Returning to Before Husband’s Castration

Chapter 6: 6

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 Wei Cai Wei hadn’t heard what manager Chen said, when she saw Chen Qianhu in mourning clothes, anger rushed to her head, from top to bottom burning into her soul.


Chen Qianhu is a traitor, a hypocrite who breaks their promise, a truly vile person.


Last lifetime, during the crisis of 1550, Mongolian An Da Han lead troops unchallenged plundering outside the capital city walls for half a month.


The land outside the capital city walls became scorched, one by one the people ran to the capital city to avoid the bloodbath, but the cabinet grand secretary Yan Song ordered for the city gates to be closed, saying An Da Han would withdraw his troops once he’s done plundering, if they opened the gates now, most likely the Mongolian soldiers chasing after the refugees would mix in with them and enter the capital city.


The commander of the embroidered uniform guards Lu Bing watched the refugees begging to be let in outside the city walls, he couldn’t bear it.


Lu Bing was the Leader of the embroidered uniform guards, and was the son of emperor Jia Jing’s wetnurse, he was most trusted by the emperor, Lu Bing asked the emperor to open the gates, let the refugees in first, he would send a group of embroidered uniform guards to round them off at the back to prevent the Mongolians from coming into the capital city.


The risks in this mission were high, the group of embroidered uniform guards were basically a suicide squad, the Great Ming had been at peace for so long, the only trouble were to the southeast sea with Japanese pirates, the north has not been at war for over a hundred years, most of the soldiers only worked for a living, but, there were some hot blooded people.


Wei Cai Wei’s father He Qianhu volunteered to be part of the suicide squad, to round off the refugees. Before he left the capital city, He Qianhu left all the family property to his comrade, good friend and relatives by marriage Chen Qianhu, and spoke of his will: “Everything points to disaster, fortunately my daughter is already betrothed, we’re a family, if I don’t come back… my eldest daughter’s dowry has already been prepared, He family’s property, each of the sisters will get half. After the three years mourning period, the eldest daughter will marry into your Chen family, the sisters are very close with each other, she will definitely bring her sister along. At that time my youngest daughter will be ten years old, she’ll disturb the Chen family for a few years, her older sister’s husband can make the decision, find her a stable marriage, and she can leave to get married.”


Chen Qianhu shed a tear, patting his chest he readily replied: “One family doesn’t have to speak like two families, we’ve known each other for so long, we’ve been good friends since we started wearing open-crotch pants. I’ve always thought of your daughters as my own, don’t say such demoralising things, you will definitely come back.”


He Qianhu trusted Chen Qianhu with his family, he had no worries, he left the city with the suicide squad, the refugees came pouring into the city, only that suicide squad walked in the opposite direction, heading out of the city walls.


Sure enough the Mongolian spies saw the capital city’s Fucheng and other gates surprisingly opening for refugees, they immediately sent troops to attack.


The embroidered uniform guard suicide squad and the Mongolian front line fought, in order to protect the refugees and city gates, no one retreated, they all died in battle.


He Qianhu also died in the line of duty, he ought to have been properly rewarded, why did he become a guilty official and had his possessions confiscated, his two daughters were punished to become official slaves?


Chen Qianhu was the head of this horror, the extreme shame and humiliation of the crisis of 1550 was only second to the Tumu crisis nearly a hundred years ago (That time the great Ming’s emperor Zheng Tong was captured by the Mongolians), after An Da Han withdrew his troops, the people were in rage, the main culprit was the barely twenty years old emperor, emperor Jia Jing who neglected military affairs and was concocting pills of immortality in his palace.


However the emperor was the ruler, would a ruler be wrong?


No, the core values of a feudal system was a ruler and his ministers, father and sons, the emperor couldn’t be wrong, he can only be deceived.


The emperor’s wrongs must be borne by women or officials to clean up after the emperor.


Emperor Jia Jing was not known to be harsh and merciless to his empress and concubines, he didn’t get his beloved concubines to be the scapegoat like Yan Yu Huan1, there was no choice but to push an official out to be decapitated to appease the people.


The cabinet grand secretary Yan Song pushed the blame on the Ministry of War minister Ding Ru Kui, sentenced to a supervised beheading. 


The embroidered uniform guards as the organisation for Great Ming’s intelligence was actually completely unaware of An Da Han’s attack on the capital city, there must have been a “delay in military planning, a crime for failing”, but Lu Bing, the commander of the embroidered uniform guards was the son of the emperor Jia Jing’s wetnurse, of course no one dared to accuse him, the blame fell on the officials just below him.


The already dead He Qianhu and the living Chen Qianhu were both in charge of embroidered uniform guards intelligence, confiscation of possessions and extermination of an entire family was before his eyes, Chen Qianhu panicked, he sold off all the property He Qianhu gave him, and with half of the Chen family’s properties, he put together fifty thousand silvers to bribe the cabinet grand secretary Yan Song’s son Yan Shi Bo, begging him to show him the right path. 


Yan Shi Fan took the money, giving him a way out, “If a few officials don’t die under the guillotine and several families property’s aren’t confiscated, how can the people be appeased? Isn’t that He Qianhu already dead? A dead person can’t clear their name, speak for themselves, just put the blame of “made a mistake in the intelligence, delayed military planning” on his head.”


Chen Qianhu was a little hesitant, “But...he’s my relative by marriage.”


Yan Shi Fan smiled: “Relative by marriage, then you’ll be placing righteousness before family? Not only would you be innocent, you’ll even be doing a good deed.”


Facing his friendship and his future, Chen Qianhu chose the latter without hesitation.


Chen Qianhu forged a few intelligence about “An Da Han acting differently”, putting the name He qian hu as the official who received this information. Thus, He Qianhu neglected his duties, a guilty official who didn’t promptly report the intelligence.


He Qianhu’s was sentenced to have his family executed and property seized. Fortunately the commander of the embroidered uniform guards Lu Bing still remembered He Qianhu had had contributed and volunteered into battle, he presented a petition to say although He Qianhu had delayed military planning, he did however die in battle protecting the refugees, atone for one’s crimes by meritorious acts, he asked for lenient treatment, sparing the two daughters’ lives.


In the end their punishment was changed to being sold as official slaves, in order to prevent information being leaked, and afraid Commander Lu Bing would once again interfere, Chen Qianhu pretended to be nice, buying the two sisters and placed them in a countryside farm to be raised. 


Chen Qianhu had intended for the two sisters to perish on its own, but his son Chen dailang craved after his former fiancee, young lady He’s body, he used his younger sister’s life to blackmail the older sister into submission, having taken young lady He, he even impregnated her.


Chen daliang was someone who didn’t take responsibility, he told his father about this, wanting his father to tidy up his mess, saying clearly it was young lady He who seduced him.


This happened when Chen Qianhu was talking about a new marriage with his son, he flew into a rage hearing this, telling his son to deal with the sisters first, prevent the news from going out, ensure the death of the eldest young lady and two lives, then in a few years deal with the younger one, to avoid people from talking.


These words were all later obtained by the great eunuch Wang Dai Xia after he collaborated in secret with court councillors to trip up the cabinet grand secretary Yan Song, sending the chess pieces Yan Shi Fan as well as the pawn Chen Qianhu and others to the Donghan prison, after being beaten and interrogated they had spilled what happened.


Yan Shi Fan was beheaded, Chen Qianhu’s entire family was eliminated.


Wang Dai Xia helped Wei Cai Wei take revenge.


This lifetime, seeing her dead enemy Chen Qianhu still alive, and his subordinates had also nearly killed the young Wang Dai Xia before he castrated himself, how could Wei Cai Wei not be angry?

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She wanted to rush over with a knife, making mincemeat of Chen Qianhu!


“The yamen’s court is going to open through the night!” Manager Chen stopped his mule cart at the side of the road, “Let’s go, we can listen to the court trial.”


The embroidered uniform guard Chen Qianhu and northern city military Commander Wang Bai Da came across each other at the yamen’s gate, they were both after all commendable people in the capital city, after seeing each other, they didn’t make things difficult, the two of them took a step back, allowing the yamen to carry out a trial through the night.


A few barricades were placed around the court, outside the barricades the observers were packed like impenetrable wrapped dumplings, manager Chen was part of the business community, he had his own methods. 


He had Wei Cai Wei follow behind him closely, pushing into the crowd with the side of his body, as he forced himself in, he shouted loudly, “Don’t push! Don’t push! I’m about to be flattened!”


Manager Chen was like a mudfish, with Wei Cai Wei he managed to reach the front row behind the barricade, seeing the brightly lit court.


Looking from above In the court sat the Shuntian prefecture magistrate, to his left and right stood a private assistant. 


Manager Chen said in a low voice explaining: “This is lord Wang, nickname mudfish Wang, he’s very slippery, the two private assistants Xing Ming and Qian Gu, known as Heng and Ha.”


Mudfish Wang didn’t even use his gavel, “There’s been so much disturbance today, you must be tired, come, take a seat and speak.”


The embroidered uniform guards and northern city military sat on the left and right side, continuing their position, Wang Dai Xia sat his butt beside his father.


“Dad, you finally came! If you came later, this son fears I would have become minced meat!”




Wang Qianhu slapped the back of Wang Dai Xia’s head, “Because of you shameful thing! I lost several people from my northern city military!”


As soon as Wang Qianhu arrived, he placated his subordinates who had sustained injuries in the scuffle like Liu Bei towards A’dou2 who had tripped over.


The officers and me of the northern city military expressed one after the other: “Lord is mistaken, this time it’s really not the second young master’s fault.”


Wang Qianhu pushed Wang Dai Xia, “You still have the face to sit here? In court, as a commoner you need to kneel when you reply, you don’t have a seat! Not knowing rules!”


A commoner reporting on an official, it was as difficult as moving a mountain? A scholarly honour or an official could not kneel before an official, such a dandy as the ignorant and incompetent Wang Dai Xia, he was still a commoner to this day, he needed to kneel and argue his innocence in court.


Wang Qianhu didn’t care about making waves, first he taught his son a lesson. Someone gives me an inch, I give them an inch. Mudfish Wang made a signal with his eyes, immediately a bailiff brought a soft praying mat over.


Wang Dai Xia knelt on the mat, his bottom touching his feet, it was considered kneeling. 


Wang Qianhu greeted Chen Qianhu by clasping his hands, he said: “I heard the terrible news something happened to your esteemed son in the northern city, I’m very shocked, I’m also a father, I can understand the sorrow of mourning a son, solving the case is most important, I promptly ordered the northern city military to send more men out on patrol, to assist the yamen in solving the case. Afterwards i heard Chen Qianhu’s subordinates and my son had some misunderstanding, a conflict in the middle of the streets, from Wanping fighting to Daxing, even the injustice drum of the Shuntian prefecture had been sounded, even though I don’t know the reason, this began with my son, I will apologise to lord Chen first.”


Wang Qianhu lowered his posture, Chen Qianhu was still expressionless, “You have three sons, if this wastrel son is beaten to death, you still have two. And our Chen family, have only had a sole heir in the last five generations, I only have one son, he’s been married for eight years, he didn’t hold any children, now dailang...has passed, our Chen family succession has ended, bloodline cut off, how can you understand my sorrow? No matter who killed my son, I must make someone pay with their life.”


Chen Qianhu coldly swept his gaze over Wang Dai Xia who wasn’t actually kneeling, “It’s better to kill a hundred people wrongly than let one slip by. Anyone who had any business with my son has been taken to the imperial prison  for interrogating, each one complied, only your son stood out from the masses, aside from resisting arrest, he even forced his way through the streets to escape, causing uproar, Wang Qianhu, if something happened to your son and a suspect reacted in this way, would you not doubt he was the murderer?”


Wang Dai Xia cried out injustice: “It wasn’t me! It really wasn’t me, I left home early in the morning, only at dusk did I return to the city, my mother’s building was rented out by the manager without my permission, I beat the manager for a while to get the tenant to talk about vacating the house, this all happened in Wanping county, I never stepped foot in Daixing county where Chen dailang’s met with mishap.”


Mudfish Wang finally remembered his duties, asking: “Is there a witness?”


Wang Dai Xia said: “The neighbours of Tianshui lane, and manager Chen who was beaten up can be my witnesses.”


Mudfish Wang hit his gavel, “Someone come, bring the households of Tianshui lane and manager Chen to the court for questioning.”


Chen Qianhu raised his hand, “Tianshui lane is to the west of Wang residence, they’re all neighbours, of course they’ll speak for Wang Dai Xia, their testimony cannot be relied on.”


Wang Dai Xia said: “Then find manager Chen, I beat him up, he and i have animosity, he definitely won’t side with me, he’ll speak the truth.”


Mudfish Wang said: “Then go find manager Chen, we’ll take a recess, go rest at the back, drink some tea, wait for manager Chen to arrive then reconvene the hearing.”


Manager Chen who stood behind the barricades hearing the magistrate wanting to question him, he lowered his head immediately pretending to be dead, it was best as a  businessman to avoid mixing with lawsuits, tonight I won't’ go home to sleep, I’ll find a friend to stay with.


Just as he was thinking this, Wei Cai Wei behind him shouted “don't’ push, don’t push!” At the same time pushing manager Chen forward, manager Chen’s lower abdomen bumped into the wooden planks on the barricade, he gasped in pain, he held himself back from crying out---in case Wang Dai Xia heard, it would be bad if he was called as his witness!


But how could Wei Cai Wei allow manager Chen to be a turtle that pulls its head in and let Wang Dai Xia suffer?


This plan didn’t work, she used another, Wei Cai Wei pretended to be concerned, lightly patting the lower back of manager Chen, “Manager Chen! Are you alright! Don’t hurt your kidney!”


Hearing the familiar name, Wang Dai Xia looked back kneeling on the mat, “Oh, isn’t this a coincidence! Manager Chen! Come quickly, come quickly, the magistrate is just looking for you! Hurry up and tell them what time, where I was, how I beat you up!”


Famous Tang beauty, consort of Emperor Xuanzhong, blamed for extravagance and killed as a scapegoat during the An-Shi Rebellion.↩

Liu Bei's son↩


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