
Chapter 45: Dammit!

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A blue carriage, with the emblem of the black wolf, was now driving through the streets of Coupitia city. Inside it, were three people sitting, one was Matthew, the nine-year-old, another was Asvin, and the final one was Gleeward, the Chief of Guards.

While the carriage was still being pulled by the horses, in the direction of the only orphanage inside this city, Matthew said to Asvin, "Hey, so, over these past few days, I met with someone called Atlas, do you perhaps know him?".

Asvin smiled, and looked at Gleeward beside him, as he said, "Yeah, we used to train in the Court of Saviors together, and well... We were trained, by this fellow right here! He trained with us, as well as trained us a little!".

Matthew, couldn't believe what he had just heard. He didn't know this before now, "So, Sir Gleeward, was with you? You two know each other?", he hadn't expected this in the least. The reason, he was a little surprised just now.

The Chief of Guards for the Ankston family, smiled and replied, "Yeah, This guy here was pretty good, for the most part. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for Atlas!". Gleeward sighed a little, then asked, "He's now, a Police Officer, isn't he?".

Matthew nodded, before he realized something, 'Dammit! When did I meet this Police Officer, now that I think about it? I haven't been "Outside", without anyone knowing, and, if I say this was when I was still in the orphanage, well, it will certainly be considered a little weird!'.

'Since I never brought it up before, until now, for some reason. Let's hope they won't ask me abou... And, they just did! Thanks big bro Vin!'. "Ahm! Well, I met him a while ago, he said he's been doing good, and, he even said that, no... I can't say this to you big bro Vin!".

Asvin's curiosity was peaked now. It was very easy for Matthew to play with him. The heir to the Cavias family raised his eyebrows a little, and asked, "What did he say? That scared monkey, he better not have said what I am thinking he did!". Matthew gulped, and then replied, "He said, that... Well, he's now... Stronger than you!".

"That son of a... Damn him, I will have a nice chat with him the next time we meet!", said the young man, screaming in anger. Gleeward didn't say anything, he only stared at the young boy, and smiled.

'Hah! He made him drop the "When did you meet him?" question, and instead, turned his focus to another topic, without Asvin even suspecting anything, this boy is fascinating!'.

'Also, I don't think this stupid man here has realized, that the reason the boy is talking about something like this right now, is, because he's scared! He wants to forget about the mission he's about to do, and so, he's talking about something that wouldn't be considered appropriate in such a situation!'.

It didn't take long for them to reach their destination. The carriage stopped in front of a big building. Robert was there waiting already. 'It seems someone has told him we were coming', thought Gleeward, to himself.

With the man in normal clothes, were two armed men. they looked kind of weak, even weaker than the man that tried to sell Matthew and Roden into slavery a couple of days ago.

They also wore gray clothing, and had a small emblem crafted on their armor. It was a drawing of a dog. These two, were, of course, members of the new gang called, the Grey Dogs.

Before the carriage had arrived, Asvin had explained a bit about this gang to the nine-year-old. "They are a gang that appeared about four months ago, their leader is referred to as, The Hound! He's reportedly a fan of the Shadow Assassin, and is supposedly as strong as that evil figure! Which means, this gang has a leader as strong as Eight Star!".

"We don't know where their main base is stationed, but, their first appearance to the public, was in the kingdom Solfia! Where their leader, the Hound, killed a very influential noble. They have only started to appear in our kingdom for about two months now!".

"From what we have seen, their leader is in the kingdom of Al-Bark at the moment, and he also isn't a stupid leader that goes after big time nobles, the noble he killed was one of the lowest nobles in the Solfia kingdom, and it is rumored that he was hired as an assassin for the job, by another big shot noble, though remember, these are all rumors!".

"They do make sense, though, since he used to be a member of the assassin organization, the Crows of Death! Just like the Shadow Assassin!", added Gleeward.

Matthew nodded his head, as he understood most of what was being said, after all, even though he was very smart for his age, he was still just a nine-year-old boy. And, in the end, there were limits to how much he could understand at this young age.

"Anyway, this is just some info I thought you should know, since they are the enemies we will be facing tonight!", said Asvin, before looking at Gleeward, who said, "The members of this gang, are mostly weaker than the soldiers of the Ankston family!".

The Chief of Guards, continued, "And, of course, they are definitely weaker than the soldiers of the Cavias family. In other words, this won't be a hard fight for us! Still, that's assuming the soldiers are as strong as the ones I am looking at right now!".

At this moment, the carriage had arrived in front of the orphanage, and Gleeward was looking at the two guards beside the man in normal clothes. The three, then, descended from the carriage, and were greeted by Robert.

"Hello, lord Matthew, lord Asvin, and Sir Gleeward. I am most happy to welcome you as always, I just would like to know why we weren't informed of your visit like usual, wasn't Lord Matthew supposed to come until tomorrow?".

Matthew smiled, and said, "I changed my mind, and decided to come now, is there a problem with that? Robert?". The man in normal clothes, Robert, was very agitated to be called by his name. This was a nine-year-old, he had seen grow, and, now, not only is he called by his name, he has to give this young boy a bow, and adress him as Lord.

But, this was the ruling when speaking to nobles. Offending one in this kingdom, was akin to doing something very stupid. Robert gave the three, a fake smile, and took them inside the orphanage.

The kids were surprised to find out, Matthew had come today, instead of until tomorrow, like he had said he would. This was the first time this happened, he always came on the time he had said he would on, still, they didn't really care much about that.

The nine-year-old, looked at the kids gathering around him, and said, with a sad face, "I am sorry, everyone. I didn't bring candy and gifts with me this time around, but, since I will come back tomorrow, I promise to bring them as usual!".

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Some of the kids were disappointed, while most said that it was fine, and thanked him, as they returned to doing what they were doing.

Asvin and Gleeward stayed close to Matthew, but, at the same time, they surveyed the guards walking here. Asvin counted them, and he stopped at 13, though, there could be more in other places, since the orphanage was quite big.

Matthew went up to his friends, and found the three boys, he used to hang with. After they greeted each other, he asked them the following, "Amm! Where is Max?". Tom, the second in command of the group, replied, as his expression darkened, "Umm! She's... She's not here... At the moment!".

Matthew's expression fell immediately. He looked at the three boys for a second, waiting for them to explain more, but it looked like they didn't want to. He forced himself to ask, "What do you mean by that? Where is she then? Tom, where is Max?". Tom smiled bitterly, as he replied, his voice frail and sad, "She was taken this morning, to... Be used... By a noble! She won't be returning until night!".

Asvin, and Gleeward, who were beside the boy at that moment, could only stare in silence. Both of them knew Max, Gleeward saw her as an aggressive girl with a kind heart, while Asvin, who knew the girl much better, thought of her as an annoying cousin.

Since, after all, Asvin was the teacher that had been training the 16-year-old girl all this while. He was the reason, she was getting better at fighting in the first place. 'They... What? They...  Ah! Ah! Ah! No, this can't be right? Tom, he's just joking, right? Stupid!'.

'I told him not to joke like this, yet, he still does it? I... I...', Matthew's expression started changing little by little, and it was not for the better.  'I will kill them... All of them, how? By burning them, all of them! Hah! Hahaha! Dammit!'. His hands kept shaking, and he started loosing control over his body.

Asvin was cursing inside his thoughts, he wanted to turn and kill everyone, before going to save the girl, but he knew he couldn't do something of the sort. Matthew, on the other hand, was frozen in his place. His hands still shaking, he remembered everything.

He had known what these kids were experiencing, and had even seen Max, crying many time over the two years he lived here. This only happened, after she was taken for most of the day.

As such, Matthew made a promise to himself, 'I will help her! I will help everyone here!'.

Since a year now, she hadn't been touched, no, no one was touched. After all, Robert and everyone involved, were afraid of what the little Mage would do to them. Until now, where they used the Grey Dogs for security, and took the girl with a large scar on her left cheek once again.

'They... I can't! This is, too much! I NEED TO GO AND STOP THIS AT ONCE!', thought Matthew, as he turned to look at Robert, who immediately looked to the two guards beside him for protection from the nine-year-old.

Matthew's face now resembled that of a demon. Demons hadn't appeared for ages now, since they were banished to the Lower Realm, but, if a demon was here, he might also be scared of the expression this nine-year-old was making.

Still, before Matthew could do anything, Asvin gave him a small slap to draw his attention. Matthew was shocked by what his big brother Vin had just done to him, but, before he got the chance to talk, he heard the young man say.

"Don't do anything rash! Stop now! I know how you're feeling, but, even if we do our best, and we end up getting the family name of this noble, it might just lead us into full on war. This noble could be someone from a very strong family, we can't risk a war, I know what you're thinking about, but we can't!".

"I am terribly sorry, but we just can't!". Matthew looked at him for a second as he said, "If Theresia was in the same position, what would you do?". Asvin froze on the spot. He could only look at the young boy in shock.

'Hah! I have to do everything by myself in the end, han? I have to become strong, and fast! He's right, though! I know what he would do if it were like I asked, unfortunately, I want to do the same, but I am alone, and not strong enough, not even with the backing of the Ankston family!'.

'Dammit! Dammit! I am sorry Max, I am sorry! I can't help you, I am, dammit! I can only watch as you get... Dammit! Why? I am as helpless as I was when dad and mom died, I am still as weak as I was then, dammit!'.

'Haah! For now, I have to keep my calm, this should be ending tonight, from today onwards, there shouldn't be anything like this happening again, right? But even then, that means I have to allow someone to... Max, I am sorry!'.

Matthew's eyes were dyed red. He was close to crying, yet, he stopped himself, brushed his face, and looked at Tom.

Unfortunately, when he tried asking if Max was the only one, the answer he got only made him want to cry more. Young Gloria, who had been beating instead of raped, every time she was taken, and many others, this all made him close to going mad from anger. Robert stared at the nine-year-old, as he smiled and thought, 'Hah!!! It worked, he can only watch, he can't do anything to us! Even though he has his strongest guard with him, not even the Little Lion can act against us, now!'.

'Hahaha! Getting the help of the Grey Dogs was the wisest idea I ever had! This is probably one of the top ten best days in my life! Finally, I don't have to be scared of a small kid anymore, I can do what I want again!'.

Robert seemed like he was the happiest man at the moment. While, on the other hand, Matthew seemed like he was the most miserable one. Asvin couldn't say anything to the young boy, who had just made a valid point to him, 'What, would I do, if it was, one of my sisters, who was being used now? I... Would I do the same thing?'.

Matthew brushed his face again, and said, "Okay, Let us explore more, and take a look at all the other guards. Uncle Glee, c'mon! Big bro Vin, what are you waiting for?". Matthew had just told his three friends about what would be happening tonight, and now, he looked at Asvin.

The young man looked dazed in his thoughts, he finally snapped back to reality, when Matthew talked to him. "Ah! Yes, I am coming!", and with that, the search for the Grey Dogs inside the orphanage, resumed again.

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