Reincarnation Of The Hero King

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Strength and Magic? Passed, but, Rivalry-?

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Physical Strength Examination... It's quite simple really, you will be placed on a 'ring' together with a doll controlled by some magician's, you will be graded based on what technique you use and how fast you defeat it, from the name itself, you can only use your physical strength, no magic allowed.

I... Was last in the line, why? I went to far with my adventure earlier!!! Thus, im last... But, it could be a advantage, I can see just how strong my soon-to-be schoolmates are...

Well, most of them get low scores... So far...


Ho-? It's the kid blessed by the Dragon God, well, Dragon's are quite strong, he'd probably finish with ease... And i was right-! He finished in around a minute.


Now It's the Vampire Twin's Turn, and as expected, The boy finished with ease while the girl was troubled a bit... I guess my hunch was right.

But, they aren't really who im waiting for, that little Duchess... I wanna see how well she can do... But, where is she-? Did she already finish? Well, knowing her background, that makes sense...


And finally! My turn at last... That took a while... Seriously... Ah well, I don't regret being late, atleast I saw some promising people who can lead the world when war against demons breaks out once more, well, hopefully it won't happen.

"Nex- ah, your the last one... Well, please enter one of the empty Rings" (???) "Understood, thank you" (Liscia)

"Name and Status?"

"Haulrix, Liscia, Commoner" (Liscia)

"Hm, alright, Start"

As soon as he said those words the doll started to move, and 10 seconds later, was smashed to pieces.

This is an exam, so I need to put in some effort atleast, even tho my Physical Power isn't as strong as it was in the past because this is a new body, I've already strengthened it to an extent that I can defeat a C-rank without any weapons or magic, even if I'm not as strong as I was in my past life yet, I'm already considered strong here.

" may proceed to the magic examination"


And just like in the Physical Strength exam, I am last, the only difference is that, there are barely any students left, they all already left-! The only thing I'm worried about is whether or not my brother and parents already left me... I doubt that, but still.

"Name and Status?"

"Haulrix, Liscia, Commoner" (Liscia)

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"Cast your strongest offensive spell into this rock, it will determine your score"

Well, you probably might be thinking... What if the strongest spell isn't an offensive spell-? Well, actually, the students are required to state what their specialty is, healing, offense, defense, etc, so their divided and ranked accordingly.

But, that's not the problem here, although my body is new, my physical strength are still quite weak, I'm strong to magic, it's based on knowledge after all, but my magic is still limited to how much pressure my mana veins can handle... This body is still weak, but even with my power limited, my strongest spell can destroy this area... So I must limit my power-!

But, I'm still gonna put in some effort to score a full mark~. Well, the spell I have in mind, I can cast it without speaking, but that would be... Suspicious.

"[Flame Arrow]" (Liscia)

An classic, if I use a non-classic, I might get marked as suspicious... Which I don't want to happen, in order to get high scores, I poured more mana than average thus making it 'stronger' and mixed wind magic with it.

"Impressive, you can go now"


Well, nothing much happened, the only weird event that happened involves that little Duchess, which I hope I don't run into...

But alas, fate had other plans it seems.

"We meet again, Haulrix" (Azure) she smiles at me... But that smile, makes me uncomfortable for some reason.

"Ah, Duchess, we meet again" (Liscia) I bowed a little, since she possess a high rank, It's best to treat her with respect.

"... I'd prefer it if you do not bow down to me" (Azure)

"Is that so?"(Liscia) I straightened my back, since it seems she doesn't care anyways. "Well then, what did you come here for Duchess" (Liscia)

"Actually, I've seen your results, and it was... Interesting..." (Azure)

"I see... Then I guess I can rest well..."(Liscia) I already know what my results would be...

"...and I'm quite jealous, and happy, this is the first time someone surpassed me, so I want to reclaim my spot" (Azure)

"Liscia Haulrix, won't you be my dear rival?" (Azure)

...huh-? Pardon me? What is this? This is a first time for me... My past rivals... Never made a statement that we are rivals, it was automatic, but she just--- Aghh!!! 

End Of Chapter

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