
Chapter 165: Chapter 165: Catch

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Reiki flashed the two of them a smile, he said. "We can talk inside." He reached his hand out and continued. "I'll take your luggage and place them in Shiro's room." Mio easily took off her side bag and was about to pass it to him. The smile on Yuki's face grew bigger, she said. "Reiki, think fast!" She quickly threw her backpack at him as her smile turned mischievous. Mio gave her friend a disapproving glance which Yuki ignored. Reiki easily caught the grey backpack as he felt some weight to it as he raised a brow in surprise.

He thought. A hundred kilograms? That's surprising from someone of her size. Reiki moved his gaze onto Yuki who was pouting at him, he said. "Nice throw." Yuki let out a hmph while Mio looked at the backpack he caught and thought. He can rival Yuki in terms of strength. Reiki put on the backpack while Mio passed him her side bag which he carefully held with his left hand. He gestured for them to come in with his right hand, Reiki said. "Make yourselves at home." Yuki and Mio followed him inside as he slid open the shoe compartment on the right and took out two pairs of white indoor slippers.

Reiki placed them on the floor while the two girls took their shoes off and put the slippers on. He pointed at the living room and said. "Give me a minute and I'll bring some snacks out for you two." Reiki walked inside with Mio and Yuki behind him as the three of them quickly made it to the couch. Shiro was standing by the couch, waved at her friends, and said. "Mio, Yuki. Hopefully, your journey here was pleasant." Mio and Yuki walked toward their friend, Yuki and Shiro high-five each other while Reiki made his way upstairs.

Yuki flashes Shiro a smirk and said. "Big words for such a small girl." Yuki let out a chuckle while Shiro ignored her as Mio extended her hand for a handshake. Mio said. "How about we do our homework tomorrow?" Shiro's eyes sparkled as she held Mio's hand with both of her hands. Shiro said. "Agreed." Yuki's mouth formed into a confident smile, she placed a hand on her chest and said. "I already finished all of the homework when I got home." Her two friends glanced at her before ignoring her as they placed their hands back to their sides.

Mio said. "On a different note." Yuki gritted her teeth as the corner of her eye twitched, she said. "Hey!" Mio took a couple of whiffs and thought. I've been smelling something good the moment Reiki opened the front door. Ketsueki walked down the stairs which caught the three young girls' attention. Mio and Yuki's eyes widened as Shiro's older sister made her way towards them. Ketsuekoi gave them an amiable smile and said. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Shiro's older sister, Ketsueki. Feel free to call me Aneki or more preferably Onee-chan."

Shiro forced herself to maintain a straight expression as she stared at her older sister, she thought. This is going to be funny. Mio and Yuki stared at Ketsueki for a moment as the two of them gave a polite bow. Mio said. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Onee-san." Yuki flashed her a smile and said. "Aneki, it's nice to make your acquaintance." Ketsueki was stunned for a split second and thought. That's weird… Shouldn't this be the part where they get infatuated with my looks?... Reiki walked out of the kitchen while holding a plate in each hand, he said. "Sorry for the wait."

One plate had a mountain of chocolate chip cookies with visible chunks of chocolate while the other had a pile of brownies neatly stacked into a pyramid. Reiki placed the plates on the coffee table while under the gazes of the four girls, he said. "Dig in." Yuki sprinted toward the coffee table as she sat down on the floor and picked up a cookie with her right hand and took a bite. Yuki tried to speak with her mouth full but stopped when she heard Reiki speak, he said. "Eat or speak. Yuki, you can't do both."

Yuki nodded at him as she excitedly ate the cookies she was holding while Mio and Shiro made their way to the couch and sat down. Shiro reached her hand out and picked up a brownie while Ketsueki made her way to the armchair on the right. Mio picked up a cookie and took a quick whiff of it, she thought. Found the smell. She took a bite out of the cookie while Ketsueki picked up a brownie and a cookie. Reiki made his way back to the kitchen leaving the four girls eating in silence.

Yuki quickly finished the cookie she was holding as she reached out to grab another one. Shiro grabbed the remote and turned the tv on and flipped through the channels. Ketsueki swallowed and wiped some crumbs from the corner of her lips using her thumb, she said. "Which one of you would like to introduce yourself first?" Yuki looked up at her with her cheeks filled with cookies as she grabbed a brownie, she tried to swallow but failed as she repeatedly smacked her chest to help the food go down.

Shiro started laughing while Mio rolled her eyes and spoke under her breath, she said. "This always happens…" Mio reached her hand and placed it on Yuki's back as she rubbed it up and down. Reiki appeared next to the couch on the left while carrying a tray with glasses filled with milk. He said. "This might help." Mio suddenly jolted on her seat and turned her head as she saw Reiki pick up a glass of milk and passed it to Yuki. Yuki immediately downed it in one go while Mio thought. How did he get so close to me?! 

Yuki let out a long refreshed sigh and smiled at Reiki, she said. "Thanks for the save." He started passing glasses around to everyone, Reiki said. "Slow down, Yuki. The food isn't going anywhere." He flashed her a wry smile while Yuki waved her hand at him holding a brownie, she said. "It's fine, it's fine." She took a big bite of the brownie she was holding while Reiki placed a glass on the coffee table near her side Ketsueki was sitting on and gave the last one to Mio. Mio took it off his hands with her left and looked up to him, she said. "Thank you."

Mio moved her gaze onto Ketsueki who was leisurely eating a brownie while Reiki made his way to the kitchen. Mio placed the glass of milk on the coffee table as she stood up and got the attention of the three other girls. Mio cleared her throat and said. "Nakamura Mio, feel free to call me Mio." Ketsueki flashed her a smile and said. "Nice to meet you, Mio." Mio sat back down as she nodded at her and said. "Yes, Onee-san." The three girls moved their gazes onto Yuki who was stuffing herself with food without a care in the world.

Shiro took a sip of her glass and used her left foot to gently tap on Yuki's thigh. Shiro said. "Yuki, it's your turn." Yuki turned her head with her cheeks full as she stared at Shiro with confusion all over her face. Mio and Shiro started chuckling at her while Yuki quickly turned her head toward Ketsueki and stood up from the floor. Yuki tried to say something but failed from having her mouth full which made her two friends laugh while Ketsueki smiled at her. Yuki reached for her glass but didn't grab it seeing it was empty. Reiki made his way from the kitchen as he held a liter of milk with his hand.

He lifted the liter of milk in his hand and said. "I knew we would need this." Reiki quickly made his way toward the coffee table as he took the cap off and filled Yuki's glass. Yuki drank quickly as she took big gulps of it as she took one big gulp at the end and let out a happy sigh. Yuki wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and placed her hands on her hips, she said. "Nozomi Yuki. It's nice to meet you, Aneki." Ketsueki raised her glass of milk and gave her a toast, she said. "Feel free to eat your fill, Yuki." Reiki moved the milk carton he was holding and moved it closer to his younger sister, he said. "How about I top you off, Shiro?"

Shiro took a big bite of the cookie she was holding as she gave him a nod and moved her glass closer to him. Reiki filled her glass while Yuki sat back down on the floor, she picked up a brownie and said. "Aneki, where did you buy these? I never knew there was a new bakery around these parts." Mio stopped herself from taking a bite of a brownie as she joined the conversation and said. "I would also like to know." Ketsueki's lips formed into a proud smile as she pointed at her little sister who had a smile that was a replica of hers. Ketsueki said. "My cute little sister would like to answer your question."

Shiro placed her glass of milk on the coffee table while Reiki placed the liter of milk into his pouch which he took out from his pocket. Shiro used the cookie to hide her smile, said. "Onii-chan made them." Reiki sat on the couch while he pocketed his tattered pouch while Yuki and Mio gave him looks of shock, he said. "Why are you two so surprised?" Yuki glanced at the brownie she was holding and moved her gaze back onto him, she said. "Never pictured you as one to bake, Reiki." She took a big bite of the brownie while Mio stared at him for a moment as she tried to hide the shock on her face. Mio said. "Agreed, out of all the boys we've met. You're the first one we know who can."

Ketsueki took a sip of her glass as she ate the last bit of the brownie she was holding. Reiki stared at Mio and said. "Then what did you two think when I asked about your diet the other day?" Yuki stopped herself from taking a bite of the cookie she was holding, she said. "I thought you wanted to switch up your meals." Mio was chewing as she took a sip of milk and swallowed, she said. "I just answered on a whim, to be honest." Reiki stared at the two girls for a moment while Shiro and Ketsueki smirked at him enjoying his situation. He massaged the temple of his head, Reiki said. "Well, I'll make this short. I can also cook and will be the one to make your meals during your stay."

Mio reached for a cookie, she thought. I wonder how good he is. Yuki picked up her empty glass and moved it closer to him, she said. "Just make it good, I'm not a picky eater." The corner of Reiki's eye twitched while Ketsueki let out a laugh as she clapped once which got all of their attention. Ketsueki said. "Now, here's my question. Did you three already do your homework?" Yuki raised her hand as she proudly said. "I did! I finished everything when I got home." Reiki took out his pouch from his pocket as he took out the liter of milk and filled Yuki's glass. Ketsueki moved her gaze onto Mio and her little sister who slightly froze in place.

Ketsueki said. "Shiro, Mio. How about you two?" Yuki gave her two friends a smug look which infuriated them both. Shiro turned her head to look at a wall to avoid looking at her older sister, she said. "... No, Onee-chan…" Ketsueki moved her eyes onto Mio who said. "I can do my-." The atmosphere in the room instantly turned heavy as Ketsueki spoke in a sweet voice and said. "No, I insist. I think it would be a better idea to do your homework first rather than later." Yuki almost choked on the food in her mouth she was chewing, she thought. This woman is dangerous! Reiki placed the liter of milk on the coffee table.

Yuki moved her gaze onto the glass of milk she was holding and nervously took big gulps of it. Mio visibly reeled back as she tried her best to remain calm from seeing Ketsueki's double-edged smile. Mio thought. W-What is with this family?... I can't sense a single ounce of mana from them yet their affinity with magic is off the charts. Mio placed a cookie back onto the plate as she nervously gulped and said. "Shiro, the sooner we finish our homework. The sooner we get to enjoy ourselves."

Shiro stood up from the couch, she said. "Sure, I'll show you to my room." She ate the last bit of cookie she was holding while Mio also stood up as she followed her friend up the stairs. Yuki was meekly munching on a cookie as she made sure to keep her eyes on the food on the coffee table. Reiki let out a sigh as the atmosphere in the room turned back to normal, he said. "Onee-chan you're scaring them." He moved his gaze onto Yuki who tried her best to calm down as he reached his hand out as it blurred for a split second, Reiki said. "We don't wear caps inside this household." 

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Yuki was stunned to see he managed to steal the cap as she placed her left hand on her head, she thought. How did he-? Reiki let out a chuckle as he casually threw the blue baseball cap on Yuki's lap, he placed a hand on top of her head and gently caressed it. He said. "Hopefully you won't be mad at my older sister. Onee-chan probably heard them try to put it off until tomorrow." Ketsueki placed her glass on the coffee table and picked up a brownie, she said. "Reiki, what makes you say that?" He glanced at her from the corner of her eye as he flashed her a small smile, Reiki said. "Just a feeling."

Yuki tried to keep a straight face as she secretly enjoyed the feeling of her head being caressed as a faint blush appeared on her cheeks. Yuki thought. Wait, did she eavesdrop on our conversation?... But I was sure her presence was on the second floor… Ketsueki raised her free hand as the remote on the couch flew into her palm as she flipped through the channels, she said. "Reiki, how about you entertain Yuki while her two friends are busy?" Yuki quickly raised her hand and said. "I-It's fine, the homework that was assigned to us is relatively easy this time around."

Reiki placed a hand on his chin and thought for a moment, he thought. If I remember correctly… While under the two gazes from the girls, he stood up from the couch and made their way toward the wooden drawer the tv was on top of. Reiki opened the bottom drawer and took out an old baseball that had a few stitches, he said. "How about a game of catch?" Yuki's eyes sparkled like stars as she quickly stood up and said. "Are you sure?!" She quickly picked up her baseball cap that fell onto the floor and held it with both her hands as she looked up to him.

He flashed her a smile and said. "Let's go outside and try to burn some of that excess energy you have." The two of them made their way to the front door, leaving Ketsueki alone in the living room. Reiki slid the shoe compartment open as he took out his sports shoes. He took off the white indoor slippers he was wearing and neatly placed them on the side. Yuki excitedly put on her sports shoes as she quickly tied her shoelaces, she looked up to him and said. "I'm fine with going outside to play, what about the food on the coffee table? By the time we're back all of it will be gone."

From the living room the two of them heard Ketsueki's voice, she said. "I heard that." Reiki put on his sports shoes and quickly tied his laces, he said. "It'll be fine, I made sure to hide plenty more for dessert and Onee-chan will likely eat my share." He lifted his right leg and tapped the point of his shoe a couple of times on the floor and continued. "Let's go." Reiki placed his hand on the doorknob and made his way outside while Yuki stood by the door for a few seconds. 

Yuki looked at her own two feet as she raised her right leg and tapped the point of her shoe a couple of times. She made her way out of the house and closed the front door behind her. The two of them stood in the middle of the street while Reiki threw the ball into the air and repeatedly caught it with his right hand. He said. "How far do you want to be-?" Before he could even finish Yuki sprinted down the street while she held onto her cap with her right hand. Reiki thought. A hundred yards more or less. Yuki took a deep breath as she put on her cap with the brim on the front, she said. "I'm ready."

Yuki thought. Focu-. She completely froze when Reiki casually threw the ball toward her. The ball fell onto the ground and rolled at Yuki's foot, she stared at the baseball for a couple of seconds with a blank look on her face. Yuki squatted down to pick up the baseball as she grabbed it with a vice grip, the brim of her cap covered her eyes as she angrily said. "Don't mess with me!" She threw the ball at him as it turned into a streak of white. Yuki came to a realization and thought. Wait! I threw that at full strength! Her eyes had a hint of worry as she saw Reiki catch the ball with his right hand as it rapidly spun in his grasp.

[System: User has received 182 Damage.]

[System: User's ring finger's middle phalanx has been dislocated.]

[System: User has received 11 Damage.]

[System: User has received 12 Damage.]


Reiki ignored the string of information in his head as the ball spinning in his palm slowly came to a halt, he held the ball using his thumb and middle finger and thought. She threw the ball so hard that it dislocated one of my fingers from reacting too slowly… He turned his palm to face him and saw bits of skin forcibly peeled off all over his palm that were already healing. Reiki continued his train of thought. The rotation even had enough friction to peel off bits of my skin. Yuki saw Reiki lift his left hand and watched him grab one of his fingers that was followed by the sound of something cracking.

[System: User's ring finger has been  relocated.]

Yuki watched as he spun the baseball on the tip of his pointing finger, she thought. N-No way… E-Even Aniki caught the ball I tossed at him when he was exercising with both hands… She subconsciously gulped and continued her thoughts. Wouldn't that mean, Reiki is stronger than my exercise freak of a brother?... Yuki snapped back to her senses when she heard him speak, Reiki said. "I have a rough idea how strong you are now, so…" A smile slowly formed on his face, he continued. "Catch." Reiki winded his right arm back and threw the baseball as it turned into a streak of white while. Yuki's eyes were completely calm as she raised both of her hands and caught the ball in mid-air.

Yuki was pushed back by a few steps as she was forced to adjust her footing to prevent herself from falling onto the floor. A big genuine smile formed onto her mouth, Yuki thought. Maybe I was wrong… This sleepover wasn't such a bad idea after all… Yuki smiled at Reiki and said. "Nice throw." She winded up her right hand and threw the ball at him with all the strength she could muster.

~Thirty Minutes Later~


Shiro's Room

Shiro was sitting by her chair by the wooden desk, she excitedly closed the notebook and said. "We're done!" Mio was sitting on the edge of Shiro's bed with her side bag next to her while writing in her notebook. She placed her pen in her side bag and closed the notebook in her hands, Mio said. "Yuki, that traitor… We agreed on doing our homework at the same time." Shiro stood up from her chair while she did some stretches, she let out a chuckle and said. "You mean so we could copy off most of the answers from her." Mio rolled her eyes as she was about to place her notebook inside of her side bag.

Shiro raised her hand to stop her friend, she said. "Mio, wait!" Mio looked at her friend in confusion and said. "What?" Shiro spoke with a hint of nervousness in her tone, she said. "I think we should Onee-chan check our homework." Mio's brows furrowed, she crossed her arms and said. "Why?" Shiro stared at her friend for a moment before she spoke in a defeated tone, she said. "Not unless you're willing to deal with her." Mio remembered what happened in the living room as her eyes widened, she faked a cough and said. "... Since it's your house, I don't mind following some of the rules."

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