Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Chapter 91: Vol 2 Chapter 37: Fiora’s Goal

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“Mass Heal!”

A pleasant light enveloped the area, expanding in a circle with Lady Nicole as the center. The faces of the people surrounding her immediately brightened, as they no doubt felt the effect of her healing spell. Even my body felt a little lighter as well.

Mass Heal. It was a Master-level healing spell that Lady Nicole had just managed to cast recently, allowing a cleric to heal everyone present in a certain radius around the caster. She told me that it was all thanks to the pointers given by Lady Michaela that she was able to perform the spell. Perhaps all those hours with her were on how to learn this spell?

With this spell, her task of giving free healing to the poor could be done at a much faster rate.

After healing them, she would also give them some copper coins as well. They weren’t much, but it was part of her vow as a priestess not to live lavishly. She was given a generous sum of gold at the start of our journey by Lady Miriam, but instead of using it to buy fancy clothes or equipment, she instead rationed it to give to the poor. That’s why she always wore that black, plain dress of hers.

Of course, Her Highness offered to pay her money for her services towards her, but she refused, saying that she helped her as a friend, not as her servant.

Really, this child is too good for this world.

I just hope she wouldn’t lose that goodness once she climbed up in the ranks of priesthood.


I sighed, as my mind wandered towards Her Highness. Is she really safe on her own with that boy? And I’m not just talking about assassins going after her life. Really, for a 11-year old boy, he’s too lecherous. It reminds me of those brats that were already taught to treat their woman servants like they are slaves, so they would gleefully grab their butt or lift their skirts without a care in the world.

But I suppose he’s not like them. He never actually acts on his perversion. Even stripping Her Highness naked was just an accident occurring thanks to their training.

But still, to think that he likes to leer at my breasts as well…

I looked down to the two mounds attached to my chest. I never asked for them. In fact, they were a nuisance, hindering my mobility in combat.

I gave them a quick squeeze. Why do men love them so much, really? 


After Lady Nicole finished her healing duty, we decided to go look for Her Highness and Lord Hugo at once. I was starting to worry about them. And not just because of possible assassins.

"Lady Nicole." I spoke as we walked. "What do you think about Lord Hugo?"

"Hmm?" She raised her eyebrows. "What do you mean, Helen?"

"It's just that… I'm not sure what to make of him. On one hand, he's a well-mannered and intelligent boy, and a good influence for Her Highness. But on the other hand…"

"He's a pervert. That's what you want to say, isn't it, Helen?" Lady Nicole smiled as she said those words. As usual, she could read people very well.

"I fear he's only pretending to be a gentleman, while secretly hiding the fact that he's a monstrous lecher until the girl he targets falls for him."

"Do you truly believe that? Of Hugo?"

Her smile. She already knows my answer, doesn’t she?

“...No. I suppose I don’t. I know that he’s different from all those perverted nobles I had the misfortune of encountering over the years. And their perverted kids as well.”

“Then, you shouldn’t think like that, Helen,” Nicole continued. “I believe in him myself. I know he’s an earnest boy. His perversion is simply his vice, and we all have our own vices, don’t we? The important part is that despite said vice, he’s still able to be a good person. And I do believe he is indeed good, from the bottom of his heart.”

As I stole a glance towards her, I couldn’t help but smile. And just like that, she already made my useless worry disappear. Oh Lady Nicole. You truly are suited to become a high priestess with her own flock to guide. 

“You’re right. I was worrying about nothing. His perverted comment towards me last night was simply him making a joke, that’s all.”

“Hmm? Perverted comments?” Nicole tilted her head.

“He said to me that he had always been staring at my chest.”

“...Ah. Yes, certainly. I can imagine him doing that.” Lady Nicole’s smile became slightly more bitter. “He was truthful enough to admit his vice, even to the person herself. I have to commend him for that. Not for the staring, but for telling the truth.”

“...Is my chest really that attractive, Lady Nicole?”

“...Well, some men do indeed like them larger.” She sighed. “I do wish more men would be able to look more beyond a woman’s physical appearance. Even Hugo was charmed by Sherry’s cuteness.”

...Oh, right. Lady Nicole always believes herself to be a plain young woman. And knowing all the romantic tales and books she loves to read, she may be yearning for some romance of her own as well.

I suppose that is her vice. 

I myself have given up on romance completely. Men aren’t to be trusted. I shall devote my life only to Her Highness until the day I die.



Welp, I feel I've witnessed an entirely new side of the princess.

We left the cafe/patisserie quite some time after, once Fiora finished stuffing her stomach with her desserts. I never thought she would be able to eat that much, but I suppose I was wrong.

Well, she should be fine. She trains hard every day with the sword after all. She won’t get chubby anytime soon. Or ever, if she keeps up her training.

When we returned back to our meeting point, which was our inn, Nicole and Helen were already there, ready to continue our journey right away, as Helen had purchased all the necessary supplies we needed to continue onward. In the end, we didn’t need to stay in the border city for a full day after all. We departed on our carriage after lunch, near the afternoon.

“Our next destination would be the capital of Fenesia, Valmo,” Fiora explained once we were inside.

“Fenesia is one of the Empire’s vassal kingdoms, right?” I spoke up. “So would you be speaking with the Fenesian King there? You know, to persuade him to your cause?” I figured it would make sense for her to try gaining the support of the vassal kings as well, not just the Church.

“...No, not yet. I have nothing that I could use to convince him. If he wasn’t a fool, which he shouldn’t be, he wouldn’t want to ally with me, the most disadvantaged candidate to the throne.”

“So, how would you convince him then? And the other vassal kingdoms for that matter?”

Fiora paused, averting her gaze away from me, looking at the window to her right instead.

“...Hugo, do you know how Fenesia became a vassal kingdom of the Empire? And the other vassal kingdoms for that matter?”

This time, it was my turn to pause. I haven’t really read any history books regarding the Empire, but if I have to guess, judging by the Empire moniker itself…

“...Through conquest, isn’t it? The Empire made them become their vassals through their military might,” I answered.

“Correct,” Fiora smiled, turning back to face me. “It was a story from a long time ago, where this continent was less peaceful and more chaotic. Back then, our reigning monarch, the Hero-Emperor Galdin Matreya Pendagron, decided that it was his destiny, and the Empire’s destiny as well, to rule over the entire Holy Continent.”

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“Hero-Emperor?” I raised my eyebrow. “Where did he get the Hero part? I thought that’s only reserved for Arthur.”

“Because before he started conquering the continent, he already conquered a number of Demon Lords—the most infamous one being Tiamat, the Draconic Demon Lord. The nickname for her was the Black Wings of Death, as anyone who saw her spreading her wings would never live to tell the tale,” Fiora replied with an expression that could only be described as adoration. "Using that power, he nearly united the whole continent,” she continued. "One by one the kingdoms fell as no one was able to challenge his strength. Even the various beast races and the Westernese Barbarians all bent to his strength.”

To the northwest of the Holy Empire, as the name suggested, beyond the Kingdom of Sumia and Aubibaria, was a region they named the Great Plains. Miles and miles of endless plains, populated by nomadic warrior tribes dubbed the Westernese. There was a period in history where they would raid and pillage and even conquer their neighbors, but today, that golden age of their history had pretty much disappeared.

The beast races on the other hand were located to the immediate north of the Holy Empire. Each of the races had their own rulers, but after constant mingling between them, not to mention the necessity to protect themselves from their neighbours, they had formed the so-called Beast Confederacy. 

"However, that ambition ended in the far north, where he declared war against the High Elves." Nicole spoke again. "With their terrifying magic, they crushed his forces, and he had to run with his tail between his legs. He knew that even he was no match for their affinity for magic."

The High Elves on the other hand dwelled in the Forbidden Land, at the utmost north of the continent. It gained that name because simply, other races that weren’t high elves were forbidden by them to enter. It was an isolationist nation, without any trades or even contact with the outside world.

Oh, by the way, the term “high elf” itself didn’t imply a wholly separate race from ordinary elves. High elves are simply put—elves with untainted blood. If a non-elf marries an elf, and has a child with them, the child will be elves. However, their ears would shorten, as well as their lifespan. Thus, high elves are elves with the longest ears and the longest lifespan. They are even believed to be pretty much immortal, unable to die from old age.

So, the high elves of the Forbidden Land even forbid other, “impure” elves to enter.

Yep, sounds like the typical arrogant elves to me.

But learning this history though. That means they must possess really powerful mages with them. Well, when you get to live that long, you’ll accumulate so much skill and knowledge that it would be weird for you not to be that strong.

“Okay, let me process this information one by one, alright?” I finally decided to talk once again. “First of all, weren't all the Demon Lords slain by the Legendary Hero a millenia ago?" I still remember my books saying how he triumphed over every single Demon Lord before fighting against the Demon God.

"The majority of them were indeed slain by him and his companions," the cleric answered. "However, a millenia was enough time for new Demon Lords to appear. Thankfully, the Demon God is a unique existence. Another being such as he wouldn't just appear out of nowhere. Or at least, I hope so.”

Well, that ain’t too reassuring, isn’t it? Then again, if another Demon God appears, then another Hero should appear as well, knowing how the trope usually goes. So we’d be fine. Probably. If we can just run away from the demons, that is, until he took care of the problem.

“Oh yeah, Nicole.” I spoke again. “If you were to compare the current Demon Lords to the Council members of the Magocracy, who do you think is stronger?”

“The Demon Lords.” It was Fiora who answered. “There’s no doubt about it. If they were to band together in one single force, well, the entire human world would have to band together as well."

I gulped. So they really are strong.

"So, this Galdin guy must be really strong to be able to beat the strongest of them in combat." I replied.

"He was," Fiora answered. "And that's the level I have to reach, if I want to inherit the throne."

"Fiora! You're still thinking of defeating a Demon Lord?!"

Nicole suddenly spoke in a tone I never heard her speak in before. There was a combination of disbelief drawn on her face.

I was surprised as well. What is this about her defeating a Demon Lord?

“Heh, thanks to you, Hugo, I now realize just how important it is for a ruler to be adored by her subjects,” she replied, but towards me instead of Nicole. “And so, to gain the heart of the masses, I shall take down a Demon Lord or two.”

“That’s too reckless!” Nicole interrupted her, now half-yelling. “Do you know how powerful even the weakest of them are?! And if you do that, you’d also risk provoking them to attack the human world!”

“Ah, that’s right. You belong to the coexistence faction of the Church, don’t you, Nicole?” She was now full on smirking towards the priestess. “You and your Lady Miriam.”

“It’s not just about that!” Nicole fired back. “ I worry about you, Fiora!”

The coexistence faction? I guess it’s the faction that wants to get along with the demons? I suppose it makes sense that Nicole would belong to them, knowing how she reacted when she learned how Sherry was actually a demon.

So I guess the opposing faction would be the guys who just want to kill them.

"Then don't. You already know I don't intend to do my heroic quest right away. After fighting against that Grand Priestess, I very well know how weak I still am." Suddenly, she looked back at me. "And that's why I have decided. I would go all the way to the east, to where the Order of Galahad is. I will take refuge there and polish myself in the way of the sword. I will be untouchable by any assassin, as I would be surrounded by people far stronger than I am, and I will become much stronger than I currently am. Killing two birds with one stone, no?" She smiled.

"So you're suspending your visit to the other Grand Priests?” I asked.

“Yes. Speaking with that Grand Priestess also makes me realize I won’t be able to persuade them that easily. So there would be no point in me going straight to them right away either, just like with the kings of the vassal states.”

"But the Order… they're supposed to be neutral, no? Would they just take you in like that?”

“Of course they would.” Her smile became wider. “Because they only care about one’s sword prowess and nothing more. You can be a no-name commoner straight from the slums or an imperial princess. They would accept you if you show promise, talent, and dedication in the way of the sword.”

“But they would know you’re just using them to gain power for your selfish reasons,” I continued pointing out the flaws I see in her plan.

“That is fine with them. They know most of the trainees from abroad don’t really come for pure, unselfish reasons.”

I paused. I no longer could see any more flaws in her reasoning.

Well, other than the “killing the Demon Lord” part. I still believe it’s a risky, foolhardy plan. How strong do you have to be to take on one of them anyways?

“So, how long are you going to stay there?” I asked.

“Oh? What’s this? Are you saying you’re going to wait until I finished my training?” She smirked. “I thought you didn’t care, Hugo.”

“Heh, just making sure I won’t be caught off-guard if you suddenly appear in my footsteps years later,” I returned.

“...I don’t know. It all depends on how fast I could reach the rank I want. Yes, I believe my goal shall be Virtuoso-rank, just one step under the Meister herself.”

Virtuoso, huh? That’s certainly one lofty goal. So very few ever reached that rank, at least according to the book she gave me. She’s already strong enough as she is. How much stronger she will be if she reaches that rank? I can’t help but be excited to anticipate her growth.

Sherry is training in the sword as well, though she won’t have any ranks attached to her name, seeing how she would be only trained by her people. I wonder how strong she is compared to her as well. I have a feeling she might already be a sword monster by the now.

“So, once we reach Valmo, it would be goodbye, as you need to go to the north while I would go to the south. You have your darling Sherry to meet right? So you shouldn’t waste your time accompanying me.”

“Hmph, try not to miss me too much, alright?” I chuckled, teasing her a little. Inside however, I’m not sure whether I should really abandon her like that. What if the assassins came after her when I was already gone? Can she make it to the Order before they get to her?

“Hey, Fiora, how long does it take from Valmo to the Order anyways?” I decided to ask.

“What, you want to accompany me all the way there? Are you sure you’re not the one who’s going to miss me?” She sneered, as she held up her index and middle finger. “One month. So you would waste two months of not being with your dear Sherry. Oh, and Nicole is coming with me. There’s a Grand Priest in the region. So you don’t have to worry.”

I turned silent. I really don’t know what to say. Should I insist on accompanying them? Or should I just leave and be on my way?

Well, I still have some time before I have to decide. No need to rush thinking about it right now.


Lots of worldbuilding this chapter. Had to delete a good chunk of the chapter as well when I changed my mind on certain aspects of it. Urgh.

So many places that Hugo could visit. I don't even know if Hugo will visit them all if I were to be honest.

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