
Chapter 176: Chapter 176: Handmade

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At A Large Garden

Elora was taking a sip of her tea while she stared at her daughter who was holding onto a teacup perfectly cut in half. Enora's eyes were dangerous as she glared at the other half of the teacup on the table. Enora emitted a faint hue of blue around her as the spilled tea on the table instantly froze. Elora quickly emptied her teacup in one go and placed it on the coaster, she picked up the ceramic kettle by the handle and took off the lid. Elora placed the lid on the table as she turned the kettle upside down and stared inside of it, she thought. That's one way to end tea time.

Elora let out a sigh as she placed the kettle back down and placed the lid on top of it. She glanced at her daughter who still had the same expression, Elora rolled her eyes at Enora and said. "Dear, you haven't answered him." The cold aura around Enora instantly vanished as she noticed the frozen stain on the table that was next to half a teacup. Enora glanced at her mother and saw the knowing smile on her lips, Enora cleared her throat and said. "I can pass the message to her."

Enora stared at the half a teacup she was holding by the handle and placed it on the coaster. Enora took one big breath to regain her composure as she stared at the talisman that was floating mid-air in the middle of the table. Enora said. "What's so important that you have to ask about her when I'm the one holding the talisman?" Elora watched her daughter in amusement while a moment passed by as Reiki stayed silent. From the talisman, he said. "I'm worried about her."

The air around Enora turned visibly white from the cold, her eyes changed from dangerous to hostile. Elora's eyes were filled with enjoyment as she saw the drama unfold, she reached for the kettle and lifted it off the table, and tried to refill her empty cup. Elora thought. I forgot she ruined it. Enora's tone had a hint of chill to it, she said. "Can I take it as you saying you aren't worried about me?" From the other side of the talisman, Reiki let out a chuckle and said. "Why do I have to be worried about someone having tea with their mother?"

While holding onto the kettle, Elora said. "Nora, He's got a point." Enora's expression turned back to normal as she gave her mother a meaningful look and said. "Mom!" She crossed her arms making her large chest press against each other. Elora's gaze narrowed, she pointed the kettle at her and said. "Young lady, don't use that tone with me." She placed the kettle on the table as the two elves started a staring contest. Reiki interrupted them using the talisman and said. "Guessing from the lack of contact, it's the restaurant. Isn't it, your majesty?"

Elora rested her hands on the table and said. "Correct, Melanor wants her daughter to learn the family business." Enora let out a scoff while Reiki spoke from the talisman and said. "Sounds like forced labor to me." Enora sniffled her laughter as she noticed the glare from her mother. Reiki continued. "Jokes aside, I wanted to talk about Nora's present." Enora's eyes lit up as she stood up from her seat, she excitedly said. "What is it!?" She came to her senses as she quickly sat back down and crossed her arms again, she turned her head sideways and spoke in a slightly aloof tone. 

Enora said. "That's all?" She kept her eyes on the talisman from the corner of her eyes. Elora had a helpless smile on her lips as she slightly shook her head sideways, she thought. From the way I see things, Reiki's the one who's wearing the pants in the relationship. From the talisman, Reiki said. "I also wanted to hear your voice again." Enora let out a hmph as she tried her best to suppress the smile forming on her lips. Elora stared at the slight blush on her daughter's face and thought. You're eating in the palm of his hands… 

From the talisman, Reiki said. "I'm gonna be honest, I can't afford anything expensive." Elora raised a brow as she raised her hand and interlocked her fingers together, she placed her elbows on the table and hid her mouth behind her hands. Elora thought. He spent a fortune on Mora's quiver… I don't like the difference in treatment. Not. One. Bit. Her eyes narrowed as she burned a hole into the talisman. Enora softly tapped her finger on the table, she said. "So you went out of your way just to say that?"

From the talisman, Reiki let out a chuckle and said. "Nope, from the way things are I can only make something." Elora's eyes narrowed, she thought. What is he playing at… Enora pondered for a moment and said. "I'm listening." The two elves heard his voice from the talisman, Reiki said. "How about a small bet?" A hint of excitement appeared in Enora's eyes, she took a second to calm herself and said. "What kind of bet?" Reiki continued. "If you don't like the gift, I'll do anything you want no questions asked." Enora's eyes widened, she thought. Then wouldn't that mean-.

Before she could finish her thought process, from the talisman Reiki said. "And no, you cannot ask me to stop my relationship with Mora." Enora clicked her tongue as she glared at the talisman and said. "I didn't even say anything." Elora glanced at her daughter and thought. But you certainly did think about it.

Reiki's Room

He was lying down on the bed while the talisman floated in mid-air near his face, he raised a brow and said. "Did you just click your tongue?" From the talisman, as he heard Enora's voice, she said. "You're imagining things."

Reiki let out a chuckle and continued. "Same thing if I win, fair?" A moment of silence passed by as he heard the sound of fingers softly tapping on the table rhythmically. From the talisman, Enora said. "Fair, we have a bet." Reiki nodded as he slowly sat up straight as the talisman moved to his side, he said. "Before we finish this call, your majesty. I assume you're not pleased with the difference." He moved himself to the edge of the bed as he put on the white indoor slippers and stood up. 

He heard Elora's voice from the talisman, she said. "All mothers would frown from the kind of treatment their daughter is receiving." He felt the hint of anger in her words, Reiki did some stretches to help his blood flow and said. "Then, can you at least hold off your judgment until you see the gift with your own eyes? If you feel that I'm being too partial, I will agree with whatever you say." Reiki raised his arms as high as possible while tiptoeing, he glanced at the talisman and continued. "Even if you were to call off my relationship with both of them, I won't complain."

Reiki finished his stretches as he heard Enora's voice which had a hint of panic coming from the talisman, she said. "Mom! We can-!" She suddenly stopped as Elora's voice came from the talisman, she said. "Fine, I'll hold off on my judgment. I won't be deciding on your relationship with my daughter as a ruler but as a mother." Reiki stretched his neck by tilting his head sideways as Elora continued. "I will not tolerate you showing preferential treatment to Moranor than my Enora." It was followed by Enora who was on the verge of screaming with a hint of embarrassment.

From the talisman, Enora said. "MOM!" Elora let out a hmph, she said. "Say what you want, dear. But I refuse to budge on this." Reiki let out a soft laugh and said. "Thank you for understanding, your majesty." The talisman glow faded as it slowly fell onto the ground, Reiki snatched it mid-air as he pocketed it. He thought. I've checked on my elf, what am I missing… He let out a small yawn not bothering to cover his mouth, he continued his train of thought. The contract for setting up the company.

Reiki picked up his tattered pouch on the bed and placed his hand inside, he thought. Now, where did I put it… He moved his hand even deeper as the pouch managed to reach up until his elbow, Reiki said. "Found it." He took out a contract with a few pages that was stapled on the corner. Reiki made his way to the workbench and opened a drawer, he took out a simple pen and started signing it.

Arashi's Apartment

Asami was sitting in the middle of the couch as she watched tv, a door leading into the bedroom opened as Arashi with slightly damped hair with a towel around her neck. She was wearing loose shorts and a baggy tank top that showed some side and a peek of her cleavage. Arashi wiped some droplets off her cheek using the towel draped around her neck, she said. "Madam, thank you for the training." 

Asami didn't even bother to turn her head to look at her, she lazily waved her hand in dismissal and said. "I'm just making sure I keep my promise that I've made with your mother." Arashi used the towel around her neck to dry her hair as she made her way to the couch and sat on Asami's left at a respectful distance.

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Arashi took out a pouch from her pocket and placed the towel inside. Asami let out a small yawn and covered her mouth using her hand, she said. "Are you planning on continuing his training?" Arashi took out a brush from the same pouch as she started combing her hair, she said. "No, madam. I don't think it's going to be beneficial." Asami's lips curved into a knowing smile as she glanced at her and said. "I would be convinced if not for the fact you added it to your routine."

A faint blush appeared on Arashi's cheeks as the hand that was holding onto the brush froze, she faked a cough and said. "I-I just needed to stretch my legs more." She went back to combing her hair while Asami moved her gaze back onto the show. Asami crossed her arms making her large breasts press against each other, she said. "Whatever helps you sleep at night." Arashi placed the brush down on the coffee table as she managed to straighten most of her hair minus a few edges that were still curling.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 6,250.』

Reiki appeared by the window and saw the two women sitting by the couch. He made his way toward them and said. "How are my two lovely ladies? Can I cook you anything?" He noticed Arashi's somewhat combed hair and the brush on the coffee table. Arashi pretended he didn't exist while Asami glanced at him from the corner of her eye and saw Reiki picking up the brush. Asami raised a brow and thought. What is he planning? Reiki started combing Arashi's hair which caught her completely by surprise as her eyes widened.

Arashi turned her head sideways and gave him a confused look, she said. "What… What are you doing?" Reiki grabbed a handful of her hair and started skillfully combing, he said. "Brushing your hair." Asami stared at his hands and thought. He's good. Arashi felt the gentle touch of his hand as Reiki meticulously combed her hair, he said. "If you want me to stop, just say the word." Arashi's eyes narrowed as she tried to burn a hole in him with her gaze, she let out a hmph and said. "You pull a single strand and I'll make you regret it."

Reiki rolled his eyes at her and said. "I promise to be careful." Asami moved her gaze back on the show and said. "Reiki, you're pretty good at that." He had a small smile on his face as he was already more than halfway done, Reiki said. "I have to thank my sisters for it." With a couple more brushes he let go of Arashi's hair and said. "Done." Asami glanced at Arashi from the corner of her eye and immediately placed a hand over her mouth to stop her laughter. Arashi had a confused look as she took out a hand mirror from the pouch.

Arashi stared at her reflection as she saw her usual somewhat wild hair was neatly combed giving her an elegant look. Asami burst into laughter as she slammed her hand onto the couch while Arashi's entire face turned red as she grabbed Reiki by the collar of his shirt. Arashi spoke through gritted teeth, she said. "What the hell did you do!?" Asami was trying her best to stop laughing as she glanced at Arashi and burst into another fit of laughter. Reiki placed the brush he was holding onto the armrest of the couch, he gave her a smile and said. "What? I think it's a nice look-."

Before he could finish, Arashi threw him toward the wall. Reiki used his center of gravity to flip mid-air and land on the floor by crouching, he stood up from the ground and said. "It's not like-." Arashi was suddenly in front of him as she lifted him off the ground by grabbing the collar of his shirt again. Asami was still laughing on the couch as she tried her best to calm down, with a red face Arashi tried to threaten him. Arashi said. "Change it back!"

Reiki had a wry smile on his face, he said. "Alright alright, let me just." He placed a hand on top of her head and slightly styled Arashi's hair. He said. "Done." She used the hand mirror to look at herself and let out a sigh of relief as her hair was back to the usual slightly wild and messy style. Arashi let out a sigh of relief as the blush on her face slowly faded, she said. "Next time you do this again, I'll pound your face in." Reiki smiled at her and said. "As long as I properly style your hair there's a next time?"

Arashi let go of his collar as he landed on the ground with a soft thud, she said. "Don't get ahead of yourself." She let out a scoff and made her way to the couch and sat on Asami's left. Asami took deep long breaths as she wiped a single tear on the corner of her eye. Arashi crossed her arms as her large chest pressed against each other while Reiki climbed the backrest of the couch as his gaze was glued onto Arashi's chest.

He manages to pry his eyes away from her chest and stare at the tv, Reiki stole glances at Arashi's chest. He said. "So, do any of you want to eat something?" Asami placed a hand on her chin as she pondered for a moment while Arashi let out a chuckle with a hint of mocking. Arashi said. "I already ate steak for lunch, so no thanks." Arashi had a confident smile on her face, she thought. Your cooking is not all that-. Asami moved her hand away from her chin, she said. "I could go for some vegetable and shrimp tempura."

Reiki nodded as he let go of the backrest of the couch and landed on the floor making a soft thud, he said. "Give me twenty minutes." He made his way toward the makeshift kitchen in the apartment while Arashi tried to maintain the stiff smile on her lips. Without turning to face her Asami kept her eyes on the show and said. "From your expression, it would seem you have something to tell me." Arashi rigidly shook her head sideways, she said. "Madam, it's just a small disagreement." Asami let out a charming laugh which made the belt around her waist on the kimono she was wearing undo itself.

With her kimono that had dozens of different shades of red came undone revealing Asami's deep cleavage. Asami let out a long exhale and said. "An average person wouldn't eat meat for every meal." Arashi spoke through gritted teeth and said. "Now that you've made fun of my dietary habits for the sixth time today. With all due respect madam, when will you leave?" Asami rolled her eyes at Arashi as she made herself comfortable on the couch, not minding her kimono being undone. Asami let out a chuckle and said. "I never do anything for the zodiacs. All I do is show my face at meetings and parties for a few minutes."

Reiki walked out of the makeshift kitchen that was near the bedroom door, he was wearing a blue apron with a cloud on the front. He was holding a cast iron pan with his left hand and raised it to show it to them, Reiki said. "Hey, Arashi. Is this the biggest pan you have or-?" He stood on the side of the couch and stared at Asami's exposed chest. From the corner of his eye, Reiki saw something blur as he dodge and felt the air around Arashi's fist violently tremble.

Arashi glared at him and said. "What do you think you're doing?" He could feel the anger in every word she spoke, Reiki took a couple of steps back as he used the pan as a shield. He said. "Well, I'm ten and curious about the opposite gender." Reiki's gaze wandered onto Asami's chest again as she gave him a wink. Arashi was suddenly standing in front of him as a thin layer of gold surrounded hee, she looked down at him and said. "Eyes up here."

Reiki looked up at her as his gaze wandered to the baggy tank top she was wearing, he thought. Her skin-tight jogging pants and sports bra are a good look, but this is also good. Arashi's hair started floating upwards as she spoke in a sweet voice, she said. "Having a good look?" Asami was busy on the couch trying to fix her kimono, she glanced at the two and thought. Those two lovers need to get their room. Reiki nodded seriously and said. "I did, twelve out of ten." Arashi's eyes widened as she placed her hands on her hips.

The faint glow of gold around her instantly dissipated. Arashi let out a scoff and said. "Well, I work hard every day." Reiki acted seriously as he pretended to be interested and said. "Anyone can tell how much effort you put into yourself." Arashi closed her eyes as her lips curved into a big smile. Reiki had a deadpan expression on his face as he pointed at her using his thumb, he glanced at Asami who was staring at them from the corner of her eye. Reiki's eyes said. (Get a load of this one.) Asami's lips curved into a smile as she moved her gaze back onto the tv.

Arashi opened her eyes as they had a small sparkle in them, she acted like a teacher in front of him and said. "Lil bro, you can also be like me if you put in the time and effort." Reiki had an innocent expression on his face and said. "I can?" While watching tv Asami had a smile on her lips and shook her head sideways, she thought. I would love to see how Reiki turns you docile.

Ketsaueki's House By The Living Room

Shiro was leaning on her older sister's arm as she slowly opened her eyes and looked up and saw Ketsueki. Shiro said. "... Onee-chan… Morning…" Ketsueki pinched her little sister's cheek and said. "It's almost one." Shiro stared at her older sister as she had some drool from the corner of her mouth, she said. "... Afternoon…" Ketsueki let out a chuckle while Shiro let out a big yawn as she covered her mouth with her hand. Shiro gently rubbed her eye using her hand, she looked around the living room and said. "... Onii-chan?..." Ketsueki placed a hand on top of her little sister's head and lovingly messed up her hair, she said. "Reiki is inside his room… Studying…"

Ketsueki was about to say something when she stopped and massaged the temples of her head, she thought. Oh, great. The sound of knocking came from the front door as Shiro turned around and looked above the backrest of the couch. She turned her head to look at her older sister and said. ".. Onee-chan?" Shiro let out a yawn as Ketsueki stood up from the couch and made her way toward the front door. Ketsueki said. "It's nothing to worry about, Shiro." Ketsueki stood near the front door as she reached her hand for the doorknob as it suddenly unlocked. The door opened revealing Namida and Sachi holding onto a few bags of take-out.

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