Return to 2004

Chapter 34: Chapter 34

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"What do you think about going to Korea?"

"With you?"

I nodded my head.

"Are you going for business or pleasure?"

I smiled. "Does it matter? I can do both, can't I?"

Scarlett shook her head, "Not with me you can't. When do you plan on leaving?" She asked.

"A week from now. It is mostly to get the release for the game ready, but I also have to attend some meetings. Not to mention I have to go look at the trainees that are supposed to debut soon."

"Then I'll pass. Maybe next time we can go with Rein." Scarlett responded.

"And here I was thinking we would have some time to ourselves. Things are going to get a lot more busy for me in the coming months."

Scarlett did not really respond to me. She just snuggled up beside me as she rested her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes.

I relaxed too as I thought of everything that still needed to be done.

Besides the release of Kingdom Come, there were four more game titles being released by companies I owned. I planned on publishing them all through my studio.

Then there were the TV series that were wrapping up production. Along with some animated films and TV shows as well.

Not to mention two movies.

Currently there were twenty studios dedicated to making animated films, and ten dedicated to films with real people.

Altogether there were thirty-eight studios that worked for me. Not to mention my main one.

Thirty of them have yet release anything to the public, but they have been working on projects. These would all be hosted on my own streaming service that was supposed to launch in December of this year.

Meaning it would have thirty original films on launch day, along with some older series that have already aired. 

With YouTube dominating the internet, I had a good feeling that these projects would all do well. 

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Yet, my worries were more focused on my game. After all the work that went into making it I was sort of afraid it would fail. Even with all the positive feedback, there were bound to be people who disliked the game. I was fine with that. But what if the people who enjoyed it were the few while everyone else disliked it?

Whatever. I'll just have to believe in my team and idea.

"Sir, we will be pulling in shortly."

I nudged Scarlett and she slowly opened her eyes. She yawned and I could tell she was exhausted.

"You should head to bed once we're inside."

"No. I want to see my baby. He missed his mommy."

"He's probably asleep by now. We can do something with him in the morning."

Scarlett thought it over and nodded in agreement.

"Fine. Your elementary school has a basketball game tomorrow evening, want to go to that with him?"

"I can take the day off tomorrow, so yeah let's go. I haven't been to a game in a while."

Scarlett smiled.

"Good. Those kids will definitely be surprised."

I agreed with her on that. A lot of the children I met before have already graduated but there were probably a few younger ones that remembered me. I haven't been to the elementary school in a while either, so it would be a nice change of pace.

With the improvements to the school and neighborhood, there were a lot of changes. The value of the homes increased and so did the amount of rent they had to pay. It was sad to see, and it was mostly due to me investing so much. But the trade-off was the area was better off, and the people that lived there found better jobs.

I wouldn't say this was because of me, but I wanted to. More jobs came to the state and city, so people were able to find something that suited them.


Scarlett nudged me to draw me away from my thoughts. We were home and the lights were off.

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