Reincarnation Of The Hero King

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Elements

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Matthew Haulrix

Age 6

Elemental Affinities

Fire, Tier 5

Wind, Tier 4

Dark, Tier 5

Space, Tier 6

Leonwell "Ah... My son has four elements... And their at average!"

Miami "Naturally! He is our son afterall"

Liscia "There's an chance he could strengthen them if he trains hard enough... He could maybe reach Tier 8"

In this world, there are magic, and in the magic in this world, there's a thing called Tier, Tier's determine your magical strength, if you train hard enough, you can advance it to the next level

There are around 10 Tiers, 10 is the highest while 1 is the lowest, 5 is the average, here, how many elements you possess doesn't matter when your Tier is below average... But if you were to get an Tier above average even if its just one, others will think of you as special, but what do you think would happen if someone who possess all elements yet its Tier is above average is born?

Matthew "Elder sister your exaggerating, i could never reach something like the 8th Tier, i mean... Even normal mages have a hard time reaching that level..."

Liscia "You are my brother, so im sure you can do it"

Matthew "What does that have to do with this..."

Leonwell "For kids who's only a digit old... You two possess quite some knowledge"

Miami "Naturally! I read them a lot of books!"

Uh... Its because of past experience... I mean, when i was Aubert.. i had all elements yet my Tier's are in the lowest... But it had advanced thru the highest during my adventure- now that i think about it... How did i manage to do that again?

Matthew "Enough! I wanna know what elements sister have!"

Leonwell "ah right... Liscia..."

Miami "did you just forget about our own daughter...?"

Leonwell "no no.. ofcourse not..!"

Liscia "Lets just get it started already"

Matthew "Yeah!"


Liscia Haulrix

Age 8

Elemental Affinities

Fire, Tier 10

Water, Tier 10

Wind, Tier 10

Earth, Tier 10

Light, Tier 10

Dark, Tier 10

Space, Tier 10

Special, Tier 10

Liscia "And that's what you'd call an miracle"

Leonwell "H-"

Miami "How is this possible?! I mean... Looking at the records... Only Aubert Haulrix Pyzeria, the 10th King of the Great Pyzerian Empire, was the only one who achieved this, despite being born with Tier's lower than average, yet even if one trains for a hundred years, they can't achieve it... It was also confirmed that people can only be born with Tier 6 and below... Its always been a myself as to why... So how? Did Liscia happen to inherit it from the 10th King? But its been generations..."

Leonwell "Say Miami... Do you know what these symbols above her name means?"

Miami "Symbols?"

Eh? Symbols... They look familiar... I remember now... Those guys appear every time i measure my magical power thru the church... But why are they here now? They've never appeared when im not in a church...

Miami "Those are.. ah! They're the same symbols the Great Hero King had!"

Don't tell me...they recorded that?!

Matthew "Awesome... Elder sister is incredible!"

Leonwell "Yeah... She is"

Miami "But, knowing that she was born with Tier 10... Liscia might get targeted by other's..."

Leonwell "Right... Luckily we didn't choose the church..."

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Hmm... So thus is gonna be a problem huh? I guess i could 'hide' the results then

I touched the magic crystal once more and-


Liscia Haulrix

Age 8

Elemental Affinities

Fire, Tier 6

Water, Tier 6

Wind, Tier 6

Earth, Tier 6

Light, Tier 6

Dark, Tier 6

Space, Tier 6

Special, Tier 6

It's an trick i learned in my previous lives

Leonwell "Wha-"

Miami "Just how... Is this possible..."

      [ Lol... The mother broke ]

Liscia "The trick i used us quite simple, Actually, to figure it out you must first find out how the magic crystals measure your strength... Basically they sap your magic power and measure it but if you try to controll the flow if magic within you, you can decrease the result, like Tier 5 to 1, Tier 10 to 6... But you can't increase it ofcourse"

Miami "How...?"

Liscia "I...uh... Made a theory about it... When i once'd read a book about magical theories..."

Leonwell "Hey now... Are you really 8 Years Old..? Wait... Actually... Are you even actually my daughter?"

Miami "Leonwell that's just mean... Ofcourse she is... But to think that she figured out something like this despite being locked in... She's a genius!"

I am not

Leonwell "Hah... Yeah she is.. maybe she could... Enter Aufio using that brain of hers-"

Miami "Are you serious?!"

Aufio... Thats an school i raised back then...

Miami "Sure it would be nice if they could but...!"

Leonwell "The top 5 are exempted from the fee... You know that"

Miami "That's only if they get in the Top 5, plus... There are some specials born in this generation..."

Matthew "But, isn't elder sister a genius?"

Miami "Urgh... Well.."

Leonwell "If they can't reach the Top 5, lets withdraw"

Miami "That would catch my family's attention"

Leonwell "Heh, so?"

Miami "Ah you little.. ohwell, i guess this is a good opportunity to raise the Haulrix Clan"

Notice! Liscia Haulrix, Age 15, 1st Place

My spots secured now

Azure "You little half-elf! Who do you think you are to steal my spot?! Hmpf!"

Notice! Azure Clorze, Age 14, 2nd Place

Izumi "Azure~ dont bully her~"

Notice! Princess Izumi Valemoria, Age 16, 4th Place

Alcor "Hey! Wait up!"

Notice! Alcor Clorze, Age 14, 10th Place

3 people came towards me, based on the notice sent by the academy, one of them is royalty and the other two, probably Axudus's descendants...

But that's not what caught my attention... Azure Clorze... She looks similar and reminds me of Yuanmare, but with Axudus's characteristics...

She's mad at me for taking 1st Place... But... Why can't i get her out of my head?

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