
Chapter 118: Chapter 114: A Normal Day in Jered’s Life — Part I

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"How did it go?" Rainey asked off-handedly, swirling a glass of some sort of magical liquor, "Good, I hope."

"Good enough," Jered shrugged, eyeing the cup in front of him with curiosity, "I'm in."

Two words. Simple words. But they meant the world to Rainey. Literally. Because it was from there that everything would slowly fall into place. Klava's death was a detour, a beneficial one for the recovery of her powers, but overall not that important in the big scheme of things. 

"I see," she swirled the amber liquid some more, and then took a slow sip, closing her eyes when the warmth traveled down her throat and settled in her stomach, "I'm proud of you."

"You always say that. It doesn't make me feel tingly anymore."

A chuckle boomed out somewhere in an unassuming, shaded corner. Jerry. There was no one there but Jerry. As a matter of fact, there wasn't anyone in that tavern but them. Rainey fancied some liquor, except that she wanted it without the surrounding ruckus of drunken patrons. So she kicked them out. Jered was pretty sure some of them died due to their reckless and foolish defiance. Then again, alcohol could even make an ant bold enough to take on the entire world and believe it could win.

Rainey's lips puckered up into a pout, "Now, now, don't be like that. I'm serious. I always am."

Jered huffed. Jerry huffed too. Both of them knew bullshit when they saw one—or in this case, heard.

"So, which royal chick you gonna babysit?" Jerry downed the rest of his glass in one shot, and then levitated the bottle to refill it, "Hah, considering your history with women, she's either going to be crazy or helplessly gullible."

"It could be a 'he'. And I don't know yet," Jered replied, taking a tentative sip of the beverage. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. Still, he chugged the entire damn thing anyway. It was supposed to be a 'special' occasion, "I just hope it's not some spoiled little shit that thinks I have to clean their asses and spoonfeed them what comes out of it. It's royalty we're talking about here, but I have my fingers crossed."

After Jered was officially recognized as a Royal Guard, he left with the promise of coming back again in one week to get his new indument. Then he'd be assigned and introduced to the prince or princess he was supposed to protect. From who? Other princes and princesses, supposedly. He didn't know a whole lot about the war for the throne, but it seemed more likely that the 'attacks' would stem from the inside, not the outside. So, assassinations. Poisoned food and drinks. Betrayals. Framing. And who knows what else. 

It was already bad enough on Earth. Jered didn't dare to imagine what it'd be like in a world where magic was the norm, with ten million ways to mess with someone. 

Yep. It was going to be a huge pain in the ass, and not the kind auntie Lucy liked either.

He smiled at the thought, sort of missing her. 

"Any news about that effeminate friend of yours?" Rainey asked, and Jered was a bit stumped by the non-sequitur.

"No," he shrugged, gesturing for Jerry to refill his cup, "He disappeared. He and his parents moved away. My fault, I guess. Bad influence and all of that crap."

"You do have the kind of charm that makes people do stupid things," she said—so easily too, as if it was a good thing.

"Amen to that," Jerry tipped his glass.

Jered perched one elbow on the counter and rested his chin on his hand, "You haven't done anything stupid," he observed.

"Not yet," she corrected, smirking behind her cup. 

He huffed out a chuckle, "Am I supposed to be worried, Rainey?"

She placed the cup back down, exposing the smirk in all of its mischievousness, "Not yet."

"What's the worst you could do anyway?" Jered asked, an underlying challenge buried deep within his words, "Kenny self-mutilated in the name of some far-fetched love. And Jasmine? She masturbates on my bed, every day. I'm pretty sure she has also been secretly using my toothbrush... and not to brush her teeth, I'm afraid," he took a bigger swig of the alcohol, hoping to wash away that particular thought. 

"Well, well, well... ain't that interesting?" Jerry, the expert when it came to affairs of the incestuous kind, offered his opinion, "Have you given her the vitamin d yet?"

"The thought... has crossed my mind," Jered admitted, "But if we do that, there'll be no way back. She'd be asking for more and more and more... she'd become relentless, and more than willing to give away that fact to the entire world. My mother would have a heart attack, and at this point, I believe Jasmine doesn't care what happens. She's stubborn. And so am I. But whereas I favor logic, she lets her emotions dictate her actions. It's not a bad thing... but this whole shit is a pandora's box. It's fine to open the lid, just a bit, to peek and see what it's inside. Any more than that, and the world might really be heading for some dark times."

Not to mention, Evelyn wouldn't be too happy to know that her underage lover was having an affair with his sister. So, better avoid that scenario. 

"If you have power, you can do anything you want," Rainey murmured, "It won't matter who you fuck, date, or marry. Who would dare to say anything against it when you could snuff them out of existence? No one."

Jerry lapsed into a respectful silence, and so did Jered.

There was truth to her words.

"Let's drink to that."

The three of them clanked their glasses with a cheer.

"So, what are you going to do now?" 

Jered hummed, "I don't know. I'll spend the rest of my time on Earth, I think. Probably going to pop back home to say hi. I also have to check up on Del's progress."

Besides, Evelyn would surely love his impromptu visit. He was feeling kinda 'lonely', and a bit of physical warmth was the medicine he needed.

"Oh yes, you're planning on becoming a magical mafia boss," Jerry cackled, discarding his cup and drinking straight from the bottle, "Yeah, keep collecting cannon fodder. And if you find anyone worth a damn, bring them over to us. We'll put their talents to naughty use."

"Of course," Jered drawled, resisting the urge to roll his eyes.

Rainey waved her hand, "Hurry away, your lovely family is waiting for you. Just don't forget that you have another one here."

He smiled, relinquishing his hold on the now empty glass and standing up, "I guess I'll be seeing you around?"

"You'll be seeing me everywhere, soon. Very soon," Rainey's back was turned to him, but he could hear the smile in her voice.

Jerry was oddly silent at what was a perfect opportunity to make allusions to who knows what obscenities ran through his head.

"Alright then, catch you later," with a wave of his hand, Jered sliced a portal through space. 

The pulsing, inky black hole sucked him in and spat him out in the familiar front yard of his house. It hadn't been long since he left. Probably a week or two. And naturally, because he couldn't contact his family in the eventuality they texted or called him, he had Jasmine cook up an excuse to stave off their mother's freak-out. Which was not a smart idea, in hindsight. Jasmine was anything but convincing with her excuses. 

He unpocketed his own set of keys and opened the front door.

"Mooooom, you're back already?"

Jered smiled, the distant pitter-patter of footsteps growing closer and closer. And then a slender figure leaped halfway through the stairs and onto the floor. Her blonde tresses bobbed around as she did so. 

She looked up at him. 

"You're not mom."

"Indeed I'm not," he chuckled, wondering if he should secretly cast 'Physical Enhancement' for the inevitable.

Recognition flashed across those green eyes.


One moment she was there, half a room away from him, and the next she was slamming into him, arms looping around his neck. There was desperation and need in those delicate hands of hers as they latched onto him. A faint tang of shampoo wafted into his nose. She craned her head back and looked up at him, feet arching so she could stand on the tip of her toes. Her lips inched closer, no hesitation. A hand covered her mouth right before she could bite into the forbidden fruit.

"I smell something 'familiar' on you. What have you been up to?"

Feeling a bit abashed, she lowered her heels down and bit her bottom lip, "Nothing?"

"Why is that a question?"

"Don't you know already? Do you really want me to say it?"

Her smile widened just a fraction, flashing him a brief view of her pearly white teeth. He didn't know why he was expecting to see some blood there. 

Jered shrugged, "Perhaps I'm just bored and would like to know?"

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"I've been practicing," Jasmine sang, eyes blinking innocently.

Oh, she was being evasive. 

"Hmhm... am I correct to assume you've 'practiced' in my room?"

"Your assumption would be most correct, my good sir."

Jered tutted, "I hope you cleaned up the mess you made."

"Here's the thing," her eyelids drooped down, just a bit, her green orbs peering at him through narrow slits, "I wasn't done yet."

"Ohhhh..." realization dawned upon him, "... did I interrupt you?"

"Yes, you did," Jasmine nodded, hands forking the sides of her hips, one eyebrow tilted up, "And since you did, I hereby demand you to princess-carry this unsullied maiden back to her brother's secret chamber and lend her a couple of fingers."

Her lips came dangerously close to his again, her eyes never leaving his. He could spot a bit of crimson in the green. It was mesmerizing, honestly. 

"Did you miss me that much?"

He looked down at her lips, an inch or two away from his and closing in with each breath. 

She grunted a sound that could have been interpreted as agreement, though everything that might have been said was lost in the searing touch of their lips.

It was only for a second, two maybe. Time didn't mean much when the mind stopped thinking. Something coiled in his stomach. Jasmine purred, wanting to lean in but finding the space between them lengthening, not shortening. 

His lips dislodged from hers, and Jasmine nearly stomped her foot in frustration, "Why?"

"I'm supposed to be taken..."

'Supposed', hah. The word left a bitter trail as it rolled off his tongue.

He didn't think there was love between them, not in the 'truest' sense anyway, but he liked her. Evelyn was attractive, genuinely sweet, and understanding. Most importantly, she was pregnant. He had a job in Archiland to do, and he didn't want to leave behind a mess he didn't have time to sort out. It was better not to start anything that would only give Jasmine false hope. Except that her lips felt better on him than Evelyn's ever did.

He looked to his right, seeking counsel from his father, but he wasn't there. No, he was, he had always been. He just couldn't be seen, or heard.

"Evelyn," Jasmine murmured, searching for some kind of truth in his eyes, "You don't really love her."

"I do."

"No, you don't."

There was no anger in her voice, only plain conviction that there was no woman other than herself better to fill the role of his lover. 


"Break up with her," Jasmine crossed her arms. 

"I can't do that," he sighed, taking a step back when she took one forward, "Don't push it, sis."

"Oh, I am going to push it, bro," she rested one hand on his chest, fingers trailing the curve of his muscles, "It was only a kiss, a peck really, yet I'm already soooo wet."

Jered's eyes fell on her lips again, so luscious, crimson, like a ripe fruit that only waited for him to bite into it, and taste the forbidden juice within, "You don't understand. I just can't..."

"And why not?" her hand trailed down, venturing into dangerous places, "Don't you feel it too, Jered? This connection between us, so strong and addicting. I've never felt this way before... I used to hate it, but now I like it. This love, it's the most precious thing I have. Don't turn it down, Jered. Please."

He grabbed her hand, gently, and pulled it away, "Evelyn... she..." he heaved a deep, preparatory breath for the truth that would no doubt hurt his sister, "... she's pregnant. I'm going to become a dad."

"That's a lie. Don't lie to me, Jered. You can't be a dad, you're too young," her hand reclaimed its spot on his chest, fingers clawing at his shirt like a frightened animal, "Don't say things like that... it would hurt me..."

"I had no intention of telling you. No one was supposed to know... but you, of all people, deserve to know," Jered folded his hand around hers, keeping it there, against his beating heart, "I'm sorry, for I can't give you what you want."

She withdrew her hand, lightning fast, as if she was burned. Her face went through a range of emotions. Disbelief was marked by the wide-eyed expression she wore. Anger by the snarl that followed. Sadness by the tears that pooled up in her eyes. Hatred by her clenched fists. Desperation by the broken-hearted sob that tore through her throat. 

And then, slowly, it all faded into nothing.

Jasmine's face cooled down into this impassive, icy mask that allowed no emotion to filter through.

She took one step back, eyes boring into his, and then her other foot followed the other. One step at a time, she retreated, trying to outrun the pain that was about to burst at the seams.

Jered raised a hand to stop her, but she was already against the wall, cracks all over her emotionless facade. She couldn't hold the pain back any longer. It stung her eyes with a fresh wave of bitter pearls, and a scream hung there, in the back of her throat.

And then she let it all out.

"NO! NO! You can't do this to me, Jered! YOU CAN'T!" Jasmine clutched her head, eyes screwed shut, "That's not fair! SHE TOLD ME I COULD HAVE YOU! WHY, JERED? WHY?"

She turned around and slammed her head into the wall. One time was not enough. Two times was more than enough for Jered to snap out of his daze and stop her before she could hurt herself. Except that she was already hurt. The thin line of blood on her forehead slid down her cheeks, mixing in with the tears. The throbbing burn couldn't compare to the crippling ache in her chest. Jered clamped her hands in his and pinned them against the wall.

"Jasmine, stop," it was probably a foolish idea to reason with her when she was in that state, but if he let her be, she'd do something extremely stupid, "You're not making this any better. Calm down first, and then we can—"

"Calm down?!" Jasmine stared at him, eyes ablaze with anguish. She struggled in his grasp, but didn't break free, "I can't calm down! You can't tell me to fucking calm down! I'm in pieces! Do you know how much it hurts? No, you fucking don't. Because while I was here, thinking about you, patiently waiting for the day you'd accept my love, you were out there, fucking some woman you don't even love and... and impregnating them! WHAT THE FUCK?! Jered, why? Am I not good enough?"

"It wasn't intentional," he said, in a low voice, his forehead leaning into hers, "None of that was supposed to happen, but it did. And I'm fine with that. I can't leave Evelyn. It wouldn't be fair to her, or the child. Father always took care of his family. I can't not to do the same."

"I'm family too..." 

"That you are, but so is Evelyn."

"Then, can you have a child with me?" Jasmine asked with a sniff, eyes big and unblinking, still a bit wet from the deluge of tears. Now, that was a question Jered wasn't quite expecting.

A child. It was a big responsibility. One he didn't know if he was prepared for. He already had one coming, and honestly, it was already more than enough. 

"I don't think it's a good idea, Jaz," Jered sighed, "Look. I just came back, but it's just for one week. Wouldn't you rather spend that time with me instead of sulking and crying? I'll even you give you my blood, straight from the source. No more plastic bags to drink from. It'll be good and fresh and nutritious."

Jasmine didn't deign that with an answer. Which was concerning. She had always been giddy at the idea of sinking her fangs into him, but now there was that hard-to-decypher look in her eyes again. Cold. Calculative. And a bit too dark for the bubbly Jasmine. 

"I'm fine," she said dismissively, thumbing the line of blood on her forehead and licking it clean, "I'm going back to my room. See you later."

And just like that, she was gone. She didn't look back at him once. 

The sound of a door closing and locking shut sounded out.

Jered leaned against the wall, hand stroking his mouth. Jasmine was changing. It was not a slow and predictable change. It was fast, erratic, and violent. How little of the old Jasmine was left in there? And what did that mean for the future of their relationship?

It didn't seem like she would give up just because he was already entangled with someone else. 

He shook his head, drew his phone out, and typed a quick message to Del.

—"I'll be there soon, prepare a bottle of something heavy, it's been a rough day..."

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