Return of the Varra

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 – Inheritance

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As rank one elemental beasts, storm wolves were dangerous to normal people, and low leveled channelers. They became more dangerous in packs, but due to their unusual aggressiveness, they seldom gathered in packs greater then ten.

Only flame wolves would advance to rank two and three to become alphas, while rank threes would gather larger packs to dominate an area of the forest. As the Alpha was a true monster of their race, he would rule a set territory, and help the pack when they met a stronger beast.

It was difficult to rise to that level though. Their prey lived in forests, which had lower levels of the flame element. The wastelands had much higher levels of flame, light, and dark elements, but elemental beasts usually avoided the wastelands as there was nothing to eat.

Storm wolves could eat just about any beast if they could kill it. Their cores were impure, so they couldn't advance unless they focused on elements they had an affinity to. Storm wolves could evolve to become flame wolves if they purged their cores of all incompatible elements. They were predators of opportunity, and therefore couldn't evolve.

This group of five had tracked a prey's scent, that also had the scent of an iron tusked boar mixed in. Normally, this was not something they would chase as there were easier beasts to tackle when there were five of them.

However, these wolves were stubborn, and stupidly aggressive. They followed the scents until they finally found the source.

A seemingly weak human female sat on top of a tall stone wall. Even when they caught her odd scent, their eyes told them it was a human, so they obeyed their eyes. Their instincts, however, screamed desperately.

Even when the female walked down the wall, upside down and on all fours, they didn't turn tail. When her lips pulled back, exposed her long fangs and roared at them, the shock broke through their stupidity.

This is not a human.


* * *


Dara was a reaper. She dashed off the wall, swiped with her clawed hand, and ripped the top of her target's head off. She didn't wait for it to fall before she leaped into the air, and landed on her second target's back. She grasped the purple and gray fur.

She twisted it's neck, and a loud snap was heard. Before they could retreat, or attack, she stabbed out with her hand, and sliced into the hide of her third target.

Instead of pulling her hand out, she ripped it forward, and cleaved the side of the wolf in two. Now, only two remained.

When she stood up tall, the wolves looked at each other, then dashed in two different directions. She grinned sadistically.

"That won't save you." She said. Wolves were fast, but Dara was on another level. She caught the first before it could get more then two or three hundred feet away.

She didn't bother with the second one as it ran right into the territory of a family of stone bears. The bears smelled the wolf's fear, and ran it down quickly. They looked back and saw Dara approach. She threw the first runaway into their territory, then swiped at a tree to leave her mark.

She turned and walked away. The bears looked at each other, and sniffed the remains of the dead wolf. Immediately, their instincts kicked into high gear. They picked up the two dead wolves and moved away from the marker that Dara left.

Stone bears were rank three beasts, physically large, and considered to be overwhelmingly strong. They had an earth element stone behind their heart as well.

The scent they picked up had dark elements, earth elements, flame elements, and metal, which made Dara a predator of a higher order. They didn't smell any human scent either.

Rank three elemental beasts have higher enhanced intelligence, and when their instincts tell them something, they listen carefully.

Dara may be young, but she was still a true monster.


* * *


"Still hardening." She flexed her fingers and checked her claws. She felt them pull when she marked that tree, but not so much while she cut through the hides of the storm wolves.

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"I mangled that boar, but maybe I can still sell you two. I will keep one as I don't have a cart." She reached up and touched her eyelids. It was sunken in as there were no eyes behind them.

"I wonder when my eyes will grow back." She said in a soft voice.

This was the drawback. She was unique upon this world. The Varra had not been seen there in hundreds, if not thousands of years, and their name has been forgotten.

There was no one to teach her, or help her to understand what she should expect, or how long these stages of her life will last.

It was a little frustrating, but still exciting. She was the only Varra in existence, and she was incredibly powerful.

She took the three storm wolves to the gate, dropped one inside at her temporary house, and lifted the other two by the scruff along their shoulders.

As she walked back to Brayton, Dara wondered what could have pushed the Varra out of the world. Was it war? Were they hunted? Or were they betrayed? Thoughts of how the abandoned town was designed made Dara believe that perhaps the Varra expected betrayal of those they protected.

Her ancestral inheritance seemed to confirm her thoughts, as when she thought about that town, and the houses, her lips pulled back in a snarl.

Dara had to protect the Varra alone, and not ones who were not their kin.


* * *


The looks sent her way revealed disdain and disgust, but when she turned and looked at them, she detected fear. Her eyeless sockets made them extremely uncomfortable, especially since she could see them without eyes.

It was the same way as last time, but now that she didn't have eyes, they felt bolder. Until she turned towards them and grinned.

"Hm, I did not notice how these stores are filled with dark elements." Dara said softly. Dark elements could be generated whenever intelligent beings did corrupt or immoral things. As a general rule, dark elements were generated at night, during a lack of light, and were strongest on the moonless nights. Dark acts could also generate the same essence as it left echoes of the act behind.

Dara found a single stall where there was some light elements, and a familiar person who manned it.

"Hello, Vurn." Gei greeted. The man behind the counter nodded to her.

"Young lady, what do you need?" Even though he was unnerved by her lack of eyes, she was a customer, and he would treat her respectfully. This was something his father taught him, and it has always served him well. Even though he was not great at business, he still made enough profit to live decently. He didn't even realize that he knew this person, and had dealt with her before.

"Do you buy entire wolves like these?" She set the storm wolf on his counter.

"Storm wolf. Not bad condition. Raw hides for a storm wolf are forty silver, or four large silver coins. If it was a regular wolf, it would only be four small silver." He said. "This this a fresh kill?"

"This morning. His belly wasn't facing me. I cut his flank in the battle." He nodded thoughtfully.

"Well, though I don't want to say it, but it does affect the price for the skin. I can buy the entire wolf, as I would sell the parts to others. Thirty silver for the impure core. Thirty for the hide in this condition. Fifty for the meat, organs included. You would make more if you did the leg work yourself." Vurn said.

"Hm. I'll take it, as I have much to do. For now, I need a stew pot, and a pan. I also need another blanket. It's damned cold at night now." She grinned. "In the future, I may need some assistance. I'll need servants, but that is still a few weeks away."

"If you have the silver, I'll introduce you to the slave dealer. No problem."

Slaves. That was something Dara had experience with, and how they were treated. After all, her father treated her like a slave, and now she hated him with a passion.


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