Returning to Before Husband’s Castration

Chapter 2: 2

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 Wang Dai Xia urged the horse on to leave, manager Chen intended to go find Wang qianhu to complain, unfortunately the pain from that fall wasn’t that light, his hands and face were covered with dust and willow catkins, he was ashamed to see anyone, he clutched at his waist, slowly taking steps, he walked to the well at the end of the lane.


The water from the well was clear and sweet, thus Tianshui lane had gotten its name, the residents on the entire Tianshui lane got their water from here.


The sun set, a group of married women were surrounding the well getting water to wash the dishes and clothes, manager Chen asked for a bucket of water from the women to was his face and hands.


They were all acquainted, the women laughed giving an empty bucket to manager Chen, and teasingly said: “Wang qianhu’s stepmother and stepson don’t get along, they fight almost every day, those who knew the facts wouldn’t dare to rent that house?”


“That’s right, there’s no need to bring trouble to yourself, the house has been empty for several years, you deceived an outsider to rent it, how can that second young master Wang give up?”


“Being beaten by Wang Ya Nei1, you regret it now!”


Manager Chen cranked the wheel above the well, lifting a bucket of water from the well, “Men who don’t make money, mother has no dresses or hairpins, I need to earn money to get a wife to raise a family.”


A woman threw a basin of greasy dishwater to the drains at the side of the road, “You’re really a dried duck boling in a pot--- the body is well-cooked, the mouth is still hard! That Wang Ya Nei will definitely beat you every time he sees you.”


Manager Chen had borrowed their bucket, it wasn’t good to bicker, he lowered his head cleaning his hands and face.


After he was clean, he patted away the dust and willow catkins from his round neck gown, looking at his reflection in the bucket, he appeared presentable, manager Chen thanked the women, then went to find Wang qianhu for help.


Who could control that Wang Ya Nei who lacked morals? Only Wang Ya Nei’s father.


The Wang family had a side door on Tianshui lane, the sky had already turned completely dark, the guard at the door said Wang qianhu had yet to return from office.


Wang qianhu was the commander of the north city walls’ troops.

Altogether there was the east, south, west, north and central commanders in the capital, they focused on maintaining law and order, arresting thieves, protecting against fires, cleaning the streets and so on in each area (equivalent to the north city district police station with the fire department and the local city management three in one, Wang qianhu was the head of this institute).


Manager Chen stood waiting at the door, looking left and right he didn’t see Wang qianhu return, instead he heard the hualala sound of a tiger palm bells.


Under the hazy moonlight and the lantern suspended at the side door of the Wang residence, manager Chen saw the travelling doctor rotating the tiger palm--- it was precisely the tenant Wei Cai Wei the doctor returning.


Damn it! She simply couldn’t get in through the doors! He still hadn’t gotten that key back!


Manager Chen hurriedly went to greet Wei Cai Wei, “Doctor Wei, I need to explain something to you…” 


Every family has a skeleton in the closet. Wang family’s second young master Wang Dai Xia’s mother madam Qian passed away early, and he didn’t accept his stepmother madam Wu’s control, he was ignorant and incompetent, an extravagent spendthrift.


Wang qianhu worried this spendthrift would waste all of madam Qian’s dowry, so he gave them to his second wife madam Wu to manage, among these was the small building Wei Cai Wei was renting.


Wang Ya Nei was a spendthrift who would even fish out a coin from a deep fryer, how could he give it up?


So long as manager Chen showed someone the house, he would go cause trouble, scaring the client away, thus in such a good area as the north district, a neat and tidy home, completely furnished, was shelved for half a year unable to be rented out. 


Today manager Chen was lucky, Wang Ya Nei had gone out early to do whatever he was doing, manager Chen was then only able to succeed, half coaxed half lied to the unknowing wandering doctor into renting it.


“...This is the situation.” Manager Chen explained: “Doctor Wei please don’t worry, no matter how Sun Wu Kong 2 endlessly flipped and climbed he couldn’t escape Buddha’s five fingers, Wang qianhu teaching his son a lesson, the key will naturally be returned to you, Wang qianhu is the incantation that can control Wang Ya Nei.”


Beyond expectation, Wei Cai Wei didn’t fly into a rage, cursing manager Chen for being an unscrupulous businessman, rather she listened to him gossiping about the Wang family with great interest, she said: “So it’s like that, I’m very happy with that building, as for the key--- I want to see that Wang Ya Nei first, talk some sense to him, peaceful measures before using force. If I directly complain to Wang qianhu, at most Wang Ya Nei will only receive a beating, it would hurt his ego, pushing him even more, even if under Wang qianhu’s pressure he gives the key tonight, it’s likely he would come cause trouble at my house after two days, then my home won't be peaceful.”


Manager Chen hurriedly said: “Doctors have the hearts of parents, doctor Wei really is a living Buddha. However, you mustn’t have any delusions towards Wang Ya Nei, he is a well known little dandy in the entire northern district, his stepmother madam Wu is also at her wits end. A filial son comes from under a cane, only Qang qianhu can control him.”


It wasn’t known why, no matter how manager Chen warned her, this young widow insisted on seeing Wang Dai Xia, saying: “I’m still determined on discussing things with Wang Ya Nei first.”


Manager Chen had no choice, he could only go to the gatehouse at Wang residence, “Is the second young master Wang at home?”


Seeing the young servant at the doors still shaking his head, “Our second young master left early this morning, he hasn’t returned home yet.”


Manager Chen went back to tell Wei Cai Wei, Wei Cai Wei calmly pointed at a night market opposite the street: “I still haven’t had dinner yet, no rush, I’ll eat while waiting.”


Manager Chen was also hungry, he said: “I was inconsiderate in my actions, let me treat you to this, to apologise to doctor Wei.”


Manager Chen was a very cunning person, an exploitative mouth, eating his meal, a problem arising with the house, this wandering doctor couldn’t immediately say she wanted to vacate the house.


There was always a chance to redeem with anything.


Manager Chen took the lead, choosing the cheapest wonton place in the night market: “This shop is the closest to the Wang residence, it’s easy to keep an eye out, when we see Wang Ya Nei return, we can go talk to him.”


Wei Cai Wei smiled, not revealing his facade, “Manager Chen is so thoughtful.”


This outsider was really easy to fool! After all she was still young, naive. Manager Chen sat down, calling for a bowl of leaf mustard and meet wonton.


Wei Cai Wei said: “Owner, two bowls of three fresh ingredients wonton, no coriander in one bowl.”


Manager Chen loved money, “Cough, cough, doctor Wei, this shop gives good proportions, there are fifteen large wontons in each bowl, I’m afraid you won’t finish it.”


Wei Cai Wei smiled saying: “It’s not for me alone.”


Manager Chen looked around: “Ah? Doctor Wei has someone accompanying you?”


Wei Cai Wei said: “It’s my dead husband--- I’ll pay for the bowl of wontons for my dead husband.”

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A husband passing away, a wife needed to offer meals to her husband for three years.


I’m already paying, that’s right, it’s only a bowl of wonton. Manager Chen hurriedly said: “I’ll pay, I’ll pay, it’s only a few coins.”


During their discussion, three bowls of wonton were placed on the table, manager Chen began eating, Wei Cai Wei placed the bowl without coriander on the west side of the table, sprinkling some pepper, she placed a pair of chopsticks on it, saying to the air: “Erlang, let’s eat. Today I...I’ve been busy up until now, business is very good, the capital city is different, having dinner very late, you must be hungry.”


Showing every possible consideration to a dead husband, and remembering he doesn't eat coriander and added pepper!


Manager Chen thought to himself, if my future wife treats me this well, I would be happy to the heavens!


“The emotions between you and your husband were very deep.” Manager Chen didn’t think he would one day be envious of a dead person.


Wei Cai Wei sighed softly, “Sadly deep emotions don’t give life.”


The two had eaten half way through when a shadow slid over, a bottom sat at the position of Wei Cai Wei’s deceased husband, patting on manager Chen’s shoulder.


“You are keeping an eye out for my old man, to complain about me right? You should give up, I’ll follow you wherever you go tonight, I won’t let you and my old man meet.”


It wasn’t just anyone, the Ya Nei Wang Dai Xia.


Manager Chen’s thoughts had been seen through, he hummed and hawed, “Second young master Wang is mistaken, I was just hungry and found a place to eat.”


“Your appetite isn’t bad, you ordered two bowls of wonton.” Wang Dai Xia sniffed, “En, there’s no coriander, just to my taste, I won’t be polite, you can treat me.” 


Wang Dai Xia picked up the bowl and ate.


Manager Chen was stunned, “You...this is preposterous! That is the meal doctor Wei offered to her dead husband!”


Seeing Wang Dai Xia, Wei Cai Wei’s eyes glazed over, her lips parted slightly, she lost her grip of the spoon, with a clank it fell into the bowl, soup splashing, “It’s you! I am...I---”


Manager Chen saw Wei Cai Wei was at a loss at what to do, speaking incoherently, he thought she was scared of Wang Ya Nei, he hurriedly stood between the two of them, “Wang Ya Nei! 

What are you proving by bullying a young widow!”


In his anger, manager Chen didn’t call him second young master, directly calling him the nickname Wang Ya Nei.


Wang Dai Xia leaned to the side bypassing manager Chen, tilting his head he looked Wei Cai Wei up and down, the white mourning apparel in her bun was even more conspicuous in the dim light of night.


Charming in mourning apparel, a very pretty young widow!


Wang Dai Xia’s eyes immediately brightened like stars, eyebrows raising slightly.


Seeing a beautiful woman, Wang Dai Xia’s attitude became a lot warmer, putting down the bowl, he said: “Little widow, I have no grievance or animosity towards you, you have been swindled by an immoral manager, he knew there were problems with that house, for five silvers management fee he coaxed you into signing a contract. The house and the furniture inside are all my deceased mother’s dowry, I want to leave a memory, I don’t want outsiders living there. Now the rent is in my stepmother’s hands, if you want manger Chen to give back the rent, tell him to look elsewhere.”


At this moment Wei Cai Wei had already come to her senses, her thoughts were more stable, she said: “Second young master Wang is mistaken, manager Chen and I were waiting outside your home for your return, not to complain to Wang qianhu. As for the house, I want to discuss it with you face to face, my surname is Wei, a wandering doctor, you can call me doctor Wei.”


Oh, this young widow was rather interesting! Speaking politely and amiably with this infamous Ya Nei.


Really treating me as a human, but...Wang Dai Xia frowned, rubbing his chin as if he was in an extremely difficult position, “There’s nothing to discuss, my mother’s dowry, I won’t let anyone touch it, doctor Wei should move out.”


He was stating there was nothing to discuss.


Manager Chen was about to open his mouth when Wei Cai Wei pointed at the bowl in front of Wang Dai Xia: “My deceased husband had already eaten it, second young master Wang is hungry right? If you don’t mind, please use this bowl of wonton, even if our discussion isn’t successful, I can get to know the second young master Wang.”


So-called sharing a meal, thinking about it, the intentions were what mattered, it could be given to a living person to eat, a commoner wouldn’t waste food.


A beautiful young widow treating him to wontons, if he didn’t accept, wouldn’t it be embarrassing? He wouldn’t be better than a young widow.


“Many thanks doctor.” Wang Dai Xia picked up the spoon eating the wontons, he was after all a son of a meritorious noble family, even if he was a dandy, his table manners weren’t bad, there was no sound of slurping.


It seems doctor Wei wanted to vacate, the five silvers of management fee would also need to be handed over, manager Chen felt anxious, feeling the leaf mustard wontons in the bowl were no longer appealing, what to do?


At this moment came the sound of horse hooves, the northern districts troops were beginning their night patrol, manager Chen leapt up in eager expectation: Wang qianhu was returning! He should still speak to Ya Nei’s old man! 


Wang Dai Xia saw through manager Chen’s thoughts, grabbing manager Chen’s hand, he forced him to sit down, “It’s not my dad, there was just a homicide case in the northern district, now the troops are out looking everywhere to arrest the murderer, my dad is busy with the case, I reckon these next few days he’ll be in the office and not return home, you should give up your hopes of complaining.”


“Ah?” Manager Chen was shocked, “Homicide case! Who was killed?”


“I don’t know, I heard the scene is fairly horrible.” Wang Dai Xia used the spoon to gesture across his neck, “A cut across the throat, the blood from the neck sprayed onto the willow catkins on the treetop, the white catkins have been dyed red.”


Manager Chen was so scared he trembled, both hands instinctively covering his neck, “Aiyo, what kind of hatred, what grievance, dying so cruelly.”


Wei Cai Wei lowered her head to look at the chopped onions floating in the bowl, what hatred and grievance? Of course it was the revenge against the extermination of an entire family, hate from the death of relatives!


I did it.


Reborn, to repay kindness, avenge enemies, I wouldn’t disappoint the second chance given by the heavens.


Play on Wang Dai Xia’s name based on the character of Gao Ya Nei in the novel Water Margin by Shi Nai’an. Gao Yanei (高衙內), nicknamed "Tai Sui of Flowers" (花花太歲), is Gao Qiu's lecherous foster son. After seeing Lin Chong's wife at the temple, he becomes sexually attracted to her and tries to molest her but Lin Chong shows up and stops him. Unwilling to give up on Lin Chong's wife, he gets Lu Qian and Fu'an to help him lure her into a trap: Lu Qian pretends to invite Lin Chong out for drinks, while Fu'an lies to Lin Chong's wife that her husband has become unconscious after drinking, and tricks her into entering Lu Qian's house, where Gao Yanei is waiting. Lin Chong's wife puts up resistance when Gao Yanei tries to force himself on her. In the meantime, Jin'er escapes and informs her master, who rushes to Lu Qian's house to save his wife. Gao Yanei flees when he hears Lin Chong approaching. Gao Yanei later falls sick due to his obsession with Lin Chong's wife. Fu'an and Lu Qian help him by plotting to eliminate Lin Chong so that Gao Yanei can take Lin Chong's wife. In the plot, Lin Chong is tricked into entering the White Tiger Hall while carrying a sabre, and framed for attempting to assassinate Gao Qiu. ↩

The Monkey King, character with supernatural powers in the novel Journey to the West. ↩

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