
Chapter 114: Chapter 114: Breakfast

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An odd look formed on Reiki's face, he said. "I think we should wait for them to wake up. Beauty rest is more efficient if you wake up by yourself." Enora had a genuine look of confusion on her face, she said. "Why? They don't have a reason to stay awake past midnight." Moranor looked at Reiki with a narrowed gaze, she said. "Do you know something we don't?" Reiki thought. Too much apparently. Reiki faked a cough which he didn't bother trying to sound real, he said. "Moving on, other than Cherry's level and class. What can you see?"

Moranor's eyes were filled with suspicion while Enora rolled her eyes at him. Enora said. "Nothing much, just her name, class, and level." Cherry flapped its wings as she flew into the air for a moment and landed on Reiki's unkempt and scraggly hair. Cherry tried to move his hair around for a few seconds before shaking her head sideways and hopping back onto his right shoulder. 

The two elves stared at Cherry and thought about something, Reiki looked up to Moranor and said. "I'm I required to make a contract with Cherry? Or is that optional?" Moranor kept her gaze on Cherry who was standing on Reiki's shoulder while biting some feathers on her wings. Moranor tilted her head sideways, she said. "No, it's-."

Enora shoved Moranor to the side which made her slide on the floor a few inches to the left. Enora had a serious look on her face, she said. "Reiki, don't listen to her. A familiar with a class is too rare. What would you do if Cherry decided to leave one day? Then you'll lose a valuable asset-. I mean friend!" Cherry spread her wings as she let out a loud kaw at Enora. Enora's pupils glowed an icy blue, she coldly said. "Don't tempt me into making you roasted chicken." 

Cherry froze as she moved closer to Reiki's cheek in an attempt to hide from her, Enora let out a scoff and said. "That's what I thought." The glow in her eyes slowly dissipated, Enora moved her gaze onto Reiki and continued. "I cannot stress this enough, you need to form a contract." Moranor lightly pushed Enora with one arm which made her lose her balance as she took a few steps back to prevent herself from falling.

Moranor exaggerated a cough and said. "As I was saying. It's not required, there have been a few examples in history where a familiar and the caller had bonded without the use of a contract." Enora elbowed the right side of Moranor's ribs, Enora said. "Those examples are fake for all we know." The two elves started putting weight into trying to push each other. Reiki looked to his right as he patted the top of Cherry's head, he said. "I think I'll pass on the contract." 

Moranor flashed Enora a triumphant smile, Enora moved toward Reiki which made Moranor almost fall onto the floor. Enora faked a sigh as she moved an arm around his shoulder which made Cherry fly in the air and land on the ground. Half of Reiki's face was muffled into Enora's large breast, she said. "Then all I can say is be careful and keep a close eye on her. Since the two of you don't have a contract don't be surprised if someone, especially a beast tamer tries to force one on Cherry."

Reiki thought. Beast tamers exist… He managed to move his head and look up to Enora despite being suffocated by her breast, he said. "It'll be fine." As he tried to escape from Enora's hold as he glanced from the corner of his eye noticed Moranor's cold look she was glaring in his back. 

Taking a few steps to distance himself from Enora Cherry flew in the air and landed on his right chair, Reiki forced out an awkward chuckle and said. "Breakfast anyone? I-I'm cooking." Cherry flapped her wings and let out a kaw, Reiki turned his head to the right as she patted the top of Cherry's head with his index finger. Reiki said. "And cherries for Cherry." Moranor walked past him while giving his back a slap making a satisfying sound.

[System: User has received 77 Damage.]

Reiki took a step forward to keep his balance, Moranor stood outside the room by the room with her arms crossed. Moranor said. "I want something sweet." Reiki hurriedly walked in front of Moranor as he flashed her a smile, he said. "Sweet? Okay, I can make something special for you." 

Moranor let out a scoff to suppress her smile as she grabbed him by the collar of his tunic and started dragging him. Enora glared at them as she stood in place, she placed a hand on her chin and muttered to herself saying. "He's getting close with her…"


Elora's Personal Room

A few streaks of sunlight managed to get inside the room from the crevices of the curtain from the window, on the bed Elora and Melanor were laying down side by side as the two elves hugged each other intimately under a thick blanket. Melanor's eyes slowly opened as she looked around the room, Elora who was still half asleep rubbed her eyes. Elora said. "Five more hours." Melanor let out a chuckle as she placed a hand on Elora's cheek, a moment passed by before Melanor's eyes suddenly wide opened as she sat up straight on the bed, pushing the blanket off the bed revealing both their upper bodies. 

Elora's pasty skin seemed to glisten as she slowly opened her eyes, not bothering to cover her large chest exposing her pink nipples. Melanor looked around the room trying to find her clothes which made her breasts violently bounce, she said. "What time is it!?" Melanor took the blanket off revealing her lower body, her crotch was clean-shaven and under it was a large damped patch.

Melanor tried to get up from the bed when Elora suddenly hugged her from behind, pressing her large breast against Melanor's back. Elora coquettishly said. "Spend some more time with me." As she lovingly kissed Melanor's lower back. Melanor let out a helpless sigh as she turned around and hugged Elora which made the blanket fall off the bed, revealing a well-trimmed bush near Elora's crotch. 

Melanor placed Elora's head in between her breasts as she whispered in her ear, Melanor said. "My love, I wish I could spend more time with you. But if I stay here any longer our daughters might get suspicious." Elora wrapped her arms around Melanor's waist as her hands slowly inched their way to her butt. Elora let out a chuckle, she said. "I'll be honest, in this kind of thing Nora isn't the sharpest tool. Mora on the other hand must've had some suspicions of your overtime years ago." Elora started molesting Melanor's butt as she tried to get away.

Melanor flicked Elora's forehead, Melanor said. "That's enough playing, you've had your fun last night." Elora pouted at Melanor who moved her arms away from her waists, Elora said. "Is it because of Reiki? If it is, I take no responsibility for it. It's your fault for getting caught." Melanor waved her hand as the clothes scattered around the room floated in front of her in the air. Melanor let out a laugh and said. "How is it my fault? And I didn't get caught, we did." 

Melanor started putting on some white silk underwear while under Elora's attentive watch. Elora placed her hands on her cheeks while she laid on the bed belly side down, she said. "Judging by his reaction he doesn't mind, quite the contrary he seems to support us." Melanor put on an oversized white t-shirt as she carefully pulled her hair to get it out, she said. "And I'll be grateful for him, especially when the time comes when I have to tell my little Mora about us."

Elora's expression froze for a split second, she said. "Can't we just have Reiki break it to them?" As she stood up straight on the bed and moved near the edge as she slowly crossed her legs. Melanor watched from the corner of her eyes while slowly pulling her long hair out of her green dress and putting on her black belt. Melanor said. "And he'll say what? Guess what Nora, your mother never loved your father and that's the reason why you don't know any kind of love other than motherly love." 

Elora was biting on her thumbnail, she crossed her arms and looked to the left. Her large bare breasts pressed against each other, Elora said. "I hate it when I have nothing to say." Melanor was already dressed up and walked toward Elora who was sitting on the edge of the bed. Melanor cupped Elora's face as she tenderly kissed Elora's forehead, Melanor said. "I'll go out first, wait for a few minutes."


Melanor's House In The Kitchen

Moranor and Enora were sitting on the opposite side of the large metal table while Cherry was inside one of the cabinets eating a small jar of cherries that had the stem removed. In front of Moranor were two thick-cut slices of french toast with plenty of whipped cream and rum syrup with a sprinkle of cinnamon on top. Moranor was using a wooden knife and fork to eat as she enjoyed her breakfast. In front of Enora was a plate of two grilled cheese sliced sideways neatly stacked and a bowl of warm tomato soup that had some steam coming from it.

Enora picked up one of the half-sliced grilled cheese and dipped the corner of it in the soup and took a small bite as her eyes widened in surprise. Reiki walked to the head of the table between them as he placed down a large bowl of tomato soup and eight whole grilled cheese in front of him as he sat down. He glanced at the two elves with a small smile on his face, Reiki thought. Everyone loves my rum french toast, grilled cheese, and tomato soup. 

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Reiki picked up one of the grilled cheese on his plate and dipped half of it in the tomato soup as he wolfed down his food. He picked up a glass of water and said. "How is it?" Moranor nodded at him, not bothering to look at him while Enora was enjoying her grilled cheese sandwich. Reiki looked at Moranor and saw whipped cream on her cheek, he wiped it off using his index finger and licked it off. Melanor appeared by the door, before she could say anything the smell of the room made her eyes go wide and her stomach let out a rumble. 

Reiki already ate three grilled sandwiches as he dipped another one in soup, he stood up from his seat and said. "Run french toast or grilled cheese?" Melanor raised a hand, she said. "I'll have-... Rum?" She gave him an odd look, Reiki lazily waved his hand that was holding half an eaten grilled cheese. He said. "I asked Moranor to burn the alcohol content off." Melanor nodded at him, she cleared her throat and said. "Grilled cheese, I want four sandwiches. I… I felt hungry."

Reiki nodded as he turned around and headed to the stoves that were near a mountain of french toast already prepared along with some grilled cheese that only needed to be cooked. Melanor sat next to her daughter who was eating through her french toast, Melanor let out a chuckle and said. "Dear, slowdown. You don't need to be in a hurry." Moranor nodded while slicing off a piece of french toast and dipped it into a mountain of whipped cream mixed with syrup. 

Reiki turned the stove on when Elora appeared by the door, she said. "I've been looking all over-." She stopped as she smelled the food and looked at what Moranor and Enora were eating. Elora glanced at Reiki and said. "I'll have what Mora is having." Elora walked next to her daughter and sat beside her, Reiki said. "How many slices of bread?" Elora let out a small yawn as she covered her mouth with a hand, she said. "Four, I worked up an appetite."

Reiki walked toward the double door fridge and took out a large metal bowl of cream. While he was busy preparing the dishes Enora and Moranor had a smirk on their faces as they tried to suppress their chuckles. Reiki walked toward Melanor and placed down a large bowl of hot tomato soup along with her grilled cheese that's been sliced diagonally. As he walked back to the stove from the corner of his eye he saw Enrel appear, Reiki turned his head to look at her and said. "Enrel, how's it been?..." 

Enrel had bags under her eyes as she looked like she could pass out anytime, she stared at the food on the table and said. "I want one of each, three slices and two grilled cheese." As she walked next to Melanor and sat down. Reiki quickly ran back and forth from the stove and the table as he hastily placed down a plate with four pieces of thick-cut french toast in front of Elora with plenty of whipped cream and rum syrup.

And placed down a bowl of hot tomato soup and two plates of french toast and grilled cheese in front of Enrel. As Reiki sat back down his food was at room temperature as he went back to eating, when he dipped the grilled cheese in the tomato soup Moranor elbowed him in the ribs.

[System: User has received 43 Damage.]

While eating his sandwich he looked at Moranor who nodded at Cherry who was enjoying her cherries. Reiki rolled his eyes at her as he picked up the glass and took a big gulp to swallow down his food. He said. "Enora and Moranor helped call a familiar yesterday." As he pointed at Cherry inside a cabinet that was opened and eating cherries. 

Elora and Melanor looked at the cabinet while Enrel continued with her meal, Melanor was about to turn back to face them when a serious expression appeared on her face. Melanor abruptly faced Reiki, she said. "Cherry has a class!" Reiki nodded as it was followed by Enora's and Moranor's suppressed giggles. Enrel raised a brow in interest as she turned her head sideways to look, Elora turned her head to face her plate of food. While slicing off a piece of the french toast Elora looked at Reiki, Elora said. "You're level 19?" As she stared right at his soul.

Reiki nodded while dipping grilled cheese in the soup, he said. "Is it anything special?" Elora looked at him with an indifferent expression while Enrel was still staring at Cherry with interest. Enrel said. "Am I allowed to dissect-. I mean study her?" Enrel turned her head to look at Reiki with a look of expectation on her face. He looked at Enrel weirdly and said. "I thought you being tired and hungry would somewhat dampen your tendency to dissect." 

Enrel picked up a slice of grilled cheese and dipped one edge in the tomato soup, she said. "I've been busy testing your blood, lack of sleep and hunger won't deter me when I see an interesting specimen." With expectation in her eyes Enrel stared at Reiki, she said. "Can I?" Reiki shook his head as he let out a helpless laugh, he said. "You've already taken a good three to four liters of blood from me. If you want to take a sample from Cherry, be my guest."

Enrel's eyes brightened up while the four other elves looked at him oddly. Enrel smiled at him and said. "I'll finish my meal first." Reiki moved his gaze onto Elora who was patiently waiting for his answer, he said. "Yes, I am level 19." Reiki thought. It isn't even that high compared to games, with my level I'll still be stuck in the Newgrounds for new players. Melanor held onto a spoon that had some tomato soup, she looked at him and said. "How did you level up so fast?" 

All the elves glanced at him from the corner of their eyes. Reiki wolfed down more grilled cheese as he chugged down some water, he wiped his mouth using the back of his hand and said. "I killed a variant." The elves froze in place while Reiki continued with his meal for a few seconds, with a half-eaten grilled sandwich in his mouth he looked at the strange expression on the elves around the table.

He said. "What's the matter?" Elora faked a cough which made all the other elves snap back to their senses. Elora said. "W-What kind?" Reiki scratched the back of his head, he said. "It isn't that impressive if I told you it was a baby board that could charge a hole in a tree if it had enough momentum." Moranor had a look of disbelief all over her face while her mother Melanor had a look of understanding as if she solved a puzzle. Enora looked at him as if they were stars in her eyes, she said. "What did you do with the monster's body?" 

Reiki looked at her, he said. "I ate it." Melanor smiled, she said. "No wonder your body is so weird." Enrel eyes looked like it was emitting light, she looked at Reiki with a heated gaze and said. "You ate an entire variant without exploding?!" Elora was chewing as she picked up her glass of water and took a sip, she said. "Can I get more details about you eating the boar?"

Reiki nodded and said. "I just cut its head off to drain excess blood and took out the organs. I grilled the heart but didn't know what to do with the others and slow-cooked the entire thing in a large pot overnight and ate it in one go." Moranor looked at him oddly, she said. "That would explain your level despite your age…" The five elves stared at Reiki who was inhaling his food and drank the soup from the bowl in one as he let out a small burp. He said. "Excuse me." 

Reiki looked at Elora, he said. "Your majesty, would you like to know the recipes for today's breakfast?" Elora flashed him a smile as Reiki stood up, she said. "I'll take you on that offer then." Reiki went toward the stove and turned it on as he turned the flame on and started cooking. The elves went back to their meal while Enrel turned her head to look at Cherry from time to time. Melanor dipped the edge of a grilled sandwich in her hand in the soup, she said. "Reiki, got any plans for today?"

Elora continued to enjoy her meal while Enrel let out a big yawn. Moranor and Enora's ears slightly twitched as they waited for his answer, Reiki was cooking more grilled cheese and said. "I'll probably hole myself in the library…" He thought. I also need to drop by to pick up Mora's gift… He continued. "I won't be eating lunch here so feel free to eat without me.

~One Meal Later~

Melanor was washing all the plates while Moranor, Enora, and Elora were sitting on the chairs by the table enjoying tea. Enrel was chasing Cherry around the room as her long goldish hair was in a mess while Reiki was watching by the door. Enrel glared at Cherry who was sitting on the wooden rest of the chair she sat on previously, Enrel took a deep breath as she put on a smile. Enrel said. "Cherry, I think we got off on the wrong foot here… Your… Friend? Gave me his consent to take a blood sample from you." Reiki rolled his eyes at her and said. "I said, you could try. That doesn't mean Cherry herself will let you." 

He waved at everyone in the room and said. "I'm heading for the library." He moved his gaze at Moranor and said. "Moranor if you could give Cherry some cherries for lunch, I would appreciate it." He moved his gaze onto Cherry and continued. "Cherry be good and don't let her catch you." Cherry flapped her wings as she let out a kaw while Reiki opened the door as he headed to the library.

Moranor let out a scoff as she crossed her arms, she said. "He didn't even wait for my answer." Melanor let out a chuckle while she was washing the dishes, she said. "You'll do it anyway." Enrel was slowly walking closer to Cherry, with a smile on her face she said. "How about I give you a jar of cherries?" 

All of a sudden Enrel sprinted toward Cherry who flew in the air and landed on Elora's right shoulder. Elora looked at Cherry as she patted her head, she said. "You're fast." Enrel almost smashed her face onto the chair but managed to stop herself, she screamed. "You dumb bird!" Enora raised her hand and said. "Crow's are one of the smartest birds."

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