
Chapter 150: Chapter 150: Elvish

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Reiki turned his head sideways and looked at the floating talisman, he grabbed it, turned around, and was about to walk away from the room when Ketsueki grabbed him by the neck of his shirt. He felt four pairs of eyes staring at his back while one of them felt like knives stabbing him, Reiki calmly said. "Enora, yeah it has been a while since we last spoke." A moment of silence passed by while Ahma was suddenly serious as she was listening intently to the conversation. Sachi was in disbelief while Namida pinched Sachi's forearm which earned her a slap in the face from her friend.

Ketsueki was gripping his shirt so tightly that the fabric was starting to stretch as she gave her little brother a dangerous glare. From the other side of the talisman, Enora blandly said. "You're not alone, are you Reiki." Reiki nodded as he rubbed the back of his neck, he said. "I'm with my older sister and some…" He avoided looking at the glare Ketsueki was giving him and glanced at the three other girls and their expressions. Reiki continued. "Friends and her boss…" Enora spoke with a hint of shock in her voice, she said. "G-Good morning, I'm Enora-. Reiki spoke in flawless elvish, he interrupted her and said. "Wait!"

Ketsueki's brows furrowed while Ahma's eyes had surprise written all over them. Sachi tapped on Ketsueki's shoulder which she ignored. Sachi said. "Did… Did Reiki just speak elvish?..." Namida nodded as she adjusted the glasses she was wearing, she said. "If I remember correctly, Reiki said. Wait." Reiki turned his head sideways and glanced at Namida, he thought. Fuck… Can't speak fast or else Onee-chan would think I'm hiding something and strangle me… Reiki cleared his throat and spoke in elvish. "Right now isn't a good time since I was or my sister was talking… Business…" From the talisman Enora said. "Reiki, you're not hiding anything… Right?" Ketsueki turned her head and maintained her glare which made Namida flinch. Ketsueki said. "Translate. Now." Namida let out a snicker and said. "You might be in a leading position but that doesn't mean I have to do everything you say."

Ketsueki's pupils immediately glowed while Namida turned her head to look at the wall and spoke in a cold sweat. Namida said. "But since we're such good friends I don't mind helping you out from time to time." Ahma's eyes narrowed as her gaze was glued onto him, she thought. What a mischievous boy, lying straight to my face… I couldn't even tell… Sachi crossed her arms and had a concentrated look on her face, she said. "From what little elvish I know I was able to get the words. Reiki said something about time and sister while the elf said hiding." Ketsueki stayed silent as her glowing pupils were glued on her friend, Namida shrugged her shoulders and said. "That's about it." The glow in Ketsueki's eyes became brighter while Namida pointed at her face and shouted. "We only know bits and pieces! We're not translators!" Reiki thought. Things aren't as bad as I thought… He stared at the talisman in his hand and said. "Did you miss me?"

Namida scratched the side of her head, she said. "I heard the word, me." Sachi's lips curled into a slight frown, she said. "I was able to get the word, did." Sachi, Namida, and Ketsueki moved their gazes onto Ahma who was oddly quiet. She looked at the three girls and flashed them a smile, Ahma said. "I got nothing." She thought. You… So the sentence should be along the line, did you need me for something?... Ketsueki glared at her as the glow in her pupils slowly subsided, she said. "Keep translating." From the talisman Enora's voice had a hint of annoyance, she said. "I was only checking in on you, making sure you're not wallowing in a corner from not seeing me." Reiki shrugged and spoke in elvish, he said. "Since you've already achieved your goal, I'm gonna turn the talisman off." He glanced at the four girls who were intently listening to every single word that came out of his mouth. Reiki thought. Though I don't know how to do it…

Sachi and Namida moved their chairs a bit closer to Ketsueki. Sachi spoke in a hushed voice, she said. "Checking, I also heard the word you again." Namida glanced at him from the corner of her eye, she spoke in a whisper. "Your boy also said the words achieved and talisman." The three of them glanced at Ahma from the corner of their eye, she flashed them a smile and said. "Too bad I didn't bother learning it." Enora quickly said. "Wait! Wait! L-Let's not be hasty, Reiki." He faintly heard the sound of a quill being scribbled onto a piece of parchment from the talisman. Ahma thought. The elf is taking notes… Ketsueki's brows furrowed while Namida placed one foot on her knee while Sachi reached out for another cannoli. Reiki thought. I get the feeling another misunderstanding was made from that 'scribbling' of hers… Enora spoke in a slightly softer tone, she said. "I… May or may not have wished for your presence now and then…"

Reiki glanced at the three girls whispering to each other and Ahma who was acting to be casual, he said. "Can we continue this some-." Before he could finish Enora interrupted him and said. "When are you coming back-? I mean visit." He pretended to think and let go of the talisman as it hovered mid-air, Reiki said. "Honestly, I don't know. I have school and-." Enora spoke in a matter-of-fact tone, she said. "We have an entire library where anyone would kill to get into." Reiki let out a short laugh which only made his older sister jealous as she pulled on the neck of the shirt bringing him closer. He faked a cough and said. "And I have a notebook which I'm still trying to figure out how it works." He let out a chuckle and said. "Soon, just give me a few days. I still have to think about your present while I'm here." A soft scoff came from the talisman, Enora spoke in a slightly pleased tone of voice and said. "You better! You should be grateful that I allowed it to be delayed in the first place."

Reiki grabbed the floating talisman, he said. "Yes yes, I'll be sure to put my heart and soul in it." Enora let out a soft hmph, she said. "Alright, I'll stop taking more of your time-." Before she could finish the sound of a door opening came from the talisman. It was followed by a familiar female voice who was stomping and spoke in anger, she said. "Enora!" Reiki raised a brow and said. "Moranor?" Moranor's tone immediately changed into surprise, she said. "Reiki!?" Enora quickly said. "Bye Reiki, until next time." The glow in the talisman slowly dissipated while he pocketed the talisman, Reiki faked a cough and turned around. He said. "As I was saying, I don't have a close relationship with elves." Ketsueki let go of the neck of his shirt and crossed her arms while Sachi and Namida placed the chairs they were sitting on back in the right places. Ketsueki indifferently said. "You said you had no relationships with elves." Reiki subconsciously gulped, using his thumb he pointed at Ahma and said. "I didn't want her to know."

Sachi and Namida went back to their food while Ahma had a pondering expression on her face. Ketsueki's gaze narrowed, she said. "Uh-huh…" Reiki adjusted the slightly loose neck of his shirt and said. "Onee-chan, h-how about a massage?..." Ketsueki turned her head to look at Ahma and said. "Maybe some other time." The atmosphere around the dining room turned heavy, Reiki forced a smile on his face and said. "T-Then how about a-." Ketsueki interrupted him, she said. "Reiki… How about you go to your room for a few minutes? I have a few things to talk about with them." He immediately turned around and ran up the staircase while Ketsueki looked at the three girls eating either cannoli or large wedge-cut fries.


Reiki's Room

He plopped down on the bed on his back while staring at the ceiling, Reiki thought. Great. Just great… The window suddenly opened by itself which made him turn his head, Reiki continued his train of thought. If only those three could give some privacy… He stood up from his bed and put on the white indoor slippers. Reiki made his way toward the window and looked up, he casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 6,250.』

Inside Arashi's apartment, Reiki appeared near the window and looked around. Asami was the only one in the room sitting in the middle of the couch watching tv. He made his way to the couch and sat on her left, Reiki tried to place his foot on the coffee table but missed. He let out a sigh and looked up to Asami and said. "Where's our spoiled princess?" Asami raised her right hand as the remote flew into her palm, without turning her head to look at him and said. "She's getting used to her relaxed body, the little cat can be considered a decent fighter now." She browsed through the channels while Reiki slightly pulled the table closer to them as he placed both his feet on top, he said. "How long has she locked herself in the closet?" Asami lazily threw the remote to her right as it softly bounced a couple of times, she said. "Right after she decided to inhale everything you made for breakfast."

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Reiki made himself comfortable on the couch as he looked up to her, he said. "You hungry? I can make some tempura in a few minutes." Asami lazily stretched on the couch making her large chest slightly jiggle, she said. "I would love to eat, but I left my pouch at Kiru's house so I don't have anything on me." Reiki glanced at her chest and said. "I have some on me." Asami slowly leaned on the backrest of the couch as she placed an index finger on her chin, she said. "Do you have some cod on you?" Reiki nodded as he moved his gaze back on the tv and he watched a man fall into a deep pud muddle, he said. "Fish and chips do sound nice, I should have about twelve of them." Asami placed her hand into her pocket, she said. "Need me to send you into a decent kitchen?" Reiki looked at the ceiling, he said. "That's not necessary. Princess cat should have some cooking oil, a pot big enough, and a wire rack lying around somewhere." The door leading to the closet suddenly swung open as Arashi who was covered in light perspiration of sweat. She was wearing a dark red sports bra and black jogging pants that hugged her figure, the smile on her smile was slowly replaced with a small frown when Arashi's eyes landed on Reiki sitting on the couch.

Arashi let out a soft hmph as she rummaged through her pocket and took out a talisman that faintly glowed as the sweat all over her vanished. She closed the door behind her, made her way to another door, and opened it revealing a large bedroom inside of it. Arashi froze when she heard Asami speak, she said. "I've lost two bets with you." Arashi's ears slightly perked up as she glanced at them from the corner of her eye. Reiki lazily sprawled on the couch and said. "There's still one more day for the first one." Asami's lips curved into a slight smile, she let out an enchanting laugh and said. "From the way I see it, the third day won't make a difference in the outcome." She placed a hand on his unkempt and scraggly hair as she messed it up even more, Asami continued. "Two whole favors, in the mainland people would do anything for me to just show up for a few minutes to an event they've prepared, let alone a favor."

Reiki blew some hair away from his eyes, he said. "How hungry are you?" Asami plucked a single strand of hair from his head, she stared at it and said. "I could eat." She threw the strand into the air as it slowly floated toward the floor. Reiki slowly stood up from the couch as he lifted the back of his shirt to scratch his back, he said. "Give me five minutes." He made his way behind the area of the closet door, Arashi quickly closed the door leading into the bedroom as she immediately started following him. Arashi stood beside Reiki and placed a hand on his shoulder, she flashed him a smile and said. "I'll follow you into the kitchen, just wanna make sure you don't burn the building down." The two of them barely took a few steps and saw a countertop with a sink along with a large electric burner, on the opposite side was a large fridge with a window on its left side letting some light in.

Reiki squatted down and started searching through the cabinets on the bottom and started rummaging, he said. "Princess already feeling better?" Arashi visibly stiffened and slightly reeled back at the pet name, she forced herself to maintain the smile on her lips and said. "Can't leave my smart and handsome-." Reiki picked up a large pot from the cabinet, without turning his head to look at her, he said. "I'm not giving you any of the favors." He stood up and placed the large pot onto the electric burner. Arashi grabbed his right arm and spoke in a coquettish tone, she said. "It's fine! Dragon owes you two whole favors! So why can't you spoil me this time and give me one of them." Reiki looked up to her and saw the hopeful look on Arashi's face. He flashed her a big smile which made the smile on Arashi's lips grow bigger. Reiki said. "No." Arashi's entire body froze while he continued. "Now, tell me where you keep your cooking oil."


Enora's Room

The room was in a complete mess with traces of scorch marks all over the floor, walls, and some on the ceiling. Enora's eyes were faintly glowing an icy blue while her entire body was emitting a chilling aura around her visible to the naked eye. Moranor's pupils had lightning going around in them as a few strings of lightning traveled around her body. Moranor indifferently said. "Hand the talisman over." Enora flashed her a smirk and said. "What talisman?" The lightning in Moranor's eyes became more prominent as more strings of lightning traveled around her. Enora let out a cold chuckle as the cold aura around her slowly spread around the room while the floorboards she was standing on as a thin layer of ice started to slowly spread across. Elora suddenly appeared in between them, she said. "Alright girls, that's enough playing around for the day. If anything gets damaged again it's going to come out of your pockets."

The glow in both the young elves' eyes slowly subsided. Enora closed her eyes and turned her head, she said. "I didn't break anything." Moranor pointed at her and said. "Just give me the talisman! I was looking all over for it yesterday!" She took a couple of steps toward her while Elora rubbed the temples of her head, she placed one hand on Enora's shoulder. Elora said. "Honey, be nice and just give Nora the talisman. You've already got to speak with your little man." Enora's cheeks had a faint blush on them as she turned her head to glare at her mother. She stomped the floor a couple of times with one foot making her large chest jiggle, Enora said. "He's not little! And he's not my man!" Moranor's gaze narrowed, she coldly said. "I'll never hand Reiki to you." Enora's pupils immediately glowed a vibrant icy blue color, she indifferently said. "As if he was even yours in the first place." A few strings of lightning traveled around Moranor's arms, she said. "We can start round three any time you want, you selfish elf."

Elora placed her right hand on her hip, she raised her left hand and twirled her index finger as an ice cube appeared behind the two young elves' necks. Moranor and Enora were about to take on a combat stance when the glow in their pupils suddenly vanished as they felt something cold slip down the back of their necks and into their green robes. Moranor let out a high-pitched shriek as she placed both her hands behind her back trying to find the ice in her robe while simultaneously hopping. Enora turned her head toward her mother, she said. "Mom, what is it?" Elora held her hand out and spoke in a demanding tone, she said. "Talisman. Now." Enora feigned sadness as her eyes had a thin layer of water in them, she said. "B-But, Reiki said he'd call me-." Elora rolled her eyes and said. "Talisman." Enora let out a sigh as she placed her hand inside her pocket, took out a talisman, and placed it on her mother's palm. Enora grabbed Elora's hand as the talisman was stuck between their palms, Enora said. "What if I-?" Elora flashed her a sweet smile which subconsciously made Enora take a step back. 

Enora couldn't get away because her mother wouldn't let go of her hand. Elora grabbed her daughter's cheek and gave it a pinch, she said. "That's enough for the day, alright?" Enora gave her mother a small nod which made Elora poke her daughter's nose and said. "Good girl." Moranor managed to grab the ice that was in her robe as she tossed it onto the floor. Elora walked toward the door and passed the talisman to Moranor. Elora said. "This time don't get distracted so you don't get pickpocketed again." Moranor immediately took out her pouch and placed the talisman inside, she said. "Yes, your majesty." Moranor pocketed the pouch and kept her hand inside while gripping it tightly as she gave Enora a sideways glare. Elora took a couple of steps out of the room and mumbled. "I need to let out some stress… Where's Mela-?" Before she could finish Elora closed the door behind her leaving the two young elves alone. Enora placed a hand on her chin while she made her way to the ruined bed and sat on it and thought for a minute.

Moranor placed her hand on the doorknob when she heard Enora call out for her, she said. "Moranor, wait." Moranor let out a sigh as she begrudgingly turned around to face her, she said. "What is it?" Enora rolled her eyes at her and said. "One thing I've noticed is you've become increasingly rude with each passing day." Moranor let out a chuckle and said. "Maybe if you acted like someone befitting of your status I would have more respect for you." She did a half-turn and raised her hand as she was about to grab the doorknob while a sly smirk formed on Enora's lips, she spoke with a bit of smugness in her tone. "When Reiki comes back I'll have so much to tell him about all the bad things you've called me." Moranor turned her head so fast her light goldish hair that was neatly combed turned slightly messy. Moranor gave Enora a hostile glare which made her let out a laugh, Moranor coldly said. "Elf-whore, say that again."

Enora pretended to be lightheaded as she placed the back of her hand on her forehead, she overdramatically said. "Such barbarity, I wonder how Reiki will treat you upon learning of your behavior." Moranor took a deep breath to calm down, she curled her hand that was raised into a fist and placed it beside her. Moranor said. "What do you want?" Enora's eyes widened, she let out a fake gasp when Moranor interrupted her and blandly said. "Drop the act, it's grossing me out." Enora let out a playful chuckle and raised her hand with her index finger and middle finger extended. Enora said. "Two things, and I can assure you it'll be beneficial for you."


Arashi's Apartment

Asami was holding onto a pair of wooden chopsticks while the coffee table was filled with large plates of vegetable and shrimp tempura along with freshly fried cod and a mountain of fries. Reiki was sitting on Arashi's lap while she was holding onto chopsticks with a large piece of shrimp tempura pinched at the end. He tried to move away from her lap while Arashi placed her left hand on his shoulder and with a small smile on her lips, Arashi said. "Say ah."

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