Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Chapter 75: Vol 2 Chapter 21: The High Priestess

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As we entered through the gate, one of the soldiers was sent off ahead to warn the temple of our arrival. Nicole showed off her emblem to the captain guard, and he immediately understood that she was an official aspirant for the High Priestess position, adding credence to our claim. We didn’t say anything about Fiora being the imperial princess however. All we said that she was an imperial noble of high renown, and that we were her bodyguards, protecting her from a pair of assassins that were targeting her. Thankfully, he bought our story without asking any further questions, to the point that he assigned his soldiers to escort us. We refused to slow down our carriage speed however, so only the horse riders could keep up. They also helped us carve the path ahead, shooing any bystanders off the main road.

I kept my vigilance, looking around for any suspicious movements amongst the crowd. The day was passing, so there weren’t that many people around, making it easier for me to do so.

And then, I saw it—rapid movement from one of the alleyways we passed by.

“There he is!” I yelled, before immediately charging up my Boom Cannon spell.

The man didn’t hesitate. He wallkicked off the two buildings as if he was the main character of a platformer game, before doing a somersault kick in midair. I didn’t know how he did it, but the force of said kick manifested into what looked like a blade made out of energy, heading straight towards us.

Heh! Nice try, but you’re not going to beat my Boom Cannon with that!

I launched my spell right towards him, and to his surprise, my spell pierced through his energy attack. Once again, people didn’t expect me to be able to launch such a powerful spell in such a short time.

Using his hands, he guarded himself. Naturally, he was sent flying right to the faraway building behind him, crashing as he made a crater.

Damn, he didn't get obliterated by that. Did he even die? That Aura thing… it really is real after all…

The book had explained that you could use aura defensively, granting you toughness that could repel even a sword strike. My spell certainly landed on him head on, but he managed to protect himself so that it didn’t end up as a killing blow.

Such was the difference between magicians like Vera who couldn’t use aura to protect herself. To her, it’s guaranteed death if my spell actually reached her. So me eventually learning aura would be a big boost to my defensive capabilities for sure.


The thunderous noise of two blades clashing with each other alerted me that the attack wasn't over. There was the other guy, and he sent the same projectile at Fiora, who blocked and parried it upwards to the skies. Unlike me, however, she had no option to counter attack, so the man who attacked managed to escape unscratched.

"Did you take out your side?" she asked.

"My spell landed but I can't be sure if he's dead yet," I answered. "But he must be wounded at the very least."

"Tch, what a persistent bunch." She cursed under her breath.

"Oi, don't just stand there! Search the city and capture those two!" The guard captain yelled, mobilizing the other, currently paralyzed from awe guards to spread.

As expected, the attack stopped once more. Like a good assassin, they wouldn't attack unless they had an advantage, and for now, that advantage seemed to have vanished. I am concerned though, since now they knew my true capability as a mage.

"Should I go after the wounded one?" I asked.

"No, stay here," Fiora replied with a stern look. "The last thing we need is for us to be separated and getting picked off one by one."

And so we continued our rush towards the temple. As I predicted, there were no further attacks. They must have retreated, especially since one of them was injured by my spell.

The temple was located at the center of the city, located in its own separate complex away from the hustle and bustle of the small metropolis. It really reminded me of the tower back in Mira, although this one only had a little grassy greenery inside of its fence instead of a whole forest. A series of buildings stood inside, and its architectural structure really reminded me of Greek temples back in my old world. What an odd combination, I thought to myself.

Thanks to the guard who was sent ahead, the gate was already opened, allowing us access to the inside immediately. We were hurried inside, and they immediately closed them behind us. I doubt a mere gate and fence would keep those guys out in the slightest though.

A young woman with blonde hair and blue eyes waited for us at the center field, right in front of the largest building, which, I assume would be where the Grand Priestess lives.

She wore what looked to be a cleric attire, although far different than the one Nicole wore. Unlike Nicole’s plain black dress, she wore something with a little bit more flourish to it. Her dress was mostly white and pink, with a design that showed off quite a lot of her legs. Behind her was a squad of knights, wearing long white capes showing off the symbol of the Heavenly Dragon. If I had to guess, they’re some sort of temple knights or something, underlings of the young woman.

My first thought was that this young woman must be the Grand Priestess. But that assumption was quickly dispelled when she introduced herself after we jumped back down to the ground.

“Greetings. My name is Michaela Everthorn, and welcome to the Holy Temple of Sigil.” She put her left hand (the one not grasping her staff) to her right chest before giving a short bow. “I have heard your plight. You seek asylum from your pursuers, correct?” She spoke towards Fiora, who had taken the initiative to act as our representative. “Unfortunately, Lady Lunarya is not currently in the premises, so if you wish to speak to her, you would have to wait. However, rest assured that we would be willing to protect you from those who are after your life.” And then, she walked forward and leaned over to Fiora, whispering, “Do not worry, Your Highness. As a High Priestess serving Lady Lunarya, I shall make sure your life is protected until she returns.”

Welp, the cat was out of the bag immediately. I wonder how she figured it out this quickly though.

I took note of her being a High Priestess though. So she’s how Nicole would look like when she finished her pilgrimage. She probably aimed to become a servant of her adoptive mother—that Lady Miriam person.

Helen and Nicole were shocked but Fiora seemed unfazed. The young woman named Michaela then turned her gaze towards Nicole. “And you are an aspirant to become a High Priestess, correct?”

“Y-yes,” she nervously squeaked.

“Then, you have to wait as well for Lady Lunarya to return. Only she can give you the recommendation you need.”

I exchanged looks with Fiora. It seemed she was fine by the arrangements given, but I could tell that she was nervous not having the Grand Priest on-site. So there's a chance they might attack again.

Afterwards, we were escorted to our rooms by her and her temple knights. I got my own room, Nicole got hers, and then Fiora and Helen shared a room.

It was a comfortable room, though not too lavish. It had its own fireplace, with a small bookcase filled with what seemed to be religious books. There’s a basket to put dirty clothes in, and a chamberpot under the bed to do one’s business. They even gave me a couple robes I could wear, I assume as they washed my clothes.

Dinner would be served soon, so I promptly changed out of my dirty, smelly clothes (hey, the swamp was a dirty and humid place that made you all sweaty) and put it into the basket. Then, I put on the robe I was given. It was a simple black robe, probably the type worn by acolytes. It was a tad loose, but I could wear it just fine.

Hmm, feels weird… wearing a robe like this. It’s almost like wearing a dress.

Before we had our dinner, we were told to clean ourselves in the baths first by our attendant, after the high priestess left. There were two baths in the temple complex, one for males and one for females. However, due to our extenuating circumstances, she told us that we would all use the female bath, even me who was a guy. She told us that she would just put up a bamboo curtain that separates the bath into two halves, where I could take a bath in one half while the girls took their bath in another.

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Yep, if that doesn’t sound like a setup for an ecchi moment, then I don’t know what it is.

After changing, I waited inside my room until Helen knocked in my door, telling me that the bath was ready to receive us. Once I exited the room, I saw that Fiora, Nicole, and Helen, were wearing similar robes to mine. Huh, I guess this can act like bathrobes as well. Or at least, light robes that would be easily removed once we got there, and then we would just dry ourselves with towels before wearing the robes once again, since I don’t think the material of this robe is that absorbent.

To my delight however, Helen’s robe was clearly at least two sizes too small for her. I could see the outline of her buttocks from behind. No pantyline though, which meant she was wearing a thong? Oh my, how scandalous. And from behind, her twin mountains bounced every step she took. Even more than usual. Don’t tell me that she isn’t wearing a bra? Could it even be that she’s completely naked underneath, thinking that there wouldn’t be a need to wear undergarments when she’s just going to the baths? I nearly cast a wind spell just to blow up her robes, but I stopped myself. There was no way Fiora wouldn’t know I was the one who did it. And if I actively caused perversion like that, Nicole wouldn’t let me off so easily. She would lecture me for sure, and I would completely deserve it.

We departed there, led by four all-female temple knights, still wearing their white armors and capes. I assume they wouldn’t be joining, which was naturally, a shame.

Still, it felt weird, being guarded all the time like this. Fiora and Helen looked completely used to it, but I could see Nicole being more nervous than usual.

I also kept my eyes around, not wanting to be taken by surprise if the assassins decided to attack now. I sighed. Now I’m starting to feel how tired it could be being a bodyguard.

However, the only thing I found was just how beautiful the four female knights assigned to escort us. Two of them had blonde hair, one had black, and the remaining one had red. And they all had ample breasts to the point that their chestplate had to jut out noticeably so it could fit. And if only their capes weren’t in the way, they probably would have amazing buttocks as well.

Oh, I’m not against having a female knight type character in my fictional, fantasy harem. I love those types of girls who are all serious on the outside but are easily embarrassed by the main character. That’s how female knight characters usually are, right?

As my mind slowly shifted from vigilance towards perversion, before I realized it, we already arrived at the bathhouse.

Uwoooohhh! I couldn’t believe my eyes. It’s an open air bathhouse!

Sure enough, it wasn’t inside a closed building like the other bathhouses I had been into. Sure, there was a ceiling and a floor, but the sides were completely open, allowing the gentle breeze of night air to come in.

Seriously? I thought this is some uptight religious place. Why does it have a bathhouse that promotes promiscuity like this?

I’m not complaining though.

The knights not joining us was indeed a shame, but I would be perfectly satisfied if I could have a peek on Helen naked. I really want to see just how big those two mountains really were.

Fiora? She might be a nice extra. Her breasts are already there after all. I confirmed them myself when I grabbed her from behind back at the swamp (completely in accident, mind you).

Nicole? ...Nah. I’m not that perverted to go after an innocent girl like her. And besides, Sherry would give me hell if I did anything perverted to her good friend…. Not that she would approve of me peeking at other girls’ bathing in the first place either.

There was already a bamboo curtain put to split the pool in half. And seeing how there were nobody else bathing, it seemed the high priestess already told her subordinates and disciples not to take their bath tonight. Or at least, the female ones.

Two knights stationed themselves on my side of the bath, while the other two stood on the other side across the bamboo curtain. They then turned their backs towards me, clearly intending to give me privacy. I wouldn’t mind at all if they look though~

I undressed myself, leaving nothing on in the slightest before entering the warm water. Aaah, how pleasant. After going through the swamp all those days, this is like heaven, pretty much. I then gave a glance towards the bamboo curtain.

Oh wow, I can make out their silhouettes from here!

Sure enough, thanks to the lighting, and the thinness of the curtain itself, I could make out the shadows of their bodies.


My eyes nearly popped out from their sockets. Even merely from the silhouette, I could see Helen's chest bouncing wildly as she took off her robe.

Damn it, I really want to poke a hole on this curtain. But I just know Fiora will notice.

In the end, I held myself back, only looking at the blurry silhouettes and using my imagination for the rest.

Afterwards, after we dried ourselves with the towels provided, we wore out robes again and we headed straight to the dining room, with the knights on tow of course. Oh, by the way, the knights were using their light spells to light up the dark surroundings. They conjured these tiny little light orbs that circled around them. Illuminate—I believe was the name of the spell. It’s a Beginner-level Holy spell. There were only candles on the walls, without any of those light gems that emitted a much stronger light, almost to the point of light bulbs back home. So the lighting without their spells was quite limited. To prevent any ambushes from the dark, it only made sense for them to constantly have that spell activated.

The dining hall was a large one, and it was just as dimly lit as the corridors we just went through. There were only candles placed on the series of long tables, as well as at the walls of the gargantuan room. There were a lot of people there, all wearing robes similar to the ones we were wearing. Even so, the atmosphere was somber, as they talked only in whispers.

Wow, this is kinda creepy actually. It’s like I’ve stumbled into a cult or something.

The knights delivered us to the table where the high priestess sat, which was located separate from the others at the top of the room. She wasn’t alone there, as there were also two other men, middle-aged and balding, and two other women, also middle-aged. Just like the high priestess we met, they didn’t wear the ordinary robes that the others wore. Each had their own styles and such.

Hmm, seems like these people also have the rank of high priests and priestesses, I thought to myself. So does that mean the young woman from before is their de facto leader or something?

“Please, take a seat.” She gestured to us once we arrived at her table. After we did, she continued by introducing her colleagues, which were also high priests and priestesses as I had guessed correctly.

“First of all, the assassins that attacked you… we still haven’t managed to locate them unfortunately.”

Just like I predicted. Being assassins, they should be skillful enough to avoid detection.

“But rest assured. You would be safe in our temple grounds. We have increased the patrol of our temple knights by two-fold. And if an attack were to happen, my colleagues and I would come to your aid as well.” She gave a little nod to the others. I dunno. They look pretty weak if you ask me. Can they really hold their own in combat?

"I would rather have our discussion in private, if you don't mind." Fiora suddenly spoke up. Wow, that's kinda rude, isn't it? You're basically telling the other guys to leave right on their faces.

"...Very well," the priestess replied, seemingly offended by Fiora’s lack of manners. "Then, if you would…" She looked at the others and they immediately left, leaving us on our own. The knights who were guarding us also put some distance away so they wouldn't overhear our conversation.

"So, if you wouldn't mind, Your Highness. Please, tell me why you have visited all the way out here to the south. Surely, you have some reason in mind,” the high priestess opened.

“It’s simple,” Fiora replied. “I wish to meet with your Grand Priestess, so that I might secure her support in me taking the throne once Father relinquishes his throne.”

And straight to the point, aren’t we? Guess she never is the kind of person that likes small talks.

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