
Chapter 8: Chapter 8 – Brothers

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Not far from Blue city, a relatively skilled assassin had died unsuspectingly the same way he had executed his targets in the past. 

Silver jumped down from the tree and joined his friend. Zac could see that this was not the first time Silver had killed someone because of how natural the ordeal was to him. 

"Yet again, your plan seems to have worked," said Zac as he fished for his ring from the assassin's corpse 

"I've dealt with similar situations before," Silver replied 

"Why couldn't we keep him alive again." 

"Because he would rather die than answer any of your questions. We would be dragging things out and making it more difficult for ourselves for no reason. Check his pockets. I'm sure you'll find a poison pill of some sort." 

Silver was only telling part of the truth. In reality, he wasn't very confident in facing a magician head-on. A blade in the dark was always the scariest threat for a mage. 

"No need, I believe you" Zac cast a fire spell and burnt both the bodies. This was so that he could slightly vent his rage. The two had conspired against him and didn't deserve a decent burial. 

However, it was also for Silver's sake as he may need to answer for killing Peter if that was even his name. If Zac gave a statement, it would be an easy matter to deal with, but he would rather save them both time and headache. 

"So, you're a fire mage then?" asked Silver as they returned to Blue-city. 

"Yeah, I take after my father. What about you? ….. I mean, have you found out whether you have any aptitude for magic?" Zac realized his mistake and changed his question to divert the focus from Silver's parents. 

"I do. It seems that I will be an ice mage" Silver smiled as he noticed Zac's efforts. He wanted to tell him about his past, but he hesitated as he didn't wish to burden his new friend. 

"That's awesome. It's pretty rare" Zac was happy to know this fact as he finally had an idea of how he could repay Silver for saving his life and helping him get rid of the assassin. 

Had it been a stranger, Zac would've simply paid him a large sum of money and been done with the matter, but he already saw Silver as a brother he owed his life to. If before he was only interested in him as a potential rival, then now he was utterly in awe of him.

Zac spent the rest of the trip telling Silver how to meditate efficiently so that he could draw in more mana. He also informed him that he would speak with the guards regarding the innkeeper and make up a random tale they would have no choice but to believe. 

When Silver returned to the Bear and Geese, he was met with curious gazes, and some people even stayed away from him as though he were a dangerous criminal. He knew that explaining anything to anyone would make no difference and that only the living and breathing Zac could sort out everything. 

With that in mind, he ignored them and returned to his room. To his surprise, it had not been touched. 

The first thing Silver did as he entered was directly sit in the middle of the room. He was eager to start meditating according to the instructions written in the book. Even though his eyes were closed, it was as though specks of blue light were coming in from around the room, entering his body. 

At first, the light was in the shape of bubbles, which floated across ever so slowly. However, soon the bubbles started to join, making odd crystalline shapes. 

After a seemingly short amount of time, Silver's eyes opened, and he shot up from his seated position in excitement, not even noticing that the sun had set long ago. He now had this feeling that he could sense the mana inside of him, which was like a small, clear pool with an unknown depth. 

[ Is this what it means to have Magic Will? ] Silver couldn't wait to start learning his first magic spell.  

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However, a thought crossed his mind, and he slowly sat on his bed. When he first learned about magic items, he asked his master how they worked. The old master had told him that a magician only needed to impose his will to activate any magic item. 

Silver had begged his master to use his magic will on the sword-shaped necklace he had in the hope of gaining a clue to find his parents.

Although nothing had happened at the time, Silver was curious to see if anything different would occur if he tried. 

This was one of the main reasons he had always wanted to learn magic, so he lightly touched the necklace with trembling hands. To his surprise, the sword part of the necklace flew out in front of him and grew to a long sword about 5 feet long. 

As the sword embedded itself in the wooden floor, a small light came from the blade's hilt. Going closer, Silver noticed that the light was a projection of a beautiful woman with long scarlet hair. At first, he thought she was looking at him, but as he moved, he noticed that her eyes were focused on a fixed point. 

"My dear beloved son, I hope that you are well" as the projection began speaking, emotion started to well up inside him. 

"I hope that you have not forgotten me" she smiled, but, even through the projection, her sorrow was still evident. 

"You must forgive your father and me for our neglect. Believe me when I say we had no other choice. In this world we live in, only with true strength will you be able to make your own path and protect those you love. So, become strong, my son, so strong that no one will dare make a choice for you" The projection started to fade slightly, and Silver was becoming anxious. 

"No, no goddammit, don't end. Tell me how I'm supposed to find you" Silver begged the heavens for even the slightest clue. 

"I leave you my trusted sword, Snowfall. It will serve you well" the lady began speaking again. 

"And my most trusted spell, Ice Barrier. It will protect you well" the projection dimmed considerably as most of the light flew out and entered Silver's forehead. He felt slightly dizzy as high amounts of information about the Ice Barrier spell went through his mind, including how to cast it and what it did. 

"Remember, my beloved. Your father Is only a blink away" The voice trailed off as the last bit of remaining light dissipated. 

"NOOO! Don't leave me, please. At least tell me how I can find you" Silver fell to his knees as he realized the only hope of finding his parents had just faded away. Tears dropped from his eyes, and he sat there unmoving as time slowly passed.

It was only when the first light of dawn had entered his room that he picked himself off the ground and grabbed the hilt of the sword in front of him. With newfound determination, he set off for the commercial district. 
Zac had an awfully amusing welcome back to the Bear and Geese, many giving him looks as though they saw a ghost. He walked up to the bar counter and jumped on top of it so that he could address them all at once. 

"Listen here, you little shits, I'm alive and kicking, so stop looking at me as though I'm your dead grandma. Also, that commoner that you all decided to let hang is my life savior and sworn brother. 

Anyone who dares bring up any trouble with him will have to deal with me first" it was only when he finished his speech that Zac noticed Silver walking into the inn, smiling at him. He quickly jumped down and walked towards him, feeling slightly embarrassed. 

"Sworn brother ay? I don't remember agreeing to such a thing," Silver said with a raised brow as Zac approached him. 

"If I may be so selfish, it's the only way I can see myself repaying the debt of gratitude I owe. From now on, let us walk the same path so that I can help you with your burdens and share in your glory" Zac refused to give way as he made his declaration. 

"Well said! Then I guess we're brothers starting today" seeing the determination in his eyes, Silver gave Zac a warm smile and decided to go along with the whole thing. 

"Awesome, let's go. I have something I want to show you" Zac pulled Silver along outside of the inn and through the long streets until they reached a building that looked like a giant coliseum. However, from what he saw, Silver knew that It was a stable of some sort. 

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