
Chapter 33: Hints of Deception: Chapter 11: Long Overdue

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Ibiki watched as his subject shifted uncomfortably in the chair. It was low to use such an obvious tactic, but it couldn’t be denied that anyone who learned of the teacher’s past would try to exploit it. It had been hours now, but he’d still not gotten any new information. He really hadn’t expected the teacher to last so long. They were a long way from done, though. With a sigh, Ibiki turned away from his subject, opening the door and moving to block the view of the room. “What are you doing here?”

In the hall was one very pale, very tired looking Kakashi, leaning heavily against the opposite wall. “Imagine my surprise when I get to the academy and am told Iruka went away for class with the big scary man in a trench coat. Since Tsunade hasn’t left her office all day, I can only assume they meant you.”

“Don’t let the Hokage hear you talk about her that way. Were you released?”

Kakashi shrugged. “Really, if I stayed locked in that sterile little room, who would hold up these poor dilapidated walls?” Ibiki frowned at him, but Kakashi ignored him, shifting slightly to the side. “What is he seeing?” he asked, nodding to the teacher, just visible beyond the other.

Ibiki shifted a little, letting the other man see more of the room. “I’m training him. Endurance and ability to withstand. You went through it, you should remember. Tell me, is he always this detached when he’s confronted?”

Kakashi frowned deeply watching his boyfriend. Iruka would shift every few moments, but he wasn’t making any real struggle, his eyes were open but blank. Kakashi glared harder at Ibiki. “He stopped fighting Mizuki a long time ago, you won’t get any information that way.”

“It isn’t exactly a bad response to situations like this, assuming we can transfer that reaction to other antagonists.”

Slowly, Kakashi pushed away from the wall and drew himself up to his full height. “I do remember, and you have to be more insane than I thought if you think I’ll let you put him through that without a fight.”

Ibiki reached out, catching Kakashi’s elbow as the man swayed. “He needs to learn this, and you’re in no condition to make threats. You know I won’t hurt him, and you know this lesson is one of the worst, better to get it done with. You need to go back to the hospital, or hell, home. As long as you rest, Kakashi, he’s going to need you when this is over.”

Kakashi glared, but he couldn’t hide the fact that the other man was holding him up. “He still has class on Saturday. He’ll need a day to recover, too, if I remember correctly.”

“Then you can come get him Friday morning. If you don’t spend the time until then in a bed somewhere, I’ll cancel the advanced class myself.”

With another glare, Kakashi pulled away. “I don’t answer to you anymore, Ibiki. If you screw him up, I won’t hold back.”

“Kakashi, you know if you move against me, your friends will stop you. If you manage to do damage, they’ll have to kill you. We both know you won’t abandon him like that.”

Kakashi looked at his lover once before turning his back and walking slowly down the hall. “And we both know that of my friends, I’m the best. And I don’t care what they would have to do, you’d better pray you don’t do permanent damage.”


As far as Kakashi was concerned, the rest of Wednesday was worse than his entire last week. Twice he got up from bed and paced to the window, intent on going to Ibiki and, if not stopping the man, at least making sure he wasn’t being completely ruthless. He remembered the interrogation training. He didn’t want Iruka to go through it, but it was the skills he’d learned that had saved him from those bastards from White and helped him escape. No matter what Ibiki did, so long as Iruka could withstand, he would recover.

He was at the window again, staring in the general direction of the central building. He couldn’t go there. If Ibiki even found out he wasn’t lying down, the man would live up to his word and extend the so-called lesson. As it was, Kakashi counted himself lucky that Ibiki had agreed to shorten it to only two days. With a sigh, the pale man went to the door, stumbling down the street to the hospital. He was about as unhappy about it as he could be, but if he didn’t, he’d get no rest at all. He’d get them to knock him out again and just sleep until he could get Iruka and forget this whole stupid thing.


Ibiki sighed, watching Iruka from across the room. It was really fascinating, the teacher had done so much better than Ibiki had expected, and they were nearing the end of his time. He’d even managed to throw off the Genjutsu once, something few of his students managed regardless of rank or experience. Ibiki wondered when the man would act on the fact that he’d managed to slip his ropes. He was waiting, hiding the fact that he was free, which was easily one of the smartest things he could do. Ibiki had to admit he was impressed.

He was still controlling his information. If Ibiki hadn’t actually wanted it, he would have given the man more leeway by now. He learned quickly and was now a match for jounin, the interrogator would admit. Iruka had let slip several names, yet they were all of ninja that had lost their lives, with only a couple of exceptions. He had, however, confirmed all the rumors he was unsure about.

Slowly he stalked forward again, letting his footsteps echo in the small room. It was a fairly standard tactic to increase anxiety, but it also gave Iruka a chance to show if he really was learning. After a moment he paused, just out of striking range. Iruka didn’t move and Ibiki let a smile cross his lips. That was good. He took another two steps and leaned close. Suddenly the teacher was moving, using the rope as a weapon and wrapping him up. Ibiki twisted to throw him, but the teacher sidestepped the move. That was a good reflex. Ibiki shifted as well, pinning Iruka quickly to the floor and binding his hands again. The teacher settled quickly to avoid further injury and Ibiki smiled again. He really was learning, an attempt like that may have gotten him away from someone else.



The teacher took a deep breath and blinked slowly to try and clear his vision. He looked up slowly until his eyes fell on Kakashi’s masked face. Almost at once, the teacher looked away again, gazing over the other man’s shoulder.

The silver-haired man reached for the other’s wrists, tied to the arms of the chair. “Are you all right? Iru-chan?”

The ropes slipped free, but Iruka still didn’t move. He looked at the thin man again, eyes tracing up and down his body.

Kakashi sighed, reaching for the teacher’s shoulder. “It’s okay now, it’s over. You did really good.” A pause and he pulled the teacher into a hug. “How much did he get, what did you tell him?”

Iruka’s arms came around him slowly, pausing at the waist. “Two weeks gone on a mission. Days without knowing what was going on. And now I’m going through this miniature hell.” Without warning, the other man jerked back, just avoiding the kunai aimed for his throat. Iruka had pulled the weapon from his own pouch and glared the man down. “After everything I’ve been through recently, you have no right to use his face against me!”

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Ibiki held his hands up placatingly, quickly dropping the jutsu that disguised him. “You impress me, Sensei.” The disdain had left his voice, the title carrying the respect it usually did. “I wasn’t lying, you have done very well, and it is over.” Carefully he backed to the door. “Your boyfriend’s probably waiting to come get you. I hope you do this well in our other lessons, Iruka.”

Ibiki slipped out of the room and down the hall, reaching the entrance in moments. He slipped effortlessly behind the man waiting there, a testament to how weak he still was, but Kakashi spun on him well before he stepped from the shadows. The masked man looked a bit startled and looked around quickly. “I was just . . . It’s Friday, you said I could get him,” he bit out, quickly burying his uncertainty.

Ibiki quirked an eyebrow and crossed his arms. “It’s three in the morning.”

“I spent yesterday at the hospital, you can check their records. It’s Friday morning, I did what you-“

Ibiki held up a hand, silencing the man. “Yes, yes. If I had wanted you to wait until breakfast, I should have said so explicitly. You can take him home.”

Kakashi stalked to the door quickly, ignoring anything else the taller man might have said. He was at the room in moments, pushing the door gently open and slinking inside. Iruka had his back to the door, still sitting in the chair quietly. Kakashi waited for the teacher to notice him and when he did he let Iruka be the one to move to his side. He was moving slowly, but didn’t seem to be physically hurt. “Yo,” Kakashi whispered as the other man drew within an arm’s length of him.

For another moment, Iruka was hesitant. Kakashi could imagine what he was thinking, what he was checking; when he’d gone through this, it had been Obito’s face that was used in the end. He hadn’t liked it and since Iruka had just lived through that for real . . . Almost without warning, Kakashi found his mask pulled down, Iruka fused to his lips, hands resting heavily on his shoulders. The copy nin raised his arms slowly, wrapping them around the other possessively and running fingers through his hair. He groaned just at that, such a simple touch and it helped clear so much of his lingering stress.

One of Iruka’s hands slipped up, running through silver locks in return while the other flattened against Kakashi’s chest. He gave a little moan of his own, pressing his whole body into the taller man. The move made Kakashi gasp slightly; my but that did feel good. Gods, how long had it been? Iruka deepened the kiss eagerly as the other melted slightly, bringing another gasp from the man. But Kakashi pulled his head away, bracing Iruka’s shoulders and turning to the side when the teacher didn’t stop right away. “Let’s go home.” As quickly as possible he added silently.

Iruka just pressed into him more firmly. “No,” he muttered, pushing Kakashi back against the wall more firmly and nibbling at what skin was exposed on his throat.

The silver haired man blinked. “Iruka?” he asked, trying to push him back again.

The teacher shifted, pushing Kakashi back almost painfully. “I said no.”

Panic flashed through Kakashi’s mind. Shit! “Iruka, not here.” No reply; shit this was bad. Iruka needed to rebalance, needed to get his own mind back in order, but this was not a healthy way to do it. Kakashi didn’t want Iruka to start associating sex with everything horrible that had happened to him recently, his feelings about the act were skewed enough as it was. “Iruka, stop this,” he said firmly.

The teacher ignored him, moving his hands down to Kakashi’s pants and working them open. No, no Kakashi couldn’t let this happen. Damnit he was going to kill Ibiki. People who were beaten in their youth had to actively train themselves not to become beaters themselves. Those that were sexually abused were in the exact same situation. Whether he was past it or not, to Iruka sex was a thing of power and power was something he’d had ripped away repeatedly in the last week. Death was too good for Ibiki, he was going to suffer for this.

Kakashi’s hands were locked on the other’s shoulders, but Iruka dropped to his knees as if the grip meant nothing. Kakashi was still too weak to effectively fight him off without using some move that would do actual damage. But he had to get through somehow. “Rose, damnit,” he snapped; the safeword they’d had last time they’d decided to play a bit rough. It still got no reaction and Iruka licked at Kakashi’s hot member. His body was certainly happy about this situation, but he couldn’t let Iruka do this.

Carefully, fighting shaking muscles and instinct the whole way, Kakashi released his hold, moving his hands back and pressing his palms into the wall behind him. He clenched his jaw shut, struggling not to react to what his lover was doing. For a long minute nothing changed, but then Iruka growled a little in his throat. It sent vibrations through Kakashi’s whole body and he groaned loudly. One of the teacher’s hands drifted between the other’s thighs, stroking the sensitive skin behind his sac. Kakashi’s head slipped back, a little cry slipping out of his throat, but his hands stayed at the wall as if glued there.

Slowly Iruka pulled back, though he didn’t release Kakashi’s hip and his other hand didn’t stop its stimulation. “You don’t want this?” he asked in a husky voice. His breath washed over Kakashi’s erection, which was throbbing in the sudden cold. The silver haired man thought he heard a whimper and realized it had come from him, but he still didn’t move. He couldn’t fathom how Iruka had done this for so long; every second was pure torture. It seemed like an eternity before Iruka moved again, slowly pulling completely away from the other. “You want me to stop,” he whispered, his voice suddenly sullen.

Kakashi broke, kneeling quickly and tilting Iruka’s face up in a deep kiss. “I need to know you can,” he said quickly as he pulled back and his need was obvious in his voice. “And you did. If this is what you need now, it’s all right.”

Iruka leaned forward, again kissing the other and guiding him back to the wall, gentler this time. Then he dropped his head, lips encircling Kakashi’s manhood again. Kakashi was glad not to be fighting anymore, and equally glad to be sitting. His muscles were already shaking, close to the edge. He let his hands tangle in Iruka’s hair and threw his head back at the sensations and the wicked things the teacher was doing with his tongue.

He lasted only a few minutes before he came hard, Iruka refusing to move and drawing out every last drop. Kakashi shuddered a little as he came down, almost wanting it more now than he had before. The climax had been explosive, but not satisfying, not entirely. He blinked slowly and focused on his boyfriend, realizing for the first time that Iruka was tending to his own need with one hand.

The teacher’s face was gorgeous, eyes shut tightly and mouth open in gasps and pants. He was close, too. Kakashi leaned forward again, capturing that mouth and shifting Iruka onto his back. One hand closed around the teacher’s, preventing him from continuing, and Iruka whimpered in a plainly begging way. Kakashi pulled away long enough to catch a look at that face and the need in his eyes before kissing him again, tongue gently exploring all of the other’s mouth. He pulled Iruka’s hand away, replacing it with his own and began pumping.

Iruka’s breath hitched, the sensation of someone else doing it almost enough to bring him off. As it was, the knowledge that it was Kakashi – his Kakashi – had him shuddering within a minute. The thin man stayed where he was, sprawled over the teacher and after a few moments to let him recover, one hand prodded at his entrance, wet with the man’s seed. Iruka looked up, a little startled. He was exhausted and had assumed Kakashi would be, too. He was a little surprised to see the man was already hard again and when one finger brushed his prostate, Iruka admitted that, no, he wasn’t done either. He laid back, arching his back almost wantonly as Kakashi took the time to massage the sensitive spot.

Kakashi worked to make sure Iruka was ready before he pulled his hand away. The teacher moaned a little at the loss and Kakashi smiled, shifting his hips to push into the man slowly. He wished they’d taken the time to properly undress, but consoled himself by nibbling at the teacher’s neck as his fingers ghosted over his tip. Iruka was taking longer to recover, but by the time Kakashi was fully seated, the brunette was hard again, too.

He took his time, moving slowly and drawing out the feel of this. They were both moaning before long, Kakashi still paying liberal attention to Iruka’s neck while the teacher’s hands were playing across whatever skin he could reach under Kakashi’s shirt, tweaking nipples and toying with sensitive patches of skin. Kakashi wanted this to last longer, but all too soon he felt his body tensing. He shifted his grip again; there was this one spot on Iruka’s back that made him moan even when he wasn’t even hard. Kakashi’s other hand slipped over the teacher’s member and the two sensations combined to send Iruka soaring over the edge again with a scream, Kakashi not far behind.

Neither moved for several minutes. Finally it was Kakashi to shift. He moved to the side and back, enough to see Iruka’s face clearly without slipping away from him. The thin man smiled, his entire body warming at what he saw. Carefully he leaned in, kissing Iruka’s cheek reverently; the teacher was completely asleep, his hands still tangled in Kakashi’s shirt. He really was exhausted, Kakashi remembered sleeping for a full day after each of his ANBU lessons, though after being forced to sleep for several days recently, Kakashi couldn’t actually imagine doing so now.

Carefully, actually taking care not to wake him, Kakashi pulled away. He gently tucked the teacher away and straightened both of their pants. Iruka stirred slightly as Kakashi gathered him into his arms, but he just shushed him. “Go back to sleep, love, you need your rest.” Iruka made a noise that might have been a protest, but he was out again without any real argument. Kakashi repressed a chuckle and snuggled into the man as he made his way to the door.

It was a bit of a struggle to work the knob with his arms full, but Kakashi made it out with only minor effort. He rolled his eyes, catching sight of a scrawled ‘do not disturb’ sign taped to the outside of the door. All right, so maybe Ibiki didn’t need to be locked in a dark room with flesh eating gerbils. Kakashi was still debating taking a bit of the man’s pinky as payment, but all of that could wait for a day or two while he made sure Iruka was really all right – and thoroughly tired out for that matter.


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