
Chapter 171: Chapter 171: Hard Work

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Enrel let out a long stressful sigh as she let go of the quill as it fell on some parchment and carefully rubbed her eyes, she said. "I'm sorry, can you repeat yourself?" She had faint traces of bags under her eyes and looked up to Melanor. Enrel continued. "I haven't slept in a day or two, so could you remind me?" Melanor looked at her while Enrel rubbed the back of her neck as she closed her eyes. Melanor placed her hand inside her pocket and said. "Half the money you got for research belongs to Reiki."

Melanor took out a couple of square-shaped lunch boxes that were stacked on top of each other and made out of wood, she said. "I'm here to make sure you don't do anything with it." Enrel moved some parchment on her desk to make space for the two lunch boxes while her friend placed it down. Melanor looked around the messy room and continued. "But seeing how this room looks, it would seem I was a step too late." She took out a wooden knife and fork while Enrel removed the lids of the lunch boxes revealing food emitting steam.

Enrel took a big whiff of the smell, she let out a relaxed sigh and said. "I may have dipped my hand into his share." Melanor handed the wooden utensils to her friend which Enrel quickly took off her hands. Melanor said. "How much is left?" Enrel was cutting the food in the lunch box into bite-sized pieces, she said. "If I remember correctly, there should be about eight hundred platinum coins?" She ate her first bite and chewed, Enrel swallowed and looked up to her friend with a hint of expectation. Enrel said. "Do you have any wine on you?"

Melanor placed down a glass of milk beside the lunch boxes. Enrel stared at it for a moment while she stabbed a cube-shaped piece of steak and said. "Usually, I would insult you. But with my current state, I need all the nutrition I can get." She let out one big yawn and covered her mouth with her left hand holding the wooden knife. Enrel continued. "Why aren't you cursing at me?" She reached for the glass of milk and took off the lid. Melanor leaned on a preservation chamber, she nonchalantly said. "I would if I didn't have the coin in hand."

Enrel took a sip of the milk and placed it back down on her desk, she said. "Restaurant is doing that good, huh?" Melanor's lips into a smug smirk, she said. "I can't help it, the food is so popular. Before I open at nine in the morning there's already a line outside. If we closed any later than eight Mora would blow a fuse." While chewing Enrel glances at her friend from the corner of her eye, she took a sip of milk and said. "Of course, all Reiki's signature dishes are a complete hit."

The smirk on Melanor's lips turned into a slight frown, she said. "That's rich coming from the goddess of inscription." Enrel quickly finished one of the lunch boxes and placed the lid back on as she moved the other lunch box closer to her and said. "Mine's different, I needed to grasp the theory and understand it completely." Melanor gave her friend a cold glance and said. "And you think the food I serve just magically appeared out of thin air?" Enrel casually waved the wooden knife at her and said. "I'm just saying that applying theory into practice is much more difficult than turning on a stove."

Melanor added a bit of weight onto the preservation chamber and said. "At least my restaurant is providing jobs for others, compared to you who only sits on your flat ass all day." Enrel was about to eat a piece of de-shelled shrimp her eyes widened from what her friend said as she pointed her fork at her. Enrel said. "Hey!" Melanor's lips curved into a smile while Enrel pointed her fork at the preservation chamber she was leaning on and continued. "Don't lean on that." Melanor turned her head to look at the preservation chamber she was leaning on and stood up straight.

Enrel stared at the shrimp that was stabbed on the tip of the fork, she said. "I'll tell you this, my ass is as bouncy and curvy as our queen." She ate the shrimp while Melanor stole a glance at Enrel's butt that was resting on the cushion. Melanor said. "How do you know that?" Enrel swallowed as she picked up the glass of milk, she glanced at her and said. "When you were busy on one of your missions we bathed at a river at midnight. I got a good look at her." She gave her a wink while Melanor stared at her for a moment and thought. This bitch of an elf is telling the truth.

Enrel was about to stab a piece of sliced avocado in the lunch box when it suddenly disappeared which made her stop. Enrel turned her head and saw Melanor holding the wooden lunch box, Melanor said. "Which river?" Enrel's lips turned into a slight frown, she said. "Hey, do you mind-?" Before she could finish Melanor interrupted her and coldly said. "The. River." Enrel rolled her eyes at her and said. "It was the one near the side of her oversized mansion."

Melanor stared at her for a moment as Enrel picked up the glass of milk and took a sip. Melanor placed the lunch box back onto the desk and crossed her arms, she said. "I'm not leaving until you give what's left of his share." Enrel stabbed a slice of avocado and said. "Worth a shot." She looked up at her and said. "How's the restaurant? Still, having trouble with the number of customers?" Melanor pondered for a bit, she said. "The staff I've hired have gotten used to it, though from the number of orders they often serve it to the wrong table."

Enrel ate her meal while Melanor let out a sigh with an undertone of stress. Melanor said. "I can't hire more servers since they would need training and it'll make the restaurant feel even smaller than it already is from all the foot traffic." Enrel took a sip of milk and gulped down a mouthful of food, she said. "And the real reason?" Melanor glanced at a wall using the corner of her eye and said. "They'll eat into my profit margin." Enrel stabbed a cherry tomato using a wooden fork and said. "I feel sorry for little Mora, she must be in tears from what you're putting her through."

Melanor's entire body slightly jolted, she said. "N-No she isn't. Mora willingly volunteered to learn so she can take over when the day comes." Enrel gave her friend a deadpan stare while chewing, she gulped and said. "Don't forget she's currently underage. What you're doing is forced labor." Melanor had a stiff smile on her lips, she forced out a chuckle and said. "I-It's fine, Moranor needed to learn this when she was younger. I'm just making sure she learns it this time."

Enrel stabbed another piece of sliced avocado and said. "Then shouldn't she be learning how to cook, manage, and calculate? Instead of forcing her to serve food to customers?" Melanor stared at her friend for a moment and said. "She needs to learn the hardships of-." Enrel pointed at Melanor using the wooden fork with a piece of avocado stabbed on it. Enrel said. "Quit your bullshit, to me it sounds like you just wanted to cut corners by hiring your daughter against her will." Melanor let out an awkward chuckle and said. "S-She'll understand once she's older and realize what I did for her."

Enrel looked at her friend for a moment as the two of them stared at each other in silence, she placed her hand in her pocket and tossed a pouch at Melanor. Enrel said. "Here's what's left of Reiki's half. I can't stand seeing you like this." Melanor caught the pouch mid-air as she pocketed it, she pointed at the two lunch boxes on the desk and said. "I can't make a round trip for that, the moment we open I won't be able to go out until we close." Enrel ate another piece of de-shelled shrimp and thought. Moranor good luck, your mother is a complete workaholic.

The Front Of Ketsueki's House

Shiro, Mio, Yuki, and Reiki were playing wall ball as the four of them took turns banking it off a cement fence. Yuki sharply threw the ball onto the fence as it banked off it then onto the floor as it sharply headed at Reiki. He caught the ball mid-air as he felt the heat from the sunlight and glanced up, Reiki thought. I've forgotten how hot it gets back here in japan… He glanced at the three girls and noticed some light sweat on their faces and said. "How about we call it there? Let's head back inside and get some ice cream."

Shiro's eyes lit up like stars as she hopped in place and said. "Agreed!" Mio wiped some sweat off her forehead using the back of her thumb, she said. "As long as we're not imposing on you." The three of them turned their heads onto Yuki as they waited for her response. Yuki flashes them a big goofy grin, she said. "Sure!" The four of them made their way back inside the house while Shiro excitedly opened the front door and went inside.

Mio followed her while she fanned herself using a hand as Yuki placed her hands behind her back stealing glances of Reiki who was beside her. Shiro quickly untied her shoelaces while Mio meticulously undid her flat-heeled shoes as Yuki walked inside followed by Reiki who closed the front door. He made his way to the shoe compartment and slid it open, Shiro passed her sports shoes to him and said. "Here, Onii-chan." He took it off his little sister's hands and said. "I know, I know."

Shiro quickly put on a pair of white indoor slippers as she quickly made her way to the living room. Reiki felt something poke his left shoulder as he turned his head and saw Yuki holding her sports shoes at him with a hint of expectation in her eyes. He let out a chuckle and said. "No problem." Reiki took it off her hands and placed it inside the shoe compartment while Yuki put on a pair of slippers and made her way inside. Yuki glanced at him for a moment without saying anything and followed Shiro inside. Reiki turned his head and saw Mio wearing a pair of indoor slippers and holding her flat-heeled shoes with her right hand.

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Reiki extended his left hand at her, he said. "It's fine Mio. I can place that away for you." Mio stared at his hand and gave him a polite smile and said. "I can do it-." Before she could finish, Reiki placed his hand on top of her head which caught her completely by surprise. Mio had a look of confusion on her face as she tried to think of something to say. Reiki let out a soft chuckle, he gently caressed the top of her head and said. "It's okay to ask for help, Mio."

Mio froze from what he said while Reiki continued. "You're allowed to ask for help, you don't need to do everything all by yourself. We're always here for you when you need it." He moved his hand away from the top of her head while Mio touched the spot where Reiki caressed her. He held out his hand while Mio awkwardly gave him her flat-heeled shoes and said. ".. Thank you…" Reiki flashed her a smile and said. "It's fine, we'll still be there for you when you need us."

He placed the flat-heeled shoes inside the shoe compartment and closed it, Reiki squatted down as he started undoing his shoelaces. Mio stared at him as he let out a chuckle and looked up at her, Reiki said. "Mio, you can go ahead. Before Shiro and Yuki eat all the ice cream." He went back to untying his shoelaces while Mio stiffly nodded and said. "S-Sure…" She made her way toward the living as she saw her two friends holding a pint of ice cream each along with a spoon while watching tv.

Mio made her way to the couch as she noticed a pint of ice cream with a spoon on top of the lid on the coffee table and thought. Isn't this a premium brand? Shiro gulped down a mouthful of ice cream as she placed the spoon she was holding into the pint and said. "Mio, let's eat before the ice cream melts." Yuki held a spoon in her mouth as she quickly tapped on the empty spot next to her. A smile formed on Mio's mouth as she picked up the ice cream and made her way to sit beside Yuki.

Ketsueki made her way downstairs as she saw the three girls eating ice cream and watching tv, she thought. Reiki knows how to spoil them. A helpless smile formed on her lips as she quietly made her way to the back of the couch. Ketsueki gently placed her hands on the backrest of the couch while the three girls were tv. The smile on Ketsueki's lips turned into a smirk, she thought. I wonder-. She suddenly felt something poke her back which made her place a hand on where she was touched while letting out a yelp of surprise.

Yuki, Mio, and Shiro turned their heads and saw Ketsueki with her head turned sideways paired with a hint of a blush on her cheeks. Reiki looked up to his older sister and feigned ignorance of her glare, he said. "Onee-chan, what are you doing?" Ketsueki stared at him and thought. I didn't notice him this close to me? She took a deep breath to calm herself and said. "I wanted to know what they were watching." Reiki gave his older sister a blank stare and thought. … You just wanted to frighten them… Ketsueki felt slightly irritated from seeing how he looked at her as she crossed her arms and said. "What? You don't believe me?"

Reiki maintained eye contact and said. "I never said anything like that." Ketsueki's eyes narrowed while Yuki and Mio watched the two of them from the corner of her eye. They turned their gaze onto the spot Shiro was sitting and saw she was missing, the two of them heard a whisper. "Yuki, Mio, over here." The two of them turned their head toward the source of the sound and saw Shiro by the staircase gesturing them to follow. Shiro continued. "Let's hide in my room."

Mio and Yuki simultaneously thought. She decided to abandon him. The two of them glanced at each other as they stood up from the couch and quickly made their way toward Shiro as the three girls headed to the second floor. Reiki and Ketsueki stared at each other, he casually said. "Alright, Onee-chan. You managed to scare the three into the second floor, now what?" Ketsueki glared at him before letting out a soft chuckle, she said. "Namida was right, you did become cheekier." Ketsueki vaulted over the couch as she sat down in the center and took out a large tub of vanilla ice cream from her pocket followed by a spoon.

Reiki made his way around the couch while Ketsueki said. "Since we're alone we can spend some quality time with each other-." Before she could finish her little brother sat on her lap and placed his head between her large breasts. Ketsueki was surprised by his actions as she let out a small scoff, she thought. Look at him, taking liberties with me. Her cheeks had a hint of rosy pink on them as she remembered the kiss they shared in her bedroom. Reiki took the tub of ice cream from his older sister as he took the lid off and tossed it on the coffee table.

He pointed at the spoon Ketsueki was holding and said. "Onee-chan, let me feed you." His older sister was taken back as she passed him the spoon and said. "S-Sure." Reiki scooped some ice cream and raised the spoon as he tried to feed Ketsueki, he said. "Say, ahh." She stared at him for a moment and opened her mouth, Ketsueki said. "Ahh." Reiki fed his older sister a spoonful of ice cream as he moved his gaze onto the tv and ate some himself. A loving expression appeared on Ketsueki's face, she thought. Three months? Even if it were three years, I'd be willing to bear it for my boy.

Reiki kept his eyes on the tv as he scooped note ice cream using a spoon, he said. "Thanks for your hard work." Ketsueki's eyes widened in surprise as a genuine smile formed on her lips, she said. "It wasn't much."

Shiro's Room

Yuki was sitting on the floor by the bed with her left elbow resting on the edge as she ate ice cream. Mio was sitting by the end of the bed as she swirled the ice cream in her pint. Shiro sat near the pillows as she wiped the corner of her mouth using her thumb, she said. "You don't need to worry about Onii-chan. He also gets in trouble with Onee-chan." Mio thought. How come I get the feeling it's mostly because of you. Yuki stared at her spoon that had some ice cream on it and said. "Do you think if my hair was longer, Reiki would like me more?" She glanced at Mio's long black flowing hair that sprawled around the bed like ink.

Yuki moved her gaze onto Shiro's long white hair that covered a pillow. Shiro's hand that was holding onto the pint of ice cream trembled while Mio reached her hand that was holding onto a spoon out to Shiro. Mio hastily said. "Shiro, calm down!" Mio turned her head to face Yuki as she saw her eating a spoonful of ice cream, Mio said. "Yuki! Context!" Yuki gulped down a mouthful of ice cream as she swirled the insides of the pint and looked around the room to avoid eye contact, she said. "I was… Thinking how nice it would be to have an older brother like him…"

Mio was stunned by what her friend said as she quickly turned her head toward Shiro whose eyes were covered by her bangs. Mio thought. Oh no. Shiro slowly looked up as it revealed her eyes that were filled with pride. Mio was confused for a moment and thought. What? A smile formed on Shiro's face as she puffed out her flat chest, she said. "It's about time you understood how great my brother is." Shiro was beaming with pride while Yuki turned her head toward Mio. Yuki said. "How about you, Mio? If your parents were here they wouldn't be able to complain about it, even with their standards." 

Mio stared at her pint of ice cream, she thought. I mean… The only thing I can sense from him is… Yuki placed the spoon into her pint of ice cream, she started raising her fingers one by one and said. "Reiki made a completely new inscription, he can keep up with me and…" Yuki's mouth turned into a smile as she continued. "He's done more in a single day compared to my older brother ever did, and we live in the same house." Yuki had a serious expression on her face as she looked at Shiro. Yuki said. "Shiro, how about it? Since you're his little sister I thought I would ask for your permission."

Shiro stares back at her friend for a few seconds, she said. "You can ask Onii-chan himself. You saw how he is, if you tell him yourself I doubt he'd refuse." Mio gave her friend an odd look, she said. "I expected a completely different reaction from you." Shiro stared at her spoon that was dripping some melted ice cream into the pint, she said. "I mean… You two can tell that Onii-chan genuinely cared about your well-being."

Mio and Yuki were stunned for a moment as they pondered their thoughts. Shiro moved her gaze onto Mio and continued. "You two, Mio." Mio snapped back to her senses and said. "M-Me?" Shiro nodded at her and said. "Yeah, I agree with Yuki. What your parents give you isn't normal." Yuki placed her pint of ice cream on the bed as she clapped once which got both of their attention, she said. "Alright! That's enough of a gloomy topic, let's talk about something else. Shiro, how about you talk about your older sister."

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