
Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Debt

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Arashi said wide-eyed at Reiki. "50 platinum coins... Are you gonna explain the situation or I'm gonna have to ask?" Reiki replied. "It's my father's debt. He was convinced by his friend to get a loan and start a business together with him. After getting the loan his friend said he needed to meet with a client and left with the money. And the people who loaned him the money aren't exactly the kind who play by the book. That's all my older sister is willing to tell me. The interest is compounded each month and it's... Been around for a while." Arashi answered. "But still 50 platinum coins... ¥18,000,000." She thought for a second or so and asked. "What about your father? What's he doing in the mess he created?"

Reiki's eyes flashed with rage for a brief second before returning to a normal calm saying. "He left. After the debt got too big and we were struggling to make ends meet. He took everything of value and left without saying anything." Arashi noticed the minute transformation of Reiki's emotion she put down her bowl and chopsticks then began to think. Should I help him?... But before making a decision I need to probe him for more info. Arashi asked. "And what about your mother? Where does she fit in all of this?" 

Reiki let out a bitter smirk and said. "Sis says that mom will be back after finishing her job. And when she does all the hardships and those sharks would be killing each other for our forgiveness an-" Arashi interrupted saying. "So you want this debt gone because?" Reiki said. "Fear. Fear for the fact that they will harm my family once they decide to make us pay them back one way or another." Arashi said. "Your family? You're not concerned for your well being?" Reiki calmly said. "Well I'm a boy worse they can do to me is slavery and sell my kidney at the black market when I'm 18. But the same can't be said for my two sisters."

Arashi said. "I won't give you the money..." Intentionally trailing off to see Reiki's reaction. But she wasn't able to see any form of indicator. She continued. "Right now, I'll tell you my decision after a night's sleep. You can't really expect me to make a decision this big on the spot right?" Reiki answered. "Fair point." As both of them pick up their bowls and chopsticks.

Arashi asked. "Where'd you learn how to cook Reiki? This is pretty good." While stuffing herself with gusto once again. Reiki replied. "First I wanted to help my sister pay some of the interest by finding a job. But she rejected the idea and said I should focus on my studies. So I was pretty much stuck at home doing chores and cooking. There were even times where they would be almost nothing in the fridge and I had to get creative."

Arashi pointed out. "That doesn't explain why you cook all of this." As she points at all the food on top of the table. "In 15 minutes. I could understand if you took an entire hour or so with a few hiccups with the seasoning. But everything is top quality." As she looks at Reiki full of suspicion. Reiki replied. "Sis did say I have a knack for cooking. I always thought she was saying it because we're family as she didn't want to hurt my feelings or waste food." Arashi was too busy eating to talk to him. Reiki shrugged his shoulders as the two continued there meal.

~One Meal Later~

On the table were four large empty plates and two bowls that were recently used. Reiki stood up from the chair and said. "You can take a bath first I'll wash the plates." Arashi with a smirk commented. "Trying to get on my good side?" Reiki retorted. "Can you even do household chores?" Arashi's eyes slightly widened as she stood up and left the kitchen pouting. Reiki stacked the plates neatly and brought all of them to the sink but before he could start. All of a sudden he heard a crashing sound and walked towards the source. As Reiki opened a door he saw a bed in the living room. Arashi shouted behind a door. "You'll be sleeping on that bed!" Reiki checked the bed to see it was fine and found no damage to it. He thought. That's one tough bed. Reiki walked back to the kitchen to do the dishes.


Inside A Dimly Lit Master Bedroom

Sitting down on a chair and using a personal desk. Arashi drew a perfect copy of Reiki's face on a piece of paper above it was his name Reiki. Arashi folded the paper in half covering the drawing and walk towards the window and opened it. Holding on the folded piece of paper Arashi dangled it outside the opened window and soon the paper was gone from her hand. She quietly muttered. "Now let's see if you're telling the truth or not." Soon an envelop was laying on the open window. Arashi opened it and read it's contents.

Name: Akihito Reiki

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Blood Type: O Negative

Weight: 70.5 lb (39.1 kg)

Height: 139.7 cm (4'7 feet)

Age: 10

Date Of Birth: May 22nd 20XX

Affiliated: Majutsu Academy A.K.A. Trash Academy

Background Summary: Birth parents believed to be deceased. Adopted when young. The father's debt is currently at ¥15,252,006.96 with an interest of 12.5%. The father was loaned ¥5,300,000 eight and a half years ago. And entrusted the money to his friend who claimed was meeting up with a client. One older and younger sister.

Arashi frowned at the lack of information. She wrote down on another piece of paper and repeated what she did with the first one. Soon another envelope was at the window. After opening the letter Arashi read. No information can be found on the Mother, the loan sharks have buried all information on the father, and the two sisters and his deceased family information are missing. Arashi frowned and muttered. "This is weird... Missing information around two entire families... And he's actually enrolled in the infamous trash academy..." Arashi sat down on the bed while staring out the window.


Back At The Kitchen

Reiki was drying the last few remaining plates with a clean cloth he found in the cabinet near the sink. Wiping his hands dry, Reiki went to the living room where Arashi threw the bed. The living room was painted white with a large brown couch, a plain black carpet that was beneath a coffee table, and a 50-inch flatscreen. Reiki thought. Arashi wasn't lying when she said their business is good. The walls were either plastered with paintings or pictures from different scenery. 

Reiki mused. No picture of the two here. He picked up the remote and browsed through the channels from a variety of news, cooking channels, and a few anime premiering he's already watched in the past. Keeping the tv on, Reiki walked towards the light switch and turned it off. He went next to the bad that was on the left of the brown couch. Reiki sat on the bed to remove his indoor slipper and positioned on his side facing the tv. Putting a timer on the tv Reiki closed his eyes and hoped for a dreamless sleep.


A Dark AlleyWay

The rain was pouring as a young boy holding a purse was running away from three pursuers. On of the pursuers shouted. "If you stop now we won't hurt you!" The young boy didn't stop and started to run faster. The deeper the four of them went into the alley the harder it was to tell which way the boy went. The three pursuers split with each other while one of them was chasing the young boy. The pursuer who was chasing the boy almost caught him but the boy slipped and splashed water in his face using his hands and started to run again. The longer the boy ran the wetter his clothes became as he felt it start to stick with his skin. 

After a few more turns the boy was tackled by one of the pursuers lying in wait. The young boy banged on the floor but the water cushioned his fall. The boy threw the purse at them and curled into a ball and covered his face using his hands. As the three pursuers rained a barrage of fist on him. After a good 30 second beating the three stopped, took the purse and left. The boy groaned on the floor and slowly stood up using a wall as his support.

The  three left a smile slowly formed on his face. He searched his clothes and revealed five ten thousand yen bills that were crumpled up and wet. As the boy limped his way out of the alley he met up with another figure ahead shorter than him. The short figure softly said. "Onii-chan, when will Ketsueki Onee-chan pick us up?" 

Reiki instantly played a memory in his head. Ketsueki called him to her room at midnight one look you can see her eyes was red and wet while trying her best to hold them back. She said. "Reiki... Here's my card. It has my life savings and Shiro away from this family as far away as possible. And don't use any kind of communication device. I'll..... I'll catch up."

Shiro was gently pulling on his clothes which snapped Reiki back to reality. Shiro said. "Onii-chan? Onii-chan? Are you okay? You didn't answer my question." Reiki gently patted her with his wet hand and said. "She said she'll catch up... And you know she always keeps her promise." Shiro nodded. And all of a sudden everything went black.


Back At The Living Room

Reiki immediately sat up straight, breathing heavily on his back with cold sweat. He felt the bed from where he was lying down was also drenched. He looked around and found himself in the same spot. Sleeping on the bed that Arashi threw. Calming his breath down, Reiki lay back on the bed and forced himself to sleep. What Reiki didn't know was that Arashi, who was recently out of the bath, had wet hair and changed into dark red velvet pajamas that hugged her waist. She was behind the bed holding a glass of water. She witnessed Reiki waking up from his nightmare and walked back into the master bedroom.


At An Empty Classroom

The sun was close to setting at the horizon but two students. A girl standing in front of the boy holding a book. The boy was gazing outside oblivious to everything around him. The girl holding the book is completely average in looks with long and straight ink-black here with bangs blocking her eyes. However, her face was completely distorted no matter how you look at her it was as if something was hiding her. She spoke. "In the year... Reiki, are you even listening?" Reiki nodded. The girl threw the book she was holding at him. Reiki was hit on his head and shouted. "████–san! What was that for?"


Inside Of Reiki's Mind

Everything was dark except for something similar to tv playing Reiki's dream in front of a dark humanoid figure. And all of a sudden said. I've never seen this memory before. Right next to him was a black ball roughly the size of a volleyball. The humanoid figure said. "Don't you understand Q? I've already watched all of his memories from when he was young until he graduated high school. But why did I never saw this specific memory?" 

The humanoid stayed quiet looking at the black ball. The humanoid replied. No, I did not skip any important bits. It's possible this was in his subconscious and even he's not aware of it." The humanoid stopped giving time for the black ball to talk. "There is that. And also the fact the girl's face is covered and we have no name on her."


Back At The Empty Classroom

The girl had her hand on her waist and said. "You're not listening," Reiki replied. "Does it matter? I only need to score above average." The girls let out a short sigh and said. "Let's move onto math." Reiki passed his math book to her as he once again gazed outside the window. While observing Reiki's every action. The girl continued saying. "The whole left side is solved by carrying X..."

All of a sudden her eyes turned cold and said. "If you finally caught someone who did something unforgivable to you. You don't immediately kill them. No-no-no. You see Reiki's death is the coward's way out. And is also a form of release of those who suffered too much to join society again. When you're on your last breath, when everything is taken from you, and when you finally get the chance to kill who's responsible... You don't instead you make them suffer. Cut off their limbs... Gorge out their eyes. Slice of their tongue... Ohh, rip of their penis if it's a guy. But before that what do you do?" 

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Reiki was gazing outside not aware of what he said. "Kill the entire family in front of them." The girl nodded and said. "Very good. Now, what's more, precious and crueler to do than take a girl's chastity?" Reiki said. "A girl's beauty." The girl nodded in approval and looked outside the window to see the sun setting. She said. "Time flies so fast. And only two and a half years left before we part. One more thing Reiki. Fear is not real. Fear is only a distraction. Fear will only hold you back. And after I'm done with you. You'll never fear someone again." 

Her eyes returned to normal letting out an exaggerated sigh and said. "That's it for the day Reiki let's get out of here." Reiki snapped out of it and said. "Finally I was getting bored." All of a sudden the girl took out a cutter that was covered in dried blood and said. "Reiki can you clean this for me." Reiki looked at it let out a long sigh and said. "Do I have to?" The girl replied. "Please." With a bright smile. Reiki took the cutter with dried blood off her hands and walked towards the bathroom while holding it in plain sight where anyone could see him wielding it as if it was normal.


Living Room

Reiki woke up again while lying on the bed with his eyes open. All of a sudden the voice said. [That dream that you just had. Who was she?] Reiki said. "Who?" The voice replied. [The girl holding the book.] Reiki said. "Oh. That one I honestly don't remember... All I know is she taught me after class to help me get my grades up." The voice stayed silent, not choosing to reply. Reiki tried to sit on top of the bed looking around the living room. He stood up and said. "Might as well get an early start." Reiki stood in the hallway with no obstacles in his way. As he positioned his hands flat on the ground keeping his body straight. Reiki started counting and doing push up plus.

Reiki let his torso down, almost touching the floor and pushed up. "One." As he was back into his starting position Reiki with his arms straight he pushed himself. Raising a couple of inches and repeated the process.



~30 Minutes Later~




"One hundred."

Reiki was gasping for breath as his arms felt numb. His hair sticking to his face due to it absorbing his sweat. But he didn't rest, he immediately stood up. Put his arms behind his head and started doing squats.



~30 Minutes Later~

Reiki was barely able to keep his balance due to his legs constantly trembling as he pushed his limits.

"Ninety... Eight."

"Ninety... Nine."

"One..... Hundred."

Reiki almost collapsed but caught himself by leaning onto a wall and slowly walked behind the large brown couch. He positioned his feet just to the crevice of the bottom of the couch. Reiki laid on his back and slowly did sit-ups.



~45 Minutes Later~

Breathing heavily, Reiki pushed on. ".....ninety-eight."


"" After finishing, Reiki laid on the floor with a small patch of sweat under him. Reiki slowly got up but was surprised to hear Arashi wearing her dark red velvet pajamas saying. "Aww. Isn't my Lil bro a hard worker." Reiki almost lost his balance but was caught by Arashi by his wet white long-sleeved shirt. She said. "Are you done?" Reiki replied. "I still have some sprinting to do. But first I have to clean up and then make breakfast after a short sprint." 

Arashi answered. "I'll clean it." But before Reiki said anything She said. "Do you know where the cleaning supplies are?" Reiki shook his head sideways, Arashi smiled and said. "Don't worry about it. After I clean your sweat off the floor I'll join you for your sprint. How does that sound Lil bro?" As she ruffled up Reiki's hair. Her hand was drenched as she looked at his clothes she said. "And your gonna need two extra sets of clothing." Reiki said. "I don't need clothes I could wash this while I take a bath." 

Arashi quipped. "And what? You'll be buck naked while you're doing your laundry? You're getting new clothes whether you like it or not." Reiki let out a sigh and said. "Then can you please clean the sweat off the floor. The last thing I want is to leave something the owners wouldn't want to smell when they get home." Arashi smirked in her victory as she went to get a mop and some cleaning spray. Reiki with nothing to do calmed his breathing as best as he can.

Arashi was not wasting her time as she almost immediately came back with a mop and cleaning spray in hand. She said. "I hope I got the right bottle. Otherwise, the sweaty smell will be the least of their problems." A few quick motions to mop up the sweat. Arashi was done in a few minutes as she sprayed near the area where the source of the smell was. Arashi said. "Alright, let's get started," Reiki asked. "Before that. What time is it?" Arashi replied. "4:30 in the morning the sun should rise an hour tops why?" 

Reiki answered. "Nothing much. Just felt like I didn't sleep enough today." Arashi's eyes widened a bit and gave Reiki a weird look. Reiki said. "I don't know the place enough to jog freely so I hope you're fine with going around the house in circles." Arashi gave a smile and said. "It's fine for me. I'm just worried you might pass out after a few minutes." Reiki ignored her comment and went to the front door. Arashi smiled even brighter. "Aww. Come on Lil bro don't be like that. Communication can help fix our misunderstandings." As she followed Reiki outside as both of them changed into their shoes they wore before leaving the house.

As the two of them did simple stretches. Arashi changed her clothes to black baggy jogging pants and a sleeveless jacket and underneath it was a tank top. Reiki took a few glimpses from the corner of his eyes. Every time Arashi stretched her ample chest would jiggle a little bit. And every time she touched her toes her skin the black baggy jogging pants would be filled by her curves. 

Reiki thought. It's a good thing no one is usually awake this time around. Arashi said. "Are you done with your stretches Lil bro? I can always help." With a smirk on her face. Reiki replied with a deadpan expression. "Yes, I'm done." As he suddenly started sprinting at full forces without warning. Arashi muttered. "He's so cute when he tries to hide his emotions." As she started to sprint Arashi caught up to him with no effort.

~15 Minute Mark~

The two have been sprinting at full force without stopping. Reiki was already starting to gasp while Arashi was smiling all the time.

~30 Minute Mark~

Arashi was surprised to see that Reiki still showed no signs of stopping. As she herself had started to sweat.

~45 Minute Mark~

Reiki was breathing heavily and looked like he might trip and fall at any moment. Arashi's clothes started to stick to her as she readied herself to catch him in case he falls.

~60 Minute Mark~

Arashi's eyes were wide as she looked at Reiki pushing himself to what his body could barely handle. As the two ran they were times Reiki almost tripped but never did. After one final lap around the house, Reiki stopped and stood still. After the final lap, Arashi was also breathing heavily but was looking towards Reiki who was tilting and looked like he could fall if the slightest breeze hit him.

The sun was starting to rise as a beautiful rich amber-colored covered the sky for a few minutes. Arashi walked towards Reiki's eyes and was surprised to see that it was filled with satisfaction. As Reiki slowly walked towards the ramen shop like a newly born calf. Arashi said while walking behind him. "I'm not giving you the 50 platinum coins..."

Trailing off, Reiki struggled to turn around but somehow managed to do it. Arashi continued. "But I can pay off your debt if you take me to them." Reiki was stunned for a brief second before saying. "Thank you very much." And giving a grateful bow. Arashi said. "No need for formalities Lil bro. I'm not expecting you to pay me back sometime soon. But I'm willing to get paid in installments with no interest." As she walked towards him Arashi ruffled his hair again. "Now it's time for you to make breakfast. I want meat."

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