own little brother, you know!”

In the end, the rational side won over.

P-please… forgive your big sister, Hugo...

She has no other choice… She has to do this, or else she wouldn’t be able to keep her virtue… She would offer myself to that creep, and then, it would be all over…

And so, I did it.

I did it over and over again.

At first, it was difficult, switching the image of Thomas that constantly were stuck inside my mind with Hugo’s. But I concentrated as best as I could, forcing myself to imagine all the cuteness that he had displayed to me over the years. His smile, his laugh, and his blush whenever he got flustered—I drew all that from my memories. I even teared up a little, grateful that I had yet to forget about him.

And then, I started rubbing it.

Back and forth and back and forth in a steady rhythm, making sure that it was Hugo I was imagining, and not Thomas.

Eventually, I managed to go all the way, to the point that I started mumbling his name.

I came multiple times, thanks to the love potion increasing my lust to a near endless level.

And every time I did, I felt an awful, terrible guilt. I might not be able to look him in the eye ever again after this...

I started to sob, ashamed of what I had done. 

I never thought that I would ever cry after I pleasured myself.

To my consolation, after multiple times of doing it, I could finally sense a lowering of my desire.

It’s working! It’s working after al—


Suddenly, the door to my room opened with a bang, revealing the ice devil that was responsible for all my misery.

Naturally, I immediately put on my stern expression. She wasn’t Thomas, so I could do it just fine. I also made sure to put my dress back down so she wouldn’t realize what I just did.

“What do you want? I don’t need to relieve myself just yet, you know.” I said with a cold glare.

The one thing I could be grateful of her was that several times throughout the day, she would come over and free me of the ice that kept my feet stuck to the bed, just so I could use the chamberpot. Of course, I had tried to use the opportunity to run away, though I couldn’t get far at all before she froze my feet back. She would also use these visits to reinject the mana disruption poison into my body, making sure that I would still be unable to use my magic.

“Oh no, I don’t come here for that, my dear,” she replied, still with that disgustingly smug smile on her face. “I come here to bring you good news! Your family—they’re here, you know!”

My heart skipped a beat. I could feel my eyes widening. “...You’re lying. I-I don’t—I don’t believe it.”

“Suit yourself. I'm off to give them my greeting, by the way. As for you…"


The last thing I saw was her slapping me right at my face with her staff.



Thanks to Mother's warm embrace, it didn't take long until I calmed down.

"All better?" She asked with a smile, once I was finished with my pathetic crying.

"Y-yeah. Sorry about that…" She then let me down. "I lost my composure, seeing those two…"

"It's alright, dearie. It's alright." She bent down, rubbing my head. "It just shows that you're a kind boy. You don't take pleasure in killing others, even if they're your enemies. And that's a perfectly fine way to feel."

"But, I shouldn't have—"

"I reacted the same way, you know. When I first killed a man." 

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That forlorn expression on her face… she still remembers it… even to this day…

Will I remember this for the rest of my life as well?

"Hugo." Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted by Father, who was standing nearby. "Good job back there. You saved my behind." He patted me on the shoulder. "Really should've expected a flank attack to happen in a snowstorm like that."

He didn't need to say anything else. Just his proud smile was enough to cheer me up.

Afterwards, we pressed forward. My fairies had returned back on their own, it seemed, probably when I was crying in Mother's arms. I felt bad, not giving them the payment as usual.

Should I even use them at the upcoming battle with Vera? I don't think they're strong enough to fight against her. Sure, they won't die, just vanishing back if they got too injured, but they would still feel the pain. I only called them back there because I got no other option.

We continued our climb up the mountains, remaining wary of any more possible ambushes. There's no guarantee that what we faced before was all of Vera's forces after all.

Another two hours passed however, and no other attack occurred. And we were now definitely nearing the peak of the mountain.

Instead of being happy however, I only felt a slowly climbing sense of dread. I imagined Vera to be hiding at every corner, above every cliff, and behind every rock.

She must be planning to ambush us again. And this time, she’ll be there with the rest of her forces. Or would she be the type to just wait until we reach her mansion before she’s going to fight us? Or she could even be the type to just leave all the fighting to her subordinates while she takes a nap in her room. That would be the ideal situation to be sure.

I’m not that lucky of a person though. And remembering our meeting with her, she seems to be the type that takes sadistic pleasure on tormenting her enemies. So she might be participating in the assault personally after all.

Worst case scenario, she takes us completely off-guard and obliterates us with her spell before we can do anything.

And that’s why I couldn’t be calm in the slightest, even though we were now so close to saving Marina.

And looking at Father and Mother’s expression, they were feeling the same way.

Suddenly, Father raised his hand, telling us to stay back.

“Look. Over there, on top of that tall hill. At the far end.” He pointed.

I followed and saw a tiny silhouette of what was definitely something like a mansion.

“There it is! That’s Vera’s mansion, isn’t it?” I exclaimed.

“Most likely,” Father returned. “Still, we would have to climb up this long and steep snowy hill to get there. If I were her, this would be where I blast us with magic, since she has the height and range advantage.”

“Is there no other route we can take?” Mother asked.

“Unlikely. This hill seems to be a full 360 degrees one. No matter which direction we come in from, we will have to climb it anyways to reach her house.”

As they were having their discussion, I looked around, just in case there was something Father missed in the area.

“Father, why don’t we take that road instead?” I pointed at a dirt trail going all the way up to the mansion.

“That just makes us even more obvious, no?”

“I don’t think it matters,” I argued back. “I have a feeling that Vera should be able to see this hill in its entirety well enough from up there. And the road would certainly help with our mobility. We want to get up close to her as fast as we can, right?”

“...True enough. The best way to fight a mage is to get up close and personal with them after all.”

After some more thinking, he finally decided. “Alright. We’ll do it your way. We’ll take the road and then run as fast as we can, straight to the mansion.”

I couldn’t help but smile, feeling happy that my suggestion was accepted by him.


We then circled around towards the dirt road first, staying away from the snowy hill. This would be the road you would normally take if you have an official business with her, I imagine. Naturally, we didn’t take it since we wanted to hide away from the mountain guards, though that didn’t work perfectly well, as you’ve already witnessed.

Once we stood on said road, we took a good look on how it would carry us up the hill.

“Hmm, it’s not a straight line to be sure. It bends to the left and right, seeking the least steep part of the hill, so that horse-drawn coaches or carriages could climb all the way up there.”

“I think we should just follow the road when it’s a straight line, Father,” I responded. “So we’ll traverse through the snow if needed. I’ll use my Fire spell to melt the snow so we can have an easier time running through it.”

“Alright. We’ll do that.” He gave a grin. “Renee, you’re alright with me carrying you all the way? You can’t run very fast like us after all.”

“I’m fine with that,” she replied, though not without a small blush on her cheeks.

“Good. Hugo, try to use your Wind Step magic as much as you could. I’ll run at full speed so you’ll need it to keep up.”

“Got it, Father.” I was just a ten year old kid after all. My legs were just shorter than Father’s. Not to mention his superior stamina as well.

Father then bent down, allowing Mother to climb up on him on his back. Damn, her breasts were fully pressed to his back (though his sheathed greatsword was on the way). He must be happy with that. Not to mention that the one hand that held her was placed suspiciously close to her bottom.

“Hugo, ready?”

“Ready, Father.”

“I’ll give the signal. In three, two, one—Wait, hold on, there’s someone approaching us from the top of the hill!”


“That’s Vera!” I shouted.

Immediately, I readied my wand, while Mother started chanting after Father dropped her while he himself drew his greatsword.

The ice witch was sliding down the hill as if she was a professional ice-skater, using her staff as her snowboard. 

“High Barrier!”

Mother’s barrier was erected, just in time as the witch stopped, right in front of us. With a kick of her feet, her staff righted itself to be grabbed by her right hand.

“Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood!” she said with a proud smile. “And of course, your little son as well. May I enquire about your purpose in trespassing upon my domain?”

“Cut the crap,” Father answered first, his hand gripping the handle of his sword tightly. “You kidnapped my daughter and I want her back.”

“Kidnapped? Oh my, it seems you’ve misunderstood. She came here willingly with my grandson! He finally managed to win over her heart, you see!"

Bullshit! You'd expect us to believe that? After your own guards just tried to kill us?

"Then, take us to her." Mother spoke next, her expression even colder than the snowstorm we fought off before.

"Sure! Follow me then! Just up this hill!"

She then turned her back and started to walk forward as she casually hummed.

Mother exchanged looks with Father, before nodding.

And then, Father swung her sword, cutting the ice witch in half.

Or rather, a pile of snow shaped like her.

"Ahahahahaha! I suppose you're not stupid enough to fall for that! Too bad. I really wanted this to be a quick fight, you know."

The weather immediately changed, as a fierce snowstorm blew down from the top of the hill, reducing our visibility as before.

"Welcome! Welcome! Welcome to the domain of the great Vera Marjoram!” Her voice echoed in the snowstorm, as if it was being carried by the harsh wind itself.

“Using an ice decoy? What’s the matter, O Great Marjoram? Scared for your pretty little face to be cut by my husband’s sword?” Mother yelled, a terrifying smirk on her face. Welp, she sure is angry now.

“If you release Marina now, I won’t kill you. I’ll just take off an arm and that would be that.” Father spoke next. “As long as she’s still unhurt, that is.” Father’s expression was just as scary as Mother’s. In fact, this was the first time I’d ever seen him this scary-looking.

“Oh, rest assured. She’s perfectly fine. She’s just slowly coming around to accept my grandson, you know. A dash of love potion in her food and drink would do that.“

The letter was right! She’s really using something like that to control her mind!

“...Well, that’s your life forfeit right there,” Father responded, swinging his blade. “I don’t forgive anyone who treats my daughter like that.”

“Interesting! So you think you can kill me? Why don’t you try then? Climb up this hill. I’m right at the very top.”

“Renee. Hugo. We’ll carefully climb up this hill. Keep up the barrier at all times, Renee. Don’t switch into offense unless you really need to. Hugo, you snipe anything that pops up with that Wind spell of yours. But if you can get an aim at Vera, speak to me first. We’ll send a combined attack at her from two directions. I doubt your spell would be strong enough to take her on its own.”

“Right, Father.” I nodded.

“If we can’t do that, then our goal would be to close in at her. But if she decides to flee, then rescuing Marina would be our priority, no matter how angry we are at her.”


Ah, that’s right. I should be feeling angry, shouldn’t I?

But, for some reason, I don’t feel it. At least, not as much as I would expect.

I think it’s because I already expected her to do something like this ever since the letter came to us. Just from the way she carried herself when we met her.

“Oh, one more thing.” Suddenly, the witch spoke again through the snowstorm.

“Your dear Marina—she has such lovely, lovely moans. To think that she is hiding such lewdness behind the stony expression she wore everyday… ah, how wonderful! My grandson is having so much fun nailing her everyday, you know! I must thank you two for raising such a wonderful daughter for my grandson!”


“That’s right! Your effort, coming all this way to this province and climbing up this mountain—all that... is useless! She’s already too far gone! She’s his perfectly willing fiance right now! Or, if you’d prefer, his sex sla—”

“Hugo, wait!”

I didn’t hear Father’s words.

In fact, I couldn’t hear anything at all.

I ran forward, up the hill, using my Wind Step spell at full power.

All I cared about was to turn her head to one gory, messy mush with my spell.


An also, just found a H-doujin with a black-haired demoness doing sexy stuff with her living hair. Now that could be an inspiration for Sherry :p

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