
Chapter 1: New Chapter!

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Gila Au lay on the ground as he stared at the girl above him. His inquiring gaze reflecting her orange, sky blue, hair which shines beautifully under the sun.

The sun turning her orange hair a beautiful gold and making the blue shine brilliantly. The girl wore a small shirt allowing one to see her pure white skin of her midriff she wore blue shorts showing off long legs.

Gila's guess is that she is 5'9 if she isn't wearing boots

Gila's White hair a mess which looks like bed hair and golden eyes reflected back in her eyes along with his unusually white skin. He wore a white shirt and black pants.

As Gila stared at the girl she finally decided to talk causing Gila to blink twice.

"We should be running." She stood up, pushing her self off the ground and turning her head to the zombies running towards them while a dust storm chased them.

Gila could only stare at her figure. Like a goddess, incredibly well endowed. Her large  large chest and ass the former being something impossible to take his eyes off of. 

The roars and groans of the zombies could be heard from afar their weird posture seemed to be the method to go faster likely tearing their muscles and dislocating bones.

"Aneko Hisano. Rank -A." The girl said. Smiling at the zombies their number couldn't be any less than 100. Gold formed freely around her in the form of droplets as the air seemed to ripple around her.

The zombies payed it no need as they closed the distance if any of them still had consciousness left they would run the opposite way hoping she doesn't give chase however since the apocalypse began and zombies came to exist there were select existences with conscious left. Immortal or mortal anything above turn into zombies.

A gentle wind seemed to signal the start of a slaughter as Aneko ran forward almost vanishing from the naked eye only to appear in front of the closest zombie; swinging her arm at it as she sent it flying. The other zombies roared ignoring the fellow that flew back into the crowd as they clawed at Aneko. Her left leg she kicked back as she twist blowing group of zombies back. She grabbed arm of the one nearest to her and pulled it down as she leapt forward using a zombies head as a foothold. 

She kicked off the nearest zombies head which blasted through any zombies ahead until it landed far off with a thud. from there the slaughter began as Aneko danced the golden droplets flew at light speed killing each zombie.

Finally the zombie whom head she stood on turned to liquid gold and fell to the ground as she landed gracefully.

Gila wordlessly watched as Aneko walked over to him grabbing his hand and pulling him to her motorcycle. she saddled him on the back and got on in front revving up the engine.

They rode away quietly as Gila's gaze seemed to naturally go to her breast, Aneko could only smile as she decided to play a prank on this stranger. She ran into_ he ran into her earlier as she was driving he seemed to keep appearing in her path so she decided to hop of and push him over so he isn't run over but it turned out like this.

She arrived in front of a bike park and got off while locking her bike up. She then checked on Gila needless to say his gaze remained the same. she could only sigh as she grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the small town where neon lights were everywhere and people with equipment and people without lined the streets.

His arm is cold reminiscent of the artic she had just returned from a sharp contrast from the desert they are in now. Her curious eyes flowing from his hand to his face. His face seemed godly as though sculpted perhaps painted by the best sculpture/painter.

Her eyes widening slightly as if wanting to take in all of his beauty..

Aneko turned her head and kept going although her thoughts didn't share the same sentiment. Rather.. her grip on his arm became more profound.

They came to some stairs which she climbed in no time as he numbly followed.

A firework exploded in the sky bringing her back to her conscious. In the apocalypse they have various technology and one of the possible ones this can be is a bomb. Which would explain why he's.. so well made. But he couldn't be the alarms would have sound sounded to signal that their defences have been breached so that couldn't be it.

Aneko shook her head. She's already come this far she should just finish the prank.

She opened the door and walked inside pulling Gila in with her. Closing the door going into the living room. She pulled him to the sofa gave him a glance once more before going to shower. It must be said she's incredibly confident in her self reasonably as even as A - Rank she can kill a S - rank.

An hour later she appeared in the living room finding Gila eating a familiar snack. There were more on the table both eaten an uneaten. He bit into a snack bar as she watched in shock an anger.

She ran over Gila not looking already an impossible task as her breast bounced with each step. Chewing numbly as she snatched the already bitten snack from him and finishing it in no time.

Pouting while glaring at him as he watched her cute countenance.

"Hmph." She reached to the table and grabbed another snack. "Fuck, don't take them without permission!" She slapped his reaching hand away.

Gila smiled. She took a seat on the sofa next to him.

"Why did you jump in front my bike?" She asked after eating quietly for a minute.

The smile on Gila's face slightly faded he sighed shook his head. "I'm bored Aneko."

Huh bored? Do you feel getting run over when you're bored? The almost exasperated Aneko slightly widened her eyes at Gila. "Should I.. have run you over?" Aneko albeit not being a hero she still saves people but if someone wants to die she will humor them thats who she is.

Gila's smile reached from ear to ear allowing Aneko to see his sharp white teeth like a monsters. She squinted at the unusual sight.

"I've never been run over before."


"Of course. Would you like to though?" Aneko laughed.

Gila nodded. "But why do you seem interested in running someone over miss Aneko? I don't believe thats normal."

"Pft." Aneko could only laugh again as he talked about normal while his grin reached from ear to ear a moment ago. "Fuck normal."

"Thats where we agree." Gila leaned forward almost grabbing another snack only to be grabbed by Aneko.

"So what's your rank?" Gila looked at Aneko only seeing a smile and angel would have. He nodded. "I'm also A -"

Interrupted by the sound of his bones breaking from where she grabbed his wrist.

As if he didn't feel anything he looked at her. "What are you doing?" He asked nonchalantly as he watched the angelic smile turn ominous.

"Oh ho? Did I not tell you not to take my snacks without permission?" She squeezed harder letting another crack come from his wrist. "Why did you try to grab them again?"

Looking between his wrist and Aneko his smile grew. "Are you going to kill me miss Aneko?"

Aneko mused at his reaction and could only tease Gila. He wouldnt be like this unless he's immortal or has some type of ability right? She thought. She nodded.

"Thats right." She broke his wrist while turning it into liquid gold as it fell to the floor with just a thought. Her other hand stabbed into his chest.  She stopped to check his reaction his smile oddly large but he seems to be enjoying his self. She laughed shortly then waved her wrist around cutting through organs, grabbing his heart and pulling it out of his chest.

"You're really trying to kill me." She looked up at Gila blood left his mouth but otherwise he seemed just fine.

"You're immortal so this much is fine." She replied an squeezed his heart and smiled.

Gila's smile faded slightly he shook his head as if he understood something. "I'm not immortal I just won't die."

Aneko s smile too faded gazing at him curiously. "What does that mean?"

"I can't die even if I want to." Gila breathed out.

"You mind if I test that?"

You are reading story Respawn at

Gila shrugged.. then died_ in a sense he did but of course no.

Gila is a small vessel created by ∞ for the purpose of ∞ and is by all accounts quasi -omnipotent, the infinitesimally small creatures referred to as indescribable in power are below Gila in all aspects known and unknown.

So Aneko seeing the grin from Gila broke his heart after just getting to know him. She squeezed his heart till it burst blood splashing all over the place. She furrowed her eyebrows at his unchanging facial expression as if he was enjoying. Seeing this she further killed him.. cutting off his head, cutting off his limbs even kicking his fifth one to see if he'd react at all.

Gila smiled pervertedly and finally after being irritated slightly at the unresponsive Gila she felt victorious albeit being perverted she indeed got a reaction.

Should she kick it again? No.. she was testing his immortality not here to test if he reacts to this or that. Wait wouldn't one be considered dead after having their heads cut off? Even if hes smiling he's still dead. Possibly.. she thought.


Aneko walked over to his head an picked it up it was still grinning the perverted smile fading somehow seeing his grin irritated her causing her to once again walk over to his body and kick it.

Gila furrowed his brows while controlling his shivering body.


"Miss Aneko have you found the answer to your question?" Gila asked. 

Aneko sighed shortly and spoke as if reluctant to stop.

"Well it seems you're indeed unkillable.. I want to say you are but I don't have anything like existence erasing or something extraordinary like that so I won't be able to completely test it.. so one more test maybe?"


In an instant anything that made up Gila became Gold by all accounts Gila could not longer be called Gila but Gold. While it's true she can't erase his existence at the moment converting it into something else entirely is still possible. 

"So what is it about this town? Is no one worried about zombies here?" Gila appeared next to her as he took a bite of the snack that was already in his hand.

Aneko widened her eyes in shock as she jolted up and looked beside her to see Gila in all his glory casually eating her snacks.

She quickly calmed down smiled coyly the got up and viciously kicked Gila causing his expressionless face to twitch.

"You seem to like doing.. this." Gila whispered. 

"Pft." She laughed lightly while grabbing a snack from the table. "


Outside of town not far from where Aneko slew the zombies a pair of eyes opened giving of a savage yellow light. The sand storm which hid it's appearance cleared allowed one to see where the eyes came from. A man in tattered clothes and various injuries.

He walked and walked until the town came into sight scoffing at the sight of it.

He raised a fist and the army of zombies behind him which would probably rank low to mid A- rank perhap a few high A- ranks came to a stop.


"Why do that if this would happen?" Aneko giggled as she rested her foot on Gila's face.

He struggled to get up but was held down.

In a moment he resigned.

"I give up. You win."

"Of course." She she laughed while releasing him. "You seem to only be immortal thanks for enlightening me."

Gila nodded. "What does your power do?"

"Hm hm.." she put a finger to her lips and smiled coquettishly. "Not telling."

Gila furrowed his brows..

"I'm kidding, look." She stood in front of him with space between them.  She raised a hand out in front of her as gold appeared once again this time appearing as an aura of sorts not completely covering her body but indeed going from head to toe. "I can create and transform anything into gold. The more my knowledge, energy, and usage increase.. among other things. The more powerful I become."

"Really? In that case what would win should you strike a material much more powerful than gold?"

"Well.." Aneko rolled her lips. "I don't fucking know."

Gila watched her shake her head.

Then smiled. "Your power is beautiful Aneko."

"Thanks.. do you have plans Gila?"


"I thought as much. Stay here and we'll go hunting tomorrow."


"Killing zombies. Sometimes I'd pick up resources as well." She stood up while gathering the snack wrappings to walk somewhere else and throw them away.


Aneko faced him an nodded before turning away and going upstairs. "Find a room and sleep where ever you want. We leave at 10."

Gila watched until her silhouette disappeared. Standing to walk around exploring the house, clean, and cozy. There were plenty of drawings and art among other things. Gila liked the aesthetic smiling he nodded as he went to find a room to sleep in.

Appearing up stair he found an what door allowing him to see Aneko resting on her belly while listening to music.

Facing the corridor again he looked to the left. A closed door, he took three steps arriving at it shortly pushing it open.

Again a clean room filled with art filled his view. He entered and jumped onto the bed also resting on his belly.


Meanwhile the unbeknownst to the town the Zombie with yellow glowing eyes finally signalled they're death.

"Attack!" The zombie commander pointed a finger out in direction of town gesturing for the army to charge.

Like this the reckless assault begin.

You can find story with these keywords: Respawn, Read Respawn, Respawn novel, Respawn book, Respawn story, Respawn full, Respawn Latest Chapter

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