
Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Artifact

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Each and everything is embedded with mana in some form of contrast regardless of whether it is an object or a living thing, everything has mana one way or another. When one wants to cast spells the caster is actually using the mana in the surrounding area and is not asking for a deity nor a second party. If one is using a power of a deity or a second party the caster is now using a different type of magic but once the second party decides to leave then the caster would suffer a backlash of not being able to cast magic anymore due to the second party leaving. The reason for that is that it will crack the casters orb of mana which is the source of living beings and also gives off a unique mana flow from each individual forcing to reignite the sea of mana the caster might end up losing all five senses. 

Reiki mused to himself while reading from his ‘special’ notebook Kaita. He pretty much spent this entire time laying down on top of the carriage brushing up on some theories of magic and what exactly is mana but after the last few sentences, Reiki inserted some mana into the notebook and it went back to displaying a crap ton of things. While flipping through the pages one word was able to catch his eye. Potion Brewing.

In any game-like anime, potions were pretty much a given but not all potions are the same which is common knowledge potions were usually ranked by basic, normal, high, and some more special ones were capable of full restore. But it does not change the fact that potions are some of the most commonly used in games. Some potions sometimes have requirements from potions that can instantly heal a certain amount of Hp while others regenerate over time there were even some that would stop the healing once engaged in combat. 

Not only that some game developers decided it to be funny and made it so that you can only use potions while out of combat although it's not really that bad but for Reiki who lives for solo play and grinds like a possessed person the only time he wasn’t engaged in combat was when he was traveling to a different area.

But before Reiki was able to press on the notebook again he heard Otome’s voice.

“Get Down from the carriage Akihito Reiki from this point onwards we go on foot.” Otome said in an annoying voice with a hint of disdain.

As the group reached their destination the trees slowly thinned out and soon was replaced by flat land with green grass with roads leading to Taito City Reiki didn’t really know why the world geography was turned into this but it should have its own reasons.

Everything is pretty much the same other than the forest slowly thinning out the closer we got. Is what Reiki thought to himself while looking at the modern city that completely disregarded the few miles of forest a few hundred yards away from it.

Reiki wasn’t dumb enough to ask why he needed to get off with their relationship being all messed up. So the only choice was to comply and get off.

But he noticed something suspicious about the city, he couldn’t quite put his finger on it in the first place after some thought he was able to figure it out. There were no guards around the edges of it to suppress the monsters in case one of them got too close. God’s Eye. is what he decided to activate to confirm his suspicions.

『 God’s Eye Has Been Activated. 』

Right after the skill was activated his suspicions were confirmed now he was able to see mana surrounding the edges of the city. It was comparable to a wall. It was thin but it had a total of four colors. There were Red, Blue, White and Green and he didn’t really notice due to the fact he was looking at the ‘mana wall’ he saw a few balls of mana that were floating around the city they were about roughly the size of a basketball.

I’m guessing that ‘mana wall’ is some type of race analyzer but those balls of mana floating around… if its something like the eye of zentai that I have those things may be a familiar that specialize in scouting the surrounding area and some of them are probably can send messages to their owner or can provide live feed somehow. Is the only thing that was Reiki able to mock up despite having little information but it didn’t really take a genius to know what the mana flow was used for anyone with a little bit of knowledge would be able to tell.

And a big surprise to Reiki the two girls didn’t yet abandon him when they reached the entrance the two girls actually were able to bear with him for a few more blocks into the city before Yuiitsu broke the awkward silence by saying. “Reiki, me and Otome-san have something important to do so we'll meet you here in around half an hour.” Yuiitsu said completely normally with a straight face you couldn’t even tell that twelve hours ago they were trying their best to not even be next to him.

Of course, Reiki wasn’t an idiot, in fact, he was more than happy too just disappear but that would give them a reason to insult his family and invite unwanted attention from those pigs in human shape form.

Reiki replied. “You don’t have to Yuiitsu-sama. I have a few friends that I have to meet so this is where we part ways.” he said in a completely naive tone it was similar to how a child would say when talking with someone they have absolute trust in.

“Well, it works out for both of us then. Until next time.” Yuiitsu said casually while still keeping up with her faked tone.

Reiki didn’t reply and just nodded and turned to a different direction and started walking into a crowd and he softly said. “Good riddance.” Of course, he wasn’t dumb enough to hang around after saying that with Otome’s sharp sense’s Reiki needed to get out and quick so he casted. Flash Maximum Distance.

『 Flash has been activated. Mana Cost: 6,250 』

At that moment Otome completely lost it and shouted. “Said that again you little son of a bitch!” and turned around holding a pair of long pitch-black daggers that were about 10 inches long and you can see a faint green liquid trickle down the edge of the blade the only question that Reiki had was. Where did those two daggers even come from? But after she turned around Reiki wasn’t there and she only saw a crowd of people looking at her completely terrified.

Otome, who had a cold and terrifying face vanished the moment Reiki disappeared and she wasn’t the only one Yuiitsu who was behind her was astonished as well. As the two looked at each other without saying a single word Otome put daggers away and didn’t even bother with the crowd around them and the girls just left.

Roughly 110 feet with flash huh… Reiki was already trying to gauge out some of more ‘useful’ skills since some of them cost so a bit too much for his current level before he let out a soft sigh and continued his train of thought. This skill is really not meant for traveling. As he continued to walk in a completely different direction from where he was currently facing after that little incident the next time they met Otome would slash his throat and won't even bother to ask questions.

One thing is for sure though he would avoid making contact with the two and anyone related to them by any means to save himself a lot of trouble.

Reiki was just wondering around Akihabara but since he was here he might as well see the heart of anime culture and he was able to see some maid cafes, Game Shops, And of course a few anime  store selling things like anime figures to full body pillow with there waifu on them after seeing a few more shops he wanted to leave but he was able to see a slight change and saw an alleyway. And made his way towards it but to contrary to his expectations it turn out to be a place where people sell magical items you can see a few people sitting on a blanket that they’ve spread out with potions some were just selling dungeon maps while some were claiming to be information brokers and their source was reliable and guaranteed to be able to lead them to an easy dungeon for them to kill monsters and sell them.

Of course, Reiki wasn’t just born yesterday and he wasn’t like any dumb ten year old. With another chance at life, he would try everything in his power to change his destiny to the bitter end. After walking in the ally for a bit he was able to see an old man sitting on a barrel all of his hair were already white and he wore simple black robes and his hair was actually started to reach his waist but strangely enough there were only a few wrinkles on his face and his eyes had wisdom and depth you could easily tell this old man wasn’t simple.

As Reiki walked towards the old man and tried to put on an innocent expression and happily said. “Ojii-san, can you tell me some things about magic.” Reiki spoke in a completely innocent tone like any other child would have. He also had the thought of using God’s eye to see his stats but common sense told him if a person’s level was high enough or they had a keen sense of magic they should be able to detect his magic since Reiki wanted to play on the safe side he decided to not to use it.

The white-haired old man didn’t say anything and just continued to sit on top of the barrel. He didn't even move or react in any way and just sat there like he was completely oblivious to everything around him. After a few more seconds of silence, the old man said in a completely monotone voice. “Tell me which of these things are a magical artifact and I’ll think about saying a few things to you.”

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The old man finished speaking. He snapped his right hand and a wooden staff appeared from thin air and he used the bottom edge of the wooden staff he tapped the front of the barrel. And even after all that the old man didn’t even move apart from his right hand, he was still sitting on top of the barrel. After a few seconds passed a soft creaking noise was heard and then the barrel opened up like a cabinet with two doors.

The content inside the barrel can be described with one word… Garbage, it looked like some jumbled up mess that looked like you would be able to make better ones. Some of the things inside the barrel were a necklace made out of plain rope and a single tooth but the rope was so old it was basically rotting. Another one of the so-called artifacts looked like a semi-curved dagger that was around six inches long but the problem was it was so rusted it was basically useless and there was also one coin that looked like it was made out of silver but it was cracked it looked like someone ripped it like a piece of paper.

Reiki didn’t even bother with the other things since it pretty much looked like garbage to him. He was about to answer when he sensed a very faint magic fluctuation which made him go quiet almost instantly. The old man who was silent the entire time closed his eyes and pretended Reiki wasn’t even here but when he noticed the subtle change he opened his eyes although it was slightly the old man gave Reiki a glance before closing his eyes again.

With the faint fluctuation of magic, Reiki was scanning trying to find the source of it. A few seconds later another fluctuation happened and this time it was more noticeable than the first and he turned his gaze to find a tattered pouch. It looked like a coin pouch that in game-like or fantasy-like anime has this pouch was basically used to put their coins but this one was basically patched multiple times and different times and you can clearly see the stitches it was basically a matter of how old was this pouch was it was a dark grey-brown and looked like it was only able to hold in a single apple no more no less.

With some hesitation, Reiki extended his right hand and aimed to grab the tattered pouch as his hand was getting closer. The magic fluctuation was getting stronger and more apparent as Reiki picked up the tattered pouch and held it in his hand he looked at the old man and said. “Osan this one an artifact.” he said in a completely plain voice as if he was holding a piece of fruit in his hands. At this time the magic fluctuation of the pouch was mending with Reiki as if the pouch found it’s owner once again.

[System: Artifact has Bonded with the Host]

That’s weird. Where's the process like the last time when Q and I were bonded? This pouch bonded with me like it was natural, hell. It was more than willing. Was Reiki's thoughts but he kept his thoughts to himself.

At this time the old man with closed eyes suddenly opened them up completely wide. And now he was looking at Reiki with a face with complete disbelief as if he was looking at a ghost, not a human no he was more likely hoping that Reiki was really a ghost the old man was so shaken that he actually let go of the wooden staff and extended his hand onto his shoulder making sure that the child in front of him was real after taking a big breath to calm himself down he retracted his hand from Reiki’s shoulder and old man said. “You… What’s your name?”

Reiki wasn’t surprised and replied. “Reiki. Akihito Reiki.”

The old man only kept his silence and suddenly said. “... Sorry kid but I have to retract my promise of answering any of your questions… And I advise you to head towards the southeast from here and head towards somewhere in the Arch Forest that will be your first trial.” The very moment the old man finished speaking the barrel turned white in an instant it caused a white light to envelop similar to a flash bang and the old man closed the barrel, picked it up, turned around and disappeared into thin air as if he was never here in the first place.

To Reiki’ surprise, the flash of white light didn’t blind him in anyway if anything it just distracted him for that single moment the pouch was still in his hand he turned around and looked at the other people at the alley and everyone was completely undisturbed as if the person that was able to see the white old man was no one else but himself.

I wonder how powerful that old man is to be able to come and disappear like that with an alley full of mages and not cause a single fluctuation… Or he could have been powerful to the point that we were just unable to sense it. Reiki mused to himself as he held the pouch in his hand. God’s Eye

『Gods Eye Has been activated.』

Abyssal Pouch

  • ???

  • ???

  • ???

Who was that old man to be able to just hand out artifacts… If my guess is right all of those things are artifacts… Too bad I couldn't identify any of them. Reiki thought to himself as he headed out of the alley and tried to go where the old man said southwest.

Way Up On The Clouds Of Akihabara

An Old man sitting on a barrel wearing a black robe with white hair was looking with a closer look. You can see his brown eyes had a small outline of blue on them indicating he was using a spell to see every move that a ten-year-old boy was doing. The boy had unkempt and scraggly hair that was jet black it was Reiki, the boy he just recently gave an artifact to.

“... Whoever knew that one of their successors would be in this realm of all places…” The old man said to himself as if he found a new specimen to do research about.

“Master, should we really just give away that pouch? That boy doesn’t really look like any capable figures like the others in the past… The last one was at least decent. He was hardworking, righteous, and loyal and was able to to become a king in this realm with a legend passed on for generations… This one, on the other hand, doesn’t really meet any of the criteria.” A black-robed wearing person his height was about five feet ten and his robe hid his face suddenly spoke breaking the silence, his voice calm and he had no intentions of hiding his disagreement of the artifact the boy received.

The old man gave a hearty laugh and after a few moments passed he smiled and said. “Ohh… If memory serves right, that person's name was Arthur… And we both know that our duty that was tasked with us is that we only appear in the most random places from time to time with the hopes someone can take an artifact from us.” The old man replied and continued. “Besides we both know that the boy fully deserved what he received… Or maybe it was his in the first place when I first saw him I actually sensed the presence of two individuals at first I thought it might have been another one with two souls but the moment the boy picked up that pouch it was only for a brief moment but the presence suddenly changed into three before instantly returning to two.” He was not mad, he slowly explained to the black-robed youth.

But the black-robed youth was surprised but was still not convinced and said. “Master at least tell me how an artifact reacts to an individual. You taught me everything I know except for this one.” The old man was still smiling and after a few moments passed he said. “Fine… I might have told you that this barrel contains the artifacts but in reality there are not artifacts but something else. These items used to belong to God. Some of these belonged to even stronger deities, some are from forgotten existences just like that pouch that boy just received… These items cannot be forced upon an individual doing so would kill the individual only by meeting certain criteria that can one sense and bond with the item.” 

He finished speaking he was able to sense the black-robed youth question but didn’t speak but he knew what the question was and continued speaking. “As for the criteria, I do not know because for each individual the criteria are different for example one person can get the dagger by doing one million sacrifices but for another, it might even reach one billion sacrifices. Or it can be as simple as eating a single piece of bread... in reality, one cannot acquire an item from this barrel even if one was able to fulfill the condition the item can still reject the individual for why is that because they were never fated to have the item… But for us no matter what we do we cannot gain any of these items which is why we were given the duty to go to different realms to find someone who can.” The old man finished speaking and was waiting for the black-robed for any other questions.

“Then what about that boy? What's the origin of the pouch he received from the barrel?” After his question was answered he finally accepted Reiki obtaining an item but now he was curious about the pouch. “That pouch…” The old man looked at Reiki for a long time and sighed and finally said. “It’s his greatest fortune yet it’s his greatest misfortune for him to acquire that pouch and for why because it once belonged to one of them... I’ve already told you too much about the origin now, any questions left?” 

The old man barely said anything about the origin yet he already said it was too much. It was a clear indication that his master didn’t want to talk about the origin of the pouch so the black-robed decided to shift the topic and asked. “Why are you so interested in that boy?”

“Simple. Because a new era is approaching.” As he said that, the old man looked towards the southwest looking at Reiki walking in a street with a tattered pouch in his pocket.

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