
Chapter 173: Chapter 173: Interruption

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Enora looked at her mother with her eyes filled with hope. Elora intentionally paused for a couple of seconds as she took a sip of tea, she thought. And to think… It was only a couple of weeks ago my daughter would actively cause trouble like barrel-. I mean Valen… Enora's expression slowly turned one with worry as she tried to patiently wait for her mother's answer. Elora gently swirled the light brown liquid in her teacup, she gave Enora a small smile and said. "You don't need to." Enora's eyes brightened up, she said. "I-I don't need to what?"

Elora emptied the remaining tea in her cup, she gave her daughter a meaningful look and moved her eyes onto her empty teacup. Enora caught on as she picked the ceramic kettle by the handle while Elora placed her teacup on the coaster as she moved it closer to her daughter. Enora tilted the tea kettle sideways as a light brown liquid poured from the spout and into the teacup. Enora gently pushed the teacup on the coaster closer to her mother as she looked up at her with a hint of expectation. Elora let out a chuckle as she ran her index finger around the rim of the teacup, she said. "Those old fogies-."

Before she could finish Enora interrupted her, she said. '’Mom!" She had a look of worry on her face while Elora let out a long exaggerated fake sigh and thought. This should be enough, when Reiki asks she'll say it was because of my kindness… Elora's lips turned into a smile as she continued her train of thought. Now when the time comes when I have to reveal my relationship with Melanor I can have Reiki do it for me. Elora said. "You're free to make any kind of choice."

Enora stared at her mother for a moment before a faint blush appeared on her cheeks, she said. "... Is that so?..." She looked down at her cup of tea on the table as a smile subconsciously formed on her lips. Elora gave her daughter a knowing smile and said. "Now that there's nothing in your way, will you be honest with him?" Enora picked up her teacup and was about to take a sip but stopped, she placed it back on the coaster and hastily said. "I don't need to be honest with him! F-From how I see it, he should be the one making an effort."

Elora stared at her daughter's blushing cheeks and thought. What do you think he's been doing all this time? She said. "Oh? Dear, can you tell me who he is?" Enora's eyes widened as she stared at her mother, Elora continued. "Have I met him before? Do you like him? Or is he just trying to cozy up to you because of your-." Enora stood up from her chair with a serious expression on her face, she firmly said. "You've met him, I do like him, and he's not getting closer to me just because of my status."

Elora nodded at her daughter and said. "If you're so confident, I guess he isn't someone like that." Enora let out a long sigh and closed her eyes, she said. "Mom, I'm your daughter. I won't make the same mistake last time with… That dead bloodline." She sat back down on her chair and stared at her teacup. Elora took a sip of her tea as her lips turned into a bright smile, she said. "Now, when will you tell Reiki how you feel?" Enora was suddenly shy as she fidgeted in her seat and played with her hands, she said. "I'm doing everything I can so that he'll confess to me-."

Enora's entire body completely froze as she rigidly looked at her mother and saw Elora taking a sip of tea as the two of them stared at each other. Enora's face instantly turned red as she slammed her hand onto the table, she said. "You tricked me!" Elora acted completely clueless as she stared at her with surprise in her eyes, she said. "Me? How exactly did I trick you?" She placed the half-empty teacup on the coaster and continued. "If you don't have any proof you shouldn't be saying such accusations."

Enora was completely flustered as she tried to maintain her cool, she said. "W-When did you find out?" Elora glanced around the beautiful garden while she enjoyed her cup of tea. Enora smacked the top of the table again and said. "Mom!" Elora stared at her daughter's face which was as red as a tomato and said. "I'm your mother, you think you can keep secrets from me?" Elora thought. It's impossible not to notice considering how you act around him… Enora's lips were subconsciously forming into a small smile, she said. "C-Can I take this as your way of acknowledging him?"

Elora stared at her daughter and thought. She's a complete mess… Her mouth is forming into a smile and she doesn't even notice it… Enora finally noticed her mother's focus stare on her as she covered her lips with her left hand, she said. "You said this yourself! We treat our promises just how we value knowledge!" She pointed at her mother with her right hand. Elora gave her daughter an enigmatic smile and said. "And who is here to witness my words?" Enora's stare turned blank as she used her right hand to point at the blue sky, she said. "A-Ancestors! Our ancestors are here to witness your vow!"

Elora raised a brow and said. "You mean those old elves who follow tradition to the letter and hate humans to their very bone?" She let out a chuckle and picked up her teacup, Elora continued. "If you want them to be your guarantee they'll be more than willing to turn a blind eye." Enora blanked out for a moment as she moved her hand away from her mouth and repeatedly smacked the table, she said. "It doesn't matter if no one witnesses it! You said it yourself!" Enora's breathing was haggard as she took deep breaths to calm down.

Elora smiled at her daughter and pointed at Enora using the teacup in her hands. Elora said. "Now for the important part." The blush on Enora's face slowly dissipated as she placed a hand on her forehead, she thought. I'm having a massive headache right now… Enora picked up her teacup and downed it in one go. Elora took a sip and said. "Want me to give you some advice?" Enora reached for the kettle and refilled her teacup, she said. "Advice?" She placed the kettle back down and continued. "From the way I see it it's only a matter of time before I have him around my fingers."

Elora placed her teacup down, she said. "From how I see things, Reiki's closer to Moranor than you." A confident smile formed on Enora's lips, she let out a scoff and said. "Only because I'm allowing it, in terms of status, wealth, and size. I easily surpass her." Enora picked up her cup of tea and was about to take a sip but noticed the stare her mother was giving her, she said. "What?" Elora shook her head sideways, she said. "From the way I see things… Mora is ahead of you and by a large margin." Enora let out a confident chuckle and said. "You're overthinking things…"

Her eyes suddenly turned serious as she continued. "But, since you're worried so much I'll at least listen to your advice." Elora was about to say something when Enora interrupted her and said. "On a side note, did you already finalize the paperwork?" Elora's brows furrowed while she muttered. "Paperwork?..." Her eyes widened when she remembered and continued. "What are you planning this time?" Enora's lips curved into a small cold smirk, she said. "As I said, she's only around him because I allow it." Elora stared at her daughter's wicked smile and said. "... Sure…"

Enora placed a finger on her lips while she pondered, she said. "Mom, what does our relationship look like from your perspective?"

Inside Ketsueki's House

Mio, Shiro, Yuki, and Ketsueki were sitting on chairs around the dining table. On top of the table were six large plates of fried calamari, onion rings, and three small bowls filled with dipping sauce. The four girls ate to their heart's content using chopsticks while Reiki made his way from the kitchen while holding onto a plate with five bratwursts in hotdog buns. The hotdogs were topped with melted cheese, pepperoni, thinly sliced red and green bell peppers, and some mushrooms. He made his way toward the dining table and held it with both hands, Reiki said. "I finished the-." Before he could even finish four of the five bratwursts were already gone from the plate as he stared at it.

He looked at the girls eating around the table and saw Yuki eating two pieces of calamari in one go. While Ketsueki, Mio, and Shiro were eating as elegantly as possible. Reiki placed the plate on the table and said. "Didn't you two tell me you were supposed to watch your calorie count?" Yuki took a bite of the bratwurst as the melted cheese on top stretched. Mio placed the bratwurst on her plate beside the small mountain of calamari and some onion rings, she said. "We are." While taking another bite of the bratwurst Yuki nodded at him as she continued her meal. Ketsueki dipped a piece of calamari into some sauce and said. "Reiki, what are these three dips called?"

Reiki grabbed an onion ring and dipped it into the pinkish sauce, he said. "Just a simple tartar sauce, avocado dip, and light mayonnaise mixed with tabasco." He ate the onion ring in one go while Shiro was trying to avoid spilling cheese onto the table. Reiki gulped and said. "Shiro, smaller bites." Shiro nodded at him as she used her hands to catch the stringy cheese and placed it back on top of the bratwurst. Yuki managed to finish the bratwurst as she reached for her glass of water and downed half of it in one go, she said. "Reiki, what's for lunch?"

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Shiro gulped down a mouthful of food as she wiped her mouth using a napkin, she said. "We're in the middle of eating and all you can talk about is food?" Ketsueki let out a chuckle as she dipped a piece of calamari into some tartar sauce, she said. "You can't blame her, Shiro. Reiki makes some good food." Mio was chewing as she reached for her glass of water and took a sip, she said. "Reiki, aren't you going to join-?" She saw him devour the bratwurst faster than Yuki and stared at him. Reiki wiped the edge of his mouth using his thumb and licked his thumbprint, he said. "You girls can go ahead and eat your fill, I still have to wash the dishes."

Yuki had an onion ring that had some avocado sauce on it that was pinched between her chopsticks and pointed it at him, she said. "Don't mind if I accept your offer." She let out a small burp which made Shiro giggle while Mio shook her head in disapproval. Ketsueki gave her little brother a suspicious glare, she said. "What are you aiming for, Reiki?" He let out a nervous chuckle and said. "If they eat their fill it gives me an excuse to make more food." Ketsueki rolled her eyes at him as she continued with her meal, she said. "Just be honest that you're embarrassed by the amount of food you eat."

Reiki reached for some calamari as he dipped it into some sauce while Shiro raised her hand and took a sip of water and gulped. Shiro said. "You don't need to be embarrassed about it, Onii-chan." Yuki hastily nodded while her mouth was filled with food as she quickly chewed. Reiki let out a laugh and said. "Yuki, slow down." He glanced at his little sister and continued. "Shiro, pass her some napkins." Shiro picked up a napkin and passed it to Yuki who wiped her mouth and gulped down a mouthful of food. Yuki said. "That's right, Reiki. You eat as much as my dad does, I think it's cool."

Mio wiped her mouth using a napkin, she said. "Though it pains me to say this, I've gotten used to how Yuki eats." She used her chopsticks to pick up calamari on her plate and continued. "I have seen how you eat and compared to her you eat more cleanly." Reiki glanced at the girls using chopsticks, he said. "Why is everyone using chopsticks-?" Before he could finish Ketsueki shoved a piece of calamari into his mouth, she said. "I forced them." While chewing, Reiki thought. These are supposed to be finger food… Ketsueki dipped an onion ring into the pinkish sauce and continued. "I told them to use chopsticks because of how greasy it is."

He glanced at Yuki, Mio, and Shiro who were intentionally avoiding his gaze, Reiki thought. Onee-chan… If you keep this up they'll only end up scared of you… Ketsueki's eyes narrowed as she threateningly stared at her younger brother and said. "What? Do you have a problem?" Reiki quickly shook his head and picked up the plate that he used to serve the bratwurst, he said. "None whatsoever." He bolted his way to the kitchen as he left them to continue their meal. The four girls around the dining table burst into laughter with wide smiles all over their faces. Ketsueki picked up calamari using her chopsticks and said. "That is how you command him."

Yuki placed her chopsticks onto her plate as she wiped the corner of her eye, she said. "Aneki, that was hilarious-!" Before she could continue she noticed something glowing from her pocket and took out a talisman. Mio glanced at Yuki holding onto a talisman and noticed something glowing from the corner of her eye. A talisman flew out of her pocket and floated in front of her, Mio placed her chopsticks down and grabbed the floating talisman mid-air, and thought. Me too? Shiro looked up to her older sister with worry all over her face, she said. "Onee-chan?" Ketsueki placed an index finger on her lips making a shushing gesture while holding onto a pair of chopsticks.

Yuki's mouth turned into a small frown as she pocketed the talisman in frustration, she thought. They said the celebration was after lunch. Mio massaged the temple of her head and thought. I hate their business meetings… All I do is look pretty while they try to get something from me… Mio let out a soft sigh and said. "My parents summoned me for an unexpected meeting with… Relatives…" Yuki nodded as she crossed her arms and said. "Same, the celebration was pushed forward." Shiro gave her friends an understanding smile, she said. "It's fine, we can always have another sleepover."

Mio stood up from her seat while Yuki followed suit as she stuffed herself with fried calamari. Mio said. "I'll grab my bag from the room." Mio grabbed Yuki by the shirt as she placed the chopsticks down and grabbed a couple of onion rings as the two girls made their way to the second floor. Shiro moved her gaze onto the four plates filled with food as she ate a piece of calamari. Ketsueki placed her left hand on top of her little sister's head, she said. "Shiro, don't worry. The important thing is that they enjoyed their stay."

While chewing Shiro looked up to her older sister and nodded, she swallowed and said. "Yes, Onee-chan." Ketsueki moved her hand from the top of her little sister's head and playfully pinched her nose, she said. "Yuki and Mio are free to drop by whenever they want." Shiro's eyes sparkled as she excitedly said. "Really? Onee-chan!?" Ketsueki let out a chuckle and gave her a nod, she said. "Really." She placed her chopsticks onto a napkin and stood up from her seat, Ketsueki continued. "Now, let's wave them goodbye with a smile."

Shiro placed her chopsticks onto her plate and said. "Yes, Onee-chan." She stood up from her seat and looked at the table filled with food, Shiro continued. "Onee-chan… What are we going to do with all this food?" Ketsueki glanced at the table and said. "It's fine, we can always have Reiki finish it off and do the dishes." The sound of two pairs of footsteps came through the stairway as Shiro and Ketsueki turned their heads and saw Yuki and Mio with their bags. Yuki was holding onto her blue baseball cap with her left hand with one strap on with the grey backpack.

Mio had her side bag on as she was rummaging through it, she said. "Thank you for taking care of us." She moved her hands away from her bag and gave Ketsueki a slight bow while Yuki did the same. Yuki raised her right hand and gave them a bright smile, she said. "We'll make sure to visit whenever we can." Ketsueki let out a chuckle and said. "I'll make sure Reiki cooks some food." Shiro reached her hand out for a handshake for Mio as the two shook hands, Shiro said. "I know I might now be the smartest in our group, but I'm still willing to help."

Mio gave her friend a genuine smile and said. "We know." All of a sudden a young boy said. "Hold it!" The four girls turned their heads and saw Reiki making his way toward them while holding onto two large rectangular plastic tupperware. He stood in front of them and said. "You two didn't expect you would go out empty-handed, did you?" Reiki passed them a tupperware each that was filled to the brim with fried calamari and onion rings.

Yuki felt the heat of the tupperware with her right hand while Mio stared at it as a small smile formed on her face. Reiki continued. "One last thing." Yuki looked up to him with confusion on her face as she moved her grey backpack in front and placed the tupperware inside. Shiro had her arms crossed as she puffed her cheeks while pouting. Ketsueki had a wry smile on her lips as she placed a hand on her little sister's head, she said. "Shiro, don't be mad. Your older brother is just being nice." Shiro let out a hmph and said. "I know Onee-chan."

Mio placed the tupperware in her side bag while Reiki took his pouch from his pocket and rummaged inside. He took out two wooden boxes which made Yuki and Mio freeze while Ketsueki's eyes widened, Reiki held the two boxes with his left hand and said. "Here you go." One of the boxes immediately vanished as Yuki was already in the middle of stuffing it inside her backpack. Yuki said. "No take-backs." Mio slowly reached for the other box as she took it off his hands and looked up at him, she said. "I-Is this fine?"

Yuki raised her left hand that was holding the blue baseball cap and said. "If she doesn't want it, can I have it?" The box Mio was holding suddenly vanished as she glared at her friend from the corner of her eye. Yuki pretended to not notice it as she whistled a tune, Mio said. "It's manners to refuse something being given to you at least once." Yuki laughed it off while Ketsueki placed a hand on top of her little brother and said. "Did the two of you forget anything?" Yuki and Mio pondered for a moment, Mio said. "No." Followed by Yuki who shook her head and said. "Nope."

Reiki snapped his fingers and said. "I thought of something." Ketsueki and Shiro looked at him oddly while he moved closer to Yuki and whispered in her ear, Reiki said. "What about Kuma-san?" Yuki's entire face instantly blushed as she winded up her right arm for a big punch. Reiki took a step back as Yuki missed while Mio and Shiro had weird expressions on their faces as they simultaneously thought. Mr. Bear? While Ketsueki had a look of realization and thought. So that's why she went to the second floor, jumped out the window, went to the front door, and climbed back up… Her underwear has a bear on it.

Ketsueki faked a cough and said. "Mio, Yuki. I have some paperwork to do. Hopefully, you'll drop by again." Yuki waved at her and said. "See you later, Aneki." Mio gave her a nod and said. "Until next time, Onee-san." Ketsueki nodded at them as she made her way up the stairs to the second floor. The four of them made their way to the front door and stopped by the shoe compartment as Reiki slid it open. He took out Yuki's sports shoes and Mio's flat-heeled shoes and placed them on the ground, as the two put their shoes on they glanced at Reiki while Shiro was giving them an encouraging look.

Yuki and Mio quickly put on their shoes while Yuki faked a cough and said. "Reiki, can you be our…" She spoke in a whisper and continued. "Older brother?" He flashed them a smile and said. "Sure, you can still call me Reiki like usual." Shiro gave her friends a big smile and a thumbs-up, she said. "Told you." Yuki and Mio were stunned for a moment as a smile subconsciously formed on their mouths. Yuki waved him goodbye and said. "Later Reiki." Mio rigidly waves at them and said. "B-Bye Reiki."

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