Rekindle Project (A LITRPG Series)

Chapter 26: Chapter 26 – The Manor (Krossa Mine X)

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With the Goblin Caster added into the mix, the situation just got more complicated by a metric shit ton. We moved a dozen meters back down the ridge from where we came and gathered in a small circle so we could stay hidden while we formulated a plan. The twins decided this was the perfect opportunity to start a heated argument as they seemed split on what to do next.

“I don’t think we’re equipped to take that thing on.” Artos blurted out. “We need to think this through.”

“We waited ten fucking years to get to this point, we can’t stop now. I say we give it all we’ve got. You can turn tail and run back if you want!” Atreyu gently shouted back. “I’m going in with… or without you all!”

“Keep it down.” Ronta grunted, “these pointy-eared bastards have good hearing.” Ronta butted in, causing the brothers to turn their gaze on him with a death stare. Lucky for us, Ronta didn’t have access to the system, so Feg and his minions just acted like his insult toward them didn’t even happen.

Wait a second… if they can’t understand each other, then why did Ronta get annoyed at his name being mispronounced? Or were names universal and could be understood by everyone? To be fair– Ronta seemed to look pissed off most of the time.

“I think you both need to calm down.” I added, “The caster’s magic did feel powerful… I reckon we could take it out if we work together as a team. The both of you arguing isn’t exactly good for team morale; look at them,” I waved my hand at the others, “they’re relying on the two of you to lead them into battle, not divide them in opinion when they need you the most. Get your shit together.” From the look of the others, I wasn’t the only one annoyed at their behaviour.

They both took a moment to think on what I said, then sighed and nodded in agreement.

Artos cleared his throat, then asked, “What do you suggest we do about this, then?”

“Sparky and I are the only ones here capable of magic-based attacks. I think the caster will no doubt have a good defence against it, so we need to attack with both physical and magical attacks to hurt it, when we know we can hurt it; bear in mind this is just a theory… we’ll find out soon enough when we engage it in battle. I say it’s better to try and fail than not engage it at all.” It would be such a let-down if we left now, and besides, I wondered if there was some awesome loot, along with any more information on magic. I sure could use another spell or two in my arsenal. I pondered on whether there was anything there that could help me craft some potions.

I took a deep breath before continuing, “from what I could tell, there were about fifty smaller goblins in the courtyard plus whatever number is nesting within the walls. We should use Feg and his minions to get the gates open and have them engage the two funny-looking ones guarding them.” From what I could tell, the two goblins were deformed and must have been given the easy job of guarding the gate to be somewhat useful to the others. “Once they’re in, we charge the fucking lot of them with a surprise attack and kill as many of them as we can. Then, once their numbers are low, we split into two groups. Me, Sparky, Atreyu, and Ronta, will get ourselves inside and engage the caster.” I finished, looking at the brothers for approval.

“It’s a bold plan if I might say so, that is, if Feg and his band have the intelligence to pull it off.” Artos shrugged, staring at the now friendly goblins.

He was right, they were dumb and would most likely fail in the endeavour, or they could turn on us and inform the others. But without giving them a chance to prove their loyalty, they would always be a thorn in our side. Sending them in first would prove to be a great test of their loyalty.

“Feg!” I called, “Do you understand what we say?”

“Feg Goblin… not understand what Ali Human friend talk.” He grunted, scratching his head.

“You go in big house goblin camp. Pretend be sent there by big goblin, then kill goblin there so Ali human and friend can attack.” I explained, hoping it would make sense.

After an awkward silence, he looked at Sparky, who still gave him that mean look, and replied, “Feg Goblin and friend… do this. Sparky doggie… Feg Goblin friend.”

I turned to the others, “There you have it. He’s willing to do it.” I really hoped he got the right meaning of what I said, “we will need to hit them hard in the initial attack, then barricade the gate. It’s the only way. We can’t risk going straight for the village and the mine if that thing can attack us when we least expect it with our backs turned. Do you all agree to this plan?” I was hoping the brothers would have come up with something better, but they’re earlier arguing just made me want to give them both a slap back to reality.

“I’m in, no matter what you say. I just want my home back.” Atreyu replied, removing his quiver, and counting his arrows. He seemed to have about half left, which would no doubt be enough. His accuracy proved to be scary good.

“Alright. I’ll send one of the others back to Vern to see if we can get some reinforcements. I’m certain once we’ve taken back the manor, the other goblins will be enraged.” Artos sighed before calling one of the other warriors and sending him on his way back. To be honest, they should have brought the reinforcements, to begin with, but it is what it is.

“Cadfael,” Atreyu called, “I don’t suppose you have any of the firebombs you’re always going on about?”

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Cadfael opened his satchel and took out three little balls. They had been crudely crafted with cloth and rope, with a little fuse that protruded out from the top. “Just be careful with ‘em. It’s a new formula, more explosive than the last batch you nearly blew your hand off with. I’ve yet to test ‘em out.”

“Just pass ‘em here, lad. I’ll test ‘em out for ya.” Atreyu swiftly snatched them out of the blacksmith's hand and stuffed them in his satchel with a sadistic smile. I really hoped he wouldn’t do anything stupid… especially around me.

With everyone itching for battle, we made our way to the top of the ridge and pushed Feg and his minions to make their move. Some looked annoyed that they would be killing their kin, but Sparky kept his mean gaze aimed their way, keeping them in line. Now all they had to do was create that small opening for us to mount this damn attack.

Atreyu and I poked our heads out from the ridge and observed while Feg arrived at the gate of the manor house. The house looked even larger than the duke’s palace back in Djarin Town but seemed run down and less fancy. It also looked like it had been built upon the outskirts of the village, which was great for us as it would take some time for the others infesting the village to get here. Hopefully, by then, we’ll have the manor back in human hands.

Feg argued for a moment with the goblins down below, and it looked for a moment like they were about to call for help, when suddenly, another goblin arrived at the gate and ordered the two disfigured ones to open the gate. This proved a mistake as the three of them were surrounded and bludgeoned to death before being left in a pool of their own blood. This alarmed some of the others in the courtyard and caused a fight to break out.

“You all know the plan. Now get a move on!” Atreyu shouted at the top of his lungs.

Everyone ran down the hill with their weapons drawn. I had managed to quickly equip my [Elven Shield] and followed suit. Naturally, Sparky and his pack were faster than the rest of us and got there twice as fast.

When we arrived at the gate, Feg and his minions were engaged in a massive brawl with the opposing side, which only got bigger as more goblins emerged from the small huts, they had built within the confines of the manor entrance.

Sparky wasted no time and began shooting bolts of lightning, doing a great amount of damage across a large area, followed by his wolves, who began biting into goblin flesh. The shocking power of the bolts even managed to reach some of the friendlies, but I assumed Sparky meant to do that as an intimidation tactic in case they got any funny ideas later down the line.

Atreyu had already climbed atop a high point on the wall, found a decent vantage point, and began taking some well-aimed shots. Ronta obviously did what he did best: swing his giant sword like a crazed lunatic. He managed to cut a few unsuspecting ones in half before getting swarmed.

The other warriors joined in and supported him with Artos, using a fighting stance I had never seen before. His movements were swift and accurate, hitting vital spots of their bodies where green blood geysered like a fountain.

Before me stood a small group of five goblins who seemed to charge me as soon as they set their sights on me. I used the shield to block their minor attacks and lunged my blade where their shoddy fur armour left their skin exposed. I didn’t even break a sweat as I cut through these low-level enemies before ensuring they were dead.

[You killed Goblin Grunt Level 2 (3): +15 XP]

[You killed Goblin Grunt Level 3 (2): +12 XP]

[Bonus XP for using One-Handed Weapon: + 10 XP]

Another couple of enemies confronted me, almost catching me off guard. That was when two well-aimed arrows flew through their heads, causing the ground to be covered in brain matter. “What the heck!” I shouted, “They were mine!”

Atreyu, the bastard, just seemed to laugh at me. Annoyed, I focused back on the battle where most of the courtyard had been swiftly cleared. Cadfael and some of the other warriors had left the fray to close the gate and barricaded it with whatever goblin junk they could find. Even using some of the dead bodies to add weight to the inside of the gate where it would normally open.

A few of our warriors had taken minor damage from unsuspecting blows and moved back to bandage themselves with pieces of cloth they had taken from Vern. I reckoned they could still fight if needed. Sparky ripped a goblin to shreds with his behemoth jaws, causing the last of the enemy goblins to get scared and run back inside within the safety of the manor. I motioned to Atreyu to get down and come with me as the second phase of the plan was about to unfold. That was when the doors of the manor slammed open, and the caster revealed himself. Without wasting any time, a giant fireball was launched toward us.

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