Return of the Varra

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 – Symi

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"Fools pile up like cord wood in Brayton." Dara said as she stopped and turned around. Behind her was a group of ten mercenaries.

Before they could say anything, and since Dara had no reason to listen, she set aside her stuff. She unsheathed her claws, bared her fangs, and dashed forward.

Swords came out, bows had arrows notched, but it was useless as she initiated a slaughter. Dara used an archer's shoulders to leap to the second archer as she sliced his head off. The second archer had to let his bow go in order to hold in his guts after she split him open from chest to groin.

Dara heard nothing. She didn't hear words, screams, or cries. She dashed from person to person, cut off an arm, took their legs off at the knees, or sliced them in half. Finally, there was only one person left. A young woman, whose face was covered in tears, and her short sword shook uncontrollably. She screamed.

"Why did you buy me only to leave me here?" She cried and cried, which made Dara stop her approach. She saw a collar on her neck. A slave collar.

"You couldn't disobey an order." Dara said gently. The girl shook her head. "What were your orders?"

"To follow, and pull my sword." She sniffled and tried to calm down, but she couldn't.

"He didn't even tell you to protect yourself? Or attack?" She shook her head. Dara smiled. "How interesting. Know this, I can detect lies as they are spoken. Dark and light elements are so useful. Now answer me one question." The girl nodded vigorously.

"What would you do if you were freed?" Dara asked. The girl let tears roll down her cheeks.

"I don't know. I've been a slave as long as I can remember." She lowered her eyes.

"Would you turn your sword on yourself to escape slavery?" Dara asked, while the young woman could not lift her eyes from fear.

"I can't kill myself as the collar prevents that too." She cried even more. "I don't want to die, but I don't want to die like that." She pointed to the other bodies.

"You understand that since I killed your master, all his property now belongs to me. That includes you." The girl slowly nodded. "Then, if you wish, you may kill yourself. Also, if you wish, you may drop your sword." Dara watched the girl carefully. She didn't let her attack, as she would be forced to kill her, but right now, she didn't really want to.

The young woman, maybe nineteen, turned her sword towards her own belly, and lifted it up, but she started crying even harder. The sword fell from her fingers and pierced the dirt.

"Good girl." She lifted her eyes and saw Dara approach. She touched the collar, and the girl watched it fall off her neck. "I am glad you decided not to end your life early. I have need of a servant, and not a slave." The girl's eyes became unfocused, and she started to stumble.

"A servant?" Dara smiled and gently laid her on the ground as she passed out. She smiled down, pulled open her eyelids, and blew a gentle dark mist onto her eyes.

"Yes. A servant." She didn't bind the young woman with dark elements. She marked her with her scent so that any elemental beast who was near her would only find Dara's horrifying presence.

She wanted to protect this lovely young woman, and keep her for herself.


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The young woman slowly opened her eyes, but didn't recognize what her eyes were seeing. A stone wall, old and weather worn, but a clear open sky greeted her eyes. She turned her head as she heard the clink of metal.

The fierce woman, the target her former master had wanted to use her to kill, sat nearby, gently stirring a pot. The aroma made her mouth salivate, but she crouched down in fear.

"You're awake." She nodded. "Are you not hungry?"

"I was always beaten any time I mentioned food." She watched a smile leave the face of her new master.

"I am not that person. You are not a slave. You are my servant. That means that I will pay you for the time you spend here. That includes food."

"Are you sure? He used to torment me with food, and my own hunger." She asked carefully. Dara sighed.

"This bowl is for you. Whether you decide to eat it or not, that is your decision." She stood up. "You are of no use to me if you are too weak to work." She walked away from the fire, and out of what would be considered a castle in her eyes.

"She left it for me." She slowly convinced herself that the food was for her, and crawled carefully over. She sniffed it, heard her stomach grumble painfully as she usually went without, and decided to take a chance. She virtually inhaled the stew.

It was simple, merely meat boiled with salt and fat, but it was so delicious, she couldn't help but lick the bowl. She heard a gentle laughter, and lifted her head. The bowl was pulled away from her fingers, refilled, and handed back to her.

"You can tell I'm not human, correct?" The girl lifted her head and nodded. "You'll need to tell me what we need to live out here." She reached over and gently cupped the girl's cheek. "I can hunt, and get meat for myself, but you are fully human. You'll need to tell me the things you need for good health." Dara smiled.

"Symi." She said quickly. Dara tilted her head, and smiled a small smile.

"Well, Symi, my name is Dara. I am your employer, so take a look around, and figure out the things needed. No matter if they are as small as a spoon, or as large as a bed, you just have to tell me, and I will provide them." Symi took a slight breath.

"You said you're not fully human. Were you once like me?" Symi asked. Dara nodded, and tilted her head a bit. "Can you make me like you?" Dara grinned.

"Not yet, as I don't even know why I came to be like this. Maybe one day, I will find out. For now, concentrate on necessities, with no real budget limit." She put a leather pouch near Symi's foot. "I have a lot of silver, and can earn a lot more." After Dara walked away, Symi put her hand on her chest, and let out a deep shaky breath.

"Wow." She whispered. "Even without eyes, Master is so beautiful." Beauty was in the eye of the beholder. Dara was strong, treated her nicely, and wanted to provide necessities that she herself did not need.

The favor she was shown, the food given, and the silver to use, put Dara in a much higher category than a simple master.

Beyond the obvious lack of eyes, and long scary fangs, Dara's skin was smooth and clean. Her nose was narrow and pointed, with a slightly flat tip, and no upturn. Her chin was slender, with a high defined jawline. Her long slinky strawberry blonde hair had soft natural curls, while the tips of her ears could barely be seen, but they looked like they had a slight point on them.

Dara looked like she was a high noble, or royalty.


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