
Chapter 37: Chapter Thirty Eight. The Black Sword.

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The cheering for the new Star Commander had finally died down. The Dark Lord gave a nod to Lady Dana. She walked slowly forward, carrying a small package in her hand. Standing in front of Vis Vistricer, she removed the rank insignia from his shoulders. Opening the package, revealed the rank insignia of a Star commander, a large star with crossed swords below. These were placed on Vis Vistricers shoulders.

Lady Dana stepped back and gave the newly created highest officer in the Legion a small bow, which he returned. 

“Well done Star Commander.”  The Dark Lord stepped forward, “However there are a few items I need to attend to here and you also have much to do.” He looked the new holder of the highest office in the legion over. “If you would convey my intentions regarding Jenna of Christos to Commodore Traska and also pass him the appropriate orders for Captain Quill to carry out”

“Intentions sire?” Captain Quills head was on a swivel between the two. Vis Vistricer and Commodore Traska maintained their silence. They did not know what was to happen to Jenna but were certain, from the way the conversation was headed, that it was not death.

“Yes, for services rendered, I have granted mercy to Jenna. Your commander will issue the orders in the proper form.”

“Commodore.” Came with a nod from the newly minted Star Commander.

The Dark Lord pulled out a roll of thick paper from inside his sleeve and handed it to Vis Vistricer who accepted it with a bow. “To keep everything in order,” The Dark Lord said.

Looking at the paper as the Dark Lord stepped away, Vis Vistricer read the same orders and decisions that had been decided in the cavern. He could not help but glance at the cliff face out of which the group had walked. Nothing is going to be the same he thought.

Turning to Commodore Traska, he handed the parchment to him. The Commodore read the document. He then read it again. “Sir,” he said, “This says nothing about the accused criminals Draucs and Fastos-Of-Connor.” He paused, “What am I to do with them?”

“I think that we will soon find out what is going to become of our friend Fastos and the other man.” He indicated to where the Dark Lord had walked over to where the Ladies had congregated. “Pass your orders to Captain Quill regarding the rest. I want you to deal with Jenna of Christos personally however.” He looked at where the Dark Lord was now standing. “Better hurry.”

Motioning to Captain Quill, Commodore Traska drew him aside. “Now I do not know what is happening here but you will take all the prisoners listed here to the nearest base with facilities for Courts Martial. Also Devano and Amard Petter are to be placed into appropriate detention according to these orders.” He handed over the parchment. “The rest, except for Fastos and Draucs, are to face a courts martial and will be disposed of according to the laws of the Empire and their respective home planets.” He drew a breath, “Any questions?”

Captain Quill had quite a few and said so. “But they will have to wait I’m thinking. Look.”


The Dark Lord had been moving amongst the Ladies. Holding and embracing some, kissing others, taking their hands and speaking in their unintelligible language. It was the reunion of a group long kept apart. The woman with light brown hair had also been moving amongst the group with the evident joy of seeing long lost friends. Although of many shapes and sizes, all were beautiful and charming. While some looked almost familiar, others were so exotic that all who saw them goggled at the darkness of their skin and the slant of their eyes.

All the officers, sergeants, and troopers of the legion had been fascinated by the appearance of the Ladies. However their earlier experience with the Lady Dana had also shown the officers the necessity for caution and both Commodore Traska and Major Amrk had already had pithy discussions both with junior officers and the senior non-commissioned officers who then had corresponding chats with the rest of the troopers.

The result was that the troopers were better prepared for the appearance of so many beautiful and charismatic women. They kept their distance and discipline. It helped that all of the Legionaries, both male and female, were highly educated as was common in the Empire and, in addition were both highly disciplined and experienced. None however where unaffected, whether men or women. In years to come, those present would tell and retell the story in whatever mess they were eating and drinking in. It would be rare for them to ever have a drink for which they had to pay.

Not unexpectedly, the invisible aura of the Dark Lord was also an inhibiting factor. The generally light and somewhat easygoing attitude that he had been showing along with the unexpected promotion of the Fleet Admiral has also contributed to a somewhat festive atmosphere. The more perceptive amongst them however, had noted certain signs. The fear of the prisoners was to be expected, however, a certain nervousness amongst the Ladies that had appeared after the Dark Lord had spoken with them, along with glances, whispers and stony looks shared amongst them, was not.


The Dark Lord left the ladies followed only by the blue eyed Lady, who had passed the sword she was holding to a red haired Lady, wearing a short red dress and knee high black boots. The rest it was noted with disquiet, were moving back and huddling somewhat together. A couple were even moving apart from the group and turning away with an attitude of alertness that the troopers recognised.

A sudden silence fell as the Dark Lord removed His cloak. Holding it for a fraction He regarded the pirates where they knelt, waiting to see the fate of those who had elected theirs.

For what seemed a long time but was quite short the Dark Lord stood, tossing His cloak from one hand to another. Turning suddenly, He tossed it to the Lady who had come out of the cavern with him. She caught it and retreated. At this there was a sudden upturn in tension. The troopers straightened, all levity left them, the officers feeling it as well. Star Commander Vis Vistricer thought back to the decision that he had heard from Lady Dana which Fastos-of-Connor and Draucs had made to the Dark Lord. They are going to be executed, came the thought, I wonder how?

“Fastos-of-Connor,” At the Dark Lords gesture, Fastos stood.

“Yes ….. Lord?” The last came slowly, seemly forced out.

“Your decision, you stand by it?”

Fastos straightened, stood erect. “I do.”

“Very well then, advance.” Another motion and the restraints fell to the ground. No one it seemed could tear their eyes away. All wondered what was going to happen as there was no weapon evident on the Dark Lords person.

“Come.” He said, as Fastos walked uncertainly forward. Tension rose to almost unbearable heights. The Dark Lord smiled reassuringly, briefly took the arm of Fastos with His left hand and guided him onto some flat ground, then released him. As he did so He raised His right hand. A sword appeared, gleaming black in the sun and seemed to fall into His hand. It flicked down and out and Fastos head was rolling on the ground. A quick push and the headless body was following it, spouting blood into the earth. The Dark Lord made no sound.


A shocked gasp came from the assembled troops, along with mixed looks of horror, grim satisfaction, shock and surprise. Most quickly took stern control and composed their features into equally stern immobility. Some took slightly longer but there were no new recruits amongst these elite troops and they all had seen hard sights before. Men and women both. The Ladies had made no sound, although it seemed to the officers, especially the Star Commander, that they watched the Dark Lord carefully with an alert air about them. What did they expect? The thought ran through his head.


For a moment the Dark Lord held his sword in front of him. Studying it at leisure. None spoke. To the onlookers, it seemed that a halo or nimbus surrounded the Dark Lord. Again he reached up, this time a scabbard and belt fell into His left hand. For a moment He held the sword high. To those close by it seemed that He was talking to the sword, and even eerier, it seemed to them that the sword was answering. Sliding His sword into the scabbard, He fastened the belt around His waist, taking His time as He did so and completely ignoring the watchers. Finished, He turned back to the group his left hand firmly planted on the hilt of his sword. At this a sigh seemed to pass through the Ladies and some of their tension dissipated. Their postures now showed some relaxation. However they still remained alert.

Stepping back to the pirates, the Dark Lord stood before Draucs and motioned him to stand. “Draucs, do you still wish to make your atonement.”

“I do,” he replied and his restraints fell to the ground. All listening, wondered what Draucs had done that he had to make right with his life. Even Costos wondered. Draucs had never spoken of his past but he had always had a grimness and a sensitivity regarding women and children about him.

Again taking the pirate by the arm, the Dark Lord steered Draucs to a different part of the ground, “Kneel Draucs,” he commanded, “and look to the sun.”

The Dark Lords sword seemed to leap out of its scabbard to his hand and with a back hand slash Draucs head rolled to the ground, his body following.

For a fraction, the Dark Lord stood silently holding his sword away from his side. The Ladies stood silently as well, watching closely. A murmured “Happy now,” was answered by a low, cold chuckle that chilled those close enough to hear it. The sword slid into its scabbard with a hiss. Those closest shuddered to see that there was no blood visible on the blade of the sword. Holding out His hand, He took his cloak back and turned to face the pirates and the members of the legion. As He turned around, He noted that the assembled troops were now augmented by onlookers who had been otherwise occupied but were now anxious to see everything going on. No one wanted to miss out on this momentous day. A slight smile touched His lips.

With a nod to the Ladies, now visibly relaxed, Hr turned to the surviving pirates, He looked without smiling at them, one hand resting casually on his sword. “All of you have elected to await your fates in good time.  You of course already know yours.” This last referred to Jenna. Fear was on all the pirate’s faces, except Jennas who had reverted to the controlled pilot.

Running His eyes over the five men, He regarded them. “If you wish to revise your decision made earlier, now is the time to do so.” He laughed and a ripple ran through everyone. “You see that my sword is sharp and I have not lost my skill.” They remained silent, mute in their fear. “Why am I not surprised?” He said, musingly.

Professor Denner Venkriller was at the point of collapse. The shocks that had rained in on him had been profound and had shaken him to his core. When the Dark Lord turned His eyes onto him he melted in fear and could not manage anything more than a moan.

“I feel that it would be more merciful to just run you through.” A pause. “But I have spoken and what you elected will be done.” The Dark Lord murmured to the professor. He turned away to other matters.


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Star Commander Vis Vistricer watched his returned sovereign with interest noting that the Dark Lord appeared completely unfazed after carrying out two executions. The thought that He had done it before crossed Vis Vistricers mind as he turned to speak with Commodore Traska and Captain Quill.


Giving the officers space, the Dark Lord turned his attention back to the Ladies, speaking briefly with each of them, in particular to Lady Dana and a dark haired one who must have been Lady Andrea. Those watching observed a tall Lady with a silver circlet on her forehead who was suspected to be Lady Luca, the warrior, it was also noted that she now held the sword that the slight one with brown hair and blue eyes had brought out ot the tunnels; This last Lady seemed to be close to Dark Lord staying by his side and this raised considerable speculation later. The watchers also saw that the Ladies now seemed relaxed but were deeply interested in whatever discussion the Dark Lord was having with them. In particular both the Lady with red hair and another who had black hair and pale skin appeared to pay close attention.

The discussion over, the Dark Lord walked back to the prisoners, these began to shake again, fearing what might happen next.


Vis Vistricer had finished with his officers while all this was going on. “Commodore, you and Captain Quill now have prisoners to sort out, I believe.”  The commodore nodded. “Please do not let me disrupt your duties any more then.” Came with a smile and a nod. Taking this broad hint, the two officers retired to finish their discussion. Major Amrk did not move.

”You have need of me, Major?” The Star Commander took the lead this time.

“Yes sir, the bodies.”

It took a fraction’s thought, then, “They can’t stay here. Have them secured and frozen. I believe Fastos body should be returned to Connor. Check on that. The other one, well, I know nothing of him. Find out what you can from the pirates and see if there is any protocol for returning his body to whatever his home planet is. If they don’t want him, drop it into a convenient star. But make sure that whatever family he has is contacted first.”

“Yes sir.” Major Amrk saluted and turned with a call, “Colour Sergeant!” That is the first real order I have given as Star Commander. Vis Vistricer thought.


Arriving at the prisoners, The Dark Lord motioned for Jenna to stand. “Jenna of Christos, this may be the last time we shall meet.” A look of surprise ran across Jennas face as well as those who heard what the Dark Lord said and at what it implied. Where, when and how would they or could they have met before?

Slowly Jenna rose. The Dark Lord stepped close. “There is one last gift I can give you.” The puzzled look that had remained furrowing her brow now deepened. Looking at the guards, the Dark Lord commanded them to hold Jennas arms. The look on Jennas face turned to apprehension.

“Do not worry.” The Dark Lord smiled reassuringly as his hand reached out and a finger touched Jenna’s forehead. She gasped and fell back into the arms of the guards unconscious. Holding her, they lowered her gently to the ground, staring all the while at the Dark Lord.

“Be gentle with her,” He said, “she will sleep for some twelve periods of your time and then awaken. She will need both water and nourishment at that time. Findus sparkling water if possible,” was added with a straight face. Leaving the dumbfounded and shaken troopers, He walked back to the star commander.

“Star Commander, You gave the responsibility of returning Jenna to Christos to Commodore Traska, I approve and strengthen that order. All facilities are to be given to the Commodore.”

“Off course sire.” The Star Commander answered, all the while wondering what was behind the order. He nodded at the Commodore who also had his mask firmly in place. An answering, “I will take care of everything sir, my Lord,” came from him.

“Also I believe that it is time and past for both of us to return to your ship. From there I will take you to the good Mont De Templer.” At the look that appeared on the Star Commanders face, he continued with a laugh, “It will be fine!”

“I need to confer briefly with Commodore Traska first, Sire.”

“And I need to speak to the ladies once more.” Came the smiling reply. Vis Vistricer bowed and left.

Each went and spoke to their respective audiences. The Star Commander completed passing on his orders and returned to his shuttle. When the Dark Lord was finished he returned to the escort that was waiting, Major Amrk in command. He stepped forward and saluted, receiving a nod in reply.

“Sire, I am charged with escorting you to the Star Commanders Shuttle.” He paused, seeming to want to say more. Without expression the Dark Lord motioned for him to continue. “Sire, the Ladies, am I to provide them with any service?” He sucked in his breath and the Dark Lord regarded him steadily, still without expression.

“I see you mean only to preform your duty.” This was met with an expression of relief. “The Ladies are not in need of any service from you. Worry yourself not about them.”

“Yes sir, this way My Lord.” Major Amrk was relieved that one possible trouble spot was removed from his shoulders and lead the way to the Star Commanders Shuttle. Along the way, as the Dark Lords cloak billowed open in an errant gust of wind he noticed that the sword was gone. He was surprised to note that he was not surprised.


Reaching the shuttle, again Major Amrk saluted as the Dark Lord turned to him. “You have done well with your duties today Major, it is noted. Farewell.”

“Thank you sire.”

Stepping back he watched the Dark Lord enter the shuttle, the door closed and it lifted off. Major Amrk took a deep breath and let it out in a long sigh, all the while wondering at the Dark Lords manner of speech. Turning to the escort, he saw the colour sergeant watching. They exchanged a look. “Okay Colour, let’s get this cleaned up, I want to be of this planet before dusk. The bodies are taken care of, we have a cleanup crew on the blood, temporary structures are being taken down and all equipment is being boxed up. What have we forgotten?”

“Well sir we do have that those monstrosities to remove,” waving his hand at the closest of the pirate ships.

“That, Colour, is thankfully not my problem. Captain Quill will be dealing with that along with the one over there.” He laughed. “This has been one roller-coaster of a day Colour, let’s see it out!” And they separated with a laugh, not always the case between a trooper and his officer.


 Commodore Traska and Captain Quill also watched the shuttle depart. “Well Captain Quill, nothing is going to be the same now.” They had also been informed by a bemused junior officer that the Ladies had disappeared when the Dark Lord went to the shuttle. The young officer was surprised by the senior officers’ lack of any surprise.

“Indeed sir,” Quill paused, “I must return to my ship and organise a crew and escort for both of them,” pointing at the pirate ships. “As well I will designate a quad for the pirates who remain, they can take them on board. Except for your quadrant, I suggest that we split and rejoin later.”

“Of course, Major Amrk can finish up here and I will return to Aspen.” He turned. “Also, the Star Commander ordered me to deliver Jenna of Christos to her home world. I will have her brought on board.”

“Yes sir.”

“As Christos is in the fifth cluster, I will have to give up command here and you will have to assume command of Detachment T. At least that is what I will recommend to the Star Commander or whoever is taking over from him. I will take the Aspen to the nearest Rim Station. After that I am not sure. Any questions?”

The two laughed simultaneously. “Well let’s just carry on shall we!” Traska laughed.

“Yes sir.” The two saluted and departed.


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