Return of the Primordial Beings

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 – Transaction

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It took some time for the receptionist to come back with the same expression she had earlier, just like a professional in the job field. Without wasting any time, the receptionist again bowed slightly to Astrea.

"Dear guest, please follow me. The guild master assigned me to bring you to another room."

Astrea nodded as she followed the receptionist in her back as she walked, and soon, they reached the room where the guild master was waiting. The receptionist opened the door for Astrea, and when she entered, the receptionist made a bow again and closed the door. "I will be waiting outside. Have a good day."

Before Astrea entered the room, she had already sensed the presence of all people inside. It was thanks to her racial skill [Blood Sense], which enabled her to feel the presence of blood in any living subject. And just like what she knew, when Astrea entered the room, three people were already waiting for her.

Two people were sitting, one in the middle of the sofa and the other in the side. The last one was standing beside the one sitting in the middle. Judging from their position, the one in the middle is probably the guild master.

All of them have severe looks on their faces, and anyone who can see the situation will guess they are vigilant.

"Please have a seat." The one sitting in the middle said with a firm word coming from him.

Astrea followed him and sat on the empty sofa facing the guy sitting in the opposite direction from her. The only thing that separated them was a table in the middle.

After seeing that Astrea had already sat, the guy started to talk. "Then let's get to the business. I am Kaius, the guild master of this town. The one sitting on my side is the vice guild master, while the one standing at the back is one of my trusted aides. They are my colleague." He spoke.

As the guild master made trouble introducing himself and the people in the room, he expected Astrea to do the same thing. It was a clever idea to start the conversation as he tried to lead the other party to learn more about them. And yet ten seconds had already passed. Astrea didn't reply as if she didn't get what the other party meant, or did she choose not to respond, perhaps?

Having such an attitude, are they confident in their ability? Until we know who and how capable the other party is, we still need to be on our guard, and we can't take any action on our side yet.

The guild master was having such thoughts as he was the one who started to break the silence in the room. "And your name?"

"Oh, are you asking my name? Pardon me for not being able to understand your words." Or so she said, but from the other party's perspective, the way she talks contains such confidence as if they were being mocked. "You call me Astrea. Please continue."

She didn't bother to give her name as she thought they would get to the point as soon as the conversation started. However, it was favorable for her as she was trying to stall the conversation. She wanted to obtain any information from them through their discussion. And since the one in front of him was the guild master, surely, he had more information than an ordinary individual.

On the other side, the other group has different thoughts about it. So, she was really a girl. Even though they quickly looked at Astrea's face from the hood, they still wanted to be sure, as there were magic items and skills that could disguise and alter their appearance.

After Astrea introduced herself, they concluded that the one on their front was a girl from her voice and name. But what surprised them was that the voice of the girl in front of them was very alluring, and from the little sentence she spoke, they were almost captivated  and were charmed by it. Some skills and items could charm others and control them, which is why this type of case was very tricky, and many people avoid fighting them as they need mental resistance. And yet, at the same time, her words alone contain enough presence and pressure that make them alert towards her.

From the years of experiences the guild master has, he didn't survive and lived for a long time because he was strong. It was because he learned when and where to run when there was danger. And from those years of experience, he realized that there are beings in this world who are considered monsters, which can be regarded as his sixth sense. And yet, this was the first time his instinct was screaming to this degree that he wanted to run away.

His two colleagues were no better. Even though the two haven't developed the ability to detect dangers to such a degree, the pressure from the girl was enough for them to feel as their complexion became pale. And since they were weaker than Kaius himself, the feeling they are having right now is much more than him. The one who was standing beside the guild master was about to lose his reasoning. He was about to grab his sword that was on his waist.

"Pavel, Stop!" Out of nowhere, the guild master shouted as his voice reverberated around the room, making Pavel, the man standing behind Kaius, the guild master, come back to his senses.

"Ah." Pavel was sweating under his armor as he realized what he was about to do. He was about to pull the sword from the hilt with his hands, which were shaking. No one can blame him, as any living being has a self-defense mechanism when they sense danger.

Although he could stop Pavel, Kaius, the guild master, was anxious as sweat started to appear on his forehead. His hands were ready to pull his weapon when the situation turned into worst. The vice guild master was no better than Pavel and Kaius. Even though he was nervous, he was ready to make a move at any time when Kaius gave the signal.

Not only them, but Astrea was also surprised when Kaius shouted. Before entering the room, she used one of her skills called [Absolute Will], which let the user's intent override everything and all natural processes to others. In the game, it is a simple support skill that buffs the user while giving random debuff to the enemy for a period of time. Astrea only used it as an experiment and just for her to gain momentum, and she didn't mean any harm. That is why she was surprised at how things suddenly turned this way. She suddenly released [Absolute Will], and the atmosphere inside the room started to become relaxed. Though the way they act, Astrea finds it fascinating while feeling a little bit bad for them.

"Miss, I don't want to be disrespectful, but that was too much for a prank." Kaius said as he glared at her.

"That was not my intention at all. I didn't know he would react to this degree." Astrea replied as she smiled. "Then we should start now on why you requested my presence here. If I'm correct, it has to do with the coin I handed earlier to the receptionist. Am I right?" She said as she tried to change the subject.

Everyone in this room is a professional. Kaius's facial expression changed as they decided to forget the little incident earlier and move on to the subject matter.

"Can you tell me how did you get this coin?"

"Before I answer your question, is there something wrong with it?" Astrea knew the coin she presented earlier was the currency used in the game to buy anything. Since she reincarnated as her game character, she thought it was the same for other minor details as they were related to the game she knew. Or am I wrong, is this world perhaps not Evertale? Is this world not simple as it seems?

"You didn't know?"

"Didn't know what?"

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"I see. That makes sense. After all, if you knew about it, you wouldn't easily take it out as a fee for registering as an adventurer." Kaius made sighed in relief. It looks like the situation was much simpler than he anticipated. "Here is the coin that you used to pay earlier. Unfortunately, we can't accept this." He put the coin on the table and gave it back to her.

"Can I know the reason, why?" Astrea didn't get the coin from the table yet.

"Do you know the name of this coin?"

"If I'm correct, It's called crysta?" Or should I say back in the game? However, I don't know what it is called here.

"Right, Crysta. It is the currency used by the demigods during the lost era."

"Lost era?"

"No one knows about much since it happened a long time ago. It was said that three thousand years ago, there were beings with powers that could rival the Gods. They were called demigods as they were only one step in reaching the realm of Gods, but one day, they all disappeared into this world without a trace."

Lost era, huh. Does it have a connection in Evertale? I need to gather more information about it. "I understand where you were coming from but I didn't find any connection between the crysta and the lost era on why you didn't accept it as my payment." 

"I see, so you didn't really know about it. After the demigod's disappearance, some of their belongings were scattered worldwide. Those who were lucky and found them were able to acquire unimaginable power. All the demigod's items were considered relics and national treasures, making countries go crazy and wage wars for them. The crysta, the currency that came from them, was no different. Each crysta was made from an unknown metal with an abnormal amount of Ether. Since then, crysta has been an essential material for creating magic items and weapons. That's why there were considered as gems. The reason why we called you here is to make an offer to you. Will it be okay to sell the crysta to the adventurer guild?"

"Sure. I don't mind selling it."

"Really?! It will be a huge help for the adventurer guild!" The guild master stands out from his chair as he can't hide his joy regarding the matter.

"How much will I get then?"

"Because it was all of a sudden for us, we don't have enough money to give right now, so we need to first inform our headquarters in the capital for the funds. Don't worry. Since the transaction is about crysta, the guild won't be stingy with money and will move immediately. About the price… is 50,000 gold enough?"

"Sounds good to me. I don't mind waiting since I plan to stay a little longer in this town."

Since Astrea doesn't know how much gold coins are worth, so she agrees to the price. There's also the other factor, as she had a good impression from the guild master, and they looked like they would not trick her. Besides that, Astrea was not short on crysta. One crysta for the information she learned, it was a good deal deal.

"We will do our best to make the transaction as fast as possible. Since we already have an agreement about the crysta, shall we move to the next topic?"

"Next topic?"

"Aren't you here because you want to register as an adventurer?"

"Ah, that's true. Before that, I want to ask, what are the privilege of becoming an adventurer?"

"Well, you can say that adventurers are like a mercenary in a way. Adventurers accept any legal request given by anyone as long the rewards are equal to the difficulty of the request. The higher your rank is, the higher the job scope you get, and you can also access confidential information. The job contains great risk from the higher rank but also gives high rewards. Some jobs are like being escorting of a very important person or slaying a mythical beast."

"I see. What if there are wars? Will adventurer be dragged into them?"

"If you're talking about wars between humans, adventurers have the right to deny their involvement. If it is a war about other races or monsters, since we're talking about the survival of humanity here, then adventurers are required to participate."

"" have the rights to deny" means that adventurers can be involved in wars between humans as long as they agree, am I right?"

"Correct. Since the guild doesn't restrict the freedom of the adventurers, they are free to do what they want as long as they don't break the laws."

"I have a general understanding of what you said. So, becoming what is not bad at all. Then, what should I do to become an adventurer?"

"Since we had a good transaction and I have a general idea of how strong you are, there's no need for the payment and the mock battle as I can issue a license for you, and you will be directed to rank C right now."

"That would be great."

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