
Chapter 31: Part Seven. In The Tunnels. Chapter Thirty Two. The Pirates Search for Treasure.

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The tunnel was dark yet Jenna saw perfectly well. This was not natural. Lights that they had brought with them had ceased to work a dozen meters into the tunnel and been discarded. Glancing over her shoulder, she could see only the first few of those following her. Turning forward she looked into the dark tunnel, eyes flickering from side to side seeking dangers that flirted with her senses as she strode deeper into the mountain, the rest following behind. Jenna held the carving in front of herself, singing earlier, now in the tunnel, it was silent. The figure had glowed with a soft golden glow before they entered, but now with a bright sliver light, filling the tunnel which was twice Jenna’s height and wide enough that two people could easily walk side by side.

Although there had been no attacks so far, all the pirates were on edge, a feeling of overwhelming danger had been growing in their minds and hearts, greater for some then for others. It seeped into their bones, like a damp chill soaking into a poorly clad body. At the rear of the pirates Thurgod shivered, Costos, Extsu and Kutz Destra the sergeant beside him all noticed.

“I feel it as well.” Extsu whispered, Kutz Destra nodded, eyes flickering around. Costos and Arron remained silent

Just in front, Lista clutched herself. “Why did I come?” She whispered turning her face to Ilisa. There was no reply, Ilisa showed nothing, just strode steadily along, face expressionless.

In front of them, close enough to touch were Titus, Draucs and Tyrone, weapons ready, while Jenna led, with the professor close behind. A choice, a ‘Y’ shaped divide approached. “Left hand branch I think, there seems to be a shadow down the right one,” came in the professors unsteady voice.

Starting to the left, Jenna stopped. Confused she paused. “I think that it wants to go to the right.” She said.

“No, left is clear!” Denner Venkriller insisted.

Jenna stood silent, indecision in her mind and on her face. “It keeps pointing to the right.” Again she stood in indecision.

“What’s wrong?” Came from the back.

“Not sure.” Tyrone replied. While his voice was steady, he too felt the sense of danger creeping on them.

“Trust yourself Jenna.’ Fastos counselled her. “Trust in what the figure is telling you.”

“I am going right, follow if you want,” came in the decisive tones of an experienced pilot. Concealing her inner fears, Jenna resolutely stepped forward. With an assist from Tyrone Professor Venkriller followed, grumbling all the way.

At the back, Kutz Destra had turned around, checking the tunnel behind them. With a gasp, he saw something advancing in stealthy steps on him. Falling backwards he stumbled, calling out as he did. Thurgod and Extsu spun around, rifles raised. All three fired while Costos and Arron grabbed at their weapons. The creature screamed and burst into flame. Outlined in fire the creature, a grotesque perversion of a great ape, advanced with hideously purposeful strides, fangs bared and all four arms raised.

“Keep going, faster.” Thurgod yelled.

Quickening her pace, Jenna moved down the tunnel, the rest following her. At the junction of the two tunnels, the creature stopped, snarled and continued down the left fork, still outlined in a red glow.

“That thing would have followed us!” Gasped Extsu.

“Keep moving.” Snarled Thurgod.

“And keep together.” Rumbled Tyrone.

Wordlessly, Jenna stepped forward on her journey. She moved as one possessed by some secret knowledge, walking down the dark corridor towards an unknown, yet preordained fate, the rest followed. They all knew now with grim certainty, they had no choice, there was no going back, their only chance was forward. Holding the carving like a talisman, Jenna strode into the shadows.

For a long time it seemed to them, they continued deep into the bowels of the mountain. No water or fire impeded them and the tunnel never changed, apart from sometimes curving to the left and sometimes to the right. For a time it seemed that they descended in a long spiral, before going straight again. Dry and dusty, the tunnel stayed the same, always the same height, and the walls smooth and unadorned. Occasional side tunnels appeared, black holes to one side or the other. Jenna never moved to one, holding the main course true.

No further horrors had threatened directly although from time to time dark shadows had formed in front of them. All these had dissipated before the figure Jenna held. As they passed the point where the shadow had lingered, all felt a touch of horror, of hunger, of need. They shuddered at what the shadows may have held for them. From the side holes dark breath seemed to flow, but none were tempted to enter and nothing emerged.

At every junction Jenna took the path indicated by the carving, finally reaching a square. As they entered, torches on the walls flickered into life, pushing the shadows back. From each side of the square, including the one by which they entered, there was a tunnel. A small altar about waist high stood in the middle, a well-used straight sword laid on it, a battered scabbard close beside. Staring at the shining blade, the pirates glanced at each other but none moved to the altar at first.

“Well, which way?” Thurgod was showing his ragged nerves as he glared at each tunnel.

Costos had been staring at the sword with a glazed look, it seemed to the others that he was fascinated by it.  Tentatively he reached for the sword as the others watched with detached interest. There was a flash and he stepped back, cursing.

 “I need to drink.” Jenna moved to put the carving down.

“No, keep a hold of it!” Ilisa moved forward. “Here drink.” She held a flask to Jenna’s parched lips. A couple of mouthfuls were gulped down. Ilisa then moved with the flask to the others

“You drink too.” Jenna said.

“I’m fine.” Ilisa smiled. Lista, for some reason unknown even to herself, stayed close to Ilisa. The others milled around, muttering and glancing at the sword while Titus peered into each tunnel mouth.

“I don’t think you should be doing that.” The professor suggested, turning from a discussion with Fastos. “I agree.” Fastos said. “Keep clear.”

Titus grunted, moving to another tunnel. At the professor’s comment, Tyrone, Thurgod, Costos, Arron, Extsu, Draucs and Kutz all turned around.

“Better stay ….” Tyrone started.

The attack was sudden and brutal. The head of a giant snake shot out of the tunnel he was inspecting, crushing and biting it wrapped coils of its body around Titus and swiftly dragged him back into the tunnel from which it had emerged. The attack was so fast no one had time to move or even scream. Even Titus. The scream when it did come, came from Lista, and was long and piercing.

Gasping for breath, Lista turned to run to a tunnel, any tunnel. Ilisa being closest, grabbed her arm. “Do you want to die as well?” Followed one of Lista’s screams as she swallowed air.

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That is what happens when you stray from protection.” Even to her own ears, Jenna’s voice sounded mechanical. “I have drunk. We must go, we are close.” Turning and holding out the carving she moved, watching the figure. It indicated the same tunnel that had swallowed Titus. The sharp intake of breath was audible.

“Wait.” Everyone stopped at the sound of Ilisa’s voice. They all stared as she moved to the altar picked up the sword untouched, the scabbard followed and slid over the blade. Taking the now scabbarded sword to Jenna, Like a squire to a knight Ilisa fastened it around Jenna’s waist, placing it on her left side, complementing the shorter sword on her right. “Now you are complete,” she said. Standing Ilisa indicated the tunnel stepping aside as Jenna entered, Draucs close behind her. As they entered, Draucs leant forward and spoke softly, “I will see you safely through these tunnels, this I swear on the sword you now carry.” Jenna just nodded, eyes steadily forward.

There was no sign that anything was living in the tunnel. No trace of the snake or of Titus. Not even blood. Behind them, the torches in the square flickered out.

Approaching an archway, they found themselves on a landing, stars going up to the left, while stairs to the right lead down. Without hesitation, Jenna turned to the right and, with the briefest pause the rest followed. Down they descended passing through a number of landings and stairs, huddling together as there was no railing to save anyone from falling into the darkness that beckoned. At last they reached a landing that lead into a tunnel that Jenna accepted, flickering lights occasionally welcoming them.

“Finally,” Extsu muttered, following the pilot.

Through a bewildering complex of arches and tunnels they meandered until everyone was certain that they had no way of finding their way back to the entrance. The lights that had flicked on the stairs were no more and hints of shambling creatures retreating from the silver glow of the floating figure caused the hair of the pirates to rise and they felt as if a cold wind brought a shiver to their souls. Other creatures were betrayed by the glint of red eyes and vaguely human pale figures backed away into the tunnels they occupied while even less humanoid creatures scuttled or slithered back into the darkness. Every tunnel they passed looked exactly the same as the one they were on until finally they entered one that ran straight.

This tunnel was also dark with no flickering lights to welcome them, although as before all could see unnaturally well. Lista hung to Ilisa, seeking the warmth and comfort of her closeness. No one spoke although Lista let out the occasional sob.

More shadows seemed to be following them. Flickering on the edges of their unconscious mind. Drawing erratic images out of their memories. Thurgod began to wonder if he would ever see light again or was he now trapped and doomed to wander in a hell of his own making. Similar thoughts ran through the minds of the sergeant, Extsu and Tyrone although Tyrone drew some comfort from Draucs being beside him. The two had talked, very briefly, agreeing that their primary job was to protect Jenna.

Lista’s mind was full of the snake, in her addled thoughts, the snake seemed to be talking and calling to her, whispering evil into her mind. The professor was caught up in his map, calling out intersections as they came to them. Of shadows in the map as they rolled by. Of dark images, warning Jenna even as she gave no reaction to any prompting from him. Fastos followed in silence as did Arron and Costos, each keeping their thoughts to himself. Ilisa strode on silently, suffering without comment Lista’s holding her. Jenna was immobile it seemed to the others, surrounded by the silver aura of the glowing figure.

Suddenly, down another seemingly endless tunnel Jenna stopped, “Come close. Stand still, be not afraid.” She commanded. Silence reigned, broken only by ragged breathing. Looking down the tunnel, a light began to flicker. A glow appeared. Slowly it grew to the form of a demonic head which then grew a body. It changed, the eyes spread wide, teeth grew to fangs, fingers to claws. Advancing slowly towards them, the menace grew palpable.

Tyrone stepped forward, rifle raised, followed by Draucs. “Do not fire, it will do no good!” Jenna commanded

“Close your eyes.” Ilisa whispered softly to Lista. Lista complied and huddled into her protector, whimpering.

“Hold fast!” Jenna commanded holding the carving high.

With a high cry that slashed the ears of the group, the creature suddenly charged. Sharp intakes of breath greeted the movement. “Stand still, do not try to fight it.” Called Jenna, herself unmoving.

The creature floated, then, swiftly like an arrow, its mouth opened wide as if to swallow them all whole, the horror flew down the tunnel towards them. Apart from Lista who buried her face in Ilisa's dress, all eyes were wide with terror, but the group held like statues, Except for the sergeant. Too much had happened for Kutz Destra to hold, with a cry he broke and ran. A chilling laugh dropped like cold water over them as the creature passed them by. A scream, suddenly shut off, was the only sound.

“We must continue,” was all Jennas said. A shudder ran through the rest.

For a moment, the rest stood staring down the tunnel where the creature had gone. Used to brutality they were, this horror was beyond any they had ever experienced. Gathering the tatters of their courage, reason and sanity, they turned. None asked the uppermost question in their minds, who was next?

As they continued, the first signs of changes appeared. Where there had only been the tunnel with its unnaturally smooth wall and uniform height, now the ceiling grew higher and the tunnel wider. Symbols began to appear on the walls of the tunnel. Strange esoteric symbols that caused a prickling of the skin and a chill down the spine. Writing appeared, a strange writing that none of them could decipher. Suddenly they were into a new chamber, one with seats and furniture that looked new but of a make and type that they had never seen before. Soft fluffy pillows littered couches and reclining chairs.

“Don’t touch anything. This is all very old and valuable.” The professor was looking at the antiques first of course. Moving around the room, he looked at various items from all angles. There were vases, actual painted pictures on the walls and leaning on chairs and tables. The tables themselves were actual wood, not metal or free flow synthetic or polymer. Never had the pirates seen so many natural items in one place. The paintings they had never seen before. Even the blasé, see it all before Thurgod Distra was opened mouthed.

“How much would we get for all this, how much?” He whispered. Tyrone shook his head in wonder. Extsu was wandering around staring at all the furnishings. Costos stood still, Arron beside him also shook his head in wonder.

Fastos too was looking at the paintings. “I have seen holo’s of this one before.” He exclaimed. “And this one too!”

The professor just wandered, not say anything or joining in the banter. He seemed lost in a world of his own.

“Look at all of this!” Lista said still attached to Ilisa who just glanced around. “Yes, nice,” Ilisa replied moving towards where Jenna was heading.

“This is amazing Ilisa, how can you be so uninterested?”

“Depends, Lista just depends.”

“We must go on. Now,” Jenna had not stopped nor had Draucs, staying close to her. She was now at a set of doors at the far end of the chamber. “All of you here, now, we are not yet safe. We must keep moving.” She turned to the double doors as all the rest hurried to her. Their memories still full of their recent terror.

Now in a group, rather than a line, they watched as Jenna stepped forward. To no one’s surprise, the doors swung open without being touched. Moving forward into a well-lit tunnel, they saw yet another set of double doors some distance ahead of them. Extsu glanced behind as the door closed. Again the fear ran up his spine, through the narrowing gap in the door he glimpsed a dark cloud flowing into the room behind them. With a shiver he quickly moved up and made sure that he was joined to the group, bumping into Thurgod as he did so.

“What’s wrong with you?” Thurgod was more than a little irritated.

“Do you have to ask?” Was the reply, glancing over his shoulder, at the same time.

Thurgod glanced at the double doors behind them, looked at Extsu and shook his head.

It took just a few more steps to reach the next set of doors. Jenna stood still, what she was thinking, the rest had no idea. Again the doors swung open. Again they gasped in astonishment.


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