Revenge of the Honorable Prince

Chapter 46: Chapter 46

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Xue Lan felt his waist twinge in pain and frowned from the discomfort. Not only that, his throat stings, his jaw was sore, his eyes were dry, and his rear ached.

He didn’t know how long he had been out, but it was both the best and worst sleep of his life.

Opening his eyes, he found himself on a large black bed made out of the finest satin he had ever felt. He was covered by a fluffy blanket made out of unknown fur that caressed his skin like a cloud. The pillows and mattress were incredibly soft that they sunk like dough from his weight.

He wasn't eaten yet?

Beyond the sheers, he saw the door open and Mo Shen slithered in. His legs had returned to a long, black tail which his original body. Their eyes met and Mo Shen climbed up the bed.

“Good morning, Young Master Xue,” Mo Shen laid down next to Xue Lan and faced him with a cheeky smile. “I’m ready for round two anytime.”

Xue Lan swung his fist to punch him in the face. Mo Shen laughed and raised his palms to let him punched them all he wanted instead.

“So energetic. Does pleasure refresh you?”

Xue Lan huffed indignantly and stopped his venting, “Why am I still alive?”

“Technically, you aren’t though,” Mo Shen draped his arm onto Xue Lan’s body. He casually said, “You’re a demon now.”

Xue Lan blinked, “…What?”

Mo Shen leaned closer to Xue Lan’s ear and repeated, “You’re a demon now.”

Xue Lan, “…”

He heard it loud and clear the first time, damn it.

“How? Wasn’t last night’s…intercourse meant for me to fulfill my end of the bargain?”

“No, not really. It was our…let’s say, bonding ceremony,” Mo Shen backed away slightly to lay on the bed and cuddled Xue Lan. “And you’ve been out for 3 days.”

“Bonding ceremony?” Xue Lan was confused. “Then what about our contract?”

“It was done,” Mo Shen shrugged. “I ate your soul, digested it, and spitted it back out to your body.”

“That’s disgusting.”

“I’m kidding,” Mo Shen laughed. “It’s pretty simple. I didn’t eat you.”

Xue Lan, “?”

“I wouldn’t have killed you in the mortal realm if I wanted to eat you,” Mo Shen played with Xue Lan’s hair. “Your soul got directly claimed by the authorities you could say.”

“Then, that time…” Xue Lan vaguely remembered drowning in an empty space.

“You were sent to the Void because your soul was corrupted by me and well, your karma obviously had a bad record. Not to mention you created chaos in your first life by jumping through space and time after you die,” Mo Shen listed. “All in all, heaven didn’t want you to reincarnate even as a pig, so you were scheduled for extermination.”

“Why did you kill me then?” Xue Lan frowned.

“To terminate our contract. Only heaven can do that with a snap of a finger,” Mo Shen sighed. “Still, it was both easy and not easy finding you there. There are not that many human soul in the Void, but that place isn’t confined by the concept of space.”

Xue Lan recalled something, “But didn't you say you received backlash from killing one of your contractors in the past?”

“That's because I hadn't fulfilled my end of the deal,” Mo Shen shrugged. “This time is different. A mortal is only capable to bear one contract at a time. Because of the nature of our contract, it wouldn't be terminated from your soul before I actually consumed you. But after I granted your wish, I can technically do whatever I want with you.”

“What about my body?” Xue Lan could still feel every sensation just as he if he was alive.

“I brought your body from the mortal realm and stored it here,” Mo Shen pinched Xue Lan’s waist. “I prefer you having a physical form after all.”

“…” Xue Lan stared at Mo Shen in silence. He finally opened his mouth a few minutes later, “…Why?”

“Of course, because I want to touch you,” Mo Shen raised an eyebrow. “I can’t touch something naturally intangible by the law of nature however powerful I am.”

“Why did you turn me into a demon?” Xue Lan knew that Mo Shen was purposefully messing with him. “Why did you go to such lengths to make a new contract with me? As you said, you could do whatever you want even without doing this.”

Mo Shen grinned and pulled Xue Lan closer, “Because a certain master of mine is very good at seducing and ruthlessly entice me as well.” 

“When have I ever enticed you?” Xue Lan didn’t accept the blame.

“Every moment,” Mo Shen gazed deeply into Xue Lan’s eyes. “I want you to permanently belong to me. I want to connect our bodies and make you cry in pleasure every night. I want to fulfill your desires and I want you to fulfill mine. I want us to take baths together, eat together, sleep together, reward one another, tease–”

Xue Lan's mind tingled and he blocked Mo Shen’s mouth with his hand, “I get your point.”

Mo Shen lowered Xue Lan’s hand, “I prefer you block my mouth with your lips instead.”


Mo Shen thought Xue Lan would smack him or glare at him as usual, so he was slightly stunned when the other really blocked his mouth with his lips though only for a brief.

Xue Lan backed away as if nothing happened, “So, what now? Am I your subordinate or something?”

Mo Shen chuckled and propped his body up to trap Xue Lan beneath him.

“What do you think a 'Bonding Ceremony' is?” Mo Shen grinned deviously.

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“I gave you my essence, we exchanged our blood, and I marked you with my seal. If that is not a wedding, then what is?”

Xue Lan’s eyes widened at Mo Shen’s words and he was promptly captured into a longer kiss.

“Darling, you’re my wife now,” Mo Shen held Xue Lan tightly and rolled to place the latter on top of him. “Be good and call me Husband.”

Xue Lan, “…”

What in the world had he gotten himself into?

They tossed and frolicked around in bed though Xue Lan was basically hopeless against Mo Shen’s strength and persistence.

Moreover, his back still ached…

They ended up lazing in each other’s arms and kissing each other mindlessly.

“You truly fascinate me,” Mo Shen stroked Xue Lan’s face lovingly.

Xue Lan stared at Mo Shen’s demonic eyes. He couldn’t deny that he unconditionally trusted Mo Shen and that the demon gave him a peace of mind. He knew it was because of their contract, but he felt comfortable around Mo Shen’s presence nonetheless.

This embodiment of evil was the solace of his life.

What they felt towards one another might not be love but both of them knew…

They didn’t want this–whatever this was–to end.

Not that he would admit it out loud though.

“Let’s see how long our fascination would last,” Xue Lan scoffed.

Mo Shen grinned and slithered his tail between Xue Lan’s legs, rubbing against him lewdly, “How can you always be so cute?”

Sensing the danger, Xue Lan changed their topic but Mo Shen didn’t stop rubbing against him. Rather, more and more parts of his body were wrapped around Mo Shen’s tail.

The other was clearly unwilling to part. Fortunately, he still had enough conscience to not suffocate him.

Mo Shen was inwardly happy.

He knew, since the first time they met, that this human would be different. That Xue Lan would be different.

All his previous masters were beautiful at first but the closer they were to their due the uglier they became.

He fulfilled their wishes, satisfied their lusts, and made them the happiest humans alive. But once it downed upon them that he was a demon, once they were reminded of his real form and identity, they treated him like a nightmare.

Their reverence and gratitude gradually became fear and reluctance. They would do anything to get rid of him out of their life. They screamed and cried upon their death, regretting ever meeting him.

But not Xue Lan.

From beginning to end, he only became more and more beautiful. The unwavering eyes that thread upon his path of doom was irresistible. The decisiveness to bring forth destruction, fully aware of the price he would pay at the end, resonated in his heart.

When he discovered the fragility behind his thorns, proving that he was indeed nothing more than a human, all he wanted was to protect it within his palm.

Their contract didn’t last long, so he made a new one.

A contract that lasted for eternity.

He wanted to keep this beautiful human by his side and admire him endlessly.

All his cute side, all his poisonous side, and of course, all his lewd side.

And Xue Lan accepted him.

Though the human wouldn’t admit it.

But that was also one of his cute sides.

Xue Lan couldn’t handle Mo Shen’s heart eyes at him any longer, “I can see you’re thinking useless things.”

“I can make you hear them too,” Mo Shen smiled.

“I will pass on that.”

Mo Shen cupped the back of Xue Lan’s head and brought his ear closer to him, “But I want you to hear them.”

As Mo Shen whispered all the embarrassing thoughts in his head, Xue Lan felt like he was being cooked alive by his demon.

Not that he actually disliked it though.


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