Returning 100 Years Later

Chapter 1: Prologue

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-Sebastian Han Arc POV-

As a child, I've been a bit more aware and wiser than most of the children of my age. It was at the age of 10 were I started to question my existence. What is our purpose? No, what is my purpose. This particular question that has been with me since I can remember. A question that I haven't been able to answer. What is it I'm meant to do for this world? Some people might say that you could become a doctor that helps cure sick people; a scientist who finds a cure for a disease; a police who protects the unprotected. But I just can't help but feel that doing any of those options isn't my calling. Like me, lots of people feel this way. Millions of people who felt like outcast in this world, many who were ostracized by society, and many people who didn't fit in were left like sheep's for the wolf to slaughter.

One of the reasons of homelessness is because of a person's unwillingness to provide for the world, choosing not to do anything. One of the reasons for suicides is just the same as homelessness, except these people were desperate to leave this world. They were people who couldn't take it anymore.

Some pity them, while some don't. For me, it's all the same. The clear difference between them and I is that I'm choosing to break off the chains that keep chaining me. The reason that is because of my sole reason to find my purpose, while others gave up, I will not.

My parents weren't rich, we'd live on a apartment for most of my whole life. My parents weren't able to go to college since they've been migrants from another country, however finding a job that pays well prove to be extremely difficult. Soon I was born and as I got older, it felt as if my parents were hoping I could be successful and live better than they've had. Although they've never told me that, I could still see it in their eyes and feel what they were thinking.

I managed to do well in High School. I worked part time at a grocery store, and with the scholarship money I've received and money earned by my job, I was able to go to college. My parents were proud as any parent would be seeing their children go to college. I should be happy, right? No, all I felt was emptiness. However, as if a hope of light had appeared, there was news of the largest particle accelerator being activated in 5 years.

In college, I chose to pursue physics and engineering since I was piqued by the research to find the understanding of the universe's creation as well as understand a human's capabilities to further evolve. As I had graduated and received my Bachelor's Degree in Physics and Mechanical Engineering, which I was then able to work as an Accelerator Operator at the largest particle accelerators of the world. 

It was today that the particle accelerator would be activated, it was also the day the world would change.


-End Sebastian Han Arc POV-

June 1st, 2022

The day of the activation of the particle accelerator came quickly and unexpected. Millions of people seemed to have completely forgotten about it. When it was first announced 5 years ago, almost everyone was excited and curious as to finally find the answers of the universal questions. Although as time went by, the curiosity and excitement had slowly dissipated. 

They weren't given the exact date it would happen, just that it would take approximately 5 years. The time to get it finalized was complicated since it first needed to be approved by the leaders of every country; having a country not approved would be disastrous if the opposing country were to wage a war. In the beginning there were disagreements between countries, leaders were afraid yet the curiosity was weighing on the fear of something grave happening.

 Other reserved countries were doubtful but in the end agreed due to the protest of people. Countries who run by theocracy and countries where religion had an influence over the country also had disagreements, however the majority of the population had fought for the continuity of the project, which had caused the countries to finally settle the fight and agree to continue the project.

 It had taken 2 years before all the countries had agreed to approve the finalization of the Eve Project.

When the exact date was announced, again the whole world shook. Excitement, anxiety, and fear had run through the entire world. Leaders who stared having second thoughts about the project were rampant on closing down the project, however they soon realized that they were too late. 

The reason for all of the uproar is because this will be the first risky project throughout human's course. A project, which could potentially create a new beginning or end it. The Eve Project, in contrast with other particle accelerators is much more dangerous because it has the slim chance of an atomic black hole opening, although relatively small, it could potentially end the world.

Outside the facility of the particle accelerator were hundreds of people trying to witness what is about to be an event that will change human history. Guards made sure no one would get close to the facility. After all, particle accelerators produces radiation, which is fatal.

Inside the research facility, there were people monitoring the computers and there were also people talking. One of them being the owner of the project as well as the owner of the laboratory. 

"This is it…We will change the world." Benjamin Hank looked at the timer that was being projected on the screen. The timer was also being live streamed across the world. 

"We will have our answers," Jane Ellis commented as she looked at the screen with excitement. She couldn't help but also admire Benjamin for being able to stay calm during this event.

A person who wore a black trench coat and had a face that expressed someone who hadn't been sleeping for days. He appeared to be older than 50 years old but in reality, he has just hit 30. This man was Brandon Parker who was the co-owner of this project. 'Finally…it's here.' He smiled grimly as if knowing was about to happen.

The timer had gone down to the first digits. During this, everyone had gone quiet. Everyone had their hearts beating rapidly, as if anticipating for something.



The people monitoring the computers had pressed a button, which after doing so, the building started shaking. The alarms started going off, causing everyone to go into panic. 

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Benjamin Hank had widened his eyes and banged his fist on the table. "What is happening?!" His calm and collective face was removed and replaced with a distorted and confused expression. He continued, "Didn't we test this algorithm multiple times? It should have worked! Unless…You!" Benjamin quickly pointed at Brandon Parker.

Brandon Parker wasn't surprised being found out by Benjamin. He had knew Benjamin possessed quite a strong intuition and deductive skills. He was only surprised he wasn't found out in the beginning stages of their career. 

"Sorry my friend, it had to be this way."

Benjamin Hank shook his head in anger. "You've dammed us all!" He grabbed Brandon's neck, however before he could squeeze his neck, he was pulled of by Jane Ellis who only looked at them with a confused expression.

"What's going on?!" Jane looked at his boss who glared at his second boss. 

"Get the Accelerator Operators down there quickly! Who knows how much time we have left until this explodes!" Benjamin said as Jane nodded and quickly called.

In another room, a man who appeared to be in his twenties was in a state of confusion. He thought that the project would go successfully, however that didn't seem to be the case as he heard the alarms going off. 

Ring! The man quickly picked up the call and responded, "This is Sebastian, Particle Operator." Sebastian could hear screaming through the phone, which caused him to feel his heart race.

"We need you to check the control system! Now!" 

Sebastian could hear the urgency in her voice and felt a fear creeping up to him. Quickly getting out of his state, he rationalize his situation. "That would be dangerous, doing so could potentially kill me." He knew there was only him in this room who was Particle Operator. The other operators were operating the computers in the main room.

There was a silence from the caller. After a couple of seconds he could hear a gulp. 

"I don't think there's any other way. If you don't go there and fix the control system, we're all dead. Everyone you care about will die. I'm sorry you have to be the one doing this. You are our only hope, please."

Sebastian who was hearing this was contemplating. He could feel a ringing in his ear. He couldn't believe he was hearing this. 'Why did it have to be him?' Is what he was thinking. As he was about to retort, an image flashed in his mind. It was his parents. The last time he saw them were 5 years ago. He'd still call them but after going to college, he hasn't seen them. Sebastian had always send money monthly to them and called them but it wasn't the same as seeing them. Hearing that they might die because of this had made shake in anger.

Sebastian knew that the caller was using him. He knew that the other operators were busy and he was the closest to the control system. However going near it would be devastating. The radiation was strong enough to kill him in seconds. However he knew it would take minutes before it got close to the control system so making it back is also a possibility.

"We are running out of time!"

"Alright." He hung up the phone and quickly ran out of the room and dashed towards the control system. It didn't take long to find it since he was very familiar with this part of the place.

As he took a look at the control system, he started analyzing the problem. It took a few seconds before he knew what had happen. "Someone had changed the algorithm." He muttered, as he started changing it again. However as soon as he was about to enter, he collapsed.

'No…! No! How?!' Sebastian couldn't move his body. He couldn't even say the words he wanted to say. He could only hear his heartbeat going rampant. Sebastian could feel his consciousness fading before his eyes. 

He knew it was only a matter of the moment he would died and the particle accelerator would explode. 'Mom…Dad…I'm sorry.' Sebastian eyes had closed and his heart has stopped beating. A second later, an explosion had went off, causing a sinister black wormhole to open up beneath his body, which was soon swallowed.

Inside the research laboratory, people heard the explosion and their faces had turned grim. 

Outside, the people had collapsed to the floor as the particle accelerator exploded. The people could see shockwaves being sent off everywhere, causing the earth to tremble. The people outside went into panic. 

In what seemed like a forest, Sebastian was on the ground. His body started slowly moving as he went into a fetal position. After a few moments, he was able to regain his strength to stand up only to throw up in the floor. Black liquid spewed out of his mouth.

As he finished, he seemed to also regain his clarity. "Where the hell am I?"

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