
Chapter 7: Chapter Six. A Brief Respite.

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Emotionally spent but now safe at the pirate hideout Watchers Rock Jenna of Christos finished all the checks of the bridge systems that she thought necessary and left the Master Moon. On her way to the tavern where the rest of the crew were expecting her, she sourly noted the announcement of a space craft's appearance and sneered openly as several of the Companions ran to activate their own defensive positions. Others ran to their particular spacecraft to start the process of preparing the craft for flight or fight as necessary. Turning she continued her progress into the combined tavern and eatery to join the crew who were already there.

"Will you not come to pilot?" asked one as he ran by. "If this is the Empire...."

"If this was the Empire coming to finish us off, there would be a fleet, not one ship, you fool," she laughed bitterly. "And if they did come in a single craft, it would be well cloaked and undetectable until it was too close to matter."

Another grabbed her, “Then let’s have a romp! If we...” There was a crash. Angrily disengaging herself from the arms of the unwashed pirate, Jenna had thrown him onto a table. Swiftly drawing her sword in the same motion, she swung it over her head and brought it down with lethal force. The pirate screamed as the razor sharp edge sliced through his upraised left leather arm guard and he slid of the table onto the floor.

Kicking the table aside, Jenna moved forward with deadly intent.

“Touch me you fool!” was spat at the unfortunate individual as he scrambled to his feet and fell back towards the doors. Some of the remaining pirates and onlookers watched in amusement or indifference while others placed bets on the likely outcome. Such scenes were not uncommon in this nameless tavern. In any case tensions were high and a little bloodletting was considered a release.

“Fifty credits on Jenna.” Someone called.

“A hundred.” Came from another corner, to general laughter. Few placed any money on the other combatant.

Scrambling for his own sword with his good hand, the pirate barely parried Jennas blow aimed at gutting him and swung in desperation at Jenna. Missing with his own blow he aimed a backhand at Jennas head only to feel her sword cut across his wrist. Dropping his sword and screaming, he never saw the blade as it slide into his gut and sliced upwards to his heart. With a hiss, the sword was withdrawn followed by a gout of blood.

Applause sounded as Jenna stood over the lifeless body of the pirate. At a call she swung around with a glare, sword at the ready. Most of the spectators laughed and loudly admired her skill, some raising glasses to her. Seeing no further danger, Jenna wiped her sword clean on the dead pirate before thrusting it into its scabbard and joining her companions.


“Findus sparkling water,” Jenna was met by Fastos of Connor at the table where some of her compatriots were sitting, “your usual.”

Recovering her calm, Jenna took the water from Fastos with a nod of thanks and slipped into the remaining seat. Glancing back at a sound, she saw that house cleaning droids were taking care of the mess that had been the nameless pirate.

“Anyone know who he was?” Amard Petter asked, slouched in his chair.

“I think that he was a mercenary with Costos,” Tyrone volunteered. “Just a temporary one. If he has not been paid off Jenna, Costos will probably thank you,” he shrugged, “but maybe not,”

“If he has a problem he knows where to find me.”

More alarms sounded as another space craft arrived. Tension hung in the air until an announcement of a surviving pirate ship was made. Even at this lawless outpost such procedures were necessary as pirates tended to shoot first then ask permission.

"Maybe they want to take us alive to feed the Zylions. They must be getting hungry by now." Amard the second pilot muttered.

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"Be silent Amard" Jenna spat. "Have you no regard for the dead?"

"The dead are dead, Jenna.” Fastos spoke soothingly. “Remember that I was there too and saw what happened. You have nothing to be ashamed about. We all agreed that it was a good plan and none suspected a trap such as was sprung on us by the Empire."

Since Jenna had joined their ship a year ago, Fastos had seen Jenna in action numerous times. While he did not normally fear her and considered her one of the most level headed members of the companions, her mood at this time was fey and dangerous. Not unexpected considering the surprise that the empire had sprung on them at the ambush site.

"It was your skills that got us out of the trap." he continued, hoping to keep the group from exploding. "The Empire has never brought so many ships together before to strike at the pirates. In the path that we took, I saw at least 20 or 30 heavy cruisers. I didn't see any Battle Stars but I wouldn't be surprised if they were around but kept under cover so we could not detect them."

Fastos shook his head sadly. In realty he was badly shaken by the Empires surprise in carrying out such a concentrated ambush.

The other of the group sat silently, although their reactions were wildly different. Looking around as the diverse crew members sitting and drinking, Fastos-Of-Conner felt he could almost read their thoughts.

Example; Lista Thursta clearly was not unhappy at Jenna's mood, indeed, she seemed almost euphoric over Jenna's depression. Tyrone on the other hand appeared almost as depressed as Jenna. The others, senior soldiers and crew technicians, Fastos dismissed as unimportant. Generally they just appeared satisfied to be alive.

Little was known about Jenna, other than that she was from a distant galaxy and had arrived with a pirate crew more than four years before. She had joined Master Moon after a disastrous attempt to pirate a large cargo ship. The fact that the ship had taken a mercenary company onboard was a bad surprise and the pirate captain was killed along with most of the bridge and boarding crew. Only Jenna and the engineers survived unscathed, Jenna because she had been left in command. Not known outside the pirate circles, Jenna was recognized as a superb pilot and her services had been courted by several of the most powerful pirate leaders. Fastos was happy that she had joined Thurgods crew. Others were less happy.

Recently displaced by Jenna, Lista hatred the pilot. As if she needed a reason, Fastos thought, knowing that Lista saw all other entities only in their capacity to serve her needs, or as obstacles to be disposed of if necessary. Jenna better watch her back, he felt.

The only one of note missing from the ships crew was Thurgod Drista, the acknowledged leader and Captain of the group. Fastos wondered where he was. Not missing out of respect for the fallen, he thought cynically, Thurgod was not known for his delicate regard for any entity other than himself.


Jenna watched Fastos covert appraisal of the group. While he was no warrior, she remembered that she had profited by Fastos shrewd counsel on several occasions. In any case, anyone who had defrauded the Empire and was still alive to tell about it was no fool. Nor a coward, Fastos had been a high level diplomat until it had come to light that he had been taking bribes and selling secrets. Convicted, he had contrived to escape between trials, the first trial had resulted in a sentence of detention but a death sentence was demanded by the prosecutors and a new trial scheduled.

Why is he here? Jenna wondered, knowing that Fastos had sufficient funds and probably identification, to be able to live wherever he wanted. What is keeping him in the companions? She mused, even as she realized that she would never ask.


Lista Thursta stirred in the comfortable seat that she had appropriated upon entering the lounge. Stretching sensually, aware of the eyes watching her and enjoying the sensation of being the focus of attention, she turned to Tyrone, Fastos felt a sinking sensation in his gut but before she could speak Thurgod arrived.


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