Returning 100 Years Later

Chapter 5: Chapter Four: Enlightened Hunters Organization

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Chapter Four: Enlightened Hunters Organization


As Sebastian entered the building, he saw the receptionist and made his way towards her. The receptionist looked at Sebastian who was walking towards her and gave a small smile. She realized that this man must be new since she’s never seen him before, or at least she’s new to him. As she took a closer look at him, she had to admit that this guy was kinda handsome.


“Hello, what can I do for you?”


“I’d like to register as a Hunter,” said Sebastian. 


The receptionist's smile grew longer as she had guessed right. “Very well. Let me get this started…Alright. What is your full name?”


“Sebastian Han Arc.”


The receptionist's eyebrows perked up. “Interesting name. Okay, now place your palm on this tablet. It will confirm your registration.” 


Sebastian did as she said, he placed his palm on the tablet and he could see it scanning it. The tablet then made a “ding” sound, which the receptionist told him to take his palm off. 


“Okay, please wait in the waiting area until they call your name to determine your rank. Would you like an explanation?” Sebastian nodded, he still wasn’t sure how this worked. 


“Well, after you get called, you will be placed in a room where you will be then suited in a VR battle scenario. This will allow them to see how you fair in a fight, you will need to show your combat capability, and abilities. However, you don’t need to worry if you don’t have abilities. Only 40% of the world's population have one. After you are finished, the system will then measure your skills and place you in a rank. The ranks starting from weakest to strongest goes as follows, F-Rank, D-Rank, C-Rank, B-Rank, A-Rank, S-Rank, and S+. Also, even if you get a lower rank, that doesn’t mean it’s permanent.”


Sebastian hearing this was in awe to hear how VR’s have advanced to actually have the full virtual reality experience, however he wasn’t surprised. As he also heard about the abilities, he wondered if he had any other ability besides respawning. He wondered if he died in the vr, would he restart? If he did, then that would mean he would be back at the forest, since he theorized that the only way to put a checkpoint was to sleep in a position. This seriously made him inwardly grunt as he realized he didn’t have his answers.


“Alright, thank you.” 


“Of course, if you need other questions, feel free to ask.” 


Sebastian nodded and tread towards the waiting area. As he got there, he saw multiple people sitting, which Sebastian then sat down. He also noticed that the people waiting were sneaking glances at a girl who had a black hoodie and black jeans, raven hair, and a cold expression that matched with her healthy pale skin. Sebastian understood why people were shamelessly looking at her or throwing obvious glances, since after all she was attractive. He stopped looking, since he wasn’t as shameless as them. He closed his eyes and patiently waited for his name to be called. Not long after, they were calling people’s names, one after another. 


“Sebastian Han Arc.”


After 20 minutes, his name was called, which he then stood up and followed the person. The person then led him towards a room. As he entered, Sebastian saw many pods, with one particular being open. He figured that this was where he was going to enter to do the VR battle. And as he guessed, the proctor motioned him to enter it, which he did.


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“Have you been informed about what’s going to be happening?”


“I have,” responded Sebastian as he nodded his head. 


The proctor also gave an understanding nod. “Before I let you be immersed inside the battle scenario, I will ask a couple of questions. Will that be fine?”


“Go ahead.”


“Have you ever used a VR before?”


Sebastian has used a VR before back in his time. Although it wasn’t anything as advanced as the one in this time. “No, this will be the first.”


“Okay, you see that place where you place your hand as a comfort? You will need to place your palm there to sign you in, it’s the exact same as in the lobby. Since you are new, you will be prompted in an area where you can choose a weapon. After you pick your weapon of choice, you will then be transported inside a portal, where you will meet monsters, which you will need to kill. Please take this seriously, while you may not die, the pain will be the same as it is in a real-life scenario. If you want to give up, all you need to say is ‘I surrender’, and you will be removed.”


Sebastian wasn’t scared of pain. The number of times he died, the number of times he felt pain of being eaten alive was something he’s already been used to. Sebastian nodded, “Very well.”


“As long as you understand then. Now, sit back and I’ll close the pod,” the proctor did as he said. 


As the pod closed, he placed his palm on the place he was to put it to sign in, and as he did, it scanned his palm for a few seconds before Sebastian subconsciously closed his eyes, as he opened them, he appeared in a different room. The first thing he noticed were tables with weapons laying on top of them. Sebastian walked over them trying to analyze them. He looked at the spear and held it in his hand. He noticed that it wasn’t too heavy, easy to swing and thrust. However, he didn’t like it since it was a bit too long for his comfort. He then put the spear back at the table and went towards another table that had a sword. At first glance, the sword looked better than the spear, however like the spear, he didn’t like having a long weapon because it restricted his movements. 


He also wondered why there weren’t any guns. He guessed that the monsters must be really durable that even bullets can’t penetrate in. He inwardly sighed seeing how guns haven’t advanced that much. Sebastian then stopped and looked towards the table he hadn’t passed, there he saw a black dagger, which was approximately 15 inches. He let out a breath seeing how beautiful it was, very much so. The only downside to this was that this was just for VR and not for real, he’ll need to get one like this from a store.


He held the dagger in his hand, marveling at it. He gripped it in his hand as he started swinging it from left to right, up to down. The size was perfect, and with the weight, it allowed him to move more freely than the sword or the spear. Deciding he was going to choose this as his weapon, he touched his palm on the table, which it started scanning it as it did before. 


[Confirming Weapon!]




Before Sebastian could even blink, he was automatically transported to another place. The place he was in looked similar to the forest he was in before. However, the only remarkable difference was the tall trees. Sebastian heard growls coming in front of him. He figured that the growl must be the dire wolves, however as the growls started closing on him, he saw dog-headed monsters glaring at him. Sebastian furrowed his eyebrows as he gripped his dagger, he then dashed towards them. The dog-headed monsters also rushed, however before they could even come in contact with Sebastian, he swung his dagger diagonally, beheading the dog-headed monster.

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