
Chapter 108: Chapter 108: Tasks

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Reiki was plating a couple of lamb chops on a wooden plate, on the same plate it had some yogurt sauce on the bottom with some thinly sliced vegetables on the side that were drizzled with some vinaigrette. Melanor was next to him and was filling cream puffs with whipped cream while her daughter was inside the kitchen leaning on the door resting. Moranor glanced through the large glass window and said. "How long do we have to do this for? I know we have to wait for her majesty but at this rate, we'll never be able to serve her."

Reiki picked up the plate and walked toward Moranor, he looked up to her and said. "Then make an announcement." Melanor was measuring the temperature of the tempered chocolate and saw that it had cooled sufficiently, Melanor said. "Reiki, can you get me some powdered sugar? It's on the bottom shelf on the left."

Reiki nodded while he walked toward the shelves on the bottom and started searching. Melanor looked at him oddly and said. "What kind of announcement?" While rummaging, Reiki said. "Tell them other than the previous orders, we won't accept anymore due to the lack of ingredients. If they want to, tell them they could come back during dinner time so we have time to rest." 

Reiki was holding a small bag of powdered sugar, he walked next to Melanor and gave it to her. While Reiki was carefully dipping the top half of a filled cream puff Melanor walked toward the shelves and started looking for something. Moranor noticed they were a total of twenty-four cream puffs, with a slightly confused look she said. "I thought she ordered five?" Melanor took out a fine strainer, and a chopping board, she closed the shelves and walked next to him.

Reiki placed down the cream puff that had one of the top sides covered in dark chocolate. Melanor placed it on top of a chopping board and opened the small bag of powdered sugar. Melanor placed a handful of sugar on the fine strainer and gently tapped on it sprinkling the cream puff with powdered sugar on top. 

While Reiki continued to carefully dip one of the top sides with dark chocolate, he said. "The extras are for you and Melanor-san to share." Moranor didn't reply as her gaze was glued on the cream puff that her mother placed on a large wooden plate. Moranor's stomach let out a short grumble as she rubbed her stomach with her hand.


Inside A Break Room

Ketsueki was sitting on a chair by the table alone as she looked outside the window. The door opened as Sachi, who was wearing designer brand clothing that complemented her almost pasty white skin, and Namida, who wore a simple brown sweater and jeans to make her white skin even lighter. The two of them walked toward Ketsueki while carrying a large plastic bag of snacks each, Ketsueki glanced at the two of them. Ketsueki flashed them a smile and said. "Trying to look more manly, Namida?" 

Namida reached inside the large plastic bag and threw a can of soda at Ketsueki's face. Ketsueki easily caught it with one hand and looked at it, Sachi and Namida sat on the chairs on the same table where Ketsueki was sitting. Sachi started neatly placing snacks on the table while Namida just placed them wherever she wanted. Ketsueki tapped on the side of the can of soda on the top a few times and opened it.

The sound of carbonation came out of the soda, Ketsueki said. "What's on the menu?" Sachi opened a bag of plantain chips and said. "Let's see… A few businesses haven't paid for information yet." Sachi placed the bag of plantain chips in the middle of the table so everyone could reach it. Namida opened a medium-sized plastic bottle of diet soda, she said. "There's also a couple of hits that aren't out yet, I've seen the rewards and the targets. Easy money just like always." 

Ketsueki picked up a piece of plantain chips and sniffed it, she raised a brow and ate it. Sachi searched the table and picked up a large bag of spicy potato chips seeing Ketsueki's awkward expression. Namida let out mocking laughter while Ketsueki downed half of the can of soda in one go. While opening the large bag of potato chips, Sachi said. "There's still that request for any kind of information about that sudden spike of holy and dark mana from the government."

Ketsueki placed her hands behind her head, Namida stared at her large chest in envy. Ketsueki said. "Still? That's been out for a while now and not a single force has anything to show for it." While staring at Ketsueki's large chest Namida said. "Can't blame them, we've seen the reward. ¥100,000,000 just for some vague locations where the spike of mana came from. They've also offered ¥10,000,000,000 if the founder of the artifacts gave it to the government." 

Namida moved her gaze away from Ketsueki's chest and picked up a large box of pocky and started opening it, she said. "Any news about the mysterious explosions of all the mana tools in Osaka?" Sachi passed the bag of potato chips to Ketsueki. Ketsueki said. "Didn't the supplier claim it was a malfunction?" Namida took out a piece of plastic inside the box of pocky and opened it, she took a few pieces and placed them in the middle of the table. Namida said. "And I'm sure the two people that find those two artifacts will be willing to give it to the government for money and not use it for their gain."

Namida started eating pocky, Ketsueki rolled her eyes at Namida. Ketsueki said. "No one's dumb enough to think there's only a single artifact. That's why almost every single mage who has an affinity with them is scattering around…" Ketsueki was about to eat a couple of pieces of potato chips but stopped, she said. "What about that ogre that's causing havoc? We could always steal the monster's body." Ketsueki ate a couple of pieces of potato chips, Sachi was chewing on a plantain chip as she picked up a bottle of water.

Sachi took a sip and placed it on the table, Sachi said. "It's dead." Namida was faintly surprised while reaching to grab a couple of potato chips. Ketsueki had a slight frown, she said. "Any news? I highly doubt those allies of his would even think of helping him." Sachi lazily stretched in her seat, she said. "Nothing special, the second rate paladin hired some mercenaries, most of them either died or lost a limb or two…"

Namida continued eating while opening a couple more snacks as she took a big chug of her soda. Ketsueki raised a brow, she said. "What is it, Sachi?" Sachi placed a hand on her chin as she pondered about something, she said. "From what I've heard from those mercenaries celebrating… They weren't the ones who killed the ogre… Including the second-rate paladin…" Ketsueki's eyes narrowed while Namida enjoyed her snacks, Sachi continued. "Those mercenaries said it was a… Short martial art master…" 

Namida almost spat out what was in her mouth, she picked up her soda and took a sip. Namida let out a small burp, she said. "Excuse me. A short martial art master?" Namida let out a chuckle as she wiped her mouth using the back of her hand. Sachi frowned at Namida as she rummaged through her pocket and passed her some wet wipes.

Namida took a single wet sipe and cleaned her hands, she said. "That information cannot be real, those useless things drunk one too many cups of sake from celebrating." Ketsueki frowned as she started to think. Sachi rolled her eyes at her and said. "They weren't drunk… At least not yet since they've only started." Namida let out a laugh, she said. "Was it a dwarf? Excuse my racist comment but all of them are the same height in my eyes."

Sachi shook her head sideways and said. "No, when the individual spoke they said it was in perfect Japanese and was easily distinguishable to be a males voice. Some even say he might even be a native here in Osaka." Namida picked up another pocky stick and stared at it, she glanced at Sachi. Namida said. "How reliable is this information?" Sachi picked up a potato chip and looked at Namida, Sachi said. "I've asked all of them and the story matches up. From the master fighting the ogre barehanded, to his robe that had a hole in it, and his height…"

Namida let out a whistle as she stared at the pocky in her hand, she said. "Barehanded? Now I'm tempted to search for him myself." Ketsueki joined in on their conversation and said. "How about his clothes?" Namida went back to eating as the two of them looked at Ketsueki. She continued. "Any chance they saw what he was wearing at the time? Even a glimpse of the color of the fabric?" 

Ketsueki took a sip of her soda while Sachi thought for a moment. Sachi said. "They said he was wearing a half black and half white jacket that had a circle on the elbows." Ketsueki thought for a moment, Namida who had already eaten through a large box of pocky opened another one. While opening the box of pocky Namida said. "What's with the oddly specific question?" Ketsueki shook her head, she said. "... No, something just crossed my mind for a moment."


Melanor's Kitchen

Reiki was leaning on a wall while wiping some sweat from his forehead, he touched his tunic and noticed it was already soaked with sweat. He looked at Moranor who was enjoying her cream puffs sitting next to her mother who was also eating. Reiki looked out the glass window and saw the once-filled restaurant was empty, he said. "A little rough but we managed to do it somehow."

Melanor wiped some cream off from the corner of her lips using her thumb, she said. "Feel free to take a shower, I'll bring a new set of clothes for you." Moranor was staring at her half-eaten cream puff in her hand, she softly squished it. Moranor said. "Am I going to have to take orders every day?..." Melanor paused for a moment, Reiki all of a sudden said. "Nope."

The two elves moved their gaze on him, Reiki said. "With how much you made today and that sizzle of that crowd I would recommend…" He thought for a moment and continued. "At least four waitresses Moranor not included and four to five elves in the kitchen to help with the cooking. Melanor-san would be in charge of the presentation and tasting the food."

Melanor had an enigmatic smile on her lips, she said. "Not going to ask why there was a large crowd?" Reiki let out a chuckle as he slowly pushed himself off the wall and stood on his own two feet. He said. "Her majesty played a hand in it." Melanor flashed him a smile, while Moranor let out a sigh of relief as she rummaged through her pocket and took out a silk handkerchief. 

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Moranor noticed it was already drenched in sweat as she reluctantly placed it back inside her pocket. Reiki stared out the glass window and said. "That discount also helped..." He glanced at them and continued. "Though I'm not sure if the price of cream puffs was halved or not."

Moranor looked at her mother, Moranor said. "Told you he'd notice." Melanor let out a chuckle, she looked at Reiki and said. "Alright then, Mr. Smart human. How big was the discount?" Reiki moved his gaze to the two elves eating, he said. "Half off sounds about right." 

Melanor rolled her eyes at him as she took a bite of the cream puff in her hands, Moranor looked at him and said. "What gave it away?" Reiki walked next to Moranor and stayed standing up, he said. "The female elf who ordered a total of six cream puffs, I highly doubt she would've tried something that's the same cost as an entire loaf of wheat bread." Reiki lazily waved at the two elves and said. "I'll take my shower." He slowly made his way to the door that led to the inside of the house leaving the two elves to enjoy their meal.

Melanor gently elbowed her daughter's forearm which got her attention, Melanor said. "The plan didn't go exactly as we thought, but this is just as good." Moranor had some whipped cream on her cheek as she looked at her mother, Moranor said. "That happens when the entire plan revolves around timing. Now her majesty didn't even make her grand entrance." 

Moranor ate the last bite of cream puffs in her hand, she licked her thumb and index finger that had some traces of dark chocolate and sugar. Melanor thought for a bit as her daughter reached out to pick up another cream puff, Melanor said. "Her majesty was supposed to be the catalyst to start everything… To my surprise, she didn't even need to lift a finger." Elora appeared behind them and said. "Ironic isn't it?" The two elves turned their heads to look at her, Moranor nodded at her while Melanor said. "It's been a while since a plan you made didn't go the way you expected."

Elora walked near the table and picked up one of the cream puffs, she said. "I think it was about three hundred years ago? Give or take." She took a big bite of the cream puff in her hands and looked at Melanor. Elora said. "How much did you make?" Melanor wiped off the cream on her daughter's cheek using her thumb, she thought for a moment and said. "I've crunched the numbers… With a fifty percent discount… About 1,519 (¥3,645,600) silver coins." 

Moranor almost spat out cream puffs on the floor while Elora raised a brow in surprise. Melanor gave Elora a meaningful look as the two of them nodded simultaneously, Elora looked around and said. "Why is Nora taking so long?" Moranor placed down her half-eaten cream puff as she suddenly stood up, she grabbed her skirt and slightly lifted it using both her hands. Moranor said. "Excuse me." As she suddenly dashed inside the house.


Second Floor By The Bathroom Door

Enora's long pointy ears twitched as she heard the sound of a faucet being turned on followed by running water. She quietly made her way to the door, Enora rummaged through her pocket and pulled out a silver key. Enora was about to unlock the door, her eyes narrowed when she heard the sound of running coming closer. She immediately stepped away from the door as a string of lightning traveled through the air passing the spot where she was standing previously. 

Moranor's eyes were cold as she glared at Enora who had an innocent smile on her lips, Moranor said. "The food is on the first floor, Enora." Enora glared at her as the atmosphere in the room turned heavy. The doorknob unlocked from the other side of the room as the two of them acted naturally as the heavy atmosphere in the room instantly vanished.

Reiki opened the door with his hair combed to the back using his hand, he was wearing a new set of clothes and glanced at the two elves. He said. "I can't remember the last time you two weren't fighting." Moranor and Enora simultaneously said. "We are not fighting." 

Reiki rolled his eyes at the two of them, he moved his gaze onto Moranor and noticed she was still wearing the same dress. Enora frowned as she loudly coughed which snapped him back to reality, Reiki said. "I hope you don't mind that I left the clothes and towel inside." Moranor shook her head, she said. "It's fine."


Back At The Kitchen

Melanor was sitting next to Elora who was laying her head on Melanor's shoulder. Melanor was holding a half-eaten cream puff and moved it closer to Elora's mouth, Elora shook her head and said. "How many days until you can gather up some funds?" Melanor thought for a bit as she placed the cream puff on the wooden chopping board, Melanor said. "The restaurant can easily bring in at least 1,500 silver coins a day… We can sell a couple of things here and there, my guess would be…" 

Melanor's eyes turned cold as a cruel smile crept onto her lips, she continued. "Two days." Elora lifted her head from Moranor's shoulder, with an indifferent expression she said. "How fitting… The day Reiki goes back to his home and the day on our both daughters' birthdays. We haven't given them any gifts yet, we've already prepared the best one. Their future."

Elora's pupils glowed an icy blue for a split second before turning back to the usual sky blue color. She let out a deep breath as a smile grew on her lips as she picked up the half-eaten cream puff, Elora moved the cream puff closer to Melanor's mouth. Elora said. "With that said, I was able to smell the food a few meters away. I'm surprised the front of your restaurant wasn't torn down." Elora let out a chuckle making her large chest jiggle while Melanor stared at it without being subtle. Melanor took a bite of the cream puff in Elora's hands as some whipped cream was on Melanor's cheek. Elora placed a hand on Melanor's chin, she moved her head closer to Melanor's cheek and seductively licked the whipped cream off. Elora said. "Delicious."

The door suddenly opened as Melanor vanished from the chair beside Elora and appeared near a wall and leaned on it. Elora acted naturally and stared at the cream puff in her hands. Reiki, Enora, and Moranor walked into the kitchen. Melanor moved her gaze onto them while Elora looked at them and said. "What took the three of you so long?" Reiki started rummaging through the fridge, he said. "I just finished my shower, can't say for sure about these two though." 

Moranor walked near the table and picked up the half-eaten cream puff she placed down, she said. "I was… Searching for Enora." Moranor went back to eating while Melanor and Elora loved their gazes onto Enora who picked up a cream puff and was walking toward Reiki who was raiding the fridge. Moranor's eyes narrowed as she watched Enora's every move. Reiki was carrying a large bowl of chicken wings and some vegetables, he noticed all the elves in the room moved their gazes onto him. He said. "Anyone else want some karaage?"


Inside A Break Room

Namida was eating without any reservation, Sachi looked at Ketsueki and said. "Ketsueki, What's wrong?" Ketsueki shook her head, she said. "Nothing, since it was one of our days off. I was planning to cook steak for lunch until we were called." On the table there were empty bags of snacks all over, Sachi started cleaning by using an empty plastic bag and placing the trash inside of it. Namida picked up her soda bottle and took a sip, she said. "Steak? Wow, look at ms. Money bags over here." 

As she let out a chuckle, Sachi placed the plastic bag filled with trash on the floor beside her. Sachi said. "Steak huh… That sounds nice, how about some yakiniku for dinner? Make sure to bring Shiro along." Namida unwrapped a large chocolate bar and said. "I'm in." As she took a bite.

Ketsueki stared at the two of them for a moment as both of them continued eating. Ketsueki said. "... Fine…" With a wave of her hand, the chocolate bar Namida was holding went toward Ketsueki. Ketsueki caught it mid-air and took a bite while Namida glared at her, Ketsueki frowned as she tossed the chocolate bar back to Namida. 

Sachi had a smile on her lips as she watched everything while eating, Namida caught the chocolate bar and stared coldly at Ketsueki. Ketsueki said. "It's not even dark chocolate, you cheapskate." She reached for an unopened large bag of potato chips while Namida pointed at her and said. "Cheapskate?! Cheapskate!? I bought something that's not your preference and you're calling me cheap!"

Ketsueki nodded and picked up a single piece of potato chip and stared at it, she said. "It's chocolate, dark chocolate, on the other hand, gets expensive." The corner of Namida's eye twitched, she moved her gaze onto Sachi who was eating and enjoying the show. Sachi nodded and said. "It's true." Namida deeply inhaled, she pinched the bridge of her nose and said. "How you became our leader is still a mystery to me." A proud smile appeared on Ketsueki's lips, she said. "A simple way to put it would be, I'm just better." Sachi started laughing which got Namida's attention, Sachi was covering a smile with her hand. Sachi said. "She's got you there."

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