Respect of a Gangster

Chapter 6: Day in life of a kid

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It was almost the end 4th quarter of the game my team was down by 3 points the crowd's yells were rocking the building and they all cheered "Carlo", I ran down the court and stopped at the 3-point line and took a shot, the ball soared through the air and landed straight into the net ending the 4th quarter it was a buzzer-beater. All of my team ran up to me and hugged me, slapped me on the back and called me the "Goat".

It's been 5 years since I made my deal with Uncle Tommy and a lot's changed for one I've become a basketball star every school wants me to play for them but my future doesn't involve basketball. I celebrated with my team after the game, they were all proud of me I even got a trophy but I had to get to the diner I spent every day there after school and just because I had a championship basketball game doesn't mean I'll skip out on helping with the family diner.

I raced to the diner after the celebration was mostly over and with my skills, it was pretty quick speaking of my skills in 5 years they've improved quite a bit.



Sweet talking Lv:6 Everybody finds it amazing talking with you even if it's the most boring of small talk

The natural ability to talk to people but make them feel special and wanted while doing so and increasing this skill will lead to being just adoring talking to you because you're just so gosh darn sweet.

Running Lv:7 You run like a cheetah just not as fast and on two legs but you crush that mile time

The natural ability to run but really good, increasing this skill will lead you to run faster and more efficiently so you can run longer.

Strength Lv:6 You could beat a grown average man in an arm wrestle with them biceps

The natural ability to be strong the more you workout the more this goes up but it had diminishing returns the The more you level this skill the strong you are like the power of your punches

Footwork Lv:7 Your footwork is better than any exotic dancer including strippers

The natural ability to move your feet but especially the more you level this skill the better you are at dodging and maneuvering around

Gun handling Lv:6 You could shoot a man dead with just a shot or two

The natural ability to handle any gun, the more this skill goes up the better comfortable you have with guns and the better shots you can take

Detective's Intuition Lv:8 Sherlock Holmes would be proud of you

The special ability of a seasoned detective to snuff out any funny business, the more you level this up the better you can detect lies and any funny business

Cooking Lv:7 If Gorden Ramsay was alive yet he wouldn't be that mad at your cooking

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The natural ability to make good food, the more you level this skill the better your food tastes

Libido Lv:8 Hitting puberty is natural and so is having this feeling but nobody gets a skill for it

The more you level this skill the more you have the urge to relive yourself whether that be good or bad


Doing Basketball and working at the diner really helped my skills increase, but the worst is my Libido skill I gained it when I was 12 at first I ignored the urge but after weeks of feeling the urge I gave in and relived myself but it didn't help if anything it got worse the more it leveled it's to the point that I have to do it three times a day to get by I even did it right before the game so it wouldn't flare up it was truly hell but I guess these abilities must have some consequence so it could be worse.

Once I reached the diner I immediately got to work serving guests and cooking the food, when uncle Vinnie started teaching me how to cook I immediately started practicing it even at home and surpassed him pretty quickly so I usually cook while he just sits back and reads a newspaper, I ran around the diner taking orders and cooking my multi-tasking skills were utter perfection the other workers didn't come in till later so it was just me. The diner became somewhat of a local favorite because of my cooking and sweet talking, when my parents learned that I work here after school a few years ago I convinced them to let me keep working here so they've been fine with it for a while now.

"Hey Carlo this food is amazing how do you do it", "Oh you know it's a secret can't share it", "Oh Carlo you're so sweet I bet you get all the girls", "I don't know bout that I'm too focused on school and sports to worry bout girls", many people knew my name and they only heard good things about it when you saw me a smile would come to your face and it It definitely helped that I had a very cute face.

Once the other workers got here I stopped serving tables and just stayed in the kitchen cooking and  talking with Uncle Vinnie , "So uncle when do you think Uncle Tommy is gonna let me work for him", "Oh you hate working huh", "No it's not that it's just I wanna do something more than just cook and greet customers", "Kid be patient it's a virtue the work he has is gonna be dangerous and you already do some of his work from time to time so just be patient you're just a kid after all" I sigh and get back to cooking.

The jobs I do for my Uncle Tommy are a little shady but simple, I sell packs of cigs and other second-hand things to turn a profit it was also what I'm going to do right after I finish up with the dinner, after a few more hours and a few more plates of spaghetti I left to start doing my other job. Uncle Tommy waited for me in an ally usual so we could go and sell some cheap shit, "Hey, uncle what are we doin today", "Oh the usual sell some cigs and then I'll drive you home".

We drove around till we found a good vacant lot and chose there to set up shop we had a big cargo truck filled with cigs illegal booze, as soon we were ready we already had a long line of people, we got to work Uncle threw the product from his truck and I sold them to the people, "Aye thank ya, thank ya, have a good smoke and a nice swig huh" soon we were all out of cigs and booze and had to send everyone away before any cops rolled up.

"good job today Carlo we got a pretty big haul" he then slipped a money clip into my front pocket, "No problem uncle, doing good  business is always worth it" "It is isn't it" he said as we got in his car. Uncle Tommy drove a nice car he drove a shiny hot red Ford Thunderbird he was very proud of it, "Now kid you're getting pretty old now and I think you might be able to do some more serious work for the family so soon I'm going to introduce you to some people that will take you in, and when you do be on your best behavior first impressions are everything Kid", "Thank you Uncle I will I've been waiting for this forever", we arrived at my house, "I knew I could trust you kid now get inside before Nana worries about you".

We still lived in the same little apartment even after these 5 years, Bella still lives with us she just hasn't found a good husband yet but she says she's working on it, while both my parents have been trying to have another child but unfortunately all their attempts have failed and they haven't even tried in a few years while Nana Laura still helps around the house and keep everyone sprites up.

As I walked in, they had already sat down for dinner, they usually don't wait for me because they know I work a little late, "Mom did you make a nice dinner", "Hopefully as good as yours Carlo", sometimes I would come home early and cook for them which they loved so much that when they ate mom's cooking their stomachs would cry a tear. I sat down at the table and started eating, "Carlo Nice job today you were the underdogs in that game and you still won," Bell said, "I mean I've been pretty hard on the team during practice so it wasn't that unlikely that we would win, "Oh mom has the dog come back yet every time I come home I get a little sad because Ramon doesn't bark at me", "No not yet, I've been setting out dog food every day", I got a dog a year ago it's been missing for a week, I don't really miss it but it was a gift from Uncle Vinnie.

We continued having small talk around the table which was pretty fun with my sweet talk skill," Nana you should've been there, there was this huge guy and he was trying the take the ball from me so I juked him and he fell flat on his face his shorts fell down to his ankles and I swear I heard him fart" I said as everyone laughed at the table, with that dinner came to a close and everyone was calling it a night, I got into bed next to Nana like usual and relaxed.

After a few hours of tossing and turning and trying to sleep a problem became very apparent, it wasn't Nana snoring this time, it was her body and my Libido, I had forgotten to relieve myself right before getting into bed but why would I do that now when Nana's next to me I could just relive myself right here next to her, no no I can't do that, but maybe ahhhhhhh, my sense of judgement is being swayed by my Libido it's making me want to do things I usually wouldn't do, I stood up from bed and stared at Nana's godly endowed body and licked my lips.

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