
Chapter 116: Chapter 116: The Bet

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Outside Enora's Room

Moranor placed her long and pointy ear flat on Enora's door as she tried to listen inside. An elf wearing a simple one-piece green dress and holding a small metal watering can walk past Moranor. The elf watered a plant that was near Moranor as she glanced at her from the corner of her eye. Moranor glared at the elf from the corner of her eye and said. "What are you looking at?" The elf let out a soft scream as she spilled some water on the floor, with a wave of her hand the water floated from the floor into the can as the elf quickly ran away.


Inside Enora's Room

Enora was sitting in the middle of her bed with Reiki in her lap as she hugged him, smothering his head into her large chest. Enora had a big smile on her lips as she happily tilted her upper body slightly to left and right. Reiki thought. At least she hasn't asked me to burn something down… Yet… Enora looked down and said. "What do you want to do?" 

Reiki tried to move his head out of the middle of her cleavage but struggled because Enora refused to budge. After managing to get his head out of Enora's breasts Reiki looked up and said. "Can you say that again? I didn't hear it."

Reiki rested his head on Enora's breasts while she let out a chuckle, Enora said. "I asked if you had something to do in mind?" Reiki thought for a while as he felt Enora intentionally moved her body closer to him, he said. "How about I do something for you?" Enora raised a brow in interest but had a hint of doubt in her eyes, she said. "Do something for me?... You have my attention." 

Reiki tried to move Enora's hands that were wrapped around him, Enora reluctantly agreed as he sat beside her. Reiki crossed his legs and tapped his chest, he said. "How about a nap while you listen to my heartbeat? You seem stressed from what I can tell."

Enora rolled her eyes at him, she said. "A nap? Seriously? I'm 172 years old. I am not a child anymore." As she let out a soft humph at him, Reiki let out a short laugh. He said. "Humor me." Enora stared at him for a moment, seeing his expression she let out a sigh. She moved closer to the middle as she shoved Reiki by the pillow, Enora laid down on the bed while she rested her head on his chest. Enora said. "This is idiotic." 

Reiki let out a chuckle but didn't comment, Enora listened to his steady heartbeat that beat slow and steady reflecting his calm, it sounded completely soothing to her. Enora let out a short yawn as she tried to get up, she said. "How about-." Reiki placed one hand on her cheek, one on top of Enora's head, and started to slowly caress her. 

He whispered into Enora's long and pointy ear saying. "It's fine… When you wake up I'll still be here… Right beside you…" Enora felt her eyelids turn heavy as she made herself comfortable, she let out another yawn and said. "Maybe a five-minute rest won't hurt…"

~Two Hours and Fifty Minutes Later~

Enora still had her head on Reiki's chest as he stared at the window as the sun slowly set. Enora slowly opened her eyes as she saw Reiki staring outside, she said. "How long was I out?" Reiki moved his gaze onto her, he said. "You only have ten minutes left." Enora nodded as she moved her head closer to his heart to hear it better, she said. "Oh." 

Reiki gently caressed Enora's head while giving her an odd look, he said. "Not going to shout that I've cheated you out of your time?" Enora softly shook her head as she stared at him with a gentle gaze, she said. "No… It was time well spent, thank you." As she placed her arms around his waist and snuggled closer to him on the bed.

Reiki stopped caressing Enora's head, he said. "How about a light snack? I could go for some food." Enora let out a short laugh, she said. "You'll never say no to food." As she hugged him closer while listening to his steady heartbeat. Enora closed her eyes as a smile formed on her face, she said. "Give me a minute." Reiki let out a chuckle as she ruffled the top of her hair, he said. "Couple hours ago you were against this, now you don't even wanna let go." 

Enora slowly opened her eyes as she looked up to him, she said. "I wasn't against it, I said it was idiotic." Reiki rolled his eyes at her, he said. "Is there a difference?" Enora nodded while keeping her ear on Reiki's chest, she said. "Yes."

Enora was staring at the sheets of her bed in a daze, she said. "How did you come up with this idea?" Her eyes focused as she glanced at him from the corner of her eye, Enora continued. "Don't tell me a girl is involved in this?" Reiki flashed her a helpless smile, he said. "My little sister." Enora turned her head while looking at him oddly, she said. "You two share the same bed?" 

Reiki shook his head as he caressed Enora's cheek to which she almost let out a soft purr, he said. "Due to… An incident she would have nightmares… In the middle of the night, she would go to my room and knock saying that she couldn't sleep… Even when she was in the same bed as me and clinging to my shirt she still couldn't… So, every time it would happen I would calm myself down and place her head on my chest where my heart is."

A genuine smile appeared on Reiki's face which stunned Enora, he continued. "Three minutes and she would be out cold." He looked down at Enora who still had her head on his chest and said. "It was a long time ago, she can sleep just fine now." Reiki saw Enora was just staring at him blankly, he said. "Nora?" Enora snapped back to her senses and said. "What is it?" Reiki gave her a helpless smile, he said. "How about that light snack?" 

Enora nodded as she reluctantly moved her head away from his chest and started putting on her thick brown leather shoes. Reiki sat on her left and started putting his sports shoes on, he said. "How do you feel now?" Enora quickly finished putting on her shoes and stood up, she stood in the middle of the room as she stared at him with a gentle gaze. 

Enora said. "Surprisingly… Relaxed…" Reiki finished tying his shoelaces as he stood up and walked up to, he said. "Lead the way princess." Enora let out a chuckle as she playfully pinched his cheek, she said. "That's young majesty to you young man."


Outside The Room

Moranor still had her long and pointy ear on Enora's door as she listened in on their conversation. Moranor's eyes were narrowed as she heard their interactions, from inside the room Reiki said. "Dining room?" Inside the room Enora said. "Dining room." Moranor moved her ear away from the door as her pupils glowed as she looked inside the room. 

A male elf that was wearing a simple green tunic and brown pants used a feather duster to clean the corner of the hall passed by Moranor as he glanced at her. Moranor suddenly disappeared which made the male elf let out a sigh of relief.


Luxurious Dining Room

Reiki and Enora were sitting next to each other while Enora placed her head on top of Reiki's head. Enora rummaged through her pocket and took out a talisman, she said. "Want to eat anything specific?" Reiki thought for a moment and said. "Since dinner is near I'll just have an entire roasted chicken." 

Enora let out a laugh, she held the talisman with her right hand as she played with his messy hair with her left. Enora said. "I'll have… A light salad with some croutons, with a generous drizzle of caesar dressing." The talisman in her hand faintly glowed as she placed it back in her pocket. Enora pulled Reiki's chair back, picked him up, and placed him on her lap as she locked him in an embrace.

Enora placed her chin on top of his head as she smelled his hair, Reiki looked up and said. "Someone's clingy today." Enora stared at the wall in a daze as she tried to hide the smile on her face, she said. "You're imagining it." Reiki could feel Enora's arm around him tighten, he said. "Anything weighing on your mind?" He noticed a hint of nervousness in Enora's eyes as she tried to keep a straight face, she said. "Am I… Am I... Important… To…" 

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Enora's voice turned soft all of a sudden as she spoke in a whisper. "You?..." Enora suddenly moved her head away from the top of Reiki's head as she suddenly became reserved and glanced at him from time to time. Reiki flashed her another genuine smile which made a faint blush appear on Enora's cheek as she subconsciously placed her hand on her heart. Reiki said. "You are."

Enora barely managed to suppress a smile that was forming on her lips, she said. "Obviously." The door suddenly opened as Enora faked a cough as an indifferent expression appeared on her face. A female elf wearing simple clothing walked into the room near them holding two dishes in her hands, she had an odd look on her face as she glanced at something from the corner of her eye. 

The female elf placed them on the table near them, rummaged through her pockets, and placed down a pair of wooden eating utensils. The female elf gave Enora a deep bow and quickly walked away in terror. Enora had a helpless smile on her face as she moved the entire roasted chicken in front of Reiki, noticed it, and said. "It seems you have a reputation."

Reiki ripped off one of the legs and started eating while Enora picked up a wooden fork and said. "It's…" A determined look appeared in her eyes, she continued. "Temporary. I was young and decided to… Play around…" Reiki had already inhaled the chicken leg and placed it on the plate. He had some grease on his mouth and hands as he ripped off the other one. He stared at the chicken leg in his hand and said. "Then you shouldn't have anything to worry about, as long as you change how you act around them over time and not in one fell swoop." 

Enora stabbed a few leaves of lettuce in her bowl that was covered in caesar dressing along with a piece of crouton, she stared at it and said. "Why is that?" As she started eating, while looking at him, Reiki swallowed and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He said. "If suddenly be nice to them they'll put their guard up thinking why. If you slowly change your ways over time it'll give the elves a chance to adapt."

Enora was chewing and swallowed, a small frown appeared on her lips. He said. "How long?" Reiki was dismantling the roasted chicken with his hands, thought for a moment, and said. "A year at most." Enora dropped her fork that had some lettuce back into the bowl as her eyes were wide, she said. "That fast?!" Reiki nodded as he looked up to her and said. "Yep, give or take." Enora was about to say something when the door suddenly opened as the two of them looked in the direction of the door and saw Moranor. 

Moranor was holding a plate in her hands that had a couple of slices of pumpkin pie with a couple of scoops of vanilla ice cream on top with plenty of whipped cream. Moranor appeared behind the empty chair on Reiki's left, she pulled it back and sat on it as she placed her plate of food in front of her. Moranor said. "What did I miss?" As she picked up the wooden spoon and fork near Reiki's plate and started eating.

Moranor noticed the grease on Reiki's mouth as she rummaged through her pocket and pulled out a silk handkerchief as she wiped his greasy mouth. Enora didn't even bother to hide the hatred in her eyes as she stared at Moranor who was wiping his mouth. Enora said. "Something important that outsiders aren't-." Moranor finished wiping the grease on Reiki's mouth, with a slight smile on her lips and a hint of joy in her voice. Moranor said. "Done." 

The corner of Enora's lip twitched in annoyance, Moranor picked up the wooden utensils as she glanced at Enora from the corner of her eye. While slicing a piece of the pumpkin pie on her plate, Moranor said. "Then it's fine, there are no outsiders here." She placed some ice cream and a lot of cream on the piece of pumpkin pie she sliced off and ate it.

Reiki thought. I remember Elora having a sweet tooth… He glanced at Enora's caesar salad and Moranor's pumpkin pie from the corner of his eye and thought. Hmm… Reiki glanced at the two elves' chest and thought. Yeah, Enora's the queen's daughter. While he glanced at Enora's large chest and compared it to Moranor's regular-sized bosom. 

The two elves didn't notice his eyes while Enora and Moranor glared at each other while eating. Enora stared at her salad and said. "I'm fairly sure I still had some time left." Moranor scooped up some whipped cream and ice cream using a wooden spoon, she stared at it and said. "You don't, I've made sure to keep track." She glanced at Enora and continued. "Your time just ran out." Reiki stood up from his seat which caught the attention of both the elves, he let out a loud burp and said. "Excuse me." He stretched in place to help his blood flow while Moranor looked at him oddly and said. "But we've just started-..."

Enora looked at his plate and stared at the plate of bones that were eaten clean while Moranor glanced at it from the corner of her eye before turning her head to look at it. He looked at Enora and poked her cheek, Reiki said. "Do you know where her majesty is at the moment?" Moranor's gaze was glued to the plate of bones with her eyes filled with bewilderment. Enora managed to pry her eyes away from Reiki's plate as she looked at him, Enora said. "Mom should be in her room resting." 

Reiki nodded and walked toward the door as both the elves stood up from their chairs but stopped when they heard him speak. Without turning his head to look at them he lazily waved his hand at them, Reiki said. "I have something to say to them, eat your meal first." The two elves slowly sat back in their seats, he placed his hand on the doorknob and opened the door. Reiki looked inside the room and saw the elves sitting down one chair apart, eating their meal in silence.

Reiki closed the door leaving a small opening that you couldn't see in the room. Enora and Moranor glared at each other and suddenly stood up from their seats as the two of them went for each other's throats. The two elves' pupils glowed, Moranor raised her hand as a bolt of lightning was quickly forming, making a soft crackling noise. Enora's hand was enveloped by a freezing mist she reached for Moranor's throat while Moranor was aiming for Enora's head. 

The door suddenly opened which made the two elves freeze in place, Enora and Moranor rigidly turned their heads and saw Reiki was staring at the two of them with his arms closed. He shook his head and said. "Kids, playtime is over." The lightning bolt in Moranor's hand instantly disappeared at the same time Enora's hand was no longer emitting a freezing mist. The two elves placed an arm around each other's shoulders as the two of them had a stiff smile on their faces.

Moranor let out a forced chuckle and said. "We were only having fun…" Enora nodded in agreement, she rested her head on the side of Moranor's head. Enora said. "Yeah, we do this all the time." Reiki's gaze on them narrowed, he said. "Not buying it, play nice since the two of you are stuck with each other." Reiki closed the door as the elves heard the sound of footsteps getting farther. Enora moved her head away from Moranor as the two of them still had their arm around each other's shoulders, the stiff smile on both the elves disappeared as the two of them simultaneously said. "This is all your fault." 

The two of them glared at each other from the corner of their eye when the door suddenly opened again with Reiki still being in the same spot with his arms crossed with a disapproving frown. Moranor appeared right in front of Reiki and said. "She started it-!" Enora appeared beside Moranor and pushed her away but failed. While elbowing Moranor's ribs Enora said. "I did not!"

Reiki looked up to the two elves in front of him and noticed their nervous smiles, he shook his head and with a firm tone. Reiki said. "I don't care who started it, I'm finishing it right now." He pointed at the two of them and said. "Play nice, understand?" Moranor crossed her arms as she looked to a wall to her left while Enora put on her best puppy dog eyes to try to guilt-trip him.


The Queen's Personal Room

Elora and Melanor were sitting near the workbench as the two of them stared at a floating screen while snacking on a plate of large cut matchstick vegetables. Elora kept her eyes on the screen as she softly elbowed Melanor's forearm, Elora said. "He's good." Melanor nodded as she picked up a carrot, she said. "Agreed." The two of them watched Reiki who was pointing at the two elves and talking as he shook his head and walked down the hallway without closing the door. 

Their daughters went back to their seats as they went back to eating, from the corner of the screen Elora and Melanor noticed Reiki's leg disappear. Melanor stood up from her seat, she said. "I'll get the door." It was followed by the sound of knocking coming from the other side, Melanor vanished and appeared by the door while Elora lazily waved her hand as the screen disappeared.

Melanor opened the door and saw Reiki, she said. "Reiki, is there anything bothering you?" Elora picked up the plate of large cut matchstick vegetables and walked next to Melanor. Elora offered the plate to Reiki and said. "Want some?" Reiki smiled at them, he said. "I'll pass, thank you." 

The two of them made way for him to go into the room, Reiki said. "Is now a good time?" Melanor moved her gaze onto Elora to which she nodded. Reiki said. "Good then, I have a few things to talk about. I'll make sure to make it as short as possible. He walked into the room beside Elora who was still holding the plate of vegetables, Melanor poked her head into the hallway, her pupils glowed as she looked around before closing the door.


Luxurious Dining Room

Moranor and Enora continued to eat their meal in silence as the two of them sat back in their respective seats that were one chair apart. Moranor stared at the vanilla ice cream that was starting to melt as she used the spoon in her hand to play with the whipped cream while Enora was using her fork to move her salad in the bowl. Moranor massaged the temple of her head, she said. "How are we going to do this, Enora?" 

Enora looked at Moranor and said. "Do what?" Moranor let out a long sigh as she placed her arms back down, she said. "... Him…" Enora shrugged her shoulder which made her large chest jiggle, she said. "Reiki seems capable and smart, he's perfect to be royalty." Moranor's eyes turned cold as she glared at Enora when she saw Enora's bored expression. Moranor was stunned, she raised a brow, and said. "You don't… Know?..."

Enora's eyes narrowed, she said. "Know what?" Moranor stared at Enora for a moment as she noticed she was being genuine, a smirk appeared on Moranor's lips. Moranor said. "Her majesty still didn't tell you." Seeing the smirk on Moranor's lips annoyed Enora which made her frown, Enora said. "Didn't tell me what?"

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