Returning 100 Years Later

Chapter 3: Chapter Two: Unfortunate News

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Chapter Two: Unfortunate News

Somewhere in the forest, a man stood on top of what seemed like a dead mutant wolf. The wolf appeared to have a disfigured face with blood tainting its gray fur. The man who had an impassive face as he stared at the wolf-like monster, which he killed with his bare fist. 

The look in Sebastian’s eyes looked restless and indifferent. He knew dying repeatedly wasn’t affecting him, both psychologically and physically. He knew he needed to get out of here, he felt his rationality and sanity was slipping.

Sebastian exhaled softly as he finally was able to kill this wolf-like monster with medium difficulty. Sebastian lost count on how many times he died trying to increase his strength, agility, and reflexes. However, in the end, it was all worth it. 

He wasn’t exactly sure how strong he had gotten but it was comparably higher than the average person, possibly even higher than a human in peak condition. His punches were able to do quite a lot of damage. Since when he first fought the wolf-like monster, he was only able to push them back a bit. Now, he was able to knock them down, stun them, and injure them in the process. With repeated blows to the head, it was able to die quickly.

His agility and reflexes on the other hand was something he was well aware of from the beginning he first fought the wolf-like monster. After all, the changes were perceptible. However, it wasn’t all the time since he figured  that due to the adrenaline pumping into the blood, his senses heightened. 

He also noticed that his body was getting stronger as well. The wolf-like monsters weren’t able to penetrate their teeth into his skin as easily. 

Sebastian knew he couldn’t stay here longer and so he started running to a direction he didn’t go before due to the wolf restricting him from going there the first time. As he ran, he looked at the sky and guessed that it was morning. 





Sebastian stopped running and narrowed his eyes at the pack of wolves that had dropped down from the trees. Sebastian couldn’t deny he was a little tense since he hadn’t fought with multiple wolf-like monsters at the same time. Nevertheless, he didn’t back down nor run.

The wolf-like monsters were circling around him and growling. Which, not long after, the first wolf-like monster went to attack him. Sebastian, seeing this, punched it, knocking him down, which Sebastian then kicked, causing the wolf to cry out.

Another wolf-like creature quickly jumped on him. Sebastian saw through this and dodged. However, two wolf-like monsters had rushed towards him.

Sebastian clicked his tongue as he kicked the first wolf-like monster that got close to him, and punched the other one in the neck. 



Some of the wolf-like monsters snarled, and some whimpered. Sebastian noticed that the four wolves were in a position that he knew very well. They were about to jump at him at the same time. He knew that this might kill him, he wasn’t used to this. If it was only one wolf-like monster, he would have killed it fast but four of them was a bit complicated. Although the chance of him surviving is also possible. 

Right as they  jumped, a man dashed in front of Sebastian, who looked surprised. The man then unsheathed his sword and slashed through all four of the wolf-like monsters.

‘Fast…’ Sebastian said as he saw how quickly the man moved and killed them effortlessly. The man then turned around and Sebastian was able to take a closer look at him. He looked middle aged, having a rugged face and beard. Standing at 6’4 with a sturdy body.

“What are you doing here without a weapon?” 

Before Sebastian could answer, a car had driven near them. Sebastian sighed in relief seeing that he can finally get out of here. After this, he wanted to visit his parents and check up on them.

“You alright there?” The man who was looking at him with concern asked as he noticed that Sebastian was spacing out. 

Sebastian stopped spacing out and went back to his usual impassive face. “Yes, is it possible to give me a ride to the nearest city?” 

“Actually, we were just about to head there. C’mon, let’s get inside the car,” the man said as Sebastian followed him towards the car and saw that the man had opened the door for him. Sebastian gave him a thankful nod, which the man then nodded back.

As he got inside, Sebastian could see a dark-skinned man on the driver’s seat with a blonde haired lady on the passenger seat. The dark-skinned man looked at Sebastian curiously before looking at the other man for an answer.

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“He needs a ride back to the city,” he said, which the dark-skinned man then nodded his head and started driving. The man then turned his head to look at Sebastian.

“What were you doing here without a weapon? You don’t expect to kill a dire wolf with just your hands, right? You’ll certainly be killed by other monsters in the forest, which are far stronger than those wolves.”

Sebastian nervously gulped realizing that there were other monsters stronger than the direwolves. “I’m not sure why I’m here. I just woke up in this place.”

Everyone in the car raised their eyebrows hearing Sebastian’s response. 

“Did you drink a little bit too much?” 

Sebastian lightly chuckled. “I don’t drink.” Again his answer causes them to look at him doubtfully. Sebastian had picked in on this and wanted to ask a question. A question that had hung up on him.

“What’s today’s date?” His sudden question caused them to look at him weirdly.

“It’s June 1st, 2122,” said the blond lady. Sebastian hearing this had broken his indifferent face expression. 

“You mean 2020, right?” 

“No, I meant what I said. Hey, are you okay?” 

Sebastian looked at her skeptically as if not believing her words. ‘There’s just no way it’s 2122.’ Sebastian thought to himself as he looked at the man beside him who was looking at him curiously.

The man seemed to catch on to what Sebastian was thinking and pulled out his phone out of his bag. Sebastian upon seeing the phone was stunned, he’s never seen this type of phone before. The man then showed Sebastian today’s date.

[June 1st, 2122.]

‘No, this is…It can’t be that 100 years have passed!’ Sebastian felt his heart grow heavy. ‘My parents! If this is true then that means that they’re dead! Oh god…!’ Sebastian wanted to sob but he couldn’t. The tears just didn’t come out, which made him mad at himself. He should be crying, right? Nonetheless, he was sad.

Sebastian had gotten silent as he had his head down with his hands covering his face. The other people in the car were looking at him with confused expressions.

“Hey, are you alright? Do you need to see a doctor?” The man seated beside him asked as it’s been 10 minutes since he had gone quiet.

Sebastian brought down his hands and lifted up his head revealing a solemn expression. “Can I borrow your phone for a bit?” Sebastian asked, which the man first looked at him with doubt before giving it to him.


As Sebastian took his phone, he immediately noticed the difference between this phone and the phone he used before. The phone looked advanced. Sebastian quickly looked for a search engine after not finding chrome, and typed.

‘What is today’s date?’ He typed to confirm.

[June 1st, 2122.]

Sebastian sighed. He continued to type. ‘What happened to the Particle Accelerator that conducted the Eve Project?’ As he clicked search, it gave him lots of options of websites to choose from. He clicked on the first one.

[Particle Accelerator exploded!]

Sebastian knew that the Particle Accelerator must have exploded after experiencing everything that has happened to him. He continued reading, and as he did, his eyes widened.

[A hundred years ago, the day of activation of the largest Particle Accelerator had shocked the entire world. The largest Particle Accelerator had exploded due to the changes made by the co-owner of the Eve Project, Brandon Parker. The explosion of the particle accelerator caused many people’s lives, and had impacted the world that will forever change human’s history. 40% of the world’s population were able to transcend humanities limits! There were people who were able to lift up boulders that weighed 10,000 lbs with ease. There were people who were able to jump higher, run faster, and most of all, abilities were discovered. Things that were considered impossible and only happened in fantasies were possible due to the abilities. There could be people with the ability to shoot fireballs, people who were able to heal people like magic, and people who were able to split buildings in half. 

However the particle accelerator didn’t just impact humans, it impacted animals and brought portals to other dimensions with monsters. Due to this, an organization was formed to destroy these monsters, which is currently the main source of income for many hunters. Along with this, a new form of entertainment was created. Rankers, another association that combats hunters fighting hunters. All of this was known as the enlightenment. Many suggest that Brandon’s Parker might’ve been wrong, however others say that it was the greatest thing that has happened to human history.]

Sebastian gave the phone back to the man and went into deep thought. He wasn’t sure what to do from here on. He knew that no one on this earth knew of him unless data is still recorded on him somewhere. He didn’t have a job anymore since the place he worked on had exploded. He had nothing. He had no purpose. Sebastian recalled the information from the website about an organization that deals with hunters hunting monsters and earning money. He wondered if being a hunter was his purpose. What is he to this strange world?

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