
Chapter 187: Chapter 187: Kiru

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Kiru smiled at Reiki as he massaged the temples of his head and gave her a look of annoyance. He said. "I was hoping our meeting was just a realistic fever dream…" The smile on Kiru's expression seemed to brighten up the atmosphere around her as Reik let out a sigh and said. "... But knowing you, I would've had a better chance of dragging a star from orbit." Kiru was about to walk past him and spoke in a hurt tone, she said. "How cruel, all I'm doing is paying a neighbor a visit." 

Reiki blocked her way using his hand, he looked up at her and said. "What are you going to do once Arashi decides to show up?" Kiru tapped on his arms a couple of times, she said. "Currently a fire-breathing dragon is sitting on top of her." Reiki thought. The first thing that pops into my head is Asami sitting on Arashi… I can see it happening in real life too. She used her hand to place Reiki's hand back to his side as she walked past him as she squatted down and undid her shoelaces. Kiru continued. "Little brother, be a gentleman and place my rubber shoes into the compartment."

Reiki scratched the side of his head while Kiru took off her sports shoes revealing white socks as she put on a pair of indoor slippers. She waved at him and was paired with a dazzling smile, Kiru said. "I'll see you inside, little brother." She turned around and made her way inside deeper into the house while Reiki felt a chill travel down his spine. He glanced in the direction of the living room and thought. … I would rather negotiate with all the gangs around the world with a gun pointed at my head than walk in that room again…

Reiki pinched the bridge of his nose and picked up the sports shoes Kiru took out as he slid open the shoe compartment, he thought. Okay, damage control. It can't be that bad. He placed the pair of sports shoes inside along with the others and slid it close. Reiki made his way to the living room and saw Shiro, Mio, and Yuki obediently sitting on the couch as they silently munched on elven chocolate. Kiru made herself comfortable on the other armchair as the air around Ketsueki turned heavy.

He thought. Hey, it's not as bad. It's much much worse… Reiki stood at the side of the couch and glanced at the three little girls quietly eating chocolate, he said. "Shiro, don't you three have homework to do?" He gave her a meaningful look while Yuki and Mio's eyes widened in understanding. Shiro's brows furrowed as she tilted her head, she said. "Onii-chan, they-." Mio quickly placed a hand on her friend's mouth which made Shiro give her a look of surprise. Mio said. "Yes, we do." She glanced at Yuki and continued. "Yuki, let's go." 

Yuki nodded as she picked up two of the small plates with elven chocolate on them and a fork on each plate. She stood up from the couch and said. "Why'd they have to give us so much?" Mio picked up her small plate of elven chocolate and fork, she said. "It's just one of those days." She glanced at Ketsueki whose gaze was visibly turning more hostile as Kiru leisurely picked up a piece of chocolate from the wooden box. Shiro was making noises and pointing at Mio's hand that was covering her mouth. Mio stood up from the couch while Shiro awkwardly stood up along with her, Mio said. "We'll be in Shiro's room."

Yuki dashed toward the stairs and quickly ran up as Mio dragged Shiro along with her while Shiro had a confused look all over her face. Reiki watched them make their way to the second floor, he thought. Please wish for me to survive this hostile encounter… Reiki sat in the middle of the couch while Ketsueki glared at Kiru who was pretending to be ignorant of it. Kiru looked around the room as she examined everything, she gulped down a mouthful of chocolate and said. "You still haven't decorated this… House?..." Ketsueki kept her glare on her and said. "Reiki, why is this here?"

Reiki kept a straight face and thought. I would also like to know! He shrugged his shoulders and said. "She's-." Before he could even say something his older sister interrupted him, Ketsueki said. "And I'm sure you told me it was only some pamphlets." She glared at him from the corner of her eyes while Reiki felt the eyes pierce through him. He said. "It's-." Kiru interrupted him and said. "Now now, Ketsueki dear. Make sure to watch your anger or else you might get wrinkles." Reiki kept a smile on his face as he looked at the two girls ready to jump at each other's throats, he thought. Just when I was about to tell her I'm going to the elves tomorrow…

Ketsueki glared at Kiru who made herself at home as she finished the last bit of elven chocolate in her hand. Ketsueki's eyes narrowed as she spoke in a dry tone, she said. "Why did you drop by someone else's house?" Kiru moved her gaze onto the box of elven chocolate again as she moved her right hand closer to it while deciding which shape to pick. Kiru said. "I didn't drop empty-handed." She picked up heart-shaped chocolate and continued. "I gave little brother a pouch to make lunch with." Ketsueki and Kiru glared at him from the corner of their eyes.

Reiki felt their gazes judge his soul, he said. "She-." He saw Kiru rub her thumb on the tips of her middle and index finger as her lips curved into a smirk. Reiki exaggerated a fake cough and said. "It's true, she gave it to me before she undid her shoelaces…" Ketsueki's eyes turned cold as she glared at him while Kiru's smirk turned into an amiable smile as she took a bite out of the heart-shaped chocolate in her hands. The smile on Reiki's face disappeared as he tried his best to ignore the glare from his older sister, he thought. And of course, she knows I'm lying…

Kiru nodded in satisfaction as she swallowed and said. "Little brother, how about you make something for lunch?" Ketsueki moved her gaze onto her as she spoke in a bland tone, she said. "I ate out with my friends." Kiru waved half a heart of a piece of chocolate around, she said. "Then what about the little ones?" Ketsueki crossed her arms making her large chest press against each other, she said. "Today's a half-day for them and they already ate their bentos, here." Kiru ate the rest of the heart-shaped chocolate as her gaze wandered onto the plate of freshly fried croquette on the coffee table.

She picked up a croquette and dipped half of it in the bowl of tartar sauce, Kiru said. "Then I'll make do with this while I order a few things then." She took a bite out of the croquette as melted cheese in the center of it stretched. Ketsueki gave her little brother a dangerous glare, Reiki thought. Her eyes are saying, get this thing out of my house or I'll do it in a body bag… Kiru took out her phone in her pocket using her left hand as she turned it on and tapped on it a few times. 

She texted something while Reiki gave his older sister a flattering smile, he said. "Onee-chan, isn't this a great opportunity to get along with our new neighbor?" Ketsueki stared at her little brother for a couple of seconds while Kiru enjoyed her croquette. The glare on his older sister slowly vanished as she gestured at him to come closer, Ketsueki said. "Reiki, come here for a minute." Kiru ate the last bit of the croquette in her hand as she used her left hand to take out a silk handkerchief. Reiki shook his head sideways, he said. "No." Kiru wiped her right hand along with her lips clean.

Ketsueki tapped on the armrest of the armchair, she said. "Reiki, don't make me stand up." Kiru neatly folded her handkerchief as she watched the two siblings argue. Reiki gave his older sister a pitiful look, he said. "I didn't even do anything-." Ketsueki appeared right in front of him as she looked down and slapped his cheek.

[System: User has received 201 Damage.]

Shiro's Room

Mio, Shiro, and Yuki were sitting around the bed making it slightly cramped due to its small size. Yuki ate the last bit of her chocolate while Shiro was munching on hers. Mio placed her small empty plate that had a fork on it onto the bed, she said. "Who's-." She stopped when the sound of a boy screaming came from the first floor as the three of them pretended to be ignorant.

Mio managed to maintain a straight expression, she continued. "Who's the lady who made herself at home?" Yuki gulped down a mouthful of chocolate as she picked up the fork on her small plate and skillfully twirled it around her finger. She thought. I wanted to eat more croquettes… Shiro wiped the corner of her mouth using her thumb, she said. "I only met her once…" Yuki threw the fork into the air as it rapidly spun mid-air. Mio moved her gaze onto Shiro and said. "Did you learn her name?"

The spoon reached its highest arc as it slowly came down as Yuki caught it. Shiro thought for a bit as she tried to remember, she said. "I think her name is Kiru?" Mio's brows furrowed, she thought. Kiru?... That name never came up during the one-sided conversations with my parents-. Yuki pointed the tip of the fork at her friends, she said. "We don't need to beat around the bush to know who she is." Mio and Shiro turned their heads toward her. Mio raised a brow at her and said. "What do you mean by that?" Shiro glanced at her small empty plate that had a few bits of chocolate crumbs on it, she said. "Yuki, do you know who she is?"

Yuki moved the plate away from her as she laid down on the bed and pulled her legs to her chest causing her skirt to react to gravity. It revealed her shorts underneath as she kicked her legs into the air and landed on the floor in a slight squat. Mio and Shiro applauded at her while she turned around with a smile on her face. The applause slowly died down as Mio said. "Once again your physical prowess impressed us."

Shiro nodded in agreement and said. "Yuki, aren't you supposed to use your hands to push yourself off the ground?" Yuki snapped her finger and pointed at her using a finger gun, she said. "Yes you are, but back to the main topic. We already know who Kiru is." Shiro cutely tilted her head sideways while Mio gave her a deadpan look. Yuki waved her hands around and gently stepped on the floor, she said. "Come on! At least let me have my fun from time to time!" Shiro and Mio glanced at each other from the corner of their eye before returning their gaze to her.

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Yuki pouted as she crossed her arms. Mio gestured at her to continue, she said. "Fine… Do you want me to drumroll?" Shiro raised her left hand and said. "I can flail my hands around and shout in celebration." Yuki stared at her two friends and spoke with a hint of blandness in her tone, she said. "I don't need your pity." She cleared her throat and continued in a monotone voice, Yuki said. "Kiru is similar to both mine and Mio's parents. Done." Mio gave her friend a smile and tried to comfort her, she said. "Yuki, don't be like that."

Yuki stared at her friends with a straight expression while Shiro picked up a pillow and hugged it, she said. "Yuki, I think-." The three of them glanced at the window that was letting in sunlight. Shiro threw the pillow on the bed as she ran toward the window followed by Yuki and Mio as the three looked outside. Shiro saw a handsome tall man wearing a suit with medium-length black hair that was neatly combed. Yuki's forehead was touching the glass as she stared at the man, she said. "I bet you two a hundred yen that guy's her butler."

Mio's eyes narrowed as she judged him, she said. "He's kinda good looking." Shiro let out a hmph as she stared at the man with a hint of annoyance in her eyes, she said. "Onii-chan is cooler than him." Mio and Yuki glanced at their friend while the man made his way to the front door and knocked. The three of them moved away from the window as Yuki placed her hands behind her head, she said. "Do you think it's safe to go down now?" Shiro visibly shivered as she ran toward her bed and jumped in it as the white indoor slippers fell onto the floor.

She hid underneath the blankets and peeked at them, Shiro said. "H-How about one of you two go down the stairs and check?" Yuki spread her arms, she said. "I'm not going down there to that death trap!" Yuki and Shiro moved their gaze onto Mio. Mio felt the gaze of her friends, she cleared her throat and said. "How about a game of janken to make it fair?" She raised her right hand while Yuki had a confident smile on her face. Yuki said. "I'm in."

Shiro moved the blanket away from her and sat up straight on the bed as she looked around for her indoor slippers. She put them on and walked toward her friends, Shiro said. "Do we have to?" The three of them formed a circle and extended their hands in the middle as they simultaneously said. "First comes rock." All of them hid their right hands behind their backs and continued. "Jankenpon!" Shiro and Yuki showed their hands as they played rock while Mio held her hand out showing scissors. Yuki patted Mio on her shoulder and said. "You. Are. It." Shiro gave her friend a look of encouragement, she said. "Mio, you can do it."

Yuki waved her hand right in front of Mio's face but didn't get a reaction, she said. "Hey, Mio. You're not passing this off to either of us." Shiro repeatedly poked her friend's belly and said. "All you have to do is peek, even if you get caught you can bring along the plate and claim you're placing it in the sink." She pinched Mio's cheek and continued. "... Mio?..."

At The Front Of The House

Reiki looked up at Kanzei and said. "Sorry for the long wait Kanzei-san." Kanzei was giving him an odd look while nodding, he said. "It's fine, all I'm doing is passing some food Ojou-sama asked for." He placed a hand on his chin and continued. "Do you need a potion or?..." Kanzei politely gestured at his left cheek which was swollen and slightly bruised. Reiki shook his head sideways, he said. "Nope, oh and no healing spells. Onee-chan will beat me up again." He made way for him to enter and continued. "Please, come inside." Kanzei thought. Again? He said. "Pardon the intrusion." Kanzei closed the door behind him and walked inside.

Reiki slid open the shoe compartment and took out a pair of white indoor slippers. He placed it on the floor while Kanzei took off his black leather shoes. Kanzei put on the indoor slippers as Reiki gestured deeper into the house and said. "I recommend walking ahead of me. Unless you won't mind my shameful display of myself." Kanzei's brows furrowed, he thought. Shameful-? He watched Reiki make his way into the house with a slight limp on his right leg. Kanzei continued his train of thought. That's one way to discipline someone…

Kanzei walked ahead and made his way to the living room. He saw an empty coffee table while Kiru ate the last bit of croquette in her hands and Ketsueki holding onto a large plate of croquette along with the bowl of tartar sauce. Kanzei made his way next to Kiru and started taking out boxes of takeout all over the coffee table. Kiru swallowed and said. "Thank you for coming over on short notice, Kanzei." Kanzei placed down twenty large boxes of pizza, at least five boxes each of muffins, brownies, cupcakes, creampuffs, doughnuts, and a few large white folded cake boxes with a simple design.

The boxes were neatly stacked on the coffee table while Reiki slowly limped his way to the living room and saw all of it. He thought. Well… Shit… That's a few more punches… Kanzei placed both his hands behind his back, he said. "Anything else, Ojou-sama?" Kiru shook her head sideways, she said. "No, this will be all Kanzei." Kanzei gave her a slight bow and disappeared while Ketsueki dipped a croquette in tartar sauce using a fork. Reiki managed to make his way beside the couch and stared at the dozens of boxes on the coffee table that was taller than him, he said. "The dining table is over there."

He pointed at the table that was on the bottom left side of the building near the way of the makeshift kitchen. Kiru turned her head and stared at it for a few seconds, she spoke in genuine curiosity and said. "That's the dining table?" Ketsueki ate the rest of the croquette that was stabbed on her fork as she angrily chewed while glaring at Kiru. Reiki cleared his throat as he moved his gaze onto Kiru and said. "How about a little help on moving some boxes?"

He glanced at all the boxes and thought. How is that not falling?... Kiru took out a silk handkerchief from her pocket and wiped the palm of her hands and lips clean, she smiled at him and said. "Oh, let me do that for you." Kiru snapped her fingers as all the boxes on the coffee table were enveloped in a thin layer of mana as it floated in the air. Most of the boxes flew toward the dining table as it was neatly arranged making it easier to take. On the coffee table, one of each pastry was opened as Kiru picked up a doughnut that had a hole in the middle and cut it in half.

The doughnut was generously filled with whipped cream and had some chocolate and powdered sugar on top. Kiru gestured at the food on the coffee table and glanced at him, she said. "Eat to your heart's content-." From the stairway, they heard the sound of Mio's slightly frightened voice, she said. "E-Excuse me." She hesitantly made her way to the living room and near the couch, Mio's eyes immediately focused on the desserts on the coffee table.

Mio stood on the right side of the couch as she held the small plate with both her hands with the fork in the middle. Mio said. "Good afternoon, ms…" Kiru showed her the doughnut she was holding in her hands which Mio's eyes zoned in on. Kiru said. "Just call me Kiru." Mio stared at the doughnut in her hands as she snapped back to reality, she faked a cough and said. "Nice to meet you, Kiru-san. My name is Mio." Kiru gave her a smile and gestured at the sweets on top of the coffee table, she said. "Please, help yourself."

Mio glanced at Ketsueki who was quietly eating her croquettes as she moved her gaze onto Reiki and gave him a hopeful look. Reiki let out a chuckle and said. "It's fine, I-I'll deal with the aftermath." Mio smiled at him and sat in the middle of the couch, she placed one of everything on her plate and saw an entire strawberry shortcake. Mio buried the fork under the small pile of sweets as she picked up a. Brownie and took a bite out of it, she thought. I want cake… Reiki limped toward the armchair his older sister was sitting on.

He gave Ketsueki a flattering smile as she ignored him and took another bite out of a croquette stabbed on her fork. Reiki said. "Onee-chan, how about we have a small talk in private?"

Shiro's Room

Yuki was pacing around in circles while Shiro was sitting on the bed hugging a pillow. Shiro watched her friend walk in circles, she said. "Yuki, can you please stop? You're making me tired just by watching." Yuki slowly came to a halt, she took a deep breath as a resolute expression formed on her face. Yuki said. "We're going to the first floor." Shiro hugged the pillow in her embrace even tighter, she shook her head sideways and said. "I firmly refuse." Yuki stacked the small plates on top of each other and placed both the forks on the top one. 

Yuki passed the plates to Shiro as she held them with both her hands, Yuki said. "Let's go." Shiro stared at the plates she was holding while Yuki grabbed the collar of her friend's shirt. Yuki said. "Shiro, let's go get our friend back!" She dashed toward the door and quickly opened it while easily dragging Shiro who was on the verge of crying. Yuki ran down the stairs while Shiro's eyes had a layer of water on them as the two of them reached the first floor. Yuki looked around the living room and said. "Mio, we've come to-!" She saw her friend eating a doughnut paired with a confused expression. Shiro saw the desserts on the coffee table as she swatted Yuki's hand away from her shirt and sat on the couch.

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