Resurrection — My Ordinary Life as a Half-Demon

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Drawing the First Blood

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George was stunned, “What the hell... I don’t know how to fight a man, let alone a demon!”


 It’s pretty weak. Either it is a demon without a name or it has possessed a body that is not compatible with it.


“Are you kiddi-”


BOOM! A deafening explosion took place. The explosion shook the surrounding area and caused fire and smoke to emerge from the ground.

Sparks and pieces of the train were flying through the air, and the air was filled with fumes as the train derailed and caught fire.

The noise was deafening, and it reverberated all throughout the area, leaving behind a thick and heavy silence after it had subsided.


“Urgh! Which part of this is ‘weak’?” George covered his face with his hands.


“What’s this? Ain’t ‘cha a normal human?” A female voice echoed.


George looked around to see a girl. The girl had long dark hair and a slender figure and was dressed in a school uniform.

Her skin was milky white, and she had intense, deep-set brown eyes.

She carried a backpack and had an air of seriousness about her.

She appeared to be in her late teens or early twenties and had no visible signs of being a demon or possessing any otherworldly powers.

He had expected a monstrous entity to appear just like Baal who looked like a sleep paralysis demon in a fursuit.


“Separ, you stupid idiot, you brought me out here and it isn’t even a demon. Idiot! Retard!” 


The girl yelled at the sky. 


“Crazy...” George whispered, trying not to make eye contact. There was something odd about her eyes, but he couldn’t pinpoint anything about them. Her eyes seemed to be empty yet full at the same time.


So Separ is here? I see... Good, who else?


The familiar voice of Baal came out of George’s mouth.


The girl looked shocked, not expecting George to talk. “What’s going on... are ya... are ya possessed?!”


George could feel his heart beating rapidly against his chest. His legs trembled, and his arms felt numb. “No... No! I swear... I’m not possessed!”


“Then what’s happening?! You sound like you’re possessed, you... impossible... are you a soul unison?!”


Damn straight, you little shit.


George’s body jerked and twitched as Baal forcefully took control of him. 


His eyes, which had been wide and scared, now burned with an eerie, otherworldly light; his movements were fast and precise as he lunged at the girl, his fingers closing around her neck and lifting her off the ground and slamming her to the surface. 


His grip was firm and unyielding, like a vice that wouldn’t be shaken off.


“Gah!” She grunted as her body hit the ground and sunk into a six-meter-deep hole in the ground. The sheer force of Baal’s attack had made a small crater.


“Let go... of me!” 


George’s hands were squeezing the girl’s throat and lifting her off the ground. 


She writhed and thrashed against his grip, desperately trying to free herself, her hands clawing at him as she screamed in terror. 


Her face was twisted in panic, her eyes wide with fear and desperation.


Tell me, how many archdemons are in your group? And where can I find the rest? In exchange for your honesty, I promise to put an end to your anguish as soon as possible.


“Don’t you DARE underestimate me!!!” The girl shrieked, the reverberation of her anger carrying through the air.

Her entire body was encased in a shell of sharpening spikes that shone brightly in the light, and with a single tremor, each one of them stabbed through George’s flesh.

The barbs tore his skin to shreds, exposing his muscles and organs to the savage attack.

George howled out in agony as he experienced the sensation that a thousand knives had been thrust into his chest. The pain was unbearable.

Even though the pain had rendered him unable to move, Baal mustered every ounce of strength he possessed to launch himself away from the girl.


“I know you... you’re the one who selfishly sealed and forced us away from the world. You have no right to judge us!”

She let out a roar of anger as she screamed her contempt for him.


 When Baal slammed her down into the crater, the girl let out a gasp and spit out the blood that had pooled in her mouth.


She was filled with rage and fury, and she yelled at the top of her lungs, “I’ll make you pay!! “Her head shook with a violent intensity as the air around her seemed to crackle with otherworldly power.

In an instant, her body contorted and distorted, elongating and darkening until it became unrecognizable.

She became enormous, reaching a length of twenty meters, and began to sprout leaves from her head as well as enormous thorns from her body.

Her abdomen ballooned out into a gaping maw, ready to vent its rage on the rest of the world.

She had taken on the form of a walking tree.


It’s your turn.


“What?! Are you insane… how...?”


George asked, not knowing how to take down a giant plant monster.


Take this. It will show you how to fight.


The blade of the sword is crafted from a pitch-black metal that shimmers slightly in the dim light.

The blade is extremely sharp and pointed, and the guard is designed to look like a human skull.

The hilt is made of two bones from a human arm, the radius and ulna, and one fingerbone that is intricately braided together.

A tiny ruby ring is set on the ring finger of the sword to serve as an ornament.


“Do I really have to use this?”


It would be an understatement to call it a strange sword; it looked like a cursed sword that would either cause its user to commit suicide by cutting off their own head or force them to kill hundreds of innocent people.


You don’t have to. If you want to die, that is.


George was left with no other option, so he held the strange sword.

He gripped the sword firmly, and the energy that emanated from it seemed to course through his entire body.

As the power of the weapon seeped into his skin, it caused him to experience excruciating pain, and he also began to feel queasy as his body began to surge with strength.

His discomfort was so great that he threw the cursed sword aside, but he couldn’t get rid of it.

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It seemed inseparable from his arm.


“AAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!” George yelled out in agony as the sword tore through his body like a hot knife through butter, ripping through his skin and burning his muscles.

He could hear himself screaming, but all he felt was a searing pain in his gut.

The excruciating pain from the sword was sending every cell in his body into a frenzy of desperation.

The sound of his scream continued until it was overtaken by yet another scream. It was unfamiliar but familiar, belonging to someone George had never met before. 

Everywhere George turned, the familiar world had been replaced by a foreign land that was full of sights and sounds that were foreign to him.

There were no longer any trees, mountains, or rivers; in their place were strange structures and glowing lights.

He was surrounded by bizarre creatures that flew through the air and beasts that roamed the landscape, and the sky above him was filled with stars that shone brightly.

He was aware of the presence of a mysterious power all around him, a sensation of energy that seemed to pulse around him like waves that he could not see.


The man was writhing in fury as he screamed, his eyes welling up with grief and anguish at the same time.

While he had a firm grip on the lifeless body of the girl, his hands gave off the appearance that they were trembling with an ancient rage.

His tears cascaded down his face like a thunderstorm, and his jaw was clenched tight with anger as if he were trying to contain his emotions and prevent himself from lashing out.

He was clenching his teeth so tightly that it looked like they would break under the pressure.


The terrain shifted, and now they were in a pitch-black chasm. A massive fire was seen in front of the same man.  

The murky atmosphere of the dismal abyss grew thicker as the man slowly made his way toward the colossal inferno in its center.

His eyes glowed with a sinister flame as he unsheathed the sword in his grasp and began to feverishly slice away at his own limbs.

First through his right arm, then his legs, and finally by slitting his own throat and beheading himself with the sword, he had used to kill himself.


He should have been killed. However, for some reason, the man made a full recovery from his wounds.

The man’s limbs gave the appearance of having been regrown out of a viscous red liquid that bubbled and churned.

It was as if something unseen was reconstituting his flesh and bones, teasing out a new shape from the writhing crimson form.

The liquid hardened into solid flesh and soon covered the man’s form in an unnatural manner.

It was a revolting sight, but soon enough, he stood with a newly formed head, legs, and arms.


The man showed no hesitation as he eviscerated himself with his own blade.

He took the seared pieces of his leg, mixed them with a mysterious rock, and molded them into a blade.

He then burned away his flesh, creating a molten pool of agony as he forged his skull and arm into a weapon’s guard and hilt.

His face was an expression of stoic complacency while his body endured torture.


The weapon resembled the one he now wielded.




The vision was shattered as the intensity of the pain ramped up suddenly and dramatically.

He saw himself being attacked by the plant monster, which was attempting to crush him as several thorns began to poke holes in his body.

He saw himself being attacked by the plant monster.


It felt as though the weapon had inflicted an endless wound that was ripping through every part of his being, causing a searing, burning agony to spread throughout his entire body. 




George laughed maniacally.

The sword had acknowledged him as worthy.


Almost immediately, the searing agony gave way to a delirious sense of pleasure.

It roared through his veins like a wildfire, a power so immense it intoxicated him, consuming his every thought and every action.

He was overcome with an uncontrollable force that felt like pure ecstasy.


Kill him now.


George lunged forward with lightning speed, his sword crashing through the air with a deafening roar.

The blade sliced through the beast’s body like butter, and it collapsed in a shuddering heap, crashing in a flurry of dark sparks.

The remains of its carcass sank into the ground.


Leave no doubt.


George leaped into the sky, soaring towards the human vessel of the plant demon.

With supernatural strength, he ripped the girl from the plant and hurled her limply to the ground.

He raised his sword and thrust it through her heart with a vicious force.


Finish him. Don’t give him a chance to come for us.


Suddenly, he was presented with yet another vision, and this time he saw the man slashing his sword. George imitated the unknown man.


Malevolent Slash!


With a powerful and unforgiving strike, the blade seared through the air, unleashing a torrent of black light that pierced the girl with no remorse.

Her frail body was blown off in an instant, with her blood and bones splattering everywhere like shrapnel.

Nothing remained but a crimson mist that hung in the air.


But George wasn’t done yet.




George howled with laughter as he unleashed Malevolent Slash, again and again, slashing the girl’s body until she was a mincemeat.

Suddenly, a demonic beast wriggled out of the carnage, the force of its emergence ripping apart what remained of the girl’s corpse.

The plant demon contorted in rage before it had no choice but to abandon its host, leaving nothing but destruction in its wake.


George leaped towards the plant demon with the speed of lightning, his hands clamping down around its neck.

He viciously slammed it into the ground with a deafening thud and then began pushing it with relentless force as he hurtled forward as if propelled by an unseen force.

The ground shook with such tumultuous force that it felt like the very Earth was being torn apart.

Earthquakes rumbled beneath their feet, and the air quivered with a deafening roar as the creature collided with the ground.

It held its throat as a shrill scream of agony echoed through the air as if being ripped from its own lips.




Rest for now. I’ll handle the rest.


Baal brought both hands crashing down with ferocious force, shattering the skull of the hideous abomination that was stumbling beneath him.

He took its body into himself and then ripped the sword out of George’s grasp, who had fallen asleep while holding it.

Baal spread his wings widely as he ascended into the air and looked around for a place of refuge amidst the murky abyss that lay around him.

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