Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Chapter 83: Vol 2 Chapter 29: The Princess Grows To Be Less Stubborn

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“The Greenwood Family… the people responsible for Vera’s death… I have heard all about it, you know,” the Grand Priestess smirked. “We of the Church kept quite the close eye on the Magocracy’s activities after all. One day, they appeared out of nowhere, climbing the icy mountain where Vera resided, and then killed her in cold blood. Two of them fell in her hands, but the remaining two still survived, and now had become fugitives. We didn’t know where they went though, but we knew that one of them was a young boy, just like you. And thanks to the report of one of the merchant ships being used by a stowaway, who brazenly tore open a hole on its side and close it back with magic, we knew that it could only be the work of a skilled mage.

I gulped. I instinctively started to reach out from my wand and sword.

“And now you’re here—another boy with an amazing talent in magic. Could it be just a coincidence, I wonder?” She smirked.

“Y-yeah, it totally is. I have no idea who this Hugo Greenwood is. I’m Charles Pendleton, son of a noble in Frastelleren. I am just this talented with magic, you see, which is why I got recruited by Your Imperial Highness.” I faked a sheepish grin.

“I’m sorry, but there are no noble houses named Pendleton in Frastelleren.” Her smirk grew wider. “Come on, just admit it. It’s not like I will eat you for it or anything. The Magocracy is the enemy of the Church after all.”

I sighed. There really is no wiggling my way out of this situation, I suppose.

“Fine. I admit it. I am Hugo Greenwood,” I replied.

“There we go! Now we can have a proper talk. That’s why I brought you all the way out here by the way. Just so no one could eavesdrop on our little conversation.”

“So, what do you want?” I put my hands inside my pocket, putting on a frown (I was just acting cool here). “If you think I’m going to work for you, then you’re mistaken. I have somewhere I need to go, and me being a bodyguard to the Imperial Princess like this is just a side gig I took in since we are heading in the same direction.”

“I see.” Her smirk didn’t disappear. “Well, certainly, you would be an asset to the Church if we could get you to join. But honestly, free spirits like you shouldn’t bother. Too many rules and all that.”

Huh, so she’s not going to threaten me to be the Church’s lackey or anything? Well, I guess it’s not so surprising, considering her easy going personality so far.

"So, where are you heading to?" She continued to smirk. "If you're getting as far away from the Magocracy as possible, then I guess you'd be heading north. Or perhaps you'd even decide to go to the Demon Continent. With how strong you are, you'd probably be alright there."

"Do I have to tell you that?" I replied defiantly, crossing my arms. "I would really rather not tell my business to anyone I just met."

I say that yet her guess is pretty much correct. Not going to tell her about Sherry though.

"Not really. Just curious, that's all," she replied nonchalantly. "Though I have to say, for a young boy, you're certainly more mature than you look." I couldn't help but puff my chest a little from this comment. "Are you sure you're not a dwarf or a hobbit or just a really youthful-looking and short adult?"

Now that, I took offense from.

"Feel free to think about me anyway you want," I huffed. "I'm not telling you anything else. I'm a fugitive, remember? I'd rather throw my old identity away if I could."

"Alright, alright." She chuckled. "But let me give you one advice." She raised one finger. "If in the future, you become even stronger, and I suspect that you would, seeing how diligently you train every day, then sooner or later, trouble would surely find you again. I wouldn't ask how or why your family decided to kill Vera, but if I had to guess, she probably bothered you first. And people like her are many in this world. They would want to use your strength for their own purposes, and if you don't comply, they would eliminate you as a threat."

"Then I would just have to get even stronger," I replied with a grim look.

"Hmm, you would have to be really, really strong for that to work though. Stronger than me for starters. So strong that you're like a force of nature, with no one being able to stop you, making you able to do anything you wish, even to impose your will on the world itself." She looked away from me, staring at the setting sun on the horizon. "I am nowhere near that level. That's why I am unable to change this world the way I want it to be. And if I am not strong enough, then that little girl isn't strong enough either. And I want her to recognize that fact."

"Another reason to put some humility into her, huh?" I commented with a smile, looking at the same scenery as her. It was surprisingly beautiful, with it's golden reddish tint as it dyed the clouds around in.

"That way of thinking is kinda for demons though. To rule over everything with strength. That's why their Demon Lords are so strong. They have to be, unlike human kings and queens who could afford to be weak."

I raised my eyebrows. I've read about them. They were the de facto rulers of the Demon Continent. They were quite different from human rulers though in how they ruled. They say demons barely had any government, even though they still had cities and towns and the like. I wouldn't know how that would work. Maybe like an anarchist society, where if you want to rule, you just beat up the current ruler? Might makes right and all that?

"And what do you think us humans should think?” I asked, out of curiosity.

She didn’t respond. Instead, she just smiled and patted my head.

“Well, now that's all cleared up, let's go back, shall we?"

And with that non-answer, she decided to end our conversation.


As promised, she took me to where Fiora was doing her training. It turned out to be the small shack located at the corner of the temple complex. It was so small and insignificant that I didn’t even notice it being there until she took me to it.

“She’s inside.” She told me when we stood in front of its door. “This was actually my private training chamber and I decided to lend it to her. Now, don’t get carried away, you hear me?” She grinned before pushing me forward. Hey, like I said, I have no plans to do that kind of stuff with her!

I opened the door and entered, realizing that it was pitch black inside. She’s seriously training in a place like this?

"Who is that?" A sharp voice spoke from the darkness. "Ah, it's you, Hugo."

"Wait, how could you tell?"

"Your presence."

My presence?! What is this, a shonen manga?

Oh, right, this is a fantasy world with superhuman abilities. It wouldn't be odd in the slightest.

"How did you know I'm here?" She spoke again.

"The Grand Priestess told me."

"Hmph, so she sent you to have a talk with me. Fine. Let's talk."

I then heard a light movement downwards. She must have sat down.

"Oh, don't light up the place. Let's talk in the dark like this."

I raised my eyebrows. But I decided to just let her have her way. I sat down as well, cross-legged.

"Why are you training in the dark like this?" I began the conversation.

"Sharpening my senses. I need to be able to see an attack coming without actually seeing it," was her answer. "How about your training? Cut that boulder yet?"

"Nope. I chipped my sword though," I chuckled.

"That's because you don't put enough aura into it. You have to strike without hesitation—full strength from the start. Slash like you're going to take your enemy's life."

"I know that," I pouted. "I'll try again tomorrow."

"Good. It's the first step for you to reach the next level of your training."


Sniff sniff

"Hey," I grinned. "It smells like sweat here. Your sweat, I presume?"

"If you don't sweat when you train, then you haven't been training at all," was her deadpan reply.

Heh, I wonder if she's embarrassed being all sweaty right now, which is why she wants to keep the room dark. She might be a full-blown tomboy, but she's still a girl and a princess at that.

Of course, using my magic, I had cleaned myself off my own sweat.

"So," I decided to stop beating around the bush and started right away. "I heard you challenged the Grand Priestess to a fight."

"She told you about it, huh? I won't deny it. I did indeed challenge her to a fight. Didn't win, as you should have known already. She's just too strong for me."

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"Ha, I guess even the invincible princess has her limits," I replied with a grin.

"Hmph, maybe you should challenge her to a fight next."

"I'll pass. I don't fight people for no reason."

Silence fell between us for a few moments before I continued.

"You know, you really should learn to rely on others more."

"Hmm? Explain," she replied.

"You challenged the Grand Priestess because you don't want Nicole to be involved with your problem, didn't you? And yet you kept it all from me and her and probably even Helen."

"It was something only I could do," she answered. "I have to make that woman give me the respect that I deserve."

"Then apologize to her. She'll respect you more if you start being more humble, you know."

"Ha! I won't! Not after she insulted my dream like that."

I sighed. Her immaturity really is showing right now.

"You know, I share your dream as well. I do prefer slavery to be forbidden and for the citizens to prosper and be more equal. I've seen them, you know. The poor. A little girl died in my embrace when Nicole and I tried to heal her. But there was nothing we could do. She was just too weak from her malnourishment. Her ribcage was showing. She must have starved for many days."

Fiora didn't reply immediately. Perhaps she was taken aback by my statement.

“How did Nicole react?” she finally spoke.

“She gave her prayers, hoping that the little girl would enter Andalucia once she departed for the next life.”

“Hmph, it’s just like her. She accepts the misfortune of this world so readily, that girl. I suppose that’s also why she doesn’t want to join me either. But how about you? Since you seem to think alike with me, why did you refuse to join me as well?”

“I already told you. All I want is a peaceful life. I've had enough being involved with big problems like yours. Do you know how hard it is to do your plan?" I sighed. "And besides, I can't repricrocate your feelings either. You like me, but I already have Sherry."

"Hoo? You think I'm fond of you in that way?"

"Oh stop denying it. You kissed me and you touched me down there as well. If you don't actually like me, then you must be merely seducing me for my strength. And I don't think your pride will allow you to stoop that low."

And then, she giggled.

"Fine. I admit it. I am fond of you, boy. I want someone like you by my side. I am fond of our interactions together. I don't know if I would call it love however. I don't know what love is like, other than madness that infects your brain and makes you lose all reason. My mother loved my father, and look where that got her. Straight to her death. No, I have no need for love."

Her tone was so full of bitterness that I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. I myself am a foolish romantic that still believes, or at least wants to believe, that true love exists. At the very least, I know it exists in this world. I have Sherry after all.

"And that's why I am completely 100% faithful to Sherry," I replied. "Because I know she loves me genuinely, and I want to love her back. I won't abandon her, no matter how much you might tempt me to do so. And that's what you want from a man, don't you? Loyalty?" I smiled.

"Hmph, don't flatter yourself," she retorted harshly. "You're the kind of guy that would attract many girls to him in the future. I doubt you'll be able to stay loyal to your first love. Especially since you're just a pair of brats when you declared your supposedly undying love with each other."

My smile turned into a grin. "Is that jealously I hear? Are you perhaps including yourself in the list of girls that would be attracted to me? Well, just so you know," I put on my teasing tone here. "I much prefer girls who are more graceful and less haughty. Sherry is somewhat of a tomboy, like you, but she's also sweet and caring. If you budge a little towards that direction, perhaps I would consider being your ally.”

“Then I suggest you become my older sister’s knight instead.”

Whoa, that’s even more bitter than before! 

“If you want a beautiful and graceful princess, then she fits the bill perfectly. They say she’s the most beautiful woman in the capital, or even in the entire Holy Empire. And since you’re also a pervert, you’ll get along perfectly with her.”

Yep, she’s jealous alright.

“No need to get mad. I'm just telling the truth," I continued my teasing voice. "And besides, I think it would be good for you to be less tough, you know, if you're going to be an empress some day. Charisma. Every leader needs that to be good at their role. I want you to be an empress that would be loved by your people, not feared by them," I spoke with a smile.

Silence. Was she out of words for a retort?

"Then, perhaps it would be better if my older siblings took the throne instead."

"That's it. I have enough of you being all mopey. You knocked me out of my stupidity and now I'm going to knock you out of yours too." I stood up with a frown on my face. "I'll tell it straight away. The way you are right now, you'll never be the empress that you want. Transform yourself. Be a better person. Like I'm doing right now. I want to stop being a crybaby and be a real man that can protect those I care about. That's my dream and I'm doing everything I can to achieve it. That's why I tolerate your attitude all this time, because I want to be stronger under your tutelage.” I took a deep breath before continuing.

“And yet, you can’t lower down your ego for a bit? I know you’re smart enough to realize that without any detailed plans for what to do after you take the throne, you would only end up destroying the Empire. And I know that it’s not what your mother would want. She wants you to be a good empress that would make your people happy and prosperous, just like you say you want to. So stop being so haughty and realize your own weakness. Start from that annoying grin of yours.”

I finished my rant, waiting for her response from the dark.

"...Hugo Greenwood. You are already this wise even though you're still so young. You really are a unique existence, suited to become the life partner of the future Holy Empress." Wait, did she just call me with my— "Oof!"

Suddenly, I felt two hands pushing me to the ground, before wrapping their arms all around my waist. 

Once again, Fiora was on top of me—her sweaty scent permeating my nostrils

“It’s truly a shame... for you to be taken already..” Oh God, she’s starting to rub me again down there! “But that is fine, for I shall prove to you that I am worthy of your aid once the time comes.” And her breath! She’s whispering so lewdly in my right ear! “I shall polish and transform myself to become a worthy empress, and a woman deserving of your affection. Tell that Sherry of yours to be careful, for if she doesn’t treat you right, she might just find her lover being stolen away from her.”

And then, she stood up. The last words I heard from her were “I shall apologize tomorrow to the Grand Priestess. But for tonight, let me be on my own here. Please return to our room, Hugo.”

T-this girl… she’s too good at her seduction moves for one supposedly so arrogant and prideful!

I did as she ordered, leaving with a fresh new tent on my robe, making me awkwardly walk back with two hands on the front.

We had our dinner without Fiora, with Helen saying that she would take her food to her, as usual. The two didn’t return until Nicole and I already fell asleep. They probably took a private bath together, knowing how sweaty Fiora was.


The next morning, the Grand Priestess summoned us to the meeting room once again.

And without hesitation, Fiora stepped forward, curtsied while bowing her head, and said, “Please forgive me, Lady Silvermoon. I had acted terribly the other day. Instead of heeding your wisdom, I instead threw a tantrum unbefitting of my position as the Second Imperial Princess.” She said it with such elegance that it didn’t make her look pathetic in the slightest. Instead, she only shone, as I saw a new side of her that I had never seen before—the elegant, truly princess-like side.

“Good,” the Grand Priestess smiled. “I see your retainers finally got through you. And to think they didn’t need a whole week to do it too. Impressive. Who managed to pierce your hard heart, if I might ask?”

She gave a glance towards me, but said, “It was Nicole Blanchimont, Your Holiness.”

“What? That’s not true, Your Holiness!” The cleric immediately protested. “Sure, I’ve tried myself to talk to her, but I wasn’t the one who turned her around. It was all—”

“Shh, that’s fine, Nicole. That’s fine,” the Grand Priestess interrupted her. “I am satisfied by your performance as well. And your honesty. Fiora already told me everything, about how you pleaded with her all teary-eyed to not be consumed by her desire for vengeance. It is all I ask from you. The words of the Saint couldn’t possibly reach everyone. What’s important is a pure and honest heart to transmit them to the people. And I believe you possess both.” She smiled, patting her on the shoulder. “So congratulations. You are one step closer in becoming a High Priestess.”

Nicole’s eyes opened and brightened, going as wide and sparkly as much as they possibly could. “Oh thank you so much, Your Holiness! I swear I will not disappoint your expectations!”

The Grand Priestess then turned back to Fiora and said, “As for you, Imperial Princess, I shall lend you my support as well. The way you are now, I trust you have the capability to grow to be a wise ruler, one that doesn’t just rule by the sword.”

“Thank you for your consideration, Your Holiness.” She bowed and curtsied again. Unlike Nicole, her expression remained completely neutral. But I know deep inside, she must be happy as well.

I smiled as well, seeing that everything was finally settled, and that we could resume our journey at last.

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