
Chapter 183: Chapter 183: Lipstick

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At A Ramen Shop

Chishiki, Akemi, and Seiji were staring at Reiki who was sweating heavily from eating the dark red noodle broth that had triple the vegetables and meat toppings compared to the other two. Reiki combed back his hair using his fingers as he felt his lips numb from eating, he let out one long exhale and went back to loudly slurping more thick udon noodles. Chishiki took a whiff using her noose as she felt a strong burning sensation in her nostrils, she thought. How many chili peppers are in that?

Akemi managed to pry her gaze away from the spicy bowl of ramen and looked at Seiji, she said. "Old man, what did you even put in that?…" Seiji watched Reiki slurp down noodles at a steady rate while eating the topping in between. Seiji said. "At first I did it to mess with him and added everything…" Chishiki shrugged her shoulders as she picked up a pair of wooden chopsticks and said. "Well, since he's enjoying his meal." She used her hand to split the chopsticks apart and slurped some of her soba noodles.

Seiji watched Reiki eat his food with gusto as he glanced at his niece and said. "Who knew he liked his food… Spicy?..." He pointed at her bowl of somen noodles with rich seafood broth, vegetables, and an entire lobster tail. Seiji continued. "Eat your food before the noodles get soggy." Akemi blankly nodded at him as she picked up a pair of wooden chopsticks and split them using her hands. Reiki lifted the big bowl using his hands as he tilted it toward him and took multiple gulps of the dark red broth. Chishiki watched him as she ate one of her soy eggs and placed it back in her bowl.

Akemi slurped some noodles as picked up the lobster tail and took a bite out of it. Seiji placed a hand on his hips and said. "Why do you prefer the lobster tail whole? It'll be easier to eat if you'd let me mince it." While chewing Akemi glared at her uncle which got a sigh from him, Seiji continued. "It was only a suggestion." Reiki placed the bowl down as his lips were slightly swollen and completely red. Chishiki was about to eat some thick-cut chashu but placed it back in her bowl, with wide eyes she pointed at Reiki with her left hand and said. "Nice lipstick."

A smile formed on her lips as she couldn't contain herself from seeing his mouth. The lobster tail pinched between Akemi's chopsticks and fell into her bowl making it splash a bit, she said. "Are you okay?..." Seiji quickly searched for something behind the counter as he passed Reiki a handful of tissues. Seiji said. "H-Here…" Reiki gave him a nod and said. "Thank you." He started wiping his sweat off while Akemi slurped some noodles while glancing at him.

Seiji had a weird expression on his face, he said. "Do you want some ice cream?" Chishiki took a bite out of the thick-cut chashu followed by slurping noodles. Reiki gave Seiji an odd look and said. "No thank you." Akemi wiped her lips using a tissue and cleared her throat, she said. "Uh, Reiki." She pointed at her lips while giving him a meaningful look. Reiki wiped some sweat from his forehead using the tissue Seiji handed him and said. "Are my lips swollen and red?" Chishiki picked up a soy egg she took a bite of earlier and let out a chuckle, she said. "What gave it away?"

Her smile curved into a smile as she ate the rest of the egg in one go. Akemi tried to keep a straight face as the corner of her lips formed into a smile, she said. "Are you okay or?..." Reiki nodded and said. "Oh, I'm completely fine." Akemi nodded as she used her chopsticks to pick up some noodles, Reiki continued. "My stomach feels like I drank magma and the only thing I can feel on my lips is a strong lingering burning sensation when it touches anything." Chishiki's eyes widened as she almost spat out what she was chewing and elbowed Reiki in the ribs.

[System: Usee has received 76 Damage.]

Chishiki forced herself to swallow and started a laughing fit, she softly smacked the table with her left hand a couple of times. Chishiki said. "That completely caught me off guard." Reiki looked up to Seiji and said. "Can you give me the biggest carton of milk in your fridge?" He showed the handful of tissues he was holding on to Seiji and continued. "Where's your trash can?" Seiji stared at the drenched tissues that were falling apart. He grabbed something from behind the counter and used more tissues to take it off Reiki's hand.

The tissues Seiji was holding onto instantly went up in flames not even leaving ashes and smoke. Akemi raised a brow at her uncle and said. "What happened to no magic in the shop?" She ate more noodles while Seiji wiped his hand on his apron and glanced at his niece, he said. "I don't want it to start smelling like a gym." Chishiki raised her hand that was holding onto the pair of wooden chopsticks, she gulped down a mouthful of moodles and said. "I don't mean to sound rude but, where are our skewers?"

Seiji's eyes widened as he grabbed something behind the counter and started placing rectangular-shaped plates that were slightly larger than a skewer. He placed one in front of Chishiki's bowl which had six yakitoris and one by her niece which also had six. Seiji placed two rectangular plates that had twelve each making a small pile, he said. "Eat up." Chishiki slurped some noodles and swallowed, she said. "I only ordered three." Reiki started eating the yakitori while Seiji crossed his arms and said. "Just think of it as extra service."

Reiki picked up a skewer and ate all the chicken in one go. Akemi pinched a baby spinach using her chopsticks and said. "Can you even taste anything?" She took a bite out of it while Reiki gulped down a mouthful of food and shook his head sideways, he said. "Nope." He grabbed another skewer and continued. "If anything, every time it touches my lips it burns." Reiki ate all the chicken in one go again and placed the wooden skewers neatly on the side of the rectangular plate.

Chishiki slurped some noodles as she gulped it down, she picked up a soy egg using chopsticks and said. "Can I get a ramen spoon?" Seiji moved his gaze onto her, he said. "Coming right up." Chishiki had a hint of amusement on her face while Akemi picked up the last bite of the lobster tail in her bowl. Akemi said. "That's a habit he developed over the years." She looked up to her uncle and continued. "Make that two." Akemi ate the lobster tail while Seiji opened one of the cabinets on the wall revealing cutlery nearly organized and took out two ramen spoons. 

Seiji passed one each to the two ladies and said. "Sorry about that, I don't get many female customers." Reiki ate the last skewer and placed it down, he said. "Sorry for the dine and dash but, I need to split." He stood up from the stool and continued. "Cherry, let's go." Chishiki glanced at her left and faintly saw a streak of white go behind her from the corner of her eye. She saw an empty jar of cherries with all the stems neatly placed on the small plate. Cherry landed on Reiki's right shoulder which made Seiji slightly reel back, he said. "I completely forgot she was here."

Cherry stared at Seiji with one side of her face using her blood-red eyes as she let out a caw. Chishiki used the ramen spoon to scoop some of the broth as she glanced at him and said. "Already?" She tilted the ramen spoon upwards funneling the broth into her mouth. Reiki touched the corner of his mouth using his thumb and felt the sting on his lips, he said. "First of all, you two kidnapped me here." Seiji gave her niece an odd look while Akemi ignored it as she slurped the last bit of noodles.

Reiki pointed behind him using his thumb and said. "I also need to prepare for my business trip to give my report on these two." He thought. Which is technically true. Reiki continued. "Thanks for the meal, it was decent." He moved the stool using one of his feet and made his way around it and placed it back. Akemi wiped her lips clean using a tissue she turned her upper body sideways to look at him and said. "Need a ride?" Reiki waved his hand sideways in refusal, he said. "It's fine, I memorized the way here." Chishiki turned her head sideways as she gave him a peculiar look, she said. "What kind of report is it?"

Reiki gave her a smile, he said. "Wouldn't you like to know." He waved at them using his right hand and said. "I'll be back with more money." Cherry turned into a streak of white as she flew into the air while Reiki started sprinting down the street. Seiji crossed his arms as he went into deep thought, he muttered. "The food was… Decent?" Akemi looked up to her uncle and said. "That's your concern?" Chishiki lazily stretched on the stool, she picked up a yakitori skewer and said. "Can you blame him?"

She glanced at Akemi and continued. "Our little messenger is quite… Unique." Seiji turned his head toward Chishiki and said. "Wait, Reiki was being serious when he said you two work for him?" The two women nodded at him while Seiji scratched the side of his head, he said. "What kind of work?" Akemi picked up a yakitori skewer and pointed it at him, she said. "We can't say, we're under contract." Seiji moved his gaze onto Chishiki who gave him a polite smile and a spine-chilling chuckle.

Ketsueki's House By The Living Room

Yuki was lazily sitting down on the left side of the couch as her red tie was gone and dressed like a delinquent. Mio was on the middle of the couch as her red tie loosely hung around her neck. Shiro came down from the staircase as she changed into a simple shirt and shorts, she made her way to the couch and said. "I'm sorry for the wait." Mio turned her head sideways to look behind the backrest of the couch, she said. "It's fine, we didn't wait long." Yuki didn't even bother to look at her as she gave Shiro a thumbs up and said. "I don't mind, it's your home. At least you're comfortable while the two of us are still wearing uniforms."

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Mio glanced at Yuki who had a poker face as she kept her eyes on the tv. Mio thought. She's upset. Mio gave Shiro a meaningful look and glanced at Yuki. Shiro nodded as she made her way toward the left side of the couch, she grabbed Yuki's arm and said. "You can strip too, Yuki. I won't mind." Mio let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose, she said. "Context."

Yuki pretended to try and shake Shiro's hand away from her arm and said. "Well… I do like your pouch." Mio had a look of disbelief on her face while Shiro started thinking, Mio thought. Shiro, don't give Yuki what she wants. Shiro's mouth turned into a slight frown, she thought. Onii-chan would agree but… I know these are expensive. Shiro saw the expectant expression on Yuki's face and said. "I-I can't promise anything but we can always ask Onii-chan."

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

Reiki appeared inside the house as he wiped some sweat from his cheek and glanced at the door leading outside, he thought. Cherry, you didn't have to be afraid of them… They're just little girls. He heard a familiar voice in the living room, Yuki said. "Thank you, Shiro!" He undid his shoelaces and took his shoes off, Reiki heard Mio's voice from the living room. Mio let out a sigh and said. "Yuki, stop trying to get free items from everyone." Reiki slid open the shoes in the compartment as he closed them and put on a pair of white indoor slippers. He made his way to the living room and saw the three girls sitting on the couch.

Yuki said. "It's fine." Reiki quietly made his way behind the couch and pulled himself up using the backrest, he said. "What's fine?" Mio, Yuki, and Shiro yelled at the top of their lungs as they suddenly stood up from the couch and took a few steps toward the tv. They turned around and saw Reiki lifting himself on the backrest of the couch, He continued. "Let me in on the conversation." Mio placed a hand on her heart as she gave him a threatening stare, she said. "Reiki, there's something called knocking." Reiki let go of the couch as he landed on the floor with a soft thud.

He vaulted over the couch as he landed making the cushions bounce with a smile on his face, Reiki said. "Why would I need to knock when it's my home?" Shiro's brows were furrowed as she stared at her brother with a confused look, she said. "Onii-chan, how did you get in? I locked the front door." Reiki stared at his little sister and said. "You have a spare key?" Shiro nodded while Reiki thought. Onee-chan never gave me one. Yuki was looking at him from top to bottom with a small frown on her mouth, she said. "Reiki, how did you get so close to us without me noticing?"

He feigned ignorance and said. "I don't know what you're talking about." Yuki's eyes narrowed as she gave him a piercing gaze. Reiki patted the couch and said. "How long are you three planning to stand there?" Shiro slightly shoved Yuki to the side and said. "Yuki, I'm sorry!" She quickly made her way to the couch and sat on her older brother's lap as a blissful smile formed on Shiro's face. Mio and Yuki stared at their friend in disbelief as they made their way to the couch. 

Yuki sat in the middle while Mio sat on the right side. Reiki gently caressed his little sister's head while he turned his head toward the other two and said. "What were you three arguing about?" Shiro glanced at her friends from the corner of her eye while Yuki scratched her cheek in embarrassment. With a faint blush on her cheeks, Yuki said. "R-Reiki… Where did you buy Shiro's pouch?" Mio was pretending to watch tv as she let out a sigh of relief. Reiki stared at Yuki's awkward smile and said. "I can get you both one."

Yuki's eyes brightened up like stars as she turned her head to look at him and said. "Really?!" Reiki nodded while Shiro made herself on her older brother's lap as he rested on his chest. He said. "What color do you want it to be?" Mio glanced at him from the corner of her eye while Yuki continued. "I want mine to be steel grey!" Reiki moved his gaze onto Mio who was trying her best to pretend she didn't hear them. He said. "What about you, Mio?" Mio turned her head to look at him, she said. "I'm still good with my current pouch, thank you."

Reiki reached his hand out, making Shiro almost fall on Yuki's lap as he placed a hand on top of Mio's head. Reiki said. "Mio, you don't need to be shy around me. You have the right to be spoiled by your older brother." Shiro looked up to him with puffed cheeks as she was about to say something when Reiki placed his left hand on top of her head and caressed it. Shiro's entire body relaxed as she leaned on his chest again, Reiki pointed at her and said. "Just like this, you don't need to give me anything."

Mio stared at the expression on his face for a moment while ignoring the smirk Yuki was giving her. Mio said. "... You don't have any questions?..." Reiki shook his head sideways and said. "A big brother's pride is their younger siblings." He pointed at Shiro who was on the verge of sleeping on him Yuki who had a mischievous smile on her face and Mio who still had a hint of confusion on her expression. Mio turned her head back onto the tv, she said. "... Mystic purple, please…" The cat-like smile on Yuki's face grew bigger as she teases her friend.

Mio tried her best to ignore it as a very faint blush appeared on her cheeks, she let out a sharp breath and said. "Shiro! Stop using Reiki as a backrest! Don't forget we're also here as your guest!" Shiro lazily opened her eyes as she tiredly turned her head at her friend. The two of them stared for a moment before Shiro went back to lazily lying on her brother which pissed Mio off. Reiki let out a laugh and waved his hand in dismissal, he said. "Mio, it's fine. I can entertain you two in her place."

Yuki immediately stood up from the couch and looked at him with hopeful eyes, she said. "Then can we play catch outside?" Reiki gave her a nod along with a smile, he said. "Of course, we can play all day if you want to." Yuki's eyes looked like shining stars while Mio used her hand to slam the cushions of the couch which got their attention. Shiro half-opened her right eye and glanced at her friend while Mio pointed at Reiki and said. "This is also your fault, Reiki. Stop spoiling these two all the time."

He stared at her for a moment while Yuki moved her hand on Mio's lap as she was about to sit back down. Reiki said. "How's learning the inscription going?" Yuki suddenly did an air chair above the couch as she stood up and said. "I'll get the baseball." She made her way toward the tv stand and rummaged through one of the cabinets while Shiro desperately got off Reiki's lap. Shiro had a fake smile on her face and said. "I-I forgot something in my room." Yuki found the baseball they used before and closed the cabinet.

Shiro quickly made her way to the staircase while Yuki dashed toward her and said. "M-Me too." Reiki watched two girls escape toward the second floor while Mio had a pondering expression on her face, she said. "With a few hours of studying its structure, I was only able to reduce the mana consumption by two percent and slightly increase its area of effect." Reiki went into silence while Mio glanced at him and thought. Here comes the-. He suddenly spoke, Reiki said. "Is that all?" Mio"s was taken aback by what he said, after a few seconds of silence she said. "What… Do you mean?"

He continued. "Using an original inscription, if you were to combine the middle of it with mine. You would've halved the mana cost without affecting the output." Reiki turned his head and saw Mio in deep thought with furrowed brows. Her eyes slowly brightened up as she looked up at him, Mio said. "Can you show me how?" Reiki nodded at her and said. "Sure, let me just-." He was about to stand up from the couch while Mio hurriedly took out a couch from her pocket in her skirt. She said. "Don't worry, I have everything we need."

She placed her hand inside and took out a stack of papers along with a few pencils. Mio placed them on the coffee table, she picked up a pencil, and fluidly drew the altered formation. Reiki watched her and thought. Nice strokes. Mio finished as she turned her head to look up at him with bright eyes, she said. "Let's get started." He let out a chuckle and said. "Now I know the reason why those two ran away." Reiki picked up a pencil and a few sheets of paper, he continued. "Let's start with something simple." The enthusiasm in Mio's eyes slightly dimmed while Reiki said. "Lesson one, combination." The brightness in Mio's eyes returned as Reiki started teaching her.

Shiro's Room

Yuki lazily landed on the bed on her back while Shiro had her ear against the door. Yuki let out a long sigh of relief and said. "We're safe." She threw the baseball into the air a few times while Shiro slowly moved away from the door and watched her friend throwing the ball on her bed. Shiro was grabbing the edge of her t-shirt as a worried look formed on her face, she said. "Yuki, is this okay?" Yuki caught the ball as it was mid-air as she waved it at her and said. "It'll be fine, Shiro. Reiki got himself into it, he can get himself out." Yuki was about to throw the ball again when she suddenly sat up straight, she said. "Since when did Reiki started wearing lipstick?" Shiro was about to refute her when she remembered her older brother's red lips.

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