Returning to Before Husband’s Castration

Chapter 4: 4

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 TN: A lot of time and effort is going into this translation as its more historically accurate and longer. Do people enjoy the footnotes or do you not bother reading them?



Wang Xia Dai had lost his mother at a young age, and didn’t accept his stepmother’s discipline, rebellious and unruly, relying on the fact his father was the commander of the north district troops, throwing his weight about the northern city.


Causing calamity, he was a well known dandy in the city, living for fourteen years, it was the first time he heard someone praise him as an unpolished jade, and predicted he would be able to amaze the world with a single brilliant feat, Wang Dai Xia immediately felt like he was floating.


Who didn’t like to hear good things! Wang Dai Xia was a little emotional, he moved the stool under his bottom towards Wei Cai Wei, sitting a little closer.


Manager Chen was just about to reprimand Wang Dia Xia for being rude.


Wang Dai Xia however retracted his flirtatious glance, his waist and back were straight as a ramrod, he very seriously asked Wei Cai Wei, “Doctor Wei, you compared me to King Zhuang of Chu just now--- What kind of hero is King Zhuang of Chu?”


Manager Chen inwardly criticised him, a powerful chief of the princes of the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States, even I as a manager and businessman know of the classical story of amazing the world with a single brilliant feat, he really was an ignorant and incompetent idiot dandy!


Wei Cai Wei was also shocked, the Wang Dai Xia she knew, was a great eunuch of the Imperial Ceremony Office well versed in letters and military technology from the inner study halls in the Forbidden City. The inner study halls were where court eunuch’s were taught to read, the teachers were all great scholars from the Imperial Hanlin Academy, only the eunuchs who passed in the inner study halls could enter the Imperial Ceremony Office, giving them the opportunity to become a secretariat eunuch, the head of all the eunuchs, and be known as a inner minister, restricting the cabinet’s senior grand secretary.


When Wang Dai Xia was in the inner study hall, he was diligent, and with his natural intelligence, he was given a first-class in each test. 


This was also one of the reasons why Wei Cai Wei chose Wang Dai Xia to be a meal partner in her last lifetime.


However, right now Wang Dai Xia didn’t even know who King Zhuang of Chu was.


No wonder manager Chen said there was no hope for him, and wanted her to see the reality, give up on her delusions.


Having cold water poured over her face, Wei Cai Wei took a deep breath, repeatedly reminding herself to remain calm, the Wang Dai Xia right now was indeed stupid, but this was a brief moment of time in his life he could relax and be free.


In this year, the Wang family would encountered some great changes, disaster coming one after the other, Wang Dai Xia would be forced to the extreme of castrating himself, looking for a future as an eunuch, suffering hardship all the way.


At least, the current Wang Dai Xia was happy.


Wei Cai Wei collected her frame of mind, telling Wang Dai Xia the story of King Zhuang of Chu, “He was the ruler of the Chu state during the Spring and Autumn period, he succeeded the throne at merely twenty years old, at that time the Chu state was in a mess inside and out, he had his suspicions, he deliberately put on pleasures of song and women, hunting and racing, even putting up a sign outside the palace, advising show no mercy.”


Wang Dai Xia slapped the table and stood up, “Of course I’m alike ot King Zhuang of Chu, we also like pleasures of song and women, hunting and racing, I hate those people who tell us to study every day, corns are about to grow on my ears from listening to them.”


Manager Chen secretly said, the King Zhuang of Chu was pretending to like them, you really like them!

Wei Cai Wei was about to continue when a group of embroidered uniform guards came speeding by, Wang Dai Xia was currently standing, he was especially conspicuous amongst the people sitting down eating wontons.


The one leading the embroidered uniform guards recognised him at a glance, he urged his horse towards the wanton store.


Seeing it was an embroidered uniform guard with a xiuchun sword, the diners were as quiet as a cicada in winter, sitting motionless, afraid that embroidered uniform guard would see them as fugitives.


“You are Wang Dai Xia?” The embroidered uniform guard came on horseback, pointing at Wang Dai Xia with his whip he asked: “Wang Ba Da’s second son?”


Wang Dai Xia was annoyed, “Let’s not mention you calling me by my name, I am after all innocent, but my father is a military official of nobility, he is precisely the commander of the northern city troops, a Qianhu which has been passed down five generations, my family’s ancestor followed the forefather of the emperor down south to deal with the problem, using his own abilities to gain his nobility. You can call my father Wang Qianhu or Commander Wang, calling my old father’s name, aren’t you afraid you’ll lose your tongue!”


Wang Dai Xia was a newborn calf who didn’t fear tigers, he dared to take on an embroidered uniform guard.


Manager Chen was so scared he trembled, pulling on Wang Dai Xia’s sleeve, “Ancestor, just say a little less.”


The embroidered uniform guard sneered, brandishing his whip towards Wang Dai Xia’s face.


The Wang Dai Xia who didn’t know who King Zhuang of Chu was actually had quick reactions, he easily picked up his stool, throwing it at the whip, the whip hit the stool flying with a clatter, flipping over the copper basin holding coriander flakes.


The embroidered uniform guard flew into a rage out of humiliation, he again brandished his whip, Wang Dai Xia simply picked up the copper basin, lifting it over his head as a shield, he madly rushed forward, nimbly dodging down the narrow night market street!


“Give chase! Catch the criminal!” The embroidered uniform guards urged their horses in pursuit, the horses were obviously faster than Wang Dai Xia’s two legs, but Wang Dai Xia took an unusual path, he deliberately ran where there were more people, jumping on tables from time to time, then treading on roof tiles, surprisingly he escaped from the embroidered uniform guards net.


Wei Cai Wei gasped in amazement, “Second young master Wang is nimble, it seems not everything about him is bad.”


Manager Chen was frightened and still emotional, “Hai, doctor Wei is mistaken, he was forced to learn his fleeing abilities, he would get into trouble twice every three days, the victims queue up outside the northern city troops office to seek compensation from Wang Qianhu, he’s often chased by Wang Qianhu with a whip to give him a lesson. Wang Qianhu is a strict father, he is heavy handed, if he ran slowly, he would most likely be beaten to death by his father.”


So that was the reason!


Wei Cai Wei put the bag on her shoulders, following after him.


Manager Chen took out thirty coins giving it to the young boss of the wonton store, and also gave chase to see Wang Ya Nei being chased and beaten by the embroidered uniform guards.


Manager Chen was very happy, he had been beaten up by Wang Ya Nei in the evening, and had been tossed from horseback, now the embroidered uniform guards were avenging his past insults, a well deserved beating! Beat him even more! Wang Ya Nei, serve you right!


While Wei Cai Wei speedily left, she asked manager Chen: “Is there a history between Wang Dai Xia and the embroidered uniform guards?”


Manager Chen laughed: “Who knows, there are four pests in the northern city, hoseflys, mosquitos, rats and Wang Ya Nei. Wang Ya Nei has made an enemy of many people, he even dares to offend the embroidered uniform guards, this time he’s kicked an iron hot plate.”


Wei Cai Wei glanced over manager Chen, “You seem to be very happy?”


Having been sullen for most of the day, manager Chen raised an eyebrow and exhaled, “Embroidered uniform guards are here to remove harm from society, of course I’m happy, it’s not just me, see everybody else is just as happy.”


Wei Cai Wei looked around, people were discussing spiritedly: “It looked like Wang Ya Nei ran by just now! Wang Qianhu is teaching his son a lesson in the middle of the streets?”


“Not Wang Qianhu, it’s the embroidered uniform guards.”


“Really everyone has a weakness, let’s go and watch!”


It seems manager Chen was speaking the truth, Wang Ya Nei was notorious in the northern city.


Wei Cai Wei recalled in the previous lifetime, her dead husband had bragged about his youth, “...I was a jade tree in the wind, a chivalrous and elegant son of an official! My name is Wang Dai Xia, in the northern city, they all call me hero Wang, the dream of all the women in the capital city.”


There wasn’t such a thing as hero Wang, and not the dream of women.


There was only Wang Ya Nei and the nightmare of women.


Damn husband dared to lie to her.

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Wei Cai Wei clenched her fists, following the crowd enjoying the scene from Tianshui lane to Gulouxixie street.


This was one of the main roads in the capital, it could hold up to ten carriages abreast at a time, riding a horse gave an advantage, the embroidered uniform guards finally caught up to Wang Dai Xia. 


However Wang Dai Xia also found backup--- the men on night patrol from the northern city ministry troops.

“Uncle Mu! Save me!” Wang Dai Xia wildly ran into the troops of northern city military, hugging the thigh of Mu Baihu1 who was taking his men on night patrol.


Mu Baihu was a subordinate of Wang Qianhu, he watched Wang Dai Xia grow up, now seeing his superior’s second son being chased like a stray dog by the embroidered uniform guards, he immediately called his men to attention, protecting Wang Dai Xia behind him, raising his sword he greeted the embroidered uniform guards.


“The northern city military is on night patrol, what business does the embroidered uniform guards have?”


The one leading the embroidered uniform guards was only a xiaoqi, in terms of official rank, Baihu was definitely higher ranked than xiaoqi, but the embroidered uniform guards were the emperor’s personal guards, specialising in imperial cases. Northern city military troop only managed the cases in the northern city, a xiaoqi of the embroidered uniform guard looked down on a Baihu of the city military.


Zhou xiaoqi pointed at Wang Dai Xia hiding behind Mu Baihu, “Our embroidered uniform guard’s eldest son of Chen Qianhu was brutally murdered today in the northern city, Wang Dai Xia and eldest young master Chen had a history, he is of great suspicion, we need to take him in for questioning, you northern city military want to harbour a criminal suspect?”


With such words, Gulouxie street erupted.


“So the victim who had his throat slit under a willow tree was the son of a embroidered uniform guard’s Qianhu!”


Wei Cai Wei who stood watching from the side covered her mouth: How can this be? I killed Chen dailang, how has Wang Dai Xia been dragged into it?


Wang Dai Xia stuck half his head out from behind the horse’s butt, “You embroidered uniform guards are making false accusations against me! I haven’t seen Chen dailang today, how could I kill him? I definitely with Chen dailang...we’ve had our conflicts. But Chen dailang was lecherous and like to gamble, his gambling skills were also poor, he owed quite a lot of people money, relying on his embroidered uniform guard father Chen Qianhu, he often shamelessly refused to pay, there’s a lot of people who are not happy with him. I will provide you embroidered uniform guards with a list of names, you can find them, don’t harass me! I’m innocent.”


Zhou xiaoqi gave a cold snort: “We embroidered uniform guards rely on intelligence, why would we need a jumping clown like you to help cause problems? The embroidered uniform guards have already compiled a list of eldest young master’s enemies, we have arrested suspects from everywhere to bring justice, my duty is to arrest you Wang Dai Xia, you a major suspect of the crime.”


Wang Dai Xia said in disdain, “Chen dailang still owes debt to the brothels, are the embroidered uniform guards even arresting female brothel keepers?”


Mu Baihu turned his head and urged: “Erlang speak less, Chen Qianhu has a lost a son in his middle age, seeing one’s child die before oneself, in a moment of grief and indignation, it is pardonable that he is casting a net to find the culprit, the deceased was older than you, you mustn’t mock or ridicule.”


Only then did Wang Dai Xia shut up.


Mu Baihu said to Zhou xiaoqi: “A huge case as murder belongs to the Shuntian prefecture2, we northern city military only patrol the streets, arrest suspicious people, and take them to the yamen prison. I will personally take second young master Wang to Shuntian prefecture so he can tell us where he went today, what he saw, perhaps he can help solve the case.”


The yamen would respect Wang Qianhu, make Wang Dai Xia give a statement then let him go home.


However the embroidered uniform guards were not the same, if you entered the embroidered uniform guard’s imperial prison, if you don’t die you’ll lose a layer of skin, obtaining confessions under torture was common.


Mu Baihu couldn’t let the embroidered uniform guards take Wang Dai Xia away.


The northern city military also needed respect, let alone this time Wang Dai Xia spoke of reason, it was the embroidered uniform guards bullying others too much.


“Yes, yes!” Wang Dai Xia again stuck his head out from behind the horse’s butt, “The embroidered uniform guards are in charge of imperial cases, there’s no need to use a bull’s knife to kill a chicken. Chen dailang’s death, I’m also very sad, I hope the culprit is caught soon, I will cooperate with the yamen.”


Zhou xiaoqi said: “What cases the embroidered uniform guards handle is not for the northern city military to comment on! Hand Wang Dai Xia over!”


Mu Baihu moved his eyes, the northern city military men surrounded Wang Dai Xia.


The embroidered uniform guards were admittedly frightening but offending a superior was even more frightening.


Zhou xiaoqi brandished his whip, “Attack! Arrest the suspect Wang Dai Xia!”


The embroidered uniform guards and northern city military actually started to fight each other on the streets!


One was the emperor’s personal guards, strong as a dragon, the other side was the local bully of the northern city, a dragon and snake fought chaotically, it was difficult to tell who would win.


This kind of scene was very rare, only a few cowards ran off, most people stood around watching the fight between a dragon and snake.


Only Wei Cai Wei’s gaze didn’t move from Wang Dai Xia from start to finish, she saw this guy was very crafty, in the chaos he rode off on a horse Mu Baihu had left for him, his face seemed to be stuck on the horse’s back as he ran away.


When Wei Cai Wei thought Wang Dai Xia had successfully escaped, those standing around watching called out one after the other: “He’s running away, running away! Wang Ya Nei has escaped!”


“Embroidered uniform guards, Wang Ya Nei has run off in the direction of the drum tower!”


The embroidered uniform guards heard this, they no longer continued fighting, one by one they turned their horses in the direction to chase after Wang Dai Xia.


The situation changed again and again.


Manager Chen looked at the dumbstruck Wei Cai Wei, smiling he said: “Now doctor Wei understands why there’s the four pests of the northern city? The citizens of the northern city have suffered under Wang Ya Nei for a long time, they hope the embroidered uniform guards will teach him a good lesson.”


Wang Dai Xia was like a rat which is chased down when it crosses the road.


Wei Cai Wei was worried for Wang Dai Xia, she hurried along with the crowd in the direction of the drum tower, soon manager Chen urged his own mule cart along, inviting Wei Cai Wei to get on. 


As long as Wei Cai Wei doesn’t vacate the house, manager Chen would be able to keep the five silvers of management fee. Business required treating clients well.


Wei Cai Wei sat in the mule cart, manager Chen drove it north, arriving at the drum tower, the crowd was rushing to the east, the streets were only this busy during New year. 


The mule cart arrived at the east street of the drum tower--- Gulou street was the boundary of Beijing’s northern city, to the west was Wanping prefecture, east was Daixing prefecture, they were already at the border of Daixing prefecture. 


The crowd still moved east, many people couldn’t carry on running, they stopped at the side of the street gasping for breath.


Manager Chen urged the mule cart to Shuntianfu street, from afar the sound of weapons meeting and dong, dong, dong could be heard.


Ahead was the yamen, there was a large drum outside it for the people to strike and cry out injustice.


The northern city military and embroidered uniform guards were embroiled in a fierce struggle, Wang Dai Xia held the drum stick hitting it wildly, and cried out: “Embroidered uniform guards want to kill someone! Magistrate!”


Manager Chen was rather sad, “It’s done, he’s reached the yamen, Wang Ya Nei is the thief that cries thief, the embroidered uniform guards temporarily can’t do anything to Wang Ya Nei.”


Wei Cai Wei’s mind calmed down, before he castrated himself he lacked morals, he almost reached the point of angering the people and gods, luckily he was smart, misfortune turns to blessing, see how he gets away with it tonight.

The Ming dynasty had a lot of military official titles. The ranks sort of went Commander > Weizhihui controlled around 5600 men > Qianhu 1120 men > Baihu 112 men > Zongqi 50 men > Xiaoqi 10 men.↩

The administrative office or residence of a local bureaucrat. Also known as Yamen. Yamen can also mean office in general for any establishment.↩

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