Return Of The Immortal, Heaven Will Bow Down Before Me

Chapter 7: So you chose death

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"No, we are not going for special treatment. We are going to meet with the mountain bandit, Those stupid bastards. We have to teach them a lesson."

"Boss, what happened? Did you meet the kid ?" asked a gray-haired soldier. He also has a lot of scars on his body, proving he had many Battle experiences in his life.

"We will talk about him in the road" after this short conversation of theirs, 14 men left with their horses for an unknown destination. However, little did they Know there was something that was following them. If someone tells them, they might be unable to detect what it is.


"Young master Aslan" at this moment, a knocking sound appeared from outside, and Jin, who was sitting crossed-legged, opened his eyes. "Come"

After getting his approval with a little force, mina entered the room. "How are you feeling right now."

Mina should be concerned for Jin. However, Jin's expression Was unchanged bit. "Feeling a little weak"

"You haven't eaten anything from yesterday. That's why you are feeling weak. Should I make food for you, what do you wants to eat".

"Hmm, make something I like, and I need to shower. Prepare that as well."

"What do you wants to eat!"

"Something I like."

"Umm, okay, I'll just go and come back" after saying that, mina slowly walked out of the room. She didn't forget to close the door…

As soon as she turned around to leave, she clenched her fist. She is, for unknown reason sweating profusely. "Did I sense wrong? Was he truly cultivating, but how can this be. Does this means the poison not working?? No that's not possible I have been poisoning for almost two years. She said the poison would work. And no one would be able to detect anything wrong."

"No, I cannot let that happen. If something like this happens, I'll surely die. I am done. I have to get rid of this brat and run away. If not, I won't be able to save anyone" Mina, who was still okay just a few minutes ago, started acting like crazy. At this moment, She remembered two faces, one old and younger than her. She could not help but clench her fist.


Almost 10 minutes later, someone knocked at the door, and after getting confirmed from Jin mina, a few other servants entered the room. As soon as they entered, a sweet and refreshing aroma came from the food in the hands of the servant. They placed the food on the only table in the room. After that, everyone left except for mina.

"Young Master, I have prepared your favorite food myself, have a test.

Jin looked Toward the food that had been placed on the table. "Huh? This looks delicious. How many years has it been? Well, I don't remember. It's been so long since I have last eaten something."

( Author note: when cultivators become strong enough, they can stay without food and water from Days to years. It's different for different levels of cultivator )

"Is there anything wrong young master?" Asked mina with a frown on her face after seeing Jin just watching the food, not sitting to eat.

"Nothing much. How can I eat food without you? Why don't you sit down with me" said Jin. Hearing Jin's words, a frown on mina's face become darker.

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"How can I do that, I am just servant of yours, how can. I eat in the same table with you.!"

"So, you don't want to eat with me? Sister" from Aslan's memory, Jin remembers that he called this girl the name mina, his sister.

"No, young master, I am full. I cannot eat right now. Please start. I'll be standing here. If you need anything, just tell me."

"Young Master starts with the soup. It increases the test of the other food," mina reminds Jin.

However, Jin glanced at the food once and showed no interest in eating.

"Young master, please finish the food before it becomes cold," mina reminds, who is eagerly waiting for Jin to finish the food.

"Mina, why do you want to kill me?" hearing Jin's words, mina stiffened on the spot, and a shocked expression appeared on her face. However, a few seconds later, a forced smile appeared on her face.

"Ha-haha, what are you talking about, Young Master? Why would I wants to kill you." Mina said with a smile on her face. But soon the smile on her face vanished.

"So you realized, since you realized you should have eaten, now you're death will be painful" saying this mina take out a dagger that he was hiding in her sleeve.

However, before she could make her move claw reached her way. She couldn't even realize it before it grabbed her by the neck. And one hand grabbed her hand that was holding the knife.

" A puny ant's trying to kill me"

'What the fuck happens? Why can't I release myself? When did this Bastard become this strong? No, this must be a bad dream. There is no way he would be able to become this strong"

However, the thing she is thinking is not a dream at all. She realizes this very soon when She felt a lack of air.

"Tell me or die."

"I-I am sorry young master, I have no other choice but to do this. If I don't do this, they will kill me, I don't care about me, but they will kill my family as well. Please forgive me,". Mina said her sad story, but there was no reaction from jin.

Jin strengthen his grip that's holding mina's arm. In the next second with a crackling sound the bones on her shattered into pieces.

"Who are they ?" Jin asked for the second time. If there is something he hates the most, that is someone working In the shadow to kill him.

"I can't tell. If I tell tehy will kill me and my entire family " said mina with difficulty.

"Fine, you choose death"

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